131 research outputs found

    Piezomorphic materials

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    The development of stress-induced morphing materials which are described as piezomorphic materials is reported. The development of a piezomorphic material is achieved by introducing spatial dependency into the compliance matrix describing the elastic response of a material capable of undergoing large strain deformation. In other words, it is necessary to produce an elastically gradient material. This is achieved through modification of the microstructure of the compliant material to display gradient topology. Examples of polymeric (polyurethane) foam and microporous polymer (expanded polytetrafluoroethylene) piezomorphic materials are presented here. These materials open up new morphing applications where dramatic shape changes can be triggered by mechanical stress

    A patient-specific FE-based methodology to simulate prosthesis insertion during an augmentation mammoplasty

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    [EN] Breast augmentation surgery is a widespread practice for aesthetic purposes. Current techniques, however, are not able to reliably predict the desired final aspect of the breast after the intervention, whose success relies almost completely on the surgeon's skill. In this way, patient-specific methodologies capable of predicting the outcomes of such interventions are of particular interest. In this paper, a finite element biomechanical model of the breast of a female patient before an augmentation mammoplasty was generated using computer tomography images. Prosthesis insertion during surgery was simulated using the theory of finite elasticity. Hyperelastic constitutive models were considered for breast tissues and silicone implants. The deformed geometry obtained from finite element analysis was compared qualitatively and quantitatively with the real breast shape of the patient lying in supine position, with root-mean-squared errors less than 3. mm. The results indicate that the presented methodology is able to reasonably predict the aspect of the breast in an intermediate step of augmentation mammoplasty, and reveal the potential capabilities of finite element simulations for visualization and prediction purposes. However, further work is required before this methodology can be helpful in aesthetic surgery planning. © 2011 IPEM.The support of Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) through the CIBER initiative, and the support of Platform for Biological Tissue Characterization of the Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red de Bioingenieria, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina (CIBER-BBN) are highly appreciated. The translation of this paper was funded by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain.Lapuebla-Ferri, A.; Perez Del Palomar, A.; Herrero, J.; Jimenez Mocholi, AJ. (2011). A patient-specific FE-based methodology to simulate prosthesis insertion during an augmentation mammoplasty. Medical Engineering & Physics. 33(9):1094-1102. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.medengphy.2011.04.014S1094110233

    Automatic correspondence between 2D and 3D images of the breast

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    Radiologists often need to localise corresponding findings in different images of the breast, such as Magnetic Resonance Images and X-ray mammograms. However, this is a difficult task, as one is a volume and the other a projection image. In addition, the appearance of breast tissue structure can vary significantly between them. Some breast regions are often obscured in an X-ray, due to its projective nature and the superimposition of normal glandular tissue. Automatically determining correspondences between the two modalities could assist radiologists in the detection, diagnosis and surgical planning of breast cancer. This thesis addresses the problems associated with the automatic alignment of 3D and 2D breast images and presents a generic framework for registration that uses the structures within the breast for alignment, rather than surrogates based on the breast outline or nipple position. The proposed algorithm can adapt to incorporate different types of transformation models, in order to capture the breast deformation between modalities. The framework was validated on clinical MRI and X-ray mammography cases using both simple geometrical models, such as the affine, and also more complex ones that are based on biomechanical simulations. The results showed that the proposed framework with the affine transformation model can provide clinically useful accuracy (13.1mm when tested on 113 registration tasks). The biomechanical transformation models provided further improvement when applied on a smaller dataset. Our technique was also tested on determining corresponding findings in multiple X-ray images (i.e. temporal or CC to MLO) for a given subject using the 3D information provided by the MRI. Quantitative results showed that this approach outperforms 2D transformation models that are typically used for this task. The results indicate that this pipeline has the potential to provide a clinically useful tool for radiologists

    Magnetic resonance elastography in nonlinear viscoelastic materials under load.

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    Characterisation of soft tissue mechanical properties is a topic of increasing interest in translational and clinical research. Magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) has been used in this context to assess the mechanical properties of tissues in vivo noninvasively. Typically, these analyses rely on linear viscoelastic wave equations to assess material properties from measured wave dynamics. However, deformations that occur in some tissues (e.g. liver during respiration, heart during the cardiac cycle, or external compression during a breast exam) can yield loading bias, complicating the interpretation of tissue stiffness from MRE measurements. In this paper, it is shown how combined knowledge of a material's rheology and loading state can be used to eliminate loading bias and enable interpretation of intrinsic (unloaded) stiffness properties. Equations are derived utilising perturbation theory and Cauchy's equations of motion to demonstrate the impact of loading state on periodic steady-state wave behaviour in nonlinear viscoelastic materials. These equations demonstrate how loading bias yields apparent material stiffening, softening and anisotropy. MRE sensitivity to deformation is demonstrated in an experimental phantom, showing a loading bias of up to twofold. From an unbiased stiffness of [Formula: see text] Pa in unloaded state, the biased stiffness increases to 9767.5 [Formula: see text]1949.9 Pa under a load of [Formula: see text] 34% uniaxial compression. Integrating knowledge of phantom loading and rheology into a novel MRE reconstruction, it is shown that it is possible to characterise intrinsic material characteristics, eliminating the loading bias from MRE data. The framework introduced and demonstrated in phantoms illustrates a pathway that can be translated and applied to MRE in complex deforming tissues. This would contribute to a better assessment of material properties in soft tissues employing elastography

