2,309 research outputs found

    Approximate Computing Strategies for Low-Overhead Fault Tolerance in Safety-Critical Applications

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    This work studies the reliability of embedded systems with approximate computing on software and hardware designs. It presents approximate computing methods and proposes approximate fault tolerance techniques applied to programmable hardware and embedded software to provide reliability at low computational costs. The objective of this thesis is the development of fault tolerance techniques based on approximate computing and proving that approximate computing can be applied to most safety-critical systems. It starts with an experimental analysis of the reliability of embedded systems used at safety-critical projects. Results show that the reliability of single-core systems, and types of errors they are sensitive to, differ from multicore processing systems. The usage of an operating system and two different parallel programming APIs are also evaluated. Fault injection experiment results show that embedded Linux has a critical impact on the system’s reliability and the types of errors to which it is most sensitive. Traditional fault tolerance techniques and parallel variants of them are evaluated for their fault-masking capability on multicore systems. The work shows that parallel fault tolerance can indeed not only improve execution time but also fault-masking. Lastly, an approximate parallel fault tolerance technique is proposed, where the system abandons faulty execution tasks. This first approximate computing approach to fault tolerance in parallel processing systems was able to improve the reliability and the fault-masking capability of the techniques, significantly reducing errors that would cause system crashes. Inspired by the conflict between the improvements provided by approximate computing and the safety-critical systems requirements, this work presents an analysis of the applicability of approximate computing techniques on critical systems. The proposed techniques are tested under simulation, emulation, and laser fault injection experiments. Results show that approximate computing algorithms do have a particular behavior, different from traditional algorithms. The approximation techniques presented and proposed in this work are also used to develop fault tolerance techniques. Results show that those new approximate fault tolerance techniques are less costly than traditional ones and able to achieve almost the same level of error masking.Este trabalho estuda a confiabilidade de sistemas embarcados com computação aproximada em software e projetos de hardware. Ele apresenta métodos de computação aproximada e técnicas aproximadas para tolerância a falhas em hardware programável e software embarcado que provêem alta confiabilidade a baixos custos computacionais. O objetivo desta tese é o desenvolvimento de técnicas de tolerância a falhas baseadas em computação aproximada e provar que este paradigma pode ser usado em sistemas críticos. O texto começa com uma análise da confiabilidade de sistemas embarcados usados em sistemas de tolerância crítica. Os resultados mostram que a resiliência de sistemas singlecore, e os tipos de erros aos quais eles são mais sensíveis, é diferente dos multi-core. O uso de sistemas operacionais também é analisado, assim como duas APIs de programação paralela. Experimentos de injeção de falhas mostram que o uso de Linux embarcado tem um forte impacto na confiabilidade do sistema. Técnicas tradicionais de tolerância a falhas e variações paralelas das mesmas são avaliadas. O trabalho mostra que técnicas de tolerância a falhas paralelas podem de fato melhorar não apenas o tempo de execução da aplicação, mas também seu mascaramento de erros. Por fim, uma técnica de tolerância a falhas paralela aproximada é proposta, onde o sistema abandona instâncias de execuções que apresentam falhas. Esta primeira experiência com computação aproximada foi capaz de melhorar a confiabilidade das técnicas previamente apresentadas, reduzindo significativamente a ocorrência de erros que provocam um crash total do sistema. Inspirado pelo conflito entre as melhorias trazidas pela computação aproximada e os requisitos dos sistemas críticos, este trabalho apresenta uma análise da aplicabilidade de computação aproximada nestes sistemas. As técnicas propostas são testadas sob experimentos de injeção de falhas por simulação, emulação e laser. Os resultados destes experimentos mostram que algoritmos aproximados possuem um comportamento particular que lhes é inerente, diferente dos tradicionais. As técnicas de aproximação apresentadas e propostas no trabalho são também utilizadas para o desenvolvimento de técnicas de tolerância a falhas aproximadas. Estas novas técnicas possuem um custo menor que as tradicionais e são capazes de atingir o mesmo nível de mascaramento de erros

