15 research outputs found

    Crop protection from animals based on machine learning

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    This paper will discuss the present level of research and development on human-wildlife conflicts, there are bad interactions between humans and wild animals that are bad for both the resources of the human population as well as the ecosystems of wildlife. Animal detection has an impact on both human food security and animal welfare because it arises from the conflict between humans and wildlife over natural resources. As the population has grown and many communities' land use patterns have changed, these disputes have become more prevalent in recent years. The Mobile Net SSD type is used in this automatic intrusion and deterrent system for enhanced performance. When a dangerous animal is discovered, the system emits an alarm sound and notifies the relevant authorities, alerting them to the discovery. It is more human- friendly due to the quick detection process, and it is more animal-friendly due to the gentle repulsive process

    Online service for accessible machine learning of prediction models

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    The field of machine learning is getting more and more advanced every day. Many use this technology in order to start their projects or better their current applications. Due to such a great interest, the use of mathematical algorithms required to build artificial intelligence has been simplified through various frameworks that allow seamless implementation. One framework by the name Teachable Machine is available as an online service. Its ease of use and simplicity allows anyone to develop machine learning models that can then be applied for personal use or projects. Despite this, such a framework still requires specialized knowledge in order to make an effective and accurate prediction model. This paper aims to test the limits of this service by developing models of different complexity. One model will be tested using the upload feature present on the service, whereas the other one will be implemented within a mobile application and tested on real-world data. The results gathered from this testing will then give an insight into the performance and quality of the aforementioned online service

    Online service for accessible machine learning of prediction models

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    The field of machine learning is getting more and more advanced every day. Many use this technology in order to start their projects or better their current applications. Due to such a great interest, the use of mathematical algorithms required to build artificial intelligence has been simplified through various frameworks that allow seamless implementation. One framework by the name Teachable Machine is available as an online service. Its ease of use and simplicity allows anyone to develop machine learning models that can then be applied for personal use or projects. Despite this, such a framework still requires specialized knowledge in order to make an effective and accurate prediction model. This paper aims to test the limits of this service by developing models of different complexity. One model will be tested using the upload feature present on the service, whereas the other one will be implemented within a mobile application and tested on real-world data. The results gathered from this testing will then give an insight into the performance and quality of the aforementioned online service

    Reconocimiento de animales desde imágenes utilizando aprendizaje por transferencia

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    Automatic image-based recognition systems have been widely used to solve different computer vision tasks. In particular, animals' identification in farms is a research field of interest for the computer vision and the agriculture community. It is then necessary to develop robust and precise algorithms to support detection, recognition, and monitoring tasks to enhance farm management. Traditionally, deep learning approaches have been proposed to solve image-based detection tasks. Nonetheless, databases holding many instances are required to achieve competitive performances, not mentioning the hyperparameters tuning issues. In this paper, we propose a transfer learning approach for image-based animal recognition. We enhance a pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network model for animal classification from noisy and low-quality images. First, a dog vs. cat task is tested from the well-known CIFAR database. Further, a cow vs. no cow database is built to test our transfer learning approach. The achieved results show competitive classification performance using different types of architectures compared to state-of-the-art methodologies.Los sistemas de reconocimiento automático basados en imágenes se han utilizado ampliamente para resolver diferentes tareas de visión por computador. En particular, la identificación de animales en granjas es un campo de investigación de interés para comunidad relacionada con visión artificial y agricultura. En este sentido, es necesario desarrollar algoritmos robustos y precisos para respaldar las tareas de detección, reconocimiento y monitoreo, en aras de apoyar la gestión de granjas en agricultura. Tradicionalmente, se han propuesto enfoques de aprendizaje profundo para resolver tareas de detección basadas en imágenes. No obstante, se requieren de bases de datos con muchas instancias para lograr un rendimiento competitivo, sin mencionar los problemas de ajuste de los hiperparámetros. En este artículo, proponemos un enfoque de aprendizaje por transferencia para el reconocimiento de animales basado en imágenes. En particular, mejoramos un modelo de red neuronal convolucional previamente entrenado para la clasificación de animales a partir de imágenes ruidosas y de baja calidad. Primero, se prueba una tarea de perro contra gato a partir de la conocida base de datos CIFAR. Además, se crea una base de datos de vaca versus no vaca para probar nuestro enfoque de aprendizaje por transferencia. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un rendimiento de clasificación competitivo utilizando diferentes tipos de arquitecturas, en comparación con las metodologías actuales

