184 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Expert Recommendation on Community Question Answering Platforms

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    The community question answering (CQA) platforms, such as Stack Overflow, have become the primary source of answers to most questions in various topics. CQA platforms offer an opportunity for sharing and acquiring knowledge at a low cost, where users, many of whom are experts in a specific topic, can potentially provide high-quality solutions to a given question. Many recommendation methods have been proposed to match questions to potential good answerers. However, most existing methods have focused on modelling the user-question interaction — a user might answer multiple questions and a question might be answered by multiple users — using simple collaborative filtering approaches, overlooking the rich information in the question’s title and body when modelling the users’ expertise. This project fills the research gap by thoroughly examining machine learning and deep learning approaches that can be applied to the expert recommendation problem. It proposes a Hierarchical Expert Recommendation (HER) model, a deep learning recommender system that recommends experts to answer a given question in the CQA platform. Although choosing a deep learning over a machine learning solution for this problem can be justified considering the degree of complexity of the available datasets, we assess performance of each family of methods and evaluate the trade-off between them to pick the perfect fit for our problem. We analyzed various machine learning algorithms to determine their performances in the expert recommendation problem, which narrows down the potential ways for tackling this problem using traditional recommendation methods. Furthermore, we investigate the recommendation models based on matrix factorization to establish the baselines for our proposed model and shed light on the weaknesses and strengths of matrix- based solutions, which shape our final deep learning model. In the last section, we introduce the Hierarchical Expert Recommendation System (HER) that utilizes hierarchical attention-based neural networks to rep- resent the questions better and ultimately model the users’ expertise through user-question interactions. We conducted extensive experiments on a large real-world Stack Overflow dataset and benchmarked HER against the state-of-the-art baselines. The results from our extensive experiments show that HER outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines in recommending experts to answer questions in Stack Overflow

    Social Search: retrieving information in Online Social Platforms -- A Survey

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    Social Search research deals with studying methodologies exploiting social information to better satisfy user information needs in Online Social Media while simplifying the search effort and consequently reducing the time spent and the computational resources utilized. Starting from previous studies, in this work, we analyze the current state of the art of the Social Search area, proposing a new taxonomy and highlighting current limitations and open research directions. We divide the Social Search area into three subcategories, where the social aspect plays a pivotal role: Social Question&Answering, Social Content Search, and Social Collaborative Search. For each subcategory, we present the key concepts and selected representative approaches in the literature in greater detail. We found that, up to now, a large body of studies model users' preferences and their relations by simply combining social features made available by social platforms. It paves the way for significant research to exploit more structured information about users' social profiles and behaviors (as they can be inferred from data available on social platforms) to optimize their information needs further

    CoAIcoder: Examining the Effectiveness of AI-assisted Collaborative Qualitative Analysis

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    While the domain of individual-level AI-assisted analysis has been extensively explored in previous studies, the field of AI-assisted collaborative qualitative analysis remains relatively unexplored. After identifying CQA practices and design opportunities through formative interviews, we introduce our collaborative qualitative coding tool, CoAIcoder, and designed the four different collaboration methods. We subsequently implemented a between-subject design involving 32 pairs of users who have undergone training in CQA across three commonly utilized phases under four methods. Our results suggest that CoAIcoder, which employs AI and a Shared Model, could potentially improve the efficiency of the coding process in CQA by fostering a quicker shared understanding and promoting early-stage discussions. However, this may come with the potential downside of reduced code diversity. We also underscored the existence of a trade-off between the level of independence and the coding outcome when humans collaborate during the early coding stages. Lastly, we identify design implications that could inspire and inform the future design of CQA systems

    DCQA: Document-Level Chart Question Answering towards Complex Reasoning and Common-Sense Understanding

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    Visually-situated languages such as charts and plots are omnipresent in real-world documents. These graphical depictions are human-readable and are often analyzed in visually-rich documents to address a variety of questions that necessitate complex reasoning and common-sense responses. Despite the growing number of datasets that aim to answer questions over charts, most only address this task in isolation, without considering the broader context of document-level question answering. Moreover, such datasets lack adequate common-sense reasoning information in their questions. In this work, we introduce a novel task named document-level chart question answering (DCQA). The goal of this task is to conduct document-level question answering, extracting charts or plots in the document via document layout analysis (DLA) first and subsequently performing chart question answering (CQA). The newly developed benchmark dataset comprises 50,010 synthetic documents integrating charts in a wide range of styles (6 styles in contrast to 3 for PlotQA and ChartQA) and includes 699,051 questions that demand a high degree of reasoning ability and common-sense understanding. Besides, we present the development of a potent question-answer generation engine that employs table data, a rich color set, and basic question templates to produce a vast array of reasoning question-answer pairs automatically. Based on DCQA, we devise an OCR-free transformer for document-level chart-oriented understanding, capable of DLA and answering complex reasoning and common-sense questions over charts in an OCR-free manner. Our DCQA dataset is expected to foster research on understanding visualizations in documents, especially for scenarios that require complex reasoning for charts in the visually-rich document. We implement and evaluate a set of baselines, and our proposed method achieves comparable results

