242 research outputs found

    Fractional diffusion models of option prices in markets with jumps.

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    Most of the recent literature dealing with the modeling of financial assets assumes that the underlying dynamics of equity prices follow a jump process or a Lévy process. This is done to incorporate rare or extreme events not captured by Gaussian models. Of those financial models proposed, the most interesting include the CGMY, KoBoL and FMLS. All of these capture some of the most important characteristics of the dynamics of stock prices. In this article we show that for these particular Lévy processes, the prices of financial derivatives, such as European-style options, satisfy a fractional partial differential equation (FPDE). As an application, we use numerical techniques to price exotic options, in particular barrier options, by solving the corresponding FPDEs derivedFractional-Black-Scholes; Lévy-Stable processes; FMLS; KoBoL; CGMY; Fractional calculus; Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative; Barrier options; Down-and-out; Up-and-out; Double knock-out;

    Fractional diffusion models of option prices in markets with jumps.

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    Most of the recent literature dealing with the modeling of financial assets assumes that the underlying dynamics of equity prices follow a jump process or a Lévy process. This is done to incorporate rare or extreme events not captured by Gaussian models. Of those financial models proposed, the most interesting include the CGMY, KoBoL and FMLS. All of these capture some of the most important characteristics of the dynamics of stock prices. In this article we show that for these particular Lévy processes, the prices of financial derivatives, such as European-style options, satisfy a fractional partial differential equation (FPDE). As an application, we use numerical techniques to price exotic options, in particular barrier options, by solving the corresponding FPDEs derivedFractional-Black–Scholes; Lévy-stable processes; FMLS; KoBoL; CGMY; Fractional calculus; Riemann–Liouville fractional derivative; Barrier options; Down-and-out; Up-and-out; Double knock-out;

    An efficient numerical method based on exponential B-splines for time-fractional Black-Scholes equation governing European options

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    In this paper a time-fractional Black-Scholes model (TFBSM) is considered to study the price change of the underlying fractal transmission system. We develop and analyze a numerical method to solve the TFBSM governing European options. The numerical method combines the exponential B-spline collocation to discretize in space and a finite difference method to discretize in time. The method is shown to be unconditionally stable using von-Neumann analysis. Also, the method is proved to be convergent of order two in space and 2μ2-\mu is time, where μ\mu is order of the fractional derivative. We implement the method on various numerical examples in order to illustrate the accuracy of the method, and validation of the theoretical findings. In addition, as an application, the method is used to price several different European options such as the European call option, European put option, and European double barrier knock-out call option.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figure

    A Jump Diffusion Model for Option Pricing with Three Properties: Leptokurtic Feature, Volatility Smile, and Analytical Tractability

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    Brownian motion and normal distribution have been widely used, for example, in the Black-Scholes-Merton option pricing framework, to study the return of assets. However, two puzzles, emerged from many empirical investigations, have got much attention recently, namely (a) the leptokurtic feature that the return distribution of assets may have a higher peak and two (asymmetric) heavier tails than those of the normal distribution, and (b) an empirical abnormity called ``volatility smile'' in option pricing. To incorporate both the leptokurtic feature and ``volatility smile'', this paper proposes, for the purpose of studying option pricing, a jump diffusion model, in which the price of the underlying asset is modeled by two parts, a continuous part driven by Brownian motion, and a jump part with the logarithm of the jump sizes having a double exponential distribution. In addition to the above two desirable properties, leptokurtic feature and ``volatility smile'', the model is simple enough to produce analytical solutions for a variety of option pricing problems, including options, future options, and interest rate derivatives, such as caps and floors, in terms of the HhHh function. Although there are many models can incorporate some of the three properties (the leptokurtic feature, ``volatility smile'', and analytical tractability), the current model can incorporate all three under a unified framework.

    On the valuation of fader and discrete barrier options in Heston's Stochastic Volatility Model

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    We focus on closed-form option pricing in Hestons stochastic volatility model, in which closed-form formulas exist only for few option types. Most of these closed-form solutions are constructed from characteristic functions. We follow this approach and derive multivariate characteristic functions depending on at least two spot values for different points in time. The derived characteristic functions are used as building blocks to set up (semi-) analytical pricing formulas for exotic options with payoffs depending on finitely many spot values such as fader options and discretely monitored barrier options. We compare our result with different numerical methods and examine accuracy and computational times. --exotic options,Heston Model,Characteristic Function,Multidimensional Fast Fourier Transforms

    Analytically pricing European options under the CGMY model

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    This thesis investigates the pricing of European-style options under the CGMY model, which can fit the empirically observed data in financial market better than the B-S (Black-Scholes) model. Under this model, the price of options is governed by a FPDE (fractional partial differential equation) with two spatial-fractional derivatives defined in the Weyls sense. In comparison with the derivative of integer order, the fractional-order derivative requires the function value over the entire domain rather than its value at one particular point. This has added an additional degree of diffculty when either the analytical solution or the numerical method is attempted. Albeit difficult, we have managed to derive a closed-form analytical solution for European options under the CGMY model. Based on the solution, we further discuss its asymptotic behaviors and the put-call parity under the adopted CGMY model. Finally, we propose an efficient numerical evaluation technique for the current formula so that it can be easily used in trading practice

    Advanced Monte Carlo methods for barrier and related exotic options

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    In this work, we present advanced Monte Carlo techniques applied to the pricing of barrier options and other related exotic contracts. It covers in particular the Brownian bridge approaches, the barrier shifting techniques (BAST) and their extensions as well. We leverage the link between discrete and continuous monitoring to design efficient schemes, which can be applied to the Black-Scholes model but also to stochastic volatility or Merton's jump models. This is supported by theoretical results and numerical experiments.

    Pricing and Risk Management with High-Dimensional Quasi Monte Carlo and Global Sensitivity Analysis

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    We review and apply Quasi Monte Carlo (QMC) and Global Sensitivity Analysis (GSA) techniques to pricing and risk management (greeks) of representative financial instruments of increasing complexity. We compare QMC vs standard Monte Carlo (MC) results in great detail, using high-dimensional Sobol' low discrepancy sequences, different discretization methods, and specific analyses of convergence, performance, speed up, stability, and error optimization for finite differences greeks. We find that our QMC outperforms MC in most cases, including the highest-dimensional simulations and greeks calculations, showing faster and more stable convergence to exact or almost exact results. Using GSA, we are able to fully explain our findings in terms of reduced effective dimension of our QMC simulation, allowed in most cases, but not always, by Brownian bridge discretization. We conclude that, beyond pricing, QMC is a very promising technique also for computing risk figures, greeks in particular, as it allows to reduce the computational effort of high-dimensional Monte Carlo simulations typical of modern risk management.Comment: 43 pages, 21 figures, 6 table