    Reconocimiento de animales desde imágenes utilizando aprendizaje por transferencia

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    Automatic image-based recognition systems have been widely used to solve different computer vision tasks. In particular, animals' identification in farms is a research field of interest for the computer vision and the agriculture community. It is then necessary to develop robust and precise algorithms to support detection, recognition, and monitoring tasks to enhance farm management. Traditionally, deep learning approaches have been proposed to solve image-based detection tasks. Nonetheless, databases holding many instances are required to achieve competitive performances, not mentioning the hyperparameters tuning issues. In this paper, we propose a transfer learning approach for image-based animal recognition. We enhance a pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network model for animal classification from noisy and low-quality images. First, a dog vs. cat task is tested from the well-known CIFAR database. Further, a cow vs. no cow database is built to test our transfer learning approach. The achieved results show competitive classification performance using different types of architectures compared to state-of-the-art methodologies.Los sistemas de reconocimiento automático basados en imágenes se han utilizado ampliamente para resolver diferentes tareas de visión por computador. En particular, la identificación de animales en granjas es un campo de investigación de interés para comunidad relacionada con visión artificial y agricultura. En este sentido, es necesario desarrollar algoritmos robustos y precisos para respaldar las tareas de detección, reconocimiento y monitoreo, en aras de apoyar la gestión de granjas en agricultura. Tradicionalmente, se han propuesto enfoques de aprendizaje profundo para resolver tareas de detección basadas en imágenes. No obstante, se requieren de bases de datos con muchas instancias para lograr un rendimiento competitivo, sin mencionar los problemas de ajuste de los hiperparámetros. En este artículo, proponemos un enfoque de aprendizaje por transferencia para el reconocimiento de animales basado en imágenes. En particular, mejoramos un modelo de red neuronal convolucional previamente entrenado para la clasificación de animales a partir de imágenes ruidosas y de baja calidad. Primero, se prueba una tarea de perro contra gato a partir de la conocida base de datos CIFAR. Además, se crea una base de datos de vaca versus no vaca para probar nuestro enfoque de aprendizaje por transferencia. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un rendimiento de clasificación competitivo utilizando diferentes tipos de arquitecturas, en comparación con las metodologías actuales

    Identifikasi Foto Wanita Berhijab dari Majalah Untuk Pembuatan Katalog Busana Muslim Otomatis Memanfaatkan Convolutional Neural Network

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    Abstrak—Perkembangan Fashion Muslim di Indonesia terus meningkat, disisi lain terobosan baru pada Deep Learning dengan memadukan arsitektur seperti dropout regularizations dan Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) sebagai fungsi aktivasi dan data augmentation, mampu mencapai terobosan pada large scale image classification. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deteksi objek wajah dengan Haar Cascades Classification untuk mendapatkan sample dataset wajah dan preprocessing data testing untuk dilanjutkan pada metode machine learning untuk klasifikasi citra dengan Convolutional Neural Network. Dataset yang digunakan adalah kumpulan katalog busana online, dataset yang sudah di preprocessing dibagi menjadi dua kategori, yaitu Hijab untuk semua citra wanita berhijab, dan Non Hijab untuk citra yang bukan wanita berhijab. selanjutnya klasifikasi citra menggunakan data ujicoba majalah digital terbitan Hijabella, Joy Indonesia dan Scarf Indonesia. Semakin besar resolusi citra input untuk preprocessing pada majalah digital, maka akan semakin banyak objek citra yang terdeteksi, dengan meningkatkan jumlah dataset untuk training dan validasi, mampu menambah hasil akurasi yang didapatkan, terjadi peningkatan akurasi pada dataset 2.500 wajah perkategori ke 5.000 wajah perkategori dengan resolusi 720p meningkat dari rata-rata 81.30% menjadi 82.31%, peningkatan rata-rata 1.01% dan tertinggi 2.14%, sedangkan resolusi 1080p meningkat dari rata-rata 83.03% menjadi 83.68%, peningkatan rata-rata 0.65% dan tertinggi 1.73%, akurasi tertinggi adalah sebesar 84.72% menggunakan model dataset 5.000 secara acak perkategori

