76 research outputs found

    Штучний інтелект

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    Funding: Research, preparation of materials and preparation of the textbook were carried out under the project – grant no. PPI/KAT/2019/1/00015/U/00001 "Cognitive technologies – second-cycle studies in English" and were carried under the KATAMARAN program Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA). The program is co-financed by the European Social Fund under the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program, a non-competition project entitled "Supporting the institutional capacity of Polish universities through the creation and implementation of international study programs" implemented under Measure 3.3. Internationalization of Polish higher education, specified in the application for project funding no. POWR.03.03.00-00-PN 16/18. The project was carried out in cooperation with the Silesian University of Technology (project leader – Poland) and the Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture (project partner – Ukraine).Фінансування: Дослідження, підготовка матеріалів та підготовка підручника були здійснені в рамках проекту - грант №. PPI/KAT/2019/1/00015/U/00001 "Когнітивні технології-навчання другого циклу англійською мовою", які здійснювалися за програмою КАТАМАРАН Польське національне агентство академічного обміну (NAWA) . Програма спільно фінансується Європейським соціальним фондом у рамках програми "Знання" Оперативна програма розвитку освіти, позаконкурентний проект під назвою "Підтримка інституційної спроможності польських університетів через створення та реалізація міжнародних навчальних програм ", що реалізуються відповідно до Заходу 3.3. Інтернаціоналізація польської вищої освіти, зазначена у заявці на фінансування проекту POWR.03.03.00-00-PN 16/18. Проект здійснювався у співпраці з Сілезьким технологічним університетом (керівник проекту - Польща) та Київським національним університетом будівництва та архітектури (партнер проекту - Україна)


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    Cancer occurs when normal cells grow and multiply without normal control. As the cells multiply, they form an area of abnormal cells, known as a tumour. Many tumours exhibit abnormal chromosomal segregation at cell division. These anomalies play an important role in detecting molar pregnancy cancer. Molar pregnancy, also known as hydatidiform mole, can be categorised into partial (PHM) and complete (CHM) mole, persistent gestational trophoblastic and choriocarcinoma. Hydatidiform moles are most commonly found in women under the age of 17 or over the age of 35. Hydatidiform moles can be detected by morphological and histopathological examination. Even experienced pathologists cannot easily classify between complete and partial hydatidiform moles. However, the distinction between complete and partial hydatidiform moles is important in order to recommend the appropriate treatment method. Therefore, research into molar pregnancy image analysis and understanding is critical. The hypothesis of this research project is that an anomaly detection approach to analyse molar pregnancy images can improve image analysis and classification of normal PHM and CHM villi. The primary aim of this research project is to develop a novel method, based on anomaly detection, to identify and classify anomalous villi in molar pregnancy stained images. The novel method is developed to simulate expert pathologists’ approach in diagnosis of anomalous villi. The knowledge and heuristics elicited from two expert pathologists are combined with the morphological domain knowledge of molar pregnancy, to develop a heuristic multi-neural network architecture designed to classify the villi into their appropriated anomalous types. This study confirmed that a single feature cannot give enough discriminative power for villi classification. Whereas expert pathologists consider the size and shape before textural features, this thesis demonstrated that the textural feature has a higher discriminative power than size and shape. The first heuristic-based multi-neural network, which was based on 15 elicited features, achieved an improved average accuracy of 81.2%, compared to the traditional multi-layer perceptron (80.5%); however, the recall of CHM villi class was still low (64.3%). Two further textural features, which were elicited and added to the second heuristic-based multi-neural network, have improved the average accuracy from 81.2% to 86.1% and the recall of CHM villi class from 64.3% to 73.5%. The precision of the multi-neural network II has also increased from 82.7% to 89.5% for normal villi class, from 81.3% to 84.7% for PHM villi class and from 80.8% to 86% for CHM villi class. To support pathologists to visualise the results of the segmentation, a software tool, Hydatidiform Mole Analysis Tool (HYMAT), was developed compiling the morphological and pathological data for each villus analysis

    Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology

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    Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology

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    Integrated computational intelligence and Japanese candlestick method for short-term financial forecasting

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    This research presents a study of intelligent stock price forecasting systems using interval type-2 fuzzy logic for analyzing Japanese candlestick techniques. Many intelligent financial forecasting models have been developed to predict stock prices, but many of them do not perform well under unstable market conditions. One reason for poor performance is that stock price forecasting is very complex, and many factors are involved in stock price movement. In this environment, two kinds of information exist, including quantitative data, such as actual stock prices, and qualitative data, such as stock traders\u27 opinions and expertise. Japanese candlestick techniques have been proven to be effective methods for describing the market psychology. This study is motivated by the challenges of implementing Japanese candlestick techniques to computational intelligent systems to forecast stock prices. The quantitative information, Japanese candlestick definitions, is managed by type-2 fuzzy logic systems. The qualitative data sets for the stock market are handled by a hybrid type of dynamic committee machine architecture. Inside this committee machine, generalized regression neural network-based experts handle actual stock prices for monitoring price movements. Neural network architecture is an effective tool for function approximation problems such as forecasting. Few studies have explored integrating intelligent systems and Japanese candlestick methods for stock price forecasting. The proposed model shows promising results. This research, derived from the interval type-2 fuzzy logic system, contributes to the understanding of Japanese candlestick techniques and becomes a potential resource for future financial market forecasting studies --Abstract, page iii

    A survey of the application of soft computing to investment and financial trading

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    Intelligent Computing: The Latest Advances, Challenges and Future

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    Computing is a critical driving force in the development of human civilization. In recent years, we have witnessed the emergence of intelligent computing, a new computing paradigm that is reshaping traditional computing and promoting digital revolution in the era of big data, artificial intelligence and internet-of-things with new computing theories, architectures, methods, systems, and applications. Intelligent computing has greatly broadened the scope of computing, extending it from traditional computing on data to increasingly diverse computing paradigms such as perceptual intelligence, cognitive intelligence, autonomous intelligence, and human-computer fusion intelligence. Intelligence and computing have undergone paths of different evolution and development for a long time but have become increasingly intertwined in recent years: intelligent computing is not only intelligence-oriented but also intelligence-driven. Such cross-fertilization has prompted the emergence and rapid advancement of intelligent computing. Intelligent computing is still in its infancy and an abundance of innovations in the theories, systems, and applications of intelligent computing are expected to occur soon. We present the first comprehensive survey of literature on intelligent computing, covering its theory fundamentals, the technological fusion of intelligence and computing, important applications, challenges, and future perspectives. We believe that this survey is highly timely and will provide a comprehensive reference and cast valuable insights into intelligent computing for academic and industrial researchers and practitioners


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    Technology development, mainly for telecommunications and computer systems, was a key factor for the interactivity and, thus, for the expansion of e-learning. This book is divided into two parts, presenting some proposals to deal with e-learning challenges, opening up a way of learning about and discussing new methodologies to increase the interaction level of classes and implementing technical tools for helping students to make better use of e-learning resources. In the first part, the reader may find chapters mentioning the required infrastructure for e-learning models and processes, organizational practices, suggestions, implementation of methods for assessing results, and case studies focused on pedagogical aspects that can be applied generically in different environments. The second part is related to tools that can be adopted by users such as graphical tools for engineering, mobile phone networks, and techniques to build robots, among others. Moreover, part two includes some chapters dedicated specifically to e-learning areas like engineering and architecture