777 research outputs found

    A Review of Energy Management of Renewable Multisources in Industrial Microgrids

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    This review aims to consolidate recent advancements in power control within microgrids and multi-microgrids. It specifically focuses on analyzing the comparative benefits of various architectures concerning energy sharing and demand cost management. The paper provides a comprehensive technical analysis of different architectures found in existing literature, which are designed for energy management and demand cost optimization. In summary, this review paper provides a thorough examination of power control in microgrids and multi-microgrids and compares different architectural approaches for energy management and demand cost optimization

    Modeling and Controlling a Hybrid Multi-Agent based Microgrid in Presence of Different Physical and Cyber Components

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    This dissertation starts with modeling of two different and important parts of the distribution power systems, i.e. distribution line and photovoltaic (PV) systems. Firstly, it studies different approximation methods and develops a new approach for simplification of Carson\u27s equations to model distribution lines for unbalanced power flow and short circuit analysis. The results of applying the proposed method on a three-phase unbalanced distribution system are compared with different existing methods as well as actual impedance values obtained from numerical integration method. Then steady state modeling and optimal placing of multiple PV system are investigated in order to reduce the total loss in the system. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed method in minimizing the total loss in a distribution power system.;The dissertation starts the discussion about microgrid modeling and control by implementing a novel frequency control approach in a microgrid. This study has been carried out step by step by modeling different part of the power system and proposing different algorithms. Firstly, the application of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) accompanied with Energy Storage Systems (ESS) in a hybrid system is studied in the presence of Distributed Generation (DG) resources in Load Frequency Control (LFC) problem of microgrid power system with significant penetration of wind speed disturbances. The next step is to investigate the effect of PHEVs in modelling and controlling the microgid. Therefore, system with different penetrations of PHEVs and different stochastic behaviors of PHEVs is modeled. Different kinds of control approaches, including PI control as conventional method and proposed optimal LQR and dynamic programming methods, have been utilized and the results have been compared with each other. Then, Multi Agent System (MAS) is utilized as a control solution which contributes the cyber aspects of microgrid system. The modeled microgrid along with dynamic models of different components is implemented in a centralized multi-agent based structure. The robustness of the proposed controller has been tested against different frequency changes including cyber attack implications with different timing and severity. New attack detection through learning method is also proposed and tested. The results show improvement in frequency response of the microgrid system using the proposed control method and defense strategy against cyber attacks.;Finally, a new multi-agent based control method along with an advanced secondary voltage and frequency control using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Adaptive Dynamic Programming (ADP) is proposed and tested in the modeled microgrid considering nonlinear heterogeneous dynamic models of DGs. The results are shown and compared with conventional control approaches and different multi-agent structures. It is observed that the results are improved by using the new multi-agent structure and secondary control method.;In summary, contributions of this dissertation center in three main topics. Firstly, new accurate methods for modeling the distribution line impedance and PV system is developed. Then advanced control and defense strategy method for frequency regulation against cyber intrusions and load changes in a microgrid is proposed. Finally, a new hierarchical multi-agent based control algorithm is designed for secondary voltage and frequency control of the microgrid. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.)

    Multi-objective optimal power resources planning of microgrids with high penetration of intermittent nature generation and modern storage systems

