50 research outputs found

    Identificación de atributos para la construcción de un modelo de gestión del diseño desde la perspectiva de la consultoría estratégica, aplicable en las pymes del sector del cuero, calzado y marroquinería del Valle del Cauca, Colombia

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    Las PyMes manufactureras se caracterizan por sus bajos niveles de competitividad, determinado por su vulnerabilidad a los cambios sociales, políticos y tecnológicos, su débil estructura financiera, la poca previsión de futuros escenarios de mercado y generalmente su know how se centra en la fabricación de grandes volúmenes a bajos costos, lo cual converge en la reducida capacidad de diferenciación de producto y/o servicio basados en la innovación, este panorama hace necesario que el sector responda a diversos propósitos generando así un escenario complejo. Con el propósito de aumentar los niveles de competitividad de las pymes, el estudio tiene como objetivo desarrollar un modelo de consultoría estratégica en diseño para las pymes de producto terminado del sector del cuero, calzado y marroquinería de la ciudad de Santiago de Cali. En este sentido, se aborda la competitividad, las características de las pymes en los procesos de innovación, la externalización de procesos, la consultoría estratégica y la diferenciación de producto a través de la gestión del diseño. Se implementó una metodología mixta compuesta por una fase de revisión sistemática de literatura en búsqueda de asociaciones entre los conceptos de competitividad, Pymes, innovación, gestión del diseño, consultoría estratégica y outsourcing, en la segunda fase, estos conceptos pasan a determinar los ejes temáticos del instrumento de investigación cualitativo denominado entrevistas semiestructurada el cual se aplica a una muestra por conveniencia conformada por 8 Pymes (5 son de calzado para mujer, 3 para hombre) y un grupo de 3 expertos. Dentro de los resultados más relevantes se encontró que los atributos que permiten construir un modelo de consultoría se agrupan en tres grandes aspectos: en primer lugar aquellos que caracterizan la organización a partir de sus dinámicas específicas (capacidad productiva, temporadas de fabricación y venta), en segundo lugar, los que analizan la relación entre la toma de decisiones tácticas y estratégicas (estructura organizacional) y en tercer lugar los que permiten medir la capacidad de diferenciación (relación entre factores exógenos y endógenos). Con estos resultados se construye una propuesta de modelo de consultoría desde la perspectiva estratégica.//Abstract: Manufacturing SMEs are characterized by their low levels of competitiveness, determined by their vulnerability to social, political and technological changes, their weak financial structure, the lack of foresight of future market scenarios and generally their know-how is focused on the manufacture of large volumes at low costs, which converge in the reduced capacity of differentiation of product and / or service based on innovation, this scenario makes it necessary for the sector to respond to diverse purposes, thus generating a complex scenario. With the purpose of increasing the competitiveness levels of SMEs, the study aims to develop a model of strategic consultancy in design for SMEs of finished products in the leather, footwear and leather goods sector of the city of Santiago de Cali. In this sense, competitiveness is addressed, the characteristics of SMEs in innovation processes, process outsourcing, strategic consulting and product differentiation through design management. A mixed methodology composed of a phase of systematic review of literature in search of associations between the concepts of competitiveness, innovation, design management, strategic consulting and outsourcing was implemented, in the second phase, these concepts go on to determine the thematic axes of the instrument qualitative research called semi-structured interviews which is applied to a convenience sample consisting of 8 SMEs (5 are shoes for women, 3 for men) and a group of 3 experts. Among the most relevant results, it was found that the attributes that allow building a consulting model are grouped into three main aspects: first, those that characterize the organization based on its specific dynamics (production capacity, manufacturing and sales seasons), second, those that analyze the relationship between tactical and strategic decision making (organizational structure) and thirdly, those that allow measuring the capacity for differentiation (relationship between exogenous and endogenous factors). With these results, a proposal for a consulting model is built from a strategic perspective.Maestrí

    StratIT – A Framework Describing the Contents of IT Strategies. Background and Approach

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    Until today no consensus has been found regarding the contents of IT strategies. This results in uncer-tainty when formulating the topical areas of IT strategy documents. The Special Interest Group (SIG) “Strate¬gisches Informationsmanagement (SIM)” (Strategic Information Management) of the “Gesellschaft für Informatik” (German Informatics Society)” addresses this gap by developing a framework that defines generic perspectives, domains, and elements of an IT strategy. Within the group, researchers and practi¬tioners bundle their insights and experiences in the development of the framework named “StratIT”. We report on the current status of work and develop a structured basis for discussion. In addition, we de¬scribe the methodical and scientific foundations and the “modus operandi” of the SIG. Our intent is to communicate the perceived problem, our approach, and the developed artifact to an international audi¬ence, to get feedback and also to exchange ideas

    Deriving a Research Agenda for the Management of Multisourcing Relationships Based on a Literature Review

