7 research outputs found

    Suatu Kajian Tentang Grup Fuzzy

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    Abstrak.Penelitian ini mengkaji konsep dasar grup fuzzy dari grup klasik yang telah diperkenalkan oleh Azriel Rosenfeld, yaitu melihat hubungan antara sifat-sifat pada grup klasik dan sifat-sifat grup fuzzy. Ditunjukan bahwa Teorema 7 tidak berlaku di grup fuzzy.Kata Kunci: Himpunan Kabur, Grup, Subgrup, Grup FuzzyAbstract.This research aims to review the basic concept of  fuzzy group from classic group that have been introduced by Azriel Rosenfeld, and in addition,to find the connection between the properties of classic group and properties of fuzzy group. Show that the Theorem 7 is can't be applied in fuzzy group.Keyword: Fuzzy set, Group, Subgroup, Fuzzy Gru

    Minimal Undefinedness for Fuzzy Answer Sets

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    Fuzzy Answer Set Programming (FASP) combines the non-monotonic reasoning typical of Answer Set Programming with the capability of Fuzzy Logic to deal with imprecise information and paraconsistent reasoning. In the context of paraconsistent reasoning, the fundamental principle of minimal undefinedness states that truth degrees close to 0 and 1 should be preferred to those close to 0.5, to minimize the ambiguity of the scenario. The aim of this paper is to enforce such a principle in FASP through the minimization of a measure of undefinedness. Algorithms that minimize undefinedness of fuzzy answer sets are presented, and implemented

    On the Computation of Paracoherent Answer Sets

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    Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a well-established formalism for nonmonotonic reasoning. An ASP program can have no answer set due to cyclic default negation. In this case, it is not possible to draw any conclusion, even if this is not intended. Recently, several paracoherent semantics have been proposed that address this issue, and several potential applications for these semantics have been identified. However, paracoherent semantics have essentially been inapplicable in practice, due to the lack of efficient algorithms and implementations. In this paper, this lack is addressed, and several different algorithms to compute semi-stable and semi-equilibrium models are proposed and implemented into an answer set solving framework. An empirical performance comparison among the new algorithms on benchmarks from ASP competitions is given as well

    Answer set programming for continuous domains: a fuzzy logic approach

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    Answer set programming (ASP) is a form of logic programming that originated at the end of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s. It is especially tailored towards solving hard search problems, which it allows to encode concisely. In the past two decades it has known great success and has – among others – been applied to planning problems, musical composition, biological modeling and decision support systems for the space shuttle. Unfortunately, ASP is not very well equipped for modeling problems in continuous domains. In this book we attempt to augment ASP with the capability of expressing continuous problems by creating an answer set programming framework based on fuzzy logic. The resulting language is called fuzzy answer set programming (FASP). After two introductory chapters, also introducing the necessary technical background, we study FASP and its extensions in Chapters 3 and 4. Then we focus on the question of whether the many extensions of FASP can be compiled to a core language in Chapter 5 and succeedingly study an implementation method for a subset of FASP in Chapter 6. As such, we focus both on theoretical aspects of the language as on more practical aspects such as implementation

    Answer Set Programming for Continuous Domains: A Fuzzy Logic Approach

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    Answer set programming for continuous domains: a fuzzy logic approach / Jeroen Janssen ... [et. al.]

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