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    Microgrids are self-controlled entities at the distribution voltage level that interconnect distributed energy resources (DERs) with loads and can be operated in either grid-connected or islanded mode. This type of active distribution network has evolved as a powerful concept to guarantee a reliable, efficient and sustainable electricity delivery as part of the power systems of the future. However, benefits of microgrids, such as the ancillary services (AS) provision, are not possible to be properly exploited before traditional planning methodologies are updated. Therefore, in this doctoral thesis, a named Probabilistic Multi-objective Microgrid Planning methodology with two versions, POMMP and POMMP2, is proposed for effective decision-making on the optimal allocation of DERs and topology definition under the paradigm of microgrids with capacity for providing AS to the main power grid. The methodologies are defined to consider a mixed generation matrix with dispatchable and non-dispatchable technologies, as well as, distributed energy storage systems and both conventional and power-electronic-based operation configurations. The planning methodologies are formulated based on a so-called true-multi-objective optimization problem with a configurable set of three objective functions. Accordingly, the capacity to supply AS is optimally enhanced with the maximization of the available active residual power in grid-connected operation mode; the capital, maintenance, and operation costs of microgrid are minimized, while the revenues from the services provision and participation on liberalized markets are maximized in a cost function; and the active power losses in microgrid´s operation are minimized. Furthermore, a probabilistic technique based on the simulation of parameters from their probabilistic density function and Monte Carlo Simulation is adopted to model the stochastic behavior of the non-dispatchable renewable generation resources and load demand as the main sources of uncertainties in the planning of microgrids. Additionally, POMMP2 methodology particularly enhances the proposal in POMMP by modifying the methodology and optimization model to consider the optimal planning of microgrid's topology with the allocation of DERs simultaneously. In this case, the concept of networked microgrid is contemplated, and a novel holistic approach is proposed to include a multilevel graph-partitioning technique and subsequent iterative heuristic optimization for the optimal formation of clusters in the topology planning and DERs allocation process. This microgrid planning problem leads to a complex non-convex mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problem with multiple contradictory objective functions, decision variables, and diverse constraint conditions. Accordingly, the optimization problem in the proposed POMMP/POMMP2 methodologies is conceived to be solved using multi-objective population-based metaheuristics, which gives rise to the adaptation and performance assessment of two existing optimization algorithms, the well-known Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGAII) and the Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Decomposition (MOEA/D). Furthermore, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is tested and proposed for the multi-criteria decision-making in the last step of the planning methodologies. The POMMP and POMMP2 methodologies are tested in a 69-bus and 37-bus medium voltage distribution network, respectively. Results show the benefits of an a posteriori decision making with the true-multi-objective approach as well as a time-dependent planning methodology. Furthermore, the results from a more comprehensive planning strategy in POMMP2 revealed the benefits of a holistic planning methodology, where different planning tasks are optimally and simultaneously addressed to offer better planning results.Las microrredes son entes autocontrolados que operan en media o baja tensión, interconectan REDs con las cargas y pueden ser operadas ya sea en modo conectado a la red o modo isla. Este tipo de red activa de distribución ha evolucionado como un concepto poderoso para garantizar un suministro de electricidad fiable, eficiente y sostenible como parte de los sistemas de energía del futuro. Sin embargo, para explotar los beneficios potenciales de las microrredes, tales como la prestación de servicios auxiliares (AS), primero es necesario formular apropiadas metodologías de planificación. En este sentido, en esta tesis doctoral, una metodología probabilística de planificación de microrredes con dos versiones, POMMP y POMMP2, es propuesta para la toma de decisiones efectiva en la asignación óptima de DERs y la definición de la topología de microrredes bajo el paradigma de una microrred con capacidad para proporcionar AS a la red principal. Las metodologías se definen para considerar una matriz de generación mixta con tecnologías despachables y no despachables, así como sistemas distribuidos para el almacenamiento de energía y la interconnección de recursos con o sin una interfaz basada en dispositivos de electrónica de potencia. Las metodologías de planificación se formulan sobre la base de un problema de optimización multiobjetivo verdadero con un conjunto configurable de tres funciones objetivo. Con estos se pretende optimizar la capacidad de suministro de AS con la maximización de la potencia activa residual disponible en modo conectado a la red; la minimización de los costos de capital, mantenimiento y funcionamiento de la microrred al tiempo que se maximizan los ingresos procedentes de la prestación de servicios y la participación en los mercados liberalizados; y la minimización de las pérdidas de energía activa en el funcionamiento de la microrred. Además, se adopta una técnica probabilística basada en la simulación de parámetros a partir de la función de densidad de probabilidad y el método de Monte Carlo para modelar el comportamiento estocástico de los recursos de generación renovable no despachables. Adicionalmente,la POMMP2 mejora la propuesta de POMMP modificando la metodología y el modelo de optimización para considerar simultáneamente la planificación óptima de la topología de la microrred con la asignación de DERs. Así pues, se considera el concepto de microrredes interconectadas en red y se propone un novedoso enfoque holístico que incluye una técnica de partición de gráficos multinivel y optimización iterativa heurística para la formación óptima de clusters para el planeamiento de la topología y asignación de DERs. Este problema de planificación de microrredes da lugar a un complejo problema de optimización mixto, no lineal, no convexos y con múltiples funciones objetivo contradictorias, variables de decisión y diversas condiciones de restricción. Por consiguiente, el problema de optimización en las metodologías POMMP/POMMP2 se concibe para ser resuelto utilizando técnicas multiobjetivo de optimización metaheurísticas basadas en población, lo cual da lugar a la adaptación y evaluación del rendimiento de dos algoritmos de optimización existentes, el conocido Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGAII) y el Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Decomposition (MOEA/D). Además, se ha probado y propuesto el uso de la técnica de proceso analítico jerárquico (AHP) para la toma de decisiones multicriterio en el último paso de las metodologías de planificación. Las metodologías POMMP/POMMP2 son probadas en una red de distribución de media tensión de 69 y 37 buses, respectivamente. Los resultados muestran los beneficios de la toma de decisiones a posteriori con el enfoque de optimización multiobjetivo verdadero, así como una metodología de planificación dependiente del tiempo. Además, los resultados de la estrategia de planificación con POMMP2 revelan los beneficios de una metodología de planificación holística, en la que las diferentes tareas de planificación se abordan de manera óptima y simultánea para ofrecer mejores resultados de planificación.Línea de investigación: Planificación de redes inteligentes We thank to the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation - Colciencias, Colombia, for the granted National Doctoral funding program - 647Doctorad

