56,125 research outputs found

    Use of Fuzzy Logic for Design and Control of Nonlinear MIMO Systems

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    Standard analytical methods are often ineffective or even useless for design of nonlinear control systems with imprecisely known parameters. The use of fuzzy logic principles presents one possible way to control such systems which can be used both for modeling and design of the control. The advantage of using this method consists in its simplicity and easy way of developing the algorithm, which in the phase of designing the controllers and also for modeling the features of the designed structures, allows the use of computer technology. Simplicity of the proposed structure (usually with the PI controllers) and determination of their parameters without any need for complex mathematical description present another considerable advantage of the used method. This chapter presents two typical examples of designing the control of nonlinear multi‐input multi‐output (MIMO) systems from the field of mechatronic systems based on fuzzy logic principles

    Modeling of Modern Business Intelligence Analytical Functions Based on Stochastic Simulation

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    A new model of analytical function has been developed for modern Business Intelligence Analysis (BIA). The Croatian model is being used for intelligence investigations of various financial events, markets, subjects or entities, and for financial BIA control methods. The financial BIA functional entropy was predicted utilizing the soft computing process (based on fuzzy logic) and various stochastic simulations. This study explains the simulation-modeling concept of the BIA function. The queuing M/M/s model with priorities was used for solving different stochastic simulations. In practice, the BIA simulation model can be used for measuring analytical capacity

    The development of the model of the intelligent system on the basis of fuzzy sets for microclimate control of building

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    Nowadays, much attention is paid to the creation of favorable conditions for the health and work of people and the microclimate in the design and further operation of buildings. It is necessary to investigate the processes of forming a microclimate in the room to assess the comfort of the microclimate, as well as to determine the required capacity of the equipment of engineering systems. Analytical research methods, methods of mathematical and computer modeling are used as research methods. The methods of analysis and synthesis of automatic control systems, mathematical apparatus of theory of fuzzy logic, the Matlab software environment, the system of visual modeling Simulink, and the system for designing fuzzy systems Fuzzy Logic Toolbox are used for research. The paper presents a model of the room, taking into account the heat loss through the enclosing structures, the model of the air conditioner, the structure of the fuzzy control system, the algorithm of its functioning, input and output variables of the fuzzy controller, the composition of their terms, membership functions, the formed complete database of rules. On the basis of research methods, the actual scientific and practical problem of developing an intelligent control system for the formation of the comfort microclimate of the building is solved

    Penguasaan kemahiran generik di kalangan graduan hospitaliti di politeknik : satu kajian berkenaan keperluan industri perhotelan, persepsi pensyarah dan pelajar

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    Kajian yang dijalankan ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti kepentingan kemahiran generik mengikut keperluan industri perhotelan di Malaysia dengan persepsi pensyarah dan persepsi pelajar Jabatan Hospitaliti. Oleh kerana matlamat kurikulum pendidikan kini adalah untuk melahirkan graduan yang dapat memenuhi keperluan pihak industri, maka kajian ini dijalankan untuk menilai hubungan di antara keperluan industri perhotelan di Malaysia dengan persepsi pensyarah dan pelajar Jabatan Hospitaliti di Politeknik. Terdapat 13 kemahiran generik yang diperolehi daripada Kementerian Pelajaran dan Latihan Ontario (1997) dijadikan sebagai skop kepada instrumen kajian. Responden kajian terdiri daripada tiga pihak utama iaitu industri perhotelan di Malaysia yang melibatkan 40 buah hotel yang diwakili oleh MAH Chapter dan jawatankuasa dalam Malaysian Associated of Hotel (MAH), pensyarah Unit Hotel dan Katering dan pelajar semester akhir Diploma Hotel dan Katering di Politeknik Johor Bahru, Johor dan Politeknik Merlimau, Melaka. Kajian rintis yang dijalankan menunjukkan nilai Alpha Cronbach pada 0.8781. Data yang diperolehi dianalisis secara deskriptif dan inferensi dengan menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) versi 11.5. Melalui dapatan kajian, satu senarai berkenaan kemahiran generik yang diperlukan oleh industri perhotelan telah dapat dihasilkan. Selain itu, senarai kemahiran generik menurut persepsi pensyarah dan juga persepsi pelajar turut dihasilkan. Hasil statistik dan graf garis yang diperolehi menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan di antara kemahiran generik yang diperlukan oleh industri perhotelan di Malaysia dengan kemahiran generik menurut persepsi pensyarah dan persepsi pelajar Politeknik. Dapatan analisis menggunakan korelasi Pearson mendapati bahawa tidak terdapat perhubungan yang signifikan di antara kemahiran generik yang diperlukan oleh industri perhotelan dengan persepsi pensyarah dan persepsi pelajar. Namun begitu, terdapat hubungan yang signifikan di antara persepsi pensyarah dengan persepsi pelajar berkenaan dengan amalan kemahiran generik di Politeknik

    Determining the Optimal Groundwater Control System Using FUZZY-GWCS Application

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    U cilju razvoja metodologije povodom rešavanja problema vezanih za odbranu od podzemnih voda i izbora optimalnog sistema odbrane od podzemnih voda, izrađena je namenska aplikacija FUZZY-GWCS (Fuzzy - Groundwater Control System) u Centru za Modeliranje Podzemnih Voda. Ovom aplikacijom se vrše matematički proračuni pomoću jedne od metoda fuzzy optimizacije - fuzzy analitičko hijerarhijskg procesa. Od niza ponuđenih menadžment scenarija sistema odbrane od podzemnih voda dobijenih primenom metode hidrodinamičkog modeliranja, aplikacijom FUZZY-GWCS se bira optimalno alternativno rešenje, analizirajući različite kriterijume i podkriterijume. U radu je prikazana primena ove aplikacije na površinskom kopu.In order to develop a methodology for solving problems related to groundwater defense, and choosing the optimal groundwater defense system, a purposeful application FUZZY-GWCS (Fuzzy - Groundwater Control System) was developed in the Groundwater Modeling Center. This application uses mathematical calculations using one of the fuzzy optimization methods - a fuzzy analytical hierarchical process. From a range of offered management scenarios of groundwater protection systems obtained using the hydrodynamic modeling method, the FUZZY-GWCS application chooses an optimal alternative solution, analyzing different criteria and sub-criteria. This paper shows using this application on a surface mine

    Prospects of a mathematical theory of human behavior in complex man-machine systems tasks

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    A hierarchy of human activities is derived by analyzing automobile driving in general terms. A structural description leads to a block diagram and a time-sharing computer analogy. The range of applicability of existing mathematical models is considered with respect to the hierarchy of human activities in actual complex tasks. Other mathematical tools so far not often applied to man machine systems are also discussed. The mathematical descriptions at least briefly considered here include utility, estimation, control, queueing, and fuzzy set theory as well as artificial intelligence techniques. Some thoughts are given as to how these methods might be integrated and how further work might be pursued