475,614 research outputs found

    Analyzing Key Factors of Human Resources Management

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    This study presents the application of an unsupervised neural projection model for the analysis of Human Resources (HR) from a Knowledge Management (KM) standpoint. This work examines the critical role that the acquisition and retention of specialized employees play in Hi-tech companies, particularly following the configuration approach of Strategic HR Management. From the projections obtained through the connectionist models, experts in the field may extract conclusions related to some key factors of the HR Management. One of the main goals is to deploy improvement and efficiency actions in the implantation and execution of the HR practices in firms. The proposal is validated by means of an empirical study on a real case study related to the Spanish Hi-tech sector


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    The key objective of the scientific research paper is to identify the key factors of knowledge management that have a direct impact on the economic growth of the national economy within the framework of the European Union. Analyzing named variables through the implementation of primary research in the insurance sector (insurance companies) to create a model of competitiveness in terms of the knowledge economy based on the above research and proven hypotheses in research conducted. Through the analysis of the results is necessary to determine the most important groups of variables that affect the economic growth and competitive advantage. Setting the research is based on three key variables: education, knowledge and human resources. By analyzing the results of research will be determined statistically significant association between elements of the aforementioned variables, and will analyze the mutual influence of key variables on the competitive advantage of the observed insurance companies.Keywords: management, education, knowledge, insurance, Croatia </p


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    The key objective of the scientific research paper is to identify the key factors of knowledge management that have a direct impact on the economic growth of the national economy within the framework of the European Union. Analyzing named variables through the implementation of primary research in the insurance sector (insurance companies) to create a model of competitiveness in terms of the knowledge economy based on the above research and proven hypotheses in research conducted. Through the analysis of the results is necessary to determine the most important groups of variables that affect the economic growth and competitive advantage. Setting the research is based on three key variables: education, knowledge and human resources. By analyzing the results of research will be determined statistically significant association between elements of the aforementioned variables, and will analyze the mutual influence of key variables on the competitive advantage of the observed insurance companies

    Integrating human capital into corporate strategic performance management Practical challenges and implications from the leader’s perspective = A humán tőke beépítése a szervezeti stratégiai teljesítménymenedzsmentbe Kihívások és gyakorlati következmények a vezető szempontjából

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    The increasing role of intellectual capital – and its key component, human capital – in corporate value creation has been one of the most discussed topics in performance management studies in the last three decades. Many scholars and practitioners agree that these critical intangible strategic resources must be monitored and effectively managed at the firm in order to achieve corporate performance targets and execute strategy successfully. Integrating human capital into the strategic performance management system is not a simple exercise though as various organizational factors must be managed consciously on the way. This longitudinal case study research is focusing on the role of leadership on how human capital is integrated to strategic performance management, by analyzing various data at a leading financial service provider for more than 10 years. During this period the senior leadership was changed, which had a significant impact on both the perceived importance of human capital as well as the way how it was integrated to strategic performance management at the specific organization. ------ Az intellektuális tőke – valamint az annak kulcselemét jelentő humán tőke – a vállalati értékteremtésben betöltött megnövekedett szerepének kérdése az elmúlt 30 év teljesítménymenedzsment-szakirodalmának egyik leggyakrabban tárgyalt témaköre. Számos kutató és gyakorlati szakember egyetért abban, hogy ezeknek a kulcsfontosságú nem tárgyiasult stratégiai erőforrásoknak a mérése és hatékony menedzsmentje kulcsfontosságú mind a vállalati teljesítménycélok elérése, mind pedig a stratégia sikeres megvalósítása szempontjából. A humán tőke stratégiai teljesítménymenedzsment-rendszerbe való beépítése azonban korántsem egyszerű feladat, hiszen számos szervezeti kihívással kell számolni a megvalósítás során. Ennek a 10 éves longitudinális esettanulmány-kutatásnak a fő fókusza annak vizsgálata, hogy miképpen hat a felső vezető vezetési stílusa a fenti kérdésre egy hazai piacvezető pénzügyi szolgáltató esetében. A kutatási időszak során a felső vezetők cserélődtek a vizsgált szervezetben, ami szignifikánsan befolyásolta mind a humán tőke észlelt fontosságát, valamint annak megjelenését a stratégiai teljesítménymenedzsment-rendszerben is

    Study of Relationship between Time Overrun and Productivity on Construction Sites

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    The history of the construction industry worldwide is full of projects that were completed with significant time and cost overruns. In an attempt to reverse this trend, this study aims at establishing the relationship between time overrun and labour productivity on construction sites in Lagos, Nigeria. 43 technical and management staff of some medium and large construction firms based in Lagos, Nigeria were sampled and administered a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire contained 18 causes of project time overrun and 14 causes of low labour productivity which had been identified from the literature reviewed. With these a relationship between project time overrun and low labour productivity was established. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used in analyzing the data. Results indicate that inadequate funds for the project, inadequate planning before project takeoff, inadequate tools and equipment and delay in delivery of material top the list of major causes of time overrun while the use of wrong construction methods, inadequate construction materials and inaccurate drawing/specification are the key factors causing low labour productivity on construction sites. Significant negative relationship was found between time overrun and labour productivity in construction sites in Nigeria. The study concludes by recommending that early appointment of project managers could ensure proper management of both the human and material resources that could guarantee improved productivity and ultimately save projects from time overrun

    Modelling the Product Development performance of Colombian Companies

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    Organised by: Cranfield UniversityThis paper presents the general model of the Product Development Process (PDP) in the Metal mechanics Industry in Barranquilla-Colombia, since this sector contributes significantly to the productivity of this industrial city. This case study counted on a five-company sample. The main goal was to model the current conditions of the PDP according to the Concurrent Engineering philosophy. The companies were selected according to their productive profile, in order to contrast differences regarding the structure of their productive processes, conformation of multidisciplinary teams, integration of different areas, customers and suppliers to the PDP; human resources, information, technology and marketing constraints.Mori Seiki – The Machine Tool Compan

    Non-Monetary Motivation in the Nonprofit Sector

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    The nonprofit industry is currently in a state of flux. With the shifting dynamics of generations entering and leaving the workforce and the high turnover rates of volunteers, there is an increasing need for organizations to adjust current practices to hold on to skilled workers. This cannot be accomplished unless organizations make an effort toward sustainable motivational practices that train and retain their workers. This paper examines motivation strategies and how they can presently be seen in the nonprofit sector. There are also several practical applications of these motivational theories, referred to as motivational strategies, which will be presented. Special consideration is given to the importance of the human resource department in fostering a culture of motivation