    Context-awareness for mobile sensing: a survey and future directions

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    The evolution of smartphones together with increasing computational power have empowered developers to create innovative context-aware applications for recognizing user related social and cognitive activities in any situation and at any location. The existence and awareness of the context provides the capability of being conscious of physical environments or situations around mobile device users. This allows network services to respond proactively and intelligently based on such awareness. The key idea behind context-aware applications is to encourage users to collect, analyze and share local sensory knowledge in the purpose for a large scale community use by creating a smart network. The desired network is capable of making autonomous logical decisions to actuate environmental objects, and also assist individuals. However, many open challenges remain, which are mostly arisen due to the middleware services provided in mobile devices have limited resources in terms of power, memory and bandwidth. Thus, it becomes critically important to study how the drawbacks can be elaborated and resolved, and at the same time better understand the opportunities for the research community to contribute to the context-awareness. To this end, this paper surveys the literature over the period of 1991-2014 from the emerging concepts to applications of context-awareness in mobile platforms by providing up-to-date research and future research directions. Moreover, it points out the challenges faced in this regard and enlighten them by proposing possible solutions

    Adaptive Knobs for Resource Efficient Computing

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    Performance demands of emerging domains such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and vision, Internet-of-things etc., continue to grow. Meeting such requirements on modern multi/many core systems with higher power densities, fixed power and energy budgets, and thermal constraints exacerbates the run-time management challenge. This leaves an open problem on extracting the required performance within the power and energy limits, while also ensuring thermal safety. Existing architectural solutions including asymmetric and heterogeneous cores and custom acceleration improve performance-per-watt in specific design time and static scenarios. However, satisfying applications’ performance requirements under dynamic and unknown workload scenarios subject to varying system dynamics of power, temperature and energy requires intelligent run-time management. Adaptive strategies are necessary for maximizing resource efficiency, considering i) diverse requirements and characteristics of concurrent applications, ii) dynamic workload variation, iii) core-level heterogeneity and iv) power, thermal and energy constraints. This dissertation proposes such adaptive techniques for efficient run-time resource management to maximize performance within fixed budgets under unknown and dynamic workload scenarios. Resource management strategies proposed in this dissertation comprehensively consider application and workload characteristics and variable effect of power actuation on performance for pro-active and appropriate allocation decisions. Specific contributions include i) run-time mapping approach to improve power budgets for higher throughput, ii) thermal aware performance boosting for efficient utilization of power budget and higher performance, iii) approximation as a run-time knob exploiting accuracy performance trade-offs for maximizing performance under power caps at minimal loss of accuracy and iv) co-ordinated approximation for heterogeneous systems through joint actuation of dynamic approximation and power knobs for performance guarantees with minimal power consumption. The approaches presented in this dissertation focus on adapting existing mapping techniques, performance boosting strategies, software and dynamic approximations to meet the performance requirements, simultaneously considering system constraints. The proposed strategies are compared against relevant state-of-the-art run-time management frameworks to qualitatively evaluate their efficacy

    TransPimLib: A Library for Efficient Transcendental Functions on Processing-in-Memory Systems

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    Processing-in-memory (PIM) promises to alleviate the data movement bottleneck in modern computing systems. However, current real-world PIM systems have the inherent disadvantage that their hardware is more constrained than in conventional processors (CPU, GPU), due to the difficulty and cost of building processing elements near or inside the memory. As a result, general-purpose PIM architectures support fairly limited instruction sets and struggle to execute complex operations such as transcendental functions and other hard-to-calculate operations (e.g., square root). These operations are particularly important for some modern workloads, e.g., activation functions in machine learning applications. In order to provide support for transcendental (and other hard-to-calculate) functions in general-purpose PIM systems, we present \emph{TransPimLib}, a library that provides CORDIC-based and LUT-based methods for trigonometric functions, hyperbolic functions, exponentiation, logarithm, square root, etc. We develop an implementation of TransPimLib for the UPMEM PIM architecture and perform a thorough evaluation of TransPimLib's methods in terms of performance and accuracy, using microbenchmarks and three full workloads (Blackscholes, Sigmoid, Softmax). We open-source all our code and datasets at~\url{https://github.com/CMU-SAFARI/transpimlib}.Comment: Our open-source software is available at https://github.com/CMU-SAFARI/transpimli

    Design and implementation of an FPGA-based piecewise affine Kalman Filter for Cyber-Physical Systems