    Interactive Multi-level planning for energy management in clustered microgrids considering flexible demands

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    This paper presents a novel interactive multi-level planning strategy for the energy management of distribution networks with clustered microgrids (CMGs). CMGs are a group of microgrids with multiple renewable energy resources that comprise various technologies, such as photovoltaic systems, wind turbines, micro turbines and electric vehicles. This study develops an innovative multi-level optimization framework for the energy management coordination between microgrids and CMGs in the lower level, between clusters and distribution systems, and finally between distribution systems and upstream networks in the upper level. Accordingly, an hourly optimal energy management (HOEM) system is applied to minimize the multi-objective objective function for each level. The lower level may be operated in islanded or grid-connected mode in some hours. This is decided by changing switches between MGs, clusters, and grids, while the upper level is only operated in the grid-connected mode. Moreover, a demand response program that has a great effect on the hourly planning of switches is modeled in the upper level. The proposed model is tested on CMGs and actual distribution systems. The results show the significance of this planning strategy in the techno-economic aspects and optimal power transaction in the distribution system operation.© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    A Review of Energy Management Systems and Organizational Structures of Prosumers

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    Thisreviewprovidesthestateoftheartofenergymanagementsystems(EMS)and organizationalstructuresofprosumers.Integrationofrenewableenergysources(RES)intothe householdbringsnewchallengesinoptimaloperation,powerquality,participationintheelectricity marketandpowersystemstability.AcommonsolutiontothesechallengesistodevelopanEMSwith differentprosumerorganizationalstructures.EMSdevelopmentisamultidisciplinaryprocessthat needstoinvolveseveralaspectsofobservation.Thispaperprovidesanoverviewoftheprosumer organizationalandcontrolstructures,typesandelements,predictionmethodsofinputparameters, optimizationframeworks,optimizationmethods,objectivefunctions,constraintsandthemarket environment.Specialattentionisgiventotheoptimizationframeworkandpredictionofinput parameters,whichrepresentsroomforimprovement,thatmitigatetheimpactofuncertainties associatedwithRES-basedgeneration,consumptionandmarketpricesonoptimaloperation.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::7 - Energia Assequible i No Contaminant::7.2 - Per a 2030, augmentar substancialment el percentatge d’energia renovable en el con­junt de fonts d’energiaObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::7 - Energia Assequible i No Contaminant::7.a - Per a 2030, augmentar la cooperació internacional per tal de facilitar l’accés a la investigació i a les tecnolo­gies energètiques no contaminants, incloses les fonts d’energia renovables, l’eficiència energètica i les tecnologies de combustibles fòssils avançades i menys contaminants, i promoure la inversió en infraestructures energètiques i tecnologies d’energia no contaminantObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::7 - Energia Assequible i No ContaminantPostprint (published version