    Biomedical applications of magnetic hydrogels

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    Hydrogels are used in biomedical applications thanks to their high-water content, porosity, and their ability to easily modify their properties (mechanical, chemical, microstructure, etc.). Hydrogels are the materials that most resemble the extracellular matrix of mammals. In recent years, magnetic hydrogels have become especially important. These are the result of combining magnetic nanoparticles with different hydrogel matrices. Among its properties, they have the ability to be remotely controlled modifying their physical properties, such as stability, stiffness and temperature (magnetic hyperthermia). Such unique characteristics make magnetic hydrogels very promising in biomedical applications such as, tissue engineering, drug delivery, biosensors, and cancer therapy. At this respect, this chapter focuses on the main biomedical applications of magnetic hydrogels and the most important discoveries on the subject.This study was supported by project FIS2017?85954-R (Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, MINECO, and Agencia Estatal de Investigación, AEI, Spain, cofunded by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, FEDER, European Union). CGV acknowledges financial support by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and University of Granada, Spain, for her FPU17/00491 grant

    Biomechanical properties of breast tissue, a state-of-the-art review

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    This paper reviews the existing literature on the tests used to determine the mechanical properties of women breast tissues (fat, glandular and tumour tissue) as well as the different values of these properties. The knowledge of the mechanical properties of breast tissue is important for cancer detection, study and planning of surgical procedures such as surgical breast reconstruction using pre-surgical methods and improving the interpretation of clinical tests. Based on the data collected from the analysed studies, some important conclusions were achieved: (1) the Young’s modulus of breast tissues is highly dependent on the tissue preload compression level, and (2) the results of these studies clearly indicate a wide variation in moduli not only among different types of tissue but also within each type of tissue. These differences were most evident in normal fat and fibroglandular tissues

    The evaluation of new multi-material human soft tissue simulants for sports impact surrogates

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    Previous sports impact reconstructions have highlighted the inadequacies in current measures to evaluate the effectiveness of personal protective equipment (PPE) and emphasised the need for improved impact surrogates that provide a more biofidelic representation of human impact response. The skin, muscle and subcutaneous adipose tissues were considered to constitute the structures primarily governing the mechanical behaviour of the human body segment. A preceding study by Payne et al. (in press) investigated the formulation and characterisation of muscle tissue simulants. The present study investigates the development of bespoke blends of additive cure polydimethysiloxane (PDMS) silicones to represent both skin and adipose tissues using the same processes previously reported. These simulants were characterised mechanically through a range of strain rates and a range of hyperelastic and viscoelastic constitutive models were evaluated to describe their behaviour. To explore the worth of the silicone simulants, finite element (FE) models were developed using anthropometric parameters representative of the human thigh segment, derived from the Visible Human Project. The multi-material silicone construction was validated experimentally and compared with both organic tissue data from literature and commonly used single material simulants: Dow Corning Silastic 3480 series silicones and ballistics gelatin when subject to a representative sports specific knee impact. Superior biofidelic performance is reported for the PDMS silicone formulations and surrogate predictions

    Morphological characterisation of unstained and intact tissue microarchitecture by x-ray computed micro- and nano-tomography

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    Characterisation and quantification of tissue structures is limited by sectioning-induced artefacts and by the difficulties of visualising and segmenting 3D volumes. Here we demonstrate that, even in the absence of X-ray contrast agents, X-ray computed microtomography (microCT) and nanotomography (nanoCT) can circumvent these problems by rapidly resolving compositionally discrete 3D tissue regions (such as the collagen-rich adventitia and elastin-rich lamellae in intact rat arteries) which in turn can be segmented due to their different X-ray opacities and morphologies. We then establish, using X-ray tomograms of both unpressurised and pressurised arteries that intra-luminal pressure not only increases lumen cross-sectional area and straightens medial elastic lamellae but also induces profound remodelling of the adventitial layer. Finally we apply microCT to another human organ (skin) to visualise the cell-rich epidermis and extracellular matrix-rich dermis and to show that conventional histological and immunohistochemical staining protocols are compatible with prior X-ray exposure. As a consequence we suggest that microCT could be combined with optical microscopy to characterise the 3D structure and composition of archival paraffin embedded biological materials and of mechanically stressed dynamic tissues such as the heart, lungs and tendons