1,693 research outputs found

    Statistical and Computational Tradeoff in Genetic Algorithm-Based Estimation

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    When a Genetic Algorithm (GA), or a stochastic algorithm in general, is employed in a statistical problem, the obtained result is affected by both variability due to sampling, that refers to the fact that only a sample is observed, and variability due to the stochastic elements of the algorithm. This topic can be easily set in a framework of statistical and computational tradeoff question, crucial in recent problems, for which statisticians must carefully set statistical and computational part of the analysis, taking account of some resource or time constraints. In the present work we analyze estimation problems tackled by GAs, for which variability of estimates can be decomposed in the two sources of variability, considering some constraints in the form of cost functions, related to both data acquisition and runtime of the algorithm. Simulation studies will be presented to discuss the statistical and computational tradeoff question.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Independent components techniques based on kurtosis for functional data analysis

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    The motivation for this paper arises from an article written by Peña et al. [40] in 2010,where they propose the eigenvectors associated with the extreme values of a kurtosismatrix as interesting directions to reveal the possible cluster structure of a dataset. In recent years many research papers have proposed generalizations of multivariatetechniques to the functional data case. In this paper we introduce an extension of themultivariate kurtosis for functional data, and we analyze some of its properties. Inparticular, we explore if our proposal preserves some of the properties of the kurtosisprocedures applied to the multivariate case, regarding the identification of outliers andcluster structures. This analysis is conducted considering both theoretical andexperimental properties of our proposa

    Quantitative methods in high-frequency financial econometrics: modeling univariate and multivariate time series

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    Adaptive Feature Engineering Modeling for Ultrasound Image Classification for Decision Support

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    Ultrasonography is considered a relatively safe option for the diagnosis of benign and malignant cancer lesions due to the low-energy sound waves used. However, the visual interpretation of the ultrasound images is time-consuming and usually has high false alerts due to speckle noise. Improved methods of collection image-based data have been proposed to reduce noise in the images; however, this has proved not to solve the problem due to the complex nature of images and the exponential growth of biomedical datasets. Secondly, the target class in real-world biomedical datasets, that is the focus of interest of a biopsy, is usually significantly underrepresented compared to the non-target class. This makes it difficult to train standard classification models like Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Trees, and Nearest Neighbor techniques on biomedical datasets because they assume an equal class distribution or an equal misclassification cost. Resampling techniques by either oversampling the minority class or under-sampling the majority class have been proposed to mitigate the class imbalance problem but with minimal success. We propose a method of resolving the class imbalance problem with the design of a novel data-adaptive feature engineering model for extracting, selecting, and transforming textural features into a feature space that is inherently relevant to the application domain. We hypothesize that by maximizing the variance and preserving as much variability in well-engineered features prior to applying a classifier model will boost the differentiation of the thyroid nodules (benign or malignant) through effective model building. Our proposed a hybrid approach of applying Regression and Rule-Based techniques to build our Feature Engineering and a Bayesian Classifier respectively. In the Feature Engineering model, we transformed images pixel intensity values into a high dimensional structured dataset and fitting a regression analysis model to estimate relevant kernel parameters to be applied to the proposed filter method. We adopted an Elastic Net Regularization path to control the maximum log-likelihood estimation of the Regression model. Finally, we applied a Bayesian network inference to estimate a subset for the textural features with a significant conditional dependency in the classification of the thyroid lesion. This is performed to establish the conditional influence on the textural feature to the random factors generated through our feature engineering model and to evaluate the success criterion of our approach. The proposed approach was tested and evaluated on a public dataset obtained from thyroid cancer ultrasound diagnostic data. The analyses of the results showed that the classification performance had a significant improvement overall for accuracy and area under the curve when then proposed feature engineering model was applied to the data. We show that a high performance of 96.00% accuracy with a sensitivity and specificity of 99.64%) and 90.23% respectively was achieved for a filter size of 13 Ă— 13

    PHM survey: implementation of signal processing methods for monitoring bearings and gearboxes

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    The reliability and safety of industrial equipments are one of the main objectives of companies to remain competitive in sectors that are more and more exigent in terms of cost and security. Thus, an unexpected shutdown can lead to physical injury as well as economic consequences. This paper aims to show the emergence of the Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) concept in the industry and to describe how it comes to complement the different maintenance strategies. It describes the benefits to be expected by the implementation of signal processing, diagnostic and prognostic methods in health-monitoring. More specifically, this paper provides a state of the art of existing signal processing techniques that can be used in the PHM strategy. This paper allows showing the diversity of possible techniques and choosing among them the one that will define a framework for industrials to monitor sensitive components like bearings and gearboxes

    New insights on hidden Markov models for time series data analysis

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    The goal of this thesis is to develop novel methods for the analysis of financial data by using hidden Markov models based approaches. The analysis focuses on univariate and multivariate financial time series, modeling interrelationships between financial returns throughout different statistical methods, such as graphical models, quantile and expectile regressions. The dissertation is divided into three chapters, each of them examining different classes of assets returns for a comprehensive risk analysis. The methodologies we propose are illustrated using real-world data and simulation studies
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