    The Best Explanation:Beyond Right and Wrong in Question Answering

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    Retrieval Enhancements for Task-Based Web Search

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    The task-based view of web search implies that retrieval should take the user perspective into account. Going beyond merely retrieving the most relevant result set for the current query, the retrieval system should aim to surface results that are actually useful to the task that motivated the query. This dissertation explores how retrieval systems can better understand and support their users’ tasks from three main angles: First, we study and quantify search engine user behavior during complex writing tasks, and how task success and behavior are associated in such settings. Second, we investigate search engine queries formulated as questions, and explore patterns in a large query log that may help search engines to better support this increasingly prevalent interaction pattern. Third, we propose a novel approach to reranking the search result lists produced by web search engines, taking into account retrieval axioms that formally specify properties of a good ranking.Die Task-basierte Sicht auf Websuche impliziert, dass die Benutzerperspektive berĂŒcksichtigt werden sollte. Über das bloße Abrufen der relevantesten Ergebnismenge fĂŒr die aktuelle Anfrage hinaus, sollten Suchmaschinen Ergebnisse liefern, die tatsĂ€chlich fĂŒr die Aufgabe (Task) nĂŒtzlich sind, die diese Anfrage motiviert hat. Diese Dissertation untersucht, wie Retrieval-Systeme die Aufgaben ihrer Benutzer besser verstehen und unterstĂŒtzen können, und leistet ForschungsbeitrĂ€ge unter drei Hauptaspekten: Erstens untersuchen und quantifizieren wir das Verhalten von Suchmaschinenbenutzern wĂ€hrend komplexer Schreibaufgaben, und wie Aufgabenerfolg und Verhalten in solchen Situationen zusammenhĂ€ngen. Zweitens untersuchen wir Suchmaschinenanfragen, die als Fragen formuliert sind, und untersuchen ein Suchmaschinenlog mit fast einer Milliarde solcher Anfragen auf Muster, die Suchmaschinen dabei helfen können, diesen zunehmend verbreiteten Anfragentyp besser zu unterstĂŒtzen. Drittens schlagen wir einen neuen Ansatz vor, um die von Web-Suchmaschinen erstellten Suchergebnislisten neu zu sortieren, wobei Retrieval-Axiome berĂŒcksichtigt werden, die die Eigenschaften eines guten Rankings formal beschreiben

    A computational approach to measuring the correlation between expertise and social media influence for celebrities on microblogs

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    Social media influence analysis, sometimes also called authority detection, aims to rank users based on their influence scores in social media. Existing approaches of social influence analysis usually focus on how to develop effective algorithms to quantize users’ influence scores. They rarely consider a person’s expertise levels which are arguably important to influence measures. In this paper, we propose a computational approach to measuring the correlation between expertise and social media influence, and we take a new perspective to understand social media influence by incorporating expertise into influence analysis. We carefully constructed a large dataset of 13,684 Chinese celebrities from Sina Weibo (literally ”Sina microblogging”). We found that there is a strong correlation between expertise levels and social media influence scores. Our analysis gave a good explanation of the phenomenon of “top across-domain influencers”. In addition, different expertise levels showed influence variation patterns: e.g., (1) high-expertise celebrities have stronger influence on the “audience” in their expertise domains; (2) expertise seems to be more important than relevance and participation for social media influence; (3) the audiences of top expertise celebrities are more likely to forward tweets on topics outside the expertise domains from high-expertise celebrities

    Analysis of community question‐answering issues via machine learning and deep learning: State‐of‐the‐art review

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    Over the last couple of decades, community question-answering sites (CQAs) have been a topic of much academic interest. Scholars have often leveraged traditional machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) to explore the ever-growing volume of content that CQAs engender. To clarify the current state of the CQA literature that has used ML and DL, this paper reports a systematic literature review. The goal is to summarise and synthesise the major themes of CQA research related to (i) questions, (ii) answers and (iii) users. The final review included 133 articles. Dominant research themes include question quality, answer quality, and expert identification. In terms of dataset, some of the most widely studied platforms include Yahoo! Answers, Stack Exchange and Stack Overflow. The scope of most articles was confined to just one platform with few cross-platform investigations. Articles with ML outnumber those with DL. Nonetheless, the use of DL in CQA research is on an upward trajectory. A number of research directions are proposed
