23 research outputs found

    Analyzing program termination and complexity automatically with AProVE

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    In this system description, we present the tool AProVE for automatic termination and complexity proofs of Java, C, Haskell, Prolog, and rewrite systems. In addition to classical term rewrite systems (TRSs), AProVE also supports rewrite systems containing built-in integers (int-TRSs). To analyze programs in high-level languages, AProVE automatically converts them to (int-)TRSs. Then, a wide range of techniques is employed to prove termination and to infer complexity bounds for the resulting rewrite systems. The generated proofs can be exported to check their correctness using automatic certifiers. To use AProVE in software construction, we present a corresponding plug-in for the popular Eclipse software development environment

    Guided Unfoldings for Finding Loops in Standard Term Rewriting

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    In this paper, we reconsider the unfolding-based technique that we have introduced previously for detecting loops in standard term rewriting. We improve it by guiding the unfolding process, using distinguished positions in the rewrite rules. This results in a depth-first computation of the unfoldings, whereas the original technique was breadth-first. We have implemented this new approach in our tool NTI and compared it to the previous one on a bunch of rewrite systems. The results we get are promising (better times, more successful proofs).Comment: Pre-proceedings paper presented at the 28th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2018), Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 4-6 September 2018 (arXiv:1808.03326

    Proving termination through conditional termination

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    We present a constraint-based method for proving conditional termination of integer programs. Building on this, we construct a framework to prove (unconditional) program termination using a powerful mechanism to combine conditional termination proofs. Our key insight is that a conditional termination proof shows termination for a subset of program execution states which do not need to be considered in the remaining analysis. This facilitates more effective termination as well as non-termination analyses, and allows handling loops with different execution phases naturally. Moreover, our method can deal with sequences of loops compositionally. In an empirical evaluation, we show that our implementation VeryMax outperforms state-of-the-art tools on a range of standard benchmarks.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Efficient Algorithms for Asymptotic Bounds on Termination Time in VASS

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    Vector Addition Systems with States (VASS) provide a well-known and fundamental model for the analysis of concurrent processes, parameterized systems, and are also used as abstract models of programs in resource bound analysis. In this paper we study the problem of obtaining asymptotic bounds on the termination time of a given VASS. In particular, we focus on the practically important case of obtaining polynomial bounds on termination time. Our main contributions are as follows: First, we present a polynomial-time algorithm for deciding whether a given VASS has a linear asymptotic complexity. We also show that if the complexity of a VASS is not linear, it is at least quadratic. Second, we classify VASS according to quantitative properties of their cycles. We show that certain singularities in these properties are the key reason for non-polynomial asymptotic complexity of VASS. In absence of singularities, we show that the asymptotic complexity is always polynomial and of the form Θ(nk)\Theta(n^k), for some integer kdk\leq d, where dd is the dimension of the VASS. We present a polynomial-time algorithm computing the optimal kk. For general VASS, the same algorithm, which is based on a complete technique for the construction of ranking functions in VASS, produces a valid lower bound, i.e., a kk such that the termination complexity is Ω(nk)\Omega(n^k). Our results are based on new insights into the geometry of VASS dynamics, which hold the potential for further applicability to VASS analysis.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1708.0925

    Modular Termination for Second-Order Computation Rules and Application to Algebraic Effect Handlers

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    We present a new modular proof method of termination for second-order computation, and report its implementation SOL. The proof method is useful for proving termination of higher-order foundational calculi. To establish the method, we use a variation of semantic labelling translation and Blanqui's General Schema: a syntactic criterion of strong normalisation. As an application, we apply this method to show termination of a variant of call-by-push-value calculus with algebraic effects and effect handlers. We also show that our tool SOL is effective to solve higher-order termination problems.Comment: 27 page

    Datatype defining rewrite systems for naturals and integers

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    Automated Amortised Resource Analysis for Term Rewrite Systems

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    Based on earlier work on amortised resource analysis, we establish a novel automated amortised resource analysis for term rewrite systems. The method is presented in an inference system akin to a type system and gives rise to polynomial bounds on the innermost runtime complexity of the analysed term rewrite system. Our analysis does not restrict the input rewrite system in any way. This facilitates integration in a general framework for resource analysis of programs. In particular, we have implemented the method and integrated it into our tool TCT.(VLID)2581042Accepted versio

    From LCF to Isabelle/HOL

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    Interactive theorem provers have developed dramatically over the past four decades, from primitive beginnings to today's powerful systems. Here, we focus on Isabelle/HOL and its distinctive strengths. They include automatic proof search, borrowing techniques from the world of first order theorem proving, but also the automatic search for counterexamples. They include a highly readable structured language of proofs and a unique interactive development environment for editing live proof documents. Everything rests on the foundation conceived by Robin Milner for Edinburgh LCF: a proof kernel, using abstract types to ensure soundness and eliminate the need to store proofs. Compared with the research prototypes of the 1970s, Isabelle is a practical and versatile tool. It is used by system designers, mathematicians and many others