943 research outputs found

    Big data analytics: a predictive analysis applied to cybersecurity in a financial organization

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    Project Work presented as partial requirement for obtaining the Master’s degree in Information Management, with a specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceWith the generalization of the internet access, cyber attacks have registered an alarming growth in frequency and severity of damages, along with the awareness of organizations with heavy investments in cybersecurity, such as in the financial sector. This work is focused on an organization’s financial service that operates on the international markets in the payment systems industry. The objective was to develop a predictive framework solution responsible for threat detection to support the security team to open investigations on intrusive server requests, over the exponentially growing log events collected by the SIEM from the Apache Web Servers for the financial service. A Big Data framework, using Hadoop and Spark, was developed to perform classification tasks over the financial service requests, using Neural Networks, Logistic Regression, SVM, and Random Forests algorithms, while handling the training of the imbalance dataset through BEV. The main conclusions over the analysis conducted, registered the best scoring performances for the Random Forests classifier using all the preprocessed features available. Using the all the available worker nodes with a balanced configuration of the Spark executors, the most performant elapsed times for loading and preprocessing of the data were achieved using the column-oriented ORC with native format, while the row-oriented CSV format performed the best for the training of the classifiers.Com a generalização do acesso à internet, os ciberataques registaram um crescimento alarmante em frequência e severidade de danos causados, a par da consciencialização das organizações, com elevados investimentos em cibersegurança, como no setor financeiro. Este trabalho focou-se no serviço financeiro de uma organização que opera nos mercados internacionais da indústria de sistemas de pagamento. O objetivo consistiu no desenvolvimento uma solução preditiva responsável pela detecção de ameaças, por forma a dar suporte à equipa de segurança na abertura de investigações sobre pedidos intrusivos no servidor, relativamente aos exponencialmente crescentes eventos de log coletados pelo SIEM, referentes aos Apache Web Servers, para o serviço financeiro. Uma solução de Big Data, usando Hadoop e Spark, foi desenvolvida com o objectivo de executar tarefas de classificação sobre os pedidos do serviço financeiros, usando os algoritmos Neural Networks, Logistic Regression, SVM e Random Forests, solucionando os problemas associados ao treino de um dataset desequilibrado através de BEV. As principais conclusões sobre as análises realizadas registaram os melhores resultados de classificação usando o algoritmo Random Forests com todas as variáveis pré-processadas disponíveis. Usando todos os nós do cluster e uma configuração balanceada dos executores do Spark, os melhores tempos para carregar e pré-processar os dados foram obtidos usando o formato colunar ORC nativo, enquanto o formato CSV, orientado a linhas, apresentou os melhores tempos para o treino dos classificadores

    Security analytics of large scale streaming data

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    Towards Large-Scale, Heterogeneous Anomaly Detection Systems in Industrial Networks: A Survey of Current Trends

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    Industrial Networks (INs) are widespread environments where heterogeneous devices collaborate to control and monitor physical processes. Some of the controlled processes belong to Critical Infrastructures (CIs), and, as such, IN protection is an active research field. Among different types of security solutions, IN Anomaly Detection Systems (ADSs) have received wide attention from the scientific community.While INs have grown in size and in complexity, requiring the development of novel, Big Data solutions for data processing, IN ADSs have not evolved at the same pace. In parallel, the development of BigData frameworks such asHadoop or Spark has led the way for applying Big Data Analytics to the field of cyber-security,mainly focusing on the Information Technology (IT) domain. However, due to the particularities of INs, it is not feasible to directly apply IT security mechanisms in INs, as IN ADSs face unique characteristics. In this work we introduce three main contributions. First, we survey the area of Big Data ADSs that could be applicable to INs and compare the surveyed works. Second, we develop a novel taxonomy to classify existing INbased ADSs. And, finally, we present a discussion of open problems in the field of Big Data ADSs for INs that can lead to further development