    Automated classification of three-dimensional reconstructions of coral reefs using convolutional neural networks

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Hopkinson, B. M., King, A. C., Owen, D. P., Johnson-Roberson, M., Long, M. H., & Bhandarkar, S. M. Automated classification of three-dimensional reconstructions of coral reefs using convolutional neural networks. PLoS One, 15(3), (2020): e0230671, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0230671.Coral reefs are biologically diverse and structurally complex ecosystems, which have been severally affected by human actions. Consequently, there is a need for rapid ecological assessment of coral reefs, but current approaches require time consuming manual analysis, either during a dive survey or on images collected during a survey. Reef structural complexity is essential for ecological function but is challenging to measure and often relegated to simple metrics such as rugosity. Recent advances in computer vision and machine learning offer the potential to alleviate some of these limitations. We developed an approach to automatically classify 3D reconstructions of reef sections and assessed the accuracy of this approach. 3D reconstructions of reef sections were generated using commercial Structure-from-Motion software with images extracted from video surveys. To generate a 3D classified map, locations on the 3D reconstruction were mapped back into the original images to extract multiple views of the location. Several approaches were tested to merge information from multiple views of a point into a single classification, all of which used convolutional neural networks to classify or extract features from the images, but differ in the strategy employed for merging information. Approaches to merging information entailed voting, probability averaging, and a learned neural-network layer. All approaches performed similarly achieving overall classification accuracies of ~96% and >90% accuracy on most classes. With this high classification accuracy, these approaches are suitable for many ecological applications.This study was funded by grants from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (BMH, BR2014-049; https://sloan.org), and the National Science Foundation (MHL, OCE-1657727; https://www.nsf.gov). The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Adaptive Semantic-Visual Tree for Hierarchical Embeddings

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    Merchandise categories inherently form a semantic hierarchy with different levels of concept abstraction, especially for fine-grained categories. This hierarchy encodes rich correlations among various categories across different levels, which can effectively regularize the semantic space and thus make predictions less ambiguous. However, previous studies of fine-grained image retrieval primarily focus on semantic similarities or visual similarities. In a real application, merely using visual similarity may not satisfy the need of consumers to search merchandise with real-life images, e.g., given a red coat as a query image, we might get a red suit in recall results only based on visual similarity since they are visually similar. But the users actually want a coat rather than suit even the coat is with different color or texture attributes. We introduce this new problem based on photoshopping in real practice. That's why semantic information are integrated to regularize the margins to make "semantic" prior to "visual". To solve this new problem, we propose a hierarchical adaptive semantic-visual tree (ASVT) to depict the architecture of merchandise categories, which evaluates semantic similarities between different semantic levels and visual similarities within the same semantic class simultaneously. The semantic information satisfies the demand of consumers for similar merchandise with the query while the visual information optimizes the correlations within the semantic class. At each level, we set different margins based on the semantic hierarchy and incorporate them as prior information to learn a fine-grained feature embedding. To evaluate our framework, we propose a new dataset named JDProduct, with hierarchical labels collected from actual image queries and official merchandise images on an online shopping application. Extensive experimental results on the public CARS196 and CUB

    Innovations in Camera Trapping Technology and Approaches: The Integration of Citizen Science and Artificial Intelligence

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    Camera trapping has become an increasingly reliable and mainstream tool for surveying a diversity of wildlife species. Concurrent with this has been an increasing effort to involve the wider public in the research process, in an approach known as ‘citizen science’. To date, millions of people have contributed to research across a wide variety of disciplines as a result. Although their value for public engagement was recognised early on, camera traps were initially ill‐suited for citizen science. As camera trap technology has evolved, cameras have become more user‐friendly and the enormous quantities of data they now collect has led researchers to seek assistance in classifying footage. This has now made camera trap research a prime candidate for citizen science, as reflected by the large number of camera trap projects now integrating public participation. Researchers are also turning to Artificial Intelligence (AI) to assist with classification of footage. Although this rapidly‐advancing field is already proving a useful tool, accuracy is variable and AI does not provide the social and engagement benefits associated with citizen science approaches. We propose, as a solution, more efforts to combine citizen science with AI to improve classification accuracy and efficiency while maintaining public involvement