1,472 research outputs found

    Comparing knowledge sources for nominal anaphora resolution

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    We compare two ways of obtaining lexical knowledge for antecedent selection in other-anaphora and definite noun phrase coreference. Specifically, we compare an algorithm that relies on links encoded in the manually created lexical hierarchy WordNet and an algorithm that mines corpora by means of shallow lexico-semantic patterns. As corpora we use the British National Corpus (BNC), as well as the Web, which has not been previously used for this task. Our results show that (a) the knowledge encoded in WordNet is often insufficient, especially for anaphor-antecedent relations that exploit subjective or context-dependent knowledge; (b) for other-anaphora, the Web-based method outperforms the WordNet-based method; (c) for definite NP coreference, the Web-based method yields results comparable to those obtained using WordNet over the whole dataset and outperforms the WordNet-based method on subsets of the dataset; (d) in both case studies, the BNC-based method is worse than the other methods because of data sparseness. Thus, in our studies, the Web-based method alleviated the lexical knowledge gap often encountered in anaphora resolution, and handled examples with context-dependent relations between anaphor and antecedent. Because it is inexpensive and needs no hand-modelling of lexical knowledge, it is a promising knowledge source to integrate in anaphora resolution systems

    Fighting with the Sparsity of Synonymy Dictionaries

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    Graph-based synset induction methods, such as MaxMax and Watset, induce synsets by performing a global clustering of a synonymy graph. However, such methods are sensitive to the structure of the input synonymy graph: sparseness of the input dictionary can substantially reduce the quality of the extracted synsets. In this paper, we propose two different approaches designed to alleviate the incompleteness of the input dictionaries. The first one performs a pre-processing of the graph by adding missing edges, while the second one performs a post-processing by merging similar synset clusters. We evaluate these approaches on two datasets for the Russian language and discuss their impact on the performance of synset induction methods. Finally, we perform an extensive error analysis of each approach and discuss prominent alternative methods for coping with the problem of the sparsity of the synonymy dictionaries.Comment: In Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Analysis of Images, Social Networks, and Texts (AIST'2017): Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS

    Design and enhanced evaluation of a robust anaphor resolution algorithm

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    Syntactic coindexing restrictions are by now known to be of central importance to practical anaphor resolution approaches. Since, in particular due to structural ambiguity, the assumption of the availability of a unique syntactic reading proves to be unrealistic, robust anaphor resolution relies on techniques to overcome this deficiency. This paper describes the ROSANA approach, which generalizes the verification of coindexing restrictions in order to make it applicable to the deficient syntactic descriptions that are provided by a robust state-of-the-art parser. By a formal evaluation on two corpora that differ with respect to text genre and domain, it is shown that ROSANA achieves high-quality robust coreference resolution. Moreover, by an in-depth analysis, it is proven that the robust implementation of syntactic disjoint reference is nearly optimal. The study reveals that, compared with approaches that rely on shallow preprocessing, the largely nonheuristic disjoint reference algorithmization opens up the possibility/or a slight improvement. Furthermore, it is shown that more significant gains are to be expected elsewhere, particularly from a text-genre-specific choice of preference strategies. The performance study of the ROSANA system crucially rests on an enhanced evaluation methodology for coreference resolution systems, the development of which constitutes the second major contribution o/the paper. As a supplement to the model-theoretic scoring scheme that was developed for the Message Understanding Conference (MUC) evaluations, additional evaluation measures are defined that, on one hand, support the developer of anaphor resolution systems, and, on the other hand, shed light on application aspects of pronoun interpretation

    Automatic case acquisition from texts for process-oriented case-based reasoning

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    This paper introduces a method for the automatic acquisition of a rich case representation from free text for process-oriented case-based reasoning. Case engineering is among the most complicated and costly tasks in implementing a case-based reasoning system. This is especially so for process-oriented case-based reasoning, where more expressive case representations are generally used and, in our opinion, actually required for satisfactory case adaptation. In this context, the ability to acquire cases automatically from procedural texts is a major step forward in order to reason on processes. We therefore detail a methodology that makes case acquisition from processes described as free text possible, with special attention given to assembly instruction texts. This methodology extends the techniques we used to extract actions from cooking recipes. We argue that techniques taken from natural language processing are required for this task, and that they give satisfactory results. An evaluation based on our implemented prototype extracting workflows from recipe texts is provided.Comment: Sous presse, publication pr\'evue en 201