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    The Kalman Filter is a robust tool often employed as a process observer in Cyber-Physical Systems. However, in the general case the high computational cost, especially for large plant models or fast sample rates, makes it an impractical choice for typical low-power microcontrollers. Furthermore, although industry trends towards tighter integration are supported by powerful high-end System-on-Chip software processors, this consolidation complicates the ability for a controls engineer to verify correct behavior of the system under all conditions, which is important in safety-critical systems and systems demanding a high degree of reliability. Dedicated Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) hardware can provide application speedup, design partitioning in mixed-criticality systems, and fully deterministic timing, which helps ensure a control system behaves identically to offline simulations. This dissertation presents a new design methodology which can be leveraged to yield such benefits. Although this dissertation focuses on the Kalman Filter, the method is general enough to be extended to other compute-intensive algorithms which rely on state-space modeling. For the first part, the core idea is that decomposing the Kalman Filter algorithm from a strictly linear perspective leads to a more generalized architecture with increased performance compared to approaches which focus on nonlinear filters (e.g. Extended Kalman Filter). Our contribution is a broadly-applicable hardware-software architecture for a linear Kalman Filter whose operating domain is extended through online model swapping. A supporting application-agnostic performance and resource analysis is provided. For the second part, we identify limitations of the mixed hardware-software method and demonstrate how to leverage hardware-based region identification in order to develop a strictly hardware-only Kalman Filter which maintains a large operating domain. The resulting hardware processor is partitioned from low criticality software tasks running on a supervising software processor and enables vastly simplified timing validation

    Reining in the Functional Verification of Complex Processor Designs with Automation, Prioritization, and Approximation

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    Our quest for faster and efficient computing devices has led us to processor designs with enormous complexity. As a result, functional verification, which is the process of ascertaining the correctness of a processor design, takes up a lion's share of the time and cost spent on making processors. Unfortunately, functional verification is only a best-effort process that cannot completely guarantee the correctness of a design, often resulting in defective products that may have devastating consequences.Functional verification, as practiced today, is unable to cope with the complexity of current and future processor designs. In this dissertation, we identify extensive automation as the essential step towards scalable functional verification of complex processor designs. Moreover, recognizing that a complete guarantee of design correctness is impossible, we argue for systematic prioritization and prudent approximation to realize fast and far-reaching functional verification solutions. We partition the functional verification effort into three major activities: planning and test generation, test execution and bug detection, and bug diagnosis. Employing a perspective we refer to as the automation, prioritization, and approximation (APA) approach, we develop solutions that tackle challenges across these three major activities. In pursuit of efficient planning and test generation for modern systems-on-chips, we develop an automated process for identifying high-priority design aspects for verification. In addition, we enable the creation of compact test programs, which, in our experiments, were up to 11 times smaller than what would otherwise be available at the beginning of the verification effort. To tackle challenges in test execution and bug detection, we develop a group of solutions that enable the deployment of automatic and robust mechanisms for catching design flaws during high-speed functional verification. By trading accuracy for speed, these solutions allow us to unleash functional verification platforms that are over three orders of magnitude faster than traditional platforms, unearthing design flaws that are otherwise impossible to reach. Finally, we address challenges in bug diagnosis through a solution that fully automates the process of pinpointing flawed design components after detecting an error. Our solution, which identifies flawed design units with over 70% accuracy, eliminates weeks of diagnosis effort for every detected error.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137057/1/birukw_1.pd

    System Qualities Ontology, Tradespace and Affordability (SQOTA) Project – Phase 4

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    This task was proposed and established as a result of a pair of 2012 workshops sponsored by the DoD Engineered Resilient Systems technology priority area and by the SERC. The workshops focused on how best to strengthen DoD’s capabilities in dealing with its systems’ non-functional requirements, often also called system qualities, properties, levels of service, and –ilities. The term –ilities was often used during the workshops, and became the title of the resulting SERC research task: “ilities Tradespace and Affordability Project (iTAP).” As the project progressed, the term “ilities” often became a source of confusion, as in “Do your results include considerations of safety, security, resilience, etc., which don’t have “ility” in their names?” Also, as our ontology, methods, processes, and tools became of interest across the DoD and across international and standards communities, we found that the term “System Qualities” was most often used. As a result, we are changing the name of the project to “System Qualities Ontology, Tradespace, and Affordability (SQOTA).” Some of this year’s university reports still refer to the project as “iTAP.”This material is based upon work supported, in whole or in part, by the U.S. Department of Defense through the Office of the Assistant of Defense for Research and Engineering (ASD(R&E)) under Contract HQ0034-13-D-0004.This material is based upon work supported, in whole or in part, by the U.S. Department of Defense through the Office of the Assistant of Defense for Research and Engineering (ASD(R&E)) under Contract HQ0034-13-D-0004