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    There has been considerable development in Information Technology (IT) outsourcing during the last two decades. Nowadays, practitioner-related as well as scholarly literature have identified multisourcing as an emerging key strategy. Multisourcing is described as the blending of services from multiple internal and external vendors. Especially in the case of multisourcing the management of relationships is complex. For a certain field of research it is important to have an overview of the existing literature and a common understanding of basic terms. In this article we identify and analyze the body of knowledge in the area of managing multisourcing relationships. We hence conduct a structured literature review based upon an established literature review framework. It can be observed that the current literature lacks depth in terms of management of multisourcing relationships and that only a few articles cover the aspects of multisourcing in detail. Particularly regarding performance management, governance and knowledge management of multisourcing relationships we propose further research. We subsequently deduce a detailed research agenda for future research options


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    Problems and challenges with information technology and information systems (IT/IS) outsourcing often do not relate to the strategic level, but to the operational level. Especially organizations with little experience with larger IT/IS outsourcing programs face operational problems with the steering of external outsourcing providers. In this paper, we propose a reference framework that structures the required processes for an effective steering of IT/IS outsourcing relationships. The research is based on the design science paradigm in information systems research. In a first step, we derive a framework from related literature and knowledge in this particular area. We then use extensive fieldwork to evaluate our framework and to develop it further. The suggested framework proves to be a viable instrument to support the structured analysis of current processes and the definition of suitable target processes for the steering of IT/IS outsourcing programs. This paper‟s primary contribution therefore lies in providing an applicable instrument for practitioners, as well as in extending the existing body of knowledge on IT/IS outsourcing

    A Conceptual Model for Bidirectional Service, Information and Product Quality in an IS Outsourcing Collaboration Environment

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    This paper advances theory on the process of collaboration between entities and its implications on the quality of services, information, and/or products (SIPs) that the collaborating entities provide to each other. It investigates the scenario of outsourced IS projects (such as custom software development) where the extent of collaboration between a client and vendor is high. Using the social exchange theory, the proposed conceptual model tries to establish the "bidirectional" nature of SIP quality in a collaborative environment, where the SIPs exchanged are possibly "dependent" on each other, and if any entity wishes to receive high SIP quality then it should make efforts to provide high SIP quality in return too. Furthermore, it advocates increasing efforts to link financial stakes (tangible or intangible monetary benefits or risks) to the quality of SIP being continuously exchanged throughout the project lifecycle

    StratIT– Ein Rahmenwerk zu den Inhalten von ITStrategien. Grundlegung und methodische Fundierung

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    Bis heute ist kein Konsens über die Inhalte von IT-Strategien vorhan-den. Daraus folgt eine gewisse Unsicherheit, wenn es gilt, die Themenbereiche einer IT-Strategie festzulegen. Dieser Missstand soll durch den Entwurf eines Rahmenwerks/Frameworks behoben werden. Die Fachgruppe Strategisches In-formationsmanagement der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI-Fachgruppe SIM) hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, ein entsprechendes Rahmenwerk zu entwickeln. Dieses dient dazu, die Erstellung von IT-Strategien zu unterstützen. Der vorlie-gende Beitrag beschreibt den aktuellen Stand der Arbeit und zeigt im Sinne einer Diskussionsgrundlage auf, in welche thematischen Perspektiven, Domä-nen und Elemente sich IT-Strategien gliedern lassen. Darüber hinaus werden die methodische und wissenschaftstheoretische Fundierung sowie der „modus operandi“ der Arbeitsgruppe beschrieben. Das Rahmenwerk „StratIT“ entsteht in Zusammenarbeit von Forschern und Praktikern

    Production costs, scope economies, and multi-client outsourcing under quantity competition

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    Two game models are developed based on production costs and scope economies to investigate the widely observed multi-client outsourcing (MCO) phenomenon. Analytical results demonstrate that outsourcers’ high in-house production costs and the advantage of scope economies motivate firms to outsource collectively to an independent vendor. Under certain conditions, if both firms make their outsourcing decisions simultaneously, collective outsourcing is one of the two equilibria; if both firms make decisions sequentially, collective outsourcing becomes the unique equilibrium. Furthermore, the comparative statics of the critical degree of scope economies are examined for the occurrence of MCO with regard to diverse market parameters. Finally, it is proved that market prices decrease as the degree of scope economies increases when MCO occurs. This research helps explain some widely observed phenomena such as malls, supply chain cities, and the China price

    Analyzing IT Outscoring Relationships as Alliances among Multiple Clients and Vendors

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    As the business environment become more uncertain and competitive, many organizations are seeking ways to gain economic efficiency and share in business and technology risk. Despite wide differences in the reference disciplines applied to outsourcing research, the vast majority of it assumes a one-to-one relationship between the client and the outsourcing vendor. This paper examines the economic, strategic, and organizational issues involved in IT outsourcing when more complex arrangements are considered - such as multi-vendor alliances, co-sourcing, and complex multi-vendor, multi-client relationships. In this paper, we identify a taxonomy of four classes of outsourcing relationships (based on how many clients and vendors are involved in the outsourcing relationship, and illustrate each with recent business examples. Grounded in this taxonomy, we develop a theoretical framework that identifies both enabling and constraining forces that may influence client firms in choosing among the four types of outsourcing relationships. This paper provides insights regarding how the variations in the nature of these outsourcing relationships may shape the benefits and risks be achieved from outsourcing, as well as the ongoing complexity of managing outsourcing relationships.Information Systems Working Papers Serie