    A Survey on Big Data for Network Traffic Monitoring and Analysis

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    Network Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (NTMA) represents a key component for network management, especially to guarantee the correct operation of large-scale networks such as the Internet. As the complexity of Internet services and the volume of traffic continue to increase, it becomes difficult to design scalable NTMA applications. Applications such as traffic classification and policing require real-time and scalable approaches. Anomaly detection and security mechanisms require to quickly identify and react to unpredictable events while processing millions of heterogeneous events. At last, the system has to collect, store, and process massive sets of historical data for post-mortem analysis. Those are precisely the challenges faced by general big data approaches: Volume, Velocity, Variety, and Veracity. This survey brings together NTMA and big data. We catalog previous work on NTMA that adopt big data approaches to understand to what extent the potential of big data is being explored in NTMA. This survey mainly focuses on approaches and technologies to manage the big NTMA data, additionally briefly discussing big data analytics (e.g., machine learning) for the sake of NTMA. Finally, we provide guidelines for future work, discussing lessons learned, and research directions

    Big Data Now, 2015 Edition

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    Now in its fifth year, O’Reilly’s annual Big Data Now report recaps the trends, tools, applications, and forecasts we’ve talked about over the past year. For 2015, we’ve included a collection of blog posts, authored by leading thinkers and experts in the field, that reflect a unique set of themes we’ve identified as gaining significant attention and traction. Our list of 2015 topics include: Data-driven cultures Data science Data pipelines Big data architecture and infrastructure The Internet of Things and real time Applications of big data Security, ethics, and governance Is your organization on the right track? Get a hold of this free report now and stay in tune with the latest significant developments in big data

    Log File Analysis in Cloud with Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark

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    Proceedings of: Second International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2015). Krakow (Poland), September 10-11, 2015.Log files are a very important set of data that can lead to useful information through proper analysis. Due to the high production rate and the number of devices and software that generate logs, the use of cloud services for log analysis is almost necessary. This paper reviews the cloud computational framework ApacheTM Hadoop R, highlights the differences and similarities between Hadoop MapReduce and Apache SparkTM and evaluates the performance of them. Log file analysis applications were developed in both frameworks and performed SQL-type queries in real Apache Web Server log files. Various measurements were taken for each application and query with different parameters in order to extract safe conclusions about the performance of the two frameworks.The authors would like to thank Okeanos the GRNET’s cloud service for the valuable resources

    Detecting Anomalies From Big Data System Logs

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    Nowadays, big data systems (e.g., Hadoop and Spark) are being widely adopted by many domains for offering effective data solutions, such as manufacturing, healthcare, education, and media. A common problem about big data systems is called anomaly, e.g., a status deviated from normal execution, which decreases the performance of computation or kills running programs. It is becoming a necessity to detect anomalies and analyze their causes. An effective and economical approach is to analyze system logs. Big data systems produce numerous unstructured logs that contain buried valuable information. However manually detecting anomalies from system logs is a tedious and daunting task. This dissertation proposes four approaches that can accurately and automatically analyze anomalies from big data system logs without extra monitoring overhead. Moreover, to detect abnormal tasks in Spark logs and analyze root causes, we design a utility to conduct fault injection and collect logs from multiple compute nodes. (1) Our first method is a statistical-based approach that can locate those abnormal tasks and calculate the weights of factors for analyzing the root causes. In the experiment, four potential root causes are considered, i.e., CPU, memory, network, and disk I/O. The experimental results show that the proposed approach is accurate in detecting abnormal tasks as well as finding the root causes. (2) To give a more reasonable probability result and avoid ad-hoc factor weights calculating, we propose a neural network approach to analyze root causes of abnormal tasks. We leverage General Regression Neural Network (GRNN) to identify root causes for abnormal tasks. The likelihood of reported root causes is presented to users according to the weighted factors by GRNN. (3) To further improve anomaly detection by avoiding feature extraction, we propose a novel approach by leveraging Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). Our proposed model can automatically learn event relationships in system logs and detect anomaly with high accuracy. Our deep neural network consists of logkey2vec embeddings, three 1D convolutional layers, a dropout layer, and max pooling. According to our experiment, our CNN-based approach has better accuracy compared to other approaches using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) on detecting anomaly in Hadoop DistributedFile System (HDFS) logs. (4) To analyze system logs more accurately, we extend our CNN-based approach with two attention schemes to detect anomalies in system logs. The proposed two attention schemes focus on different features from CNN\u27s output. We evaluate our approaches with several benchmarks, and the attention-based CNN model shows the best performance among all state-of-the-art methods
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