130,023 research outputs found

    Analyzing the Response of Learners to Use Kahoot as Gamification of Learning Physics

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    This study aims to investigate the response of learners to use Kahoot as a gamification of learning. Kahoot is available for free applications, and this platform can be used in gamification based learning. Kahoot allows educators to make games based on quizzed, surveys, and other things related. Kahoot can be accessed using a smartphone-based on android and ios as well as through a computer with address www.kahoot.it. The method used in this research is descriptive method qualitative data support the results of analyzing the response of pesetas learners. This research was conducted in SMP Tunas Bangsa, West Jakarta learner class VII, with several 16 students. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire. Instrument used validated using product moment formula and reliability using the formula KR-20. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, we can conclude that the response of learners in the use Kahoot as gamification of learning that is in the select category with an average overall score obtained is 87.28%

    Coherence, engagement, and usefulness as sensemaking criteria in participatory media practice

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    When skilled practitioners create media artifacts such as web pages, newspaper articles, videos, or business presentations, they are engaging in a pursuit which has consequences for the people who will interact with those artifacts. The juncture of practice, artifact, and consequences involves diverse normative considerations. We have summarized these into three criteria: coherence, engagement, and usefulness. In this paper we report on initial progress to develop a method for assessing these criteria in a particular form of skilled real-time media practice

    5th Annual Progress Reporting and Coordination Meeting on CCAFS Projects and Regional Activities in Southeast Asia

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    The proceedings document the results of the 5th Annual Progress Reporting and Coordination Meeting on CCAFS Projects and Regional Activities in Southeast Asia. The report tackles the progress of activities in the CSV sites and on CCAFS project implementation in 2019; the significant outputs and outcomes of FP/CSV implementation; and the knowledge, learning, and experiences across projects

    Coaching-Based Leadership Intervention Program: A Controlled Trial Study

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    In spite of the potential benefits that coaching-based leadership interventions can bring to organizations, basic questions remain about their impact on developing coaching skills and increasing psychological capital (PsyCap), work engagement and in- and extra-role performance. In a controlled trial study, 41 executives and middle managers (25 in the experimental group and 16 in the waiting-list control group) from an automotive sector company in Spain received pre-assessment feedback, a coaching-based leadership group workshop, and three individual executive coaching sessions over a period of 3 months. The intervention program used a strengths-based approach and the RE-GROW model, and it was conducted by executive coaching psychologists external to the organization. Participants (N = 41) and their supervisors (N = 41) and employees (N = 180) took part in a pre-post-follow up 360-degree assessment during the research period. Quantitative data were analyzed using Analyses of Variance (ANOVA) with a 2 2 design, paired-samples t-tests, and univariate analyses between groups. Results indicated that the intervention program was successful in increasing the participants’ coaching-based leadership skills, PsyCap, work engagement, and in- and extrarole performance. Qualitative measures were also applied, and results from individual responses provided additional support for the study hypotheses. Regarding practical implications, the results suggest that the Coaching-based Leadership Intervention Program can be valuable as an applied positive intervention to help leaders develop coaching skills and enhance well-being and optimal functioning in organizations

    Student Engagement in a Team-Based Capstone Course: A Comparison of What Students Do and What Instructors Value

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    Student engagement is an important consideration across all levels of education. The adoption of student-centered teaching methods is an effective way to increase student engagement. Student engagement is at risk when instructor expectations and student participation in purposeful engagement activities are not aligned. Traditionally, student engagement is measured at the institutional level, which proves less than useful to instructors who wish to gauge engagement in specific courses in higher education. In this study, we sought to determine classroom level engagement in a capstone farm management course recently converted to the team-based learning format by comparing student perceptions regarding participation in engagement-specific activities with the instructors’ perceived importance of those same activities. The Classroom-Level Survey of Student Engagement (CLASSE) was utilized to collect student participation and instructor importance data. Data were examined utilizing a 2x2 quadrant analysis. Congruence between student participation frequency and instructor importance was found between 73.7% of the educational activities, while discrepancies were found on 26.3% of educational activities. Overall, students who completed the team-based learning-structured farm management course were physically and psychologically engaged in the learning environment. It is recommended that team-based learning be implemented in other courses within agricultural education to examine its utility in other contexts
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