    Layered architecture for quantum computing

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    We develop a layered quantum computer architecture, which is a systematic framework for tackling the individual challenges of developing a quantum computer while constructing a cohesive device design. We discuss many of the prominent techniques for implementing circuit-model quantum computing and introduce several new methods, with an emphasis on employing surface code quantum error correction. In doing so, we propose a new quantum computer architecture based on optical control of quantum dots. The timescales of physical hardware operations and logical, error-corrected quantum gates differ by several orders of magnitude. By dividing functionality into layers, we can design and analyze subsystems independently, demonstrating the value of our layered architectural approach. Using this concrete hardware platform, we provide resource analysis for executing fault-tolerant quantum algorithms for integer factoring and quantum simulation, finding that the quantum dot architecture we study could solve such problems on the timescale of days.Comment: 27 pages, 20 figure

    Approximate and timing-speculative hardware design for high-performance and energy-efficient video processing

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    Since the end of transistor scaling in 2-D appeared on the horizon, innovative circuit design paradigms have been on the rise to go beyond the well-established and ultraconservative exact computing. Many compute-intensive applications – such as video processing – exhibit an intrinsic error resilience and do not necessarily require perfect accuracy in their numerical operations. Approximate computing (AxC) is emerging as a design alternative to improve the performance and energy-efficiency requirements for many applications by trading its intrinsic error tolerance with algorithm and circuit efficiency. Exact computing also imposes a worst-case timing to the conventional design of hardware accelerators to ensure reliability, leading to an efficiency loss. Conversely, the timing-speculative (TS) hardware design paradigm allows increasing the frequency or decreasing the voltage beyond the limits determined by static timing analysis (STA), thereby narrowing pessimistic safety margins that conventional design methods implement to prevent hardware timing errors. Timing errors should be evaluated by an accurate gate-level simulation, but a significant gap remains: How these timing errors propagate from the underlying hardware all the way up to the entire algorithm behavior, where they just may degrade the performance and quality of service of the application at stake? This thesis tackles this issue by developing and demonstrating a cross-layer framework capable of performing investigations of both AxC (i.e., from approximate arithmetic operators, approximate synthesis, gate-level pruning) and TS hardware design (i.e., from voltage over-scaling, frequency over-clocking, temperature rising, and device aging). The cross-layer framework can simulate both timing errors and logic errors at the gate-level by crossing them dynamically, linking the hardware result with the algorithm-level, and vice versa during the evolution of the application’s runtime. Existing frameworks perform investigations of AxC and TS techniques at circuit-level (i.e., at the output of the accelerator) agnostic to the ultimate impact at the application level (i.e., where the impact is truly manifested), leading to less optimization. Unlike state of the art, the framework proposed offers a holistic approach to assessing the tradeoff of AxC and TS techniques at the application-level. This framework maximizes energy efficiency and performance by identifying the maximum approximation levels at the application level to fulfill the required good enough quality. This thesis evaluates the framework with an 8-way SAD (Sum of Absolute Differences) hardware accelerator operating into an HEVC encoder as a case study. Application-level results showed that the SAD based on the approximate adders achieve savings of up to 45% of energy/operation with an increase of only 1.9% in BD-BR. On the other hand, VOS (Voltage Over-Scaling) applied to the SAD generates savings of up to 16.5% in energy/operation with around 6% of increase in BD-BR. The framework also reveals that the boost of about 6.96% (at 50°) to 17.41% (at 75° with 10- Y aging) in the maximum clock frequency achieved with TS hardware design is totally lost by the processing overhead from 8.06% to 46.96% when choosing an unreliable algorithm to the blocking match algorithm (BMA). We also show that the overhead can be avoided by adopting a reliable BMA. This thesis also shows approximate DTT (Discrete Tchebichef Transform) hardware proposals by exploring a transform matrix approximation, truncation and pruning. The results show that the approximate DTT hardware proposal increases the maximum frequency up to 64%, minimizes the circuit area in up to 43.6%, and saves up to 65.4% in power dissipation. The DTT proposal mapped for FPGA shows an increase of up to 58.9% on the maximum frequency and savings of about 28.7% and 32.2% on slices and dynamic power, respectively compared with stat
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