11,490 research outputs found

    Multi-objective ant colony optimization for the twin-screw configuration problem

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    The Twin-Screw Configuration Problem (TSCP) consists in identifying the best location of a set of available screw elements along a screw shaft. Due to its combinatorial nature, it can be seen as a sequencing problem. In addition, different conflicting objectives may have to be considered when defining a screw configuration and, thus, it is usually tackled as a multi-objective optimization problem. In this research, a multi-objective ant colony optimization (MOACO) algorithm was adapted to deal with the TSCP. The influence of different parameters of the MOACO algorithm was studied and its performance was compared with that of a previously proposed multi-objective evolutionary algorithm and a two-phase local search algorithm. The experimental results showed that MOACO algorithms have a significant potential for solving the TSCP.This work has been supported by the Portuguese Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia under PhD grant SFRH/BD/21921/2005. Thomas Stutzle acknowledges support of the Belgian F.R.S-FNRS of which he is a research associate, the E-SWARM project, funded by an ERC Advanced Grant, and by the Meta-X project, funded by the Scientific Research Directorate of the French Community of Belgium

    Ant-colony-based multiuser detection for multifunctional-antenna-array-assisted MC DS-CDMA systems

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    A novel Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) based Multi-User Detector (MUD) is designed for the synchronous Multi-Functional Antenna Array (MFAA) assisted Multi-Carrier Direct-Sequence Code-Division Multiple-Access (MC DS-CDMA) uplink (UL), which supports both receiver diversity and receiver beamforming. The ACO-based MUD aims for achieving a bit-error-rate (BER) performance approaching that of the optimum maximum likelihood (ML) MUD, without carrying out an exhaustive search of the entire MC DS-CDMA search space constituted by all possible combinations of the received multi-user vectors. We will demonstrate that regardless of the number of the subcarriers or of the MFAA configuration, the system employing the proposed ACO based MUD is capable of supporting 32 users with the aid of 31-chip Gold codes used as the T-domain spreading sequence without any significant performance degradation compared to the single-user system. As a further benefit, the number of floating point operations per second (FLOPS) imposed by the proposed ACO-based MUD is a factor of 108 lower than that of the ML MUD. We will also show that at a given increase of the complexity, the MFAA will allow the ACO based MUD to achieve a higher SNR gain than the Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) MC DS-CDMA system. Index Terms—Ant Colony Optimization, Multi-User Detector, Multi-Functional Antenna Array, Multi-Carrier Direct-Sequence Code-Division Multiple-Access, Uplink, Near-Maximum Likelihood Detection

    Enhancing Facility Layout via Ant Colony Technique (Act)

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    Cellular manufacturing systems optimization is investigated and manipulated using artificial intelligent (AI) approach combining facility layout and group technology scope. This research applied the ANT COLONY technique  (ACT) optimization where this process was inspired by the real ants and how they move and build colonies by avoiding obstacle and simulate the process to get a procedure that can be adopted on this optimization process. In this research the problem goes in two way first the theory that take account the positions of machines inside the plant and its equations of controlling and second is the routing of part during product life cycle then execute results and applying it on factory configuration. The application of Ants system was carried out on industrial factory of electrical motor where all data was taken from the factory depending on the position and sequence of operations took place. Results were carried out in a way that depending on the showing site plan configurations for each stage and studying the iteration curve response to the parameters changes while testing the system during different environments. The results show high flexibility in ACS (Ant colony system) with fast response and high reduction in the distance crossed by the product part that reached 500m. The ratio of the reduction is 0.625. Keyword: Artificial intelligent (AI), Ant colony (AC), pheromone, genetic algorithm, facility layout, cell manufacturing (CM)

    An Improved Excitation Matching Method based on an Ant Colony Optimization for Suboptimal-Free Clustering in Sum-Difference Compromise Synthesis

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    Dealing with an excitation matching method, this paper presents a global optimization strategy for the optimal clustering in sum-difference compromise linear arrays. Starting from a combinatorial formulation of the problem at hand, the proposed technique is aimed at determining the sub-array configuration expressed as the optimal path inside a directed acyclic graph structure modelling the solution space. Towards this end, an ant colony metaheuristic is used to benefit of its hill-climbing properties in dealing with the non-convexity of the sub-arraying as well as in managing graph searches. A selected set of numerical experiments are reported to assess the efficiency and current limitations of the ant-based strategy also in comparison with previous local combinatorial search methods. (c) 2009 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works

    Parallelization of Ant Colony Optimization via Area of Expertise Learning

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    Ant colony optimization algorithms have long been touted as providing an effective and efficient means of generating high quality solutions to NP-hard optimization problems. Unfortunately, while the structure of the algorithm is easy to parallelize, the nature and amount of communication required for parallel execution has meant that parallel implementations developed suffer from decreased solution quality, slower runtime performance, or both. This thesis explores a new strategy for ant colony parallelization that involves Area of Expertise (AOE) learning. The AOE concept is based on the idea that individual agents tend to gain knowledge of different areas of the search space when left to their own devices. After developing a sense of their own expertness on a portion of the problem domain, agents share information and incorporate knowledge from other agents without having to experience it first-hand. This thesis shows that when incorporated within parallel ACO and applied to multi-objective environments such as a gridworld, the use of AOE learning can be an effective and efficient means of coordinating the efforts of multiple ant colony agents working in tandem, resulting in increased performance. Based on the success of the AOE/ACO combination in gridworld, a similar configuration is applied to the single objective traveling salesman problem. Yet while it was hoped that AOE learning would allow for a fast and beneficial sharing of knowledge between colonies, this goal was not achieved, despite the efforts detailed within. The reason for this lack of performance is due to the nature of the TSP, whose single objective landscape discourages colonies from learning unique portions of the search space. Without this specialization, AOE was found to make parallel ACO faster than the use of a single large colony but less efficient than multiple independent colonies

    Ant Colony Based Hybrid Approach for Optimal Compromise Sum-Difference Patterns Synthesis

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    Dealing with the synthesis of monopulse array antennas, many stochastic optimization algorithms have been used for the solution of the so-called optimal compromise problem between sum and difference patterns when sub-arrayed feed networks are considered. More recently, hybrid approaches, exploiting the convexity of the functional with respect to a sub-set of the unknowns (i.e., the sub-array excitation coefficients) have demonstrated their effectiveness. In this letter, an hybrid approach based on the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is proposed. At the first step, the ACO is used to define the sub-array membership of the array elements, while, at the second step, the sub-array weights are computed by solving a convex programming problem. The definitive version is available at www3.interscience.wiley.co