5 research outputs found

    Understanding Performance Variability on the Aries Dragonfly Network

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    This work evaluates performance variability in the Cray Aries dragonfly network and characterizes its impact on MPI Allreduce. The execution time of Allreduce is limited by the performance of the slowest participating process, which can vary by more than an order of magnitude. We utilize counters from the network routers to provide a better understanding of how competing workloads can influence performance. Specifically, we examine the relationships between message size, process counts, Aries counters and the Allreduce communication-Time. Our results suggest that competing traffic from other jobs can significantly impact performance on the Aries Dragonfly Network. Furthermore, we show that Aries network counters are a valuable tool, explaining up to 70% of the performance variability for our experiments on a large-scale production system

    A Visual Analytics Framework for Reviewing Streaming Performance Data

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    Understanding and tuning the performance of extreme-scale parallel computing systems demands a streaming approach due to the computational cost of applying offline algorithms to vast amounts of performance log data. Analyzing large streaming data is challenging because the rate of receiving data and limited time to comprehend data make it difficult for the analysts to sufficiently examine the data without missing important changes or patterns. To support streaming data analysis, we introduce a visual analytic framework comprising of three modules: data management, analysis, and interactive visualization. The data management module collects various computing and communication performance metrics from the monitored system using streaming data processing techniques and feeds the data to the other two modules. The analysis module automatically identifies important changes and patterns at the required latency. In particular, we introduce a set of online and progressive analysis methods for not only controlling the computational costs but also helping analysts better follow the critical aspects of the analysis results. Finally, the interactive visualization module provides the analysts with a coherent view of the changes and patterns in the continuously captured performance data. Through a multi-faceted case study on performance analysis of parallel discrete-event simulation, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework for identifying bottlenecks and locating outliers.Comment: This is the author's preprint version that will be published in Proceedings of IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium, 202

    Prediction of the impact of network switch utilization on application performance via active measurement

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    Although one of the key characteristics of High Performance Computing (HPC) infrastructures are their fast interconnecting networks, the increasingly large computational capacity of HPC nodes and the subsequent growth of data exchanges between them constitute a potential performance bottleneck. To achieve high performance in parallel executions despite network limitations, application developers require tools to measure their codes’ network utilization and to correlate the network’s communication capacity with the performance of their applications. This paper presents a new methodology to measure and understand network behavior. The approach is based in two different techniques that inject extra network communication. The first technique aims to measure the fraction of the network that is utilized by a software component (an application or an individual task) to determine the existence and severity of network contention. The second injects large amounts of network traffic to study how applications behave on less capable or fully utilized networks. The measurements obtained by these techniques are combined to predict the performance slowdown suffered by a particular software component when it shares the network with others. Predictions are obtained by considering several training sets that use raw data from the two measurement techniques. The sensitivity of the training set size is evaluated by considering 12 different scenarios. Our results find the optimum training set size to be around 200 training points. When optimal data sets are used, the proposed methodology provides predictions with an average error of 9.6% considering 36 scenarios.With the support of the Secretary for Universities and Research of the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia and the Cofund programme of the Marie Curie Actions of the 7th R&D Framework Programme of the European Union (Expedient 2013BP_B00243). The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s 7th FP (FP/2007-2013) /ERC GA n. 321253. Work partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (TIN2012-34557)Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft


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    As DRAM faces scaling issues as a high-density memory, emerging technologies are being explored as alternatives. One promising candidate is Resistive Memories (ReRAM), which is scalable, vertically stackable, and because of the possibility of integration with standard logic process, can deliver higher density as a main-memory solution. The key differentiator with this approach involves a ReRAM memory array that integrates directly with a logic processor underneath. In this research work, I explore ReRAM as a main-memory alternative at three levels of detail – at the device level, the physical-design level, and finally at the architecture level. I begin with an overview of ReRAM and compare with alternate technologies. I look at the physical design of the solution and present the results of area studies on integrating a VSCALE processor at the 45nm technology node with a ReRAM bit-cell array. The area study was performed based on parameters specified by my collaborators at Crossbar Inc. The results showed that the optimum operating point is at 50% array efficiency with a VSCALE processor, and that this configuration incurs an area penalty of 18%. Two of the key challenges for ReRAM with respect to DRAM performance include the higher write latency requirement (typically on the order of 1us) and the lower write endurance (typically less than 10^8 cycles). This compares with DRAM write-latency times of less than 30ns (depending on technology node and generation) and write endurance of more than 10^15 write cycles. In this research work, I explore the possibility of utilizing the ReRAM cell in an intermediate state between non-volatile state and threshold state, where I intentionally tradeoff the write energy for a much lower data retention. This allows the chip to more easily replace existing DRAM-like main memory applications, without requiring higher write programming current or accommodating for a longer write latency. I performed this evaluation both at the device-level and at the architecture level. At the device-level, I used UMD’s Nano-fab lab to construct a Metal-Oxide based ReRAM bitcells on which I characterized the relationship between data-retention and write current applied. My fabricated ReRAM was composed of Titanium-Oxide and Aluminum Oxide. I also confirmed the behavior of a mixed-volatility state where a formed filament relaxes over time to move to a high-resistance level. Based on my experimental measurements, operating in the mixed volatile state would reduce write energy by 10 to 100x, and thereby improve the write endurance. Finally, at the architecture-level, I used the Structural Simulation Toolkit (SST) to characterize a ReRAM-based main-memory system and compare with a DRAM-based one using our research group’s DRAMSIM3 tool. I also characterized the sensitivity of various architectural parameters (core-to-memory controller ratio, queue depth, NoC topology) on system performance on stream and gups-based graph benchmarks which indicated that the torus topology will provide reasonable performance. Impact of the number of parallel processors indicated that at low processor counts, DRAM outperforms ReRAM due to its faster memory latency. However, at high processor counts, ReRAM with its higher number of parallel connections is able to deliver higher system performance than DRAM