6 research outputs found

    Understanding linux feature distribution

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    Assessing Product Line Derivation Operators Applied to Java Source Code: An Empirical Study

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    International audienceProduct Derivation is a key activity in Software Product Line Engineering. During this process, derivation operators modify or create core assets (e.g., model elements, source code instructions, components) by adding, removing or substituting them according to a given configuration. The result is a derived product that generally needs to conform to a programming or modeling language. Some operators lead to invalid products when applied to certain assets, some others do not; knowing this in advance can help to better use them, however this is challenging, specially if we consider assets expressed in extensive and complex languages such as Java. In this paper, we empirically answer the following question: which product line operators, applied to which program elements , can synthesize variants of programs that are incorrect , correct or perhaps even conforming to test suites? We implement source code transformations, based on the derivation operators of the Common Variability Language. We automatically synthesize more than 370,000 program variants from a set of 8 real large Java projects (up to 85,000 lines of code), obtaining an extensive panorama of the sanity of the operations

    The Evolution of C Programming Practices: A Study of the Unix Operating System 1973-2015

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    Tracking long-term progress in engineering and applied science allows us to take stock of things we have achieved, appreciate the factors that led to them, and set realistic goals for where we want to go. We formulate seven hypotheses associated with the long term evolution of C programming in the Unix operating system, and examine them by extracting, aggregating, and synthesising metrics from 66 snapshots obtained from a synthetic software configuration management repository covering a period of four decades. We found that over the years developers of the Unix operating system appear to have evolved their coding style in tandem with advancements in hardware technology, promoted modularity to tame rising complexity, adopted valuable new language features, allowed compilers to allocate registers on their behalf, and reached broad agreement regarding code formatting. The progress we have observed appears to be slowing or even reversing prompting the need for new sources of innovation to be discovered and followed

    Analysis and Transformation of Configurable Systems

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    Static analysis tools and transformation engines for source code belong to the standard equipment of a software developer. Their use simplifies a developer's everyday work of maintaining and evolving software systems significantly and, hence, accounts for much of a developer's programming efficiency and programming productivity. This is also beneficial from a financial point of view, as programming errors are early detected and avoided in the the development process, thus the use of static analysis tools reduces the overall software-development costs considerably. In practice, software systems are often developed as configurable systems to account for different requirements of application scenarios and use cases. To implement configurable systems, developers often use compile-time implementation techniques, such as preprocessors, by using #ifdef directives. Configuration options control the inclusion and exclusion of #ifdef-annotated source code and their selection/deselection serve as an input for generating tailor-made system variants on demand. Existing configurable systems, such as the linux kernel, often provide thousands of configuration options, forming a huge configuration space with billions of system variants. Unfortunately, existing tool support cannot handle the myriads of system variants that can typically be derived from a configurable system. Analysis and transformation tools are not prepared for variability in source code, and, hence, they may process it incorrectly with the result of an incomplete and often broken tool support. We challenge the way configurable systems are analyzed and transformed by introducing variability-aware static analysis tools and a variability-aware transformation engine for configurable systems' development. The main idea of such tool support is to exploit commonalities between system variants, reducing the effort of analyzing and transforming a configurable system. In particular, we develop novel analysis approaches for analyzing the myriads of system variants and compare them to state-of-the-art analysis approaches (namely sampling). The comparison shows that variability-aware analysis is complete (with respect to covering the whole configuration space), efficient (it outperforms some of the sampling heuristics), and scales even to large software systems. We demonstrate that variability-aware analysis is even practical when using it with non-trivial case studies, such as the linux kernel. On top of variability-aware analysis, we develop a transformation engine for C, which respects variability induced by the preprocessor. The engine provides three common refactorings (rename identifier, extract function, and inline function) and overcomes shortcomings (completeness, use of heuristics, and scalability issues) of existing engines, while still being semantics-preserving with respect to all variants and being fast, providing an instantaneous user experience. To validate semantics preservation, we extend a standard testing approach for refactoring engines with variability and show in real-world case studies the effectiveness and scalability of our engine. In the end, our analysis and transformation techniques show that configurable systems can efficiently be analyzed and transformed (even for large-scale systems), providing the same guarantees for configurable systems as for standard systems in terms of detecting and avoiding programming errors

    Semi-Automatische Deduktion von Feature-Lokalisierung während der Softwareentwicklung: Masterarbeit

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    Despite extensive research on software product lines in the last decades, ad-hoc clone-and-own development is still the dominant way for introducing variability to software systems. Therefore, the same issues for which software product lines were developed in the first place are still imminent in clone-and-own development: Fixing bugs consistently throughout clones and avoiding duplicate implementation effort is extremely diffcult as similarities and differences between variants are unknown. In order to remedy this, we enhance clone-and-own development with techniques from product-line engineering for targeted variant synchronisation such that domain knowledge can be integrated stepwise and without obligation. Contrary to retroactive feature mapping recovery (e.g., mining) techniques, we infer feature-to-code mappings directly during software development when concrete domain knowledge is present. In this thesis, we focus on the first step towards targeted synchronisation between variants: the recording of feature mappings. By letting developers specify on which feature they are working on, we derive feature mappings directly during software development. We ensure syntactic validity of feature mappings and variant synchronisation by implementing disciplined annotations through abstract syntax trees. To bridge the mismatch between change classification in the implementation and abstract layer, we synthesise semantic edits on abstract syntax trees. We show that our derivation can be used to reproduce variability-related real-world code changes and compare it to the feature mapping derivation of the projectional variation control system VTS by Stanciulescu et al.Trotz umfangreicher Forschung zu Software-Produktlinien in den letzten Jahrzehnten ist Clone-and-Own immer noch der dominierende Ansatz zur Einführung von Variabilität in Softwaresystemen. Daher stehen bei Clone-and-Own immer noch die gleichen Probleme im Vordergrund, für die Software-Produktlinien überhaupt erst entwickelt wurden: Die konsistente Behebung von Fehlern in allen Klonen und die Vermeidung von doppeltem Implementierungsaufwand sind äußerst schwierig, da Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen den Varianten unbekannt sind. Um hier Abhilfe zu schaffen, erweitern wir die Clone-and-Own-Entwicklung mit Techniken aus der Produktlinien-Entwicklung zur gezielten Synchronisierung von Varianten, sodass Entwickler ihr Domänenwissen schrittweise und unverbindlich integrieren können. Im Gegensatz zu nachträglich arbeitenden Feature-Mapping-Recovery- oder auch Mining-Techniken, leiten wir Zuordungen von Features zu Quellcode direkt während der Softwareentwicklung ab, wenn konkretes Domänenwissen vorhanden ist. In dieser Arbeit entwickeln wir den ersten Schritt zur gezielten Synchronisation von Varianten: die Aufzeichnung von Feature-Mappings. Indem Entwickler spezifizieren an welchem Feature sie arbeiten, leiten wir Feature-Mappings direkt während der Softwareentwicklung ab. Wir stellen die syntaktische Korrektheit von Feature-Mappings und der Synchronisation von Varianten sicher, indem wir disziplinierte Annotationen mithilfe von abstrakten Syntaxbäumen implementieren. Um die Diskrepanz der Klassifizierung von Änderungen zwischen der Implementierungs- und der Abstraktionsschicht zu überbrücken, synthetisieren wir Semantic Edits auf abstrakten Syntaxbäumen. Wir zeigen, dass unsere Ableitung von Feature-Mappings in der Lage ist reale Codeänderungen zu reproduzieren und vergleichen sie mit der Feature-Mapping-Ableitung des Variationskontrollsystems VTS von Stanciulescu et al