    Economic and regulatory uncertainty in renewable energy system design: a review

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    Renewable energy is increasingly mobilizing more investment around the globe. However, there has been little attention to evaluating economic and regulatory (E&R) uncertainties, despite their enormous impact on the project cashflows. Consequently, this review analyzes, classifies, and discusses 130 articles dealing with the design of renewable energy projects under E&R uncertainties. After performing a survey and identifying the selected manuscripts, and the few previous reviews on the matter, the following innovative categorization is designed: sources of uncertainty, uncertainty characterization methods, problem formulations, solution methods, and regulatory frameworks. The classification reveals that electricity price is the most considered source of uncertainty, often alone, despite the existence of six other equally influential groups of E&R uncertainties. In addition, real options and optimization arise as the two main approaches researchers use to solve problems in energy system design. Subsequently, the following aspects of interest are discussed in depth: how modeling can be improved, which are the most influential variables, and potential lines of research. Conclusions show the necessity of modeling E&R uncertainties with currently underrepresented methods, suggest several policy recommendations, and encourage the integration of prevailing approaches.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::7 - Energia Assequible i No Contaminant::7.2 - Per a 2030, augmentar substancialment el percentatge d’energia renovable en el con­junt de fonts d’energiaObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::7 - Energia Assequible i No ContaminantPostprint (published version

    Secondary frequency stochastic optimal control in independent microgrids with virtual synchronous generator-controlled energy storage systems

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    With the increasing proportion of renewable energy in microgrids (MGs), its stochastic fluctuation of output power has posed challenges to system safety and operation, especially frequency stability. Virtual synchronous generator (VSG) technology, as one effective method, was used to smoothen frequency fluctuation and improve the system’s dynamic performance, which can simulate the inertia and damping of the traditional synchronous generator. This study outlines the integration of VSG-controlled energy storage systems (ESSs) and traditional synchronous generators so they jointly participate in secondary frequency regulation in an independent MG. Firstly, a new uncertain state-space model for secondary frequency control is established, considering the measurement noises and modelling error. Then, an improved linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) controller is designed based on stochastic optimal control theory, in which the dynamic performance index weighting matrices are optimized by combining loop transfer recovery (LTR) technology and the distribution estimation algorithm. On the issue of secondary frequency devices’ output power allocation, the dynamic participation factors based on the ESS’s current state of charge (SOC) are proposed to prevent the batteries’ overcharging and overdischarging problems. The energy storage devices’ service life can be prolonged and OPEX (operational expenditure) decreased. Multiple experimental scenarios with real parameters of MGs are employed to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm. The results show that, compared with the lead-compensated-proportional-integral-derivative (LC-PID) control and robust μ-control algorithms, the proposed stochastic optimal control method has a faster dynamic response and is more robust, and the fluctuations from renewable energy and power loads can be smoothened more effectively

    Local energy trading for microgrids:Modeling human behavior, uncertainty and grid constraints

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    Electricity is one of the major drivers of today’s society and its rapid development, however, it also significantly contributes to the ongoing global warming. To reduce its impact, the energy transition aims to change the electricity production by switching from fossil fuels to more renewable and sustainable energy sources. In adition, the energy transition also addresses required changes in the heating and mobility sector.These changes have a significant impact on the electricity system, and an intelligent (active) management of the electricity production and consumption is required. Throughout the last years, many approaches have been proposed to manage production and consumption. At the core of this thesis, we focus on three different aspects of such approaches.1: We consider and analyze the impact of human behavior on the outcome of a local electricity market. Due to the direct participation of households, the question arises how human preferences and behavior affect the outcome of the market. Therefore, we translate a behavioral model from social science into a multi-objective optimization problem, which uses the personal preferences and motives of households and creates tailor-made bidcurves. We analyze the results on an household and the market level to derive implications for future maket design.2: The shift in electricity production leads to increased uncertainties in the future energy system. To deal with such uncertainties, we focus on a joint energy management of a neighborhood. We apply ideas and techniques from robust optimization to deal with the uncertainty, and mainly focus on an approach combining static robust optimization with a rolling horizon framework. Hereby, we generalize the rolling horizon by allowing more flexible starting time slots and compare and analyze two such generalized rolling horizon versions.3: The increased peaks due to the additional production and generation pose a serious burden to the current electricity grid. To ensure a safe operation, we focus on grid constraints in the context of a real-time control approach, which implements day-ahead and intraday market solutions. We use the planned solutions to guide the real-time decisions, and identify an interesting connection between day-ahead operations and their real-time realization