8,707 research outputs found

    Piecewise polynomial interpolation in Muckenhoupt weighted Sobolev spaces and applications

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    We develop a constructive piecewise polynomial approximation theory in weighted Sobolev spaces with Muckenhoupt weights for any polynomial degree. The main ingredients to derive optimal error estimates for an averaged Taylor polynomial are a suitable weighted Poincare inequality, a cancellation property and a simple induction argument. We also construct a quasi-interpolation operator, built on local averages over stars, which is well defined for functions in L1L^1. We derive optimal error estimates for any polynomial degree on simplicial shape regular meshes. On rectangular meshes, these estimates are valid under the condition that neighboring elements have comparable size, which yields optimal anisotropic error estimates over nn-rectangular domains. The interpolation theory extends to cases when the error and function regularity require different weights. We conclude with three applications: nonuniform elliptic boundary value problems, elliptic problems with singular sources, and fractional powers of elliptic operators

    A FEM for an optimal control problem of fractional powers of elliptic operators

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    We study solution techniques for a linear-quadratic optimal control problem involving fractional powers of elliptic operators. These fractional operators can be realized as the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map for a nonuniformly elliptic problem posed on a semi-infinite cylinder in one more spatial dimension. Thus, we consider an equivalent formulation with a nonuniformly elliptic operator as state equation. The rapid decay of the solution to this problem suggests a truncation that is suitable for numerical approximation. We discretize the proposed truncated state equation using first degree tensor product finite elements on anisotropic meshes. For the control problem we analyze two approaches: one that is semi-discrete based on the so-called variational approach, where the control is not discretized, and the other one is fully discrete via the discretization of the control by piecewise constant functions. For both approaches, we derive a priori error estimates with respect to the degrees of freedom. Numerical experiments validate the derived error estimates and reveal a competitive performance of anisotropic over quasi-uniform refinement

    Anisotropic mesh refinement in polyhedral domains: error estimates with data in L^2(\Omega)

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    The paper is concerned with the finite element solution of the Poisson equation with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition in a three-dimensional domain. Anisotropic, graded meshes from a former paper are reused for dealing with the singular behaviour of the solution in the vicinity of the non-smooth parts of the boundary. The discretization error is analyzed for the piecewise linear approximation in the H^1(\Omega)- and L^2(\Omega)-norms by using a new quasi-interpolation operator. This new interpolant is introduced in order to prove the estimates for L^2(\Omega)-data in the differential equation which is not possible for the standard nodal interpolant. These new estimates allow for the extension of certain error estimates for optimal control problems with elliptic partial differential equation and for a simpler proof of the discrete compactness property for edge elements of any order on this kind of finite element meshes.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure

    Multilevel Methods for Uncertainty Quantification of Elliptic PDEs with Random Anisotropic Diffusion

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    We consider elliptic diffusion problems with a random anisotropic diffusion coefficient, where, in a notable direction given by a random vector field, the diffusion strength differs from the diffusion strength perpendicular to this notable direction. The Karhunen-Lo\`eve expansion then yields a parametrisation of the random vector field and, therefore, also of the solution of the elliptic diffusion problem. We show that, given regularity of the elliptic diffusion problem, the decay of the Karhunen-Lo\`eve expansion entirely determines the regularity of the solution's dependence on the random parameter, also when considering this higher spatial regularity. This result then implies that multilevel collocation and multilevel quadrature methods may be used to lessen the computation complexity when approximating quantities of interest, like the solution's mean or its second moment, while still yielding the expected rates of convergence. Numerical examples in three spatial dimensions are provided to validate the presented theory
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