3,014 research outputs found

    Impacto e compensação da largura de banda vídeo em amplificadores de potência de elevado rendimento

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    The aim of this work is to determine, quantify and model the performance degradation of wideband power amplifiers when subject to concurrent multiband excitation, with a particular focus on the average efficiency variation. The origins of this degradation are traced to two main transistor properties: the output baseband current generation by the nonlinear transconductance, and the input baseband current generation by the nonlinear gate-source capacitance variation. Each mechanism is analised separately, first by providing a qualitative and intuitive explanation of the processes that lead to the observed efficiency degradation, and then by deriving models that allow the prediction of the average efficiency dependence with the input signal bandwidth. The resulting knowledge was used to improve matching network design, in order to optimize baseband impedance terminations and prevent the efficiency degradation. The derived models were experimentally validated with several PA prototypes implemented with Gallium Nitride HEMT devices, using both conventional and optimized baseband impedance matching networks, achieving over 400MHz instantaneous bandwidth with uncompromised efficiency. The consolidation of the wideband degradation mechanisms described in this work are an important step for modelling and design of wideband, high-efficiency power amplifiers in current and future concurrent multi-band communication systems.O objetivo deste trabalho é determinar, quantificar e modelar a degradação do desempenho de amplificadores de banda-larga quando submetidos a excitação multi-banda concorrente, com particular ênfase na variação do rendimento energético. As origens desta degradação são devidas a duas das principais propriedades do transístor: a geração de corrente em banda-base na saída pela variação não-linear da transcondutância, e a geração de corrente de banda-base na entrada pela variação não-linear da capacidade interna porta-fonte. Cada um destes mecanismos é analisado isoladamente, primeiro por uma explicação qualitativa e intuitiva dos processos que levam à degradação de eficiência observada e, em seguida, através da derivação de modelos que permitem a previsão da degradação do rendimento médio em função da largura de banda do sinal de entrada. O conhecimento resultante foi utilizado para melhorar o desenvolvimento de malhas de adaptação, por forma a otimizar as terminações de impedância em banda-base e prevenir a degradação do rendimento. Os modelos desenvolvidos foram validados experimentalmente em vários amplificadores de potência implementados com transístores de tecnologia GaN HEMT, utilizando malhas de adaptação convencionais e otimizadas, onde se obteve 400MHz de largura de banda instantânea sem degradação do rendimento. A consolidação dos mecanismos de degradação descritos neste trabalho são um importante passo para a modelação e projeto de amplificadores de elevado rendimento e largura-debanda para os sistemas de comunicação multi-banda concorrente convencionais e do futuro.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Eletrotécnic

    Theory and Design of Efficient Active Load Modulation Power Amplifiers

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    The increasing demand for mobile data traffic has put new challenges and requirements for the development of the wireless communication infrastructure. The performance of the RF power amplifier (PA) is, in particular, of great importance, since it is the key building block for microwave transmitters in base stations and radio link equipment. The energy and bandwidth efficiency of the PA is vital for maximized channel capacity, reduced operational cost, and further integration. Among the efficiency enhancement techniques, active load modulation is one of the most widely used techniques. The overall objective of this thesis is to improve the average efficiency and bandwidth performance in active load modulation PAs for future wireless systems. In the first part of the thesis, an analytically based combiner synthesis approach for the three-stage Doherty PA (DPA) is proposed and presented. A compact output combiner network, together with the input phase delays, is derived directly from transistor load-pull data and the PA design requirements. The technique opens up new design space for three-stage DPAs with reconfigurable high-efficiency power back-off levels. The utility of the proposed technique is demonstrated by the implementation of a 30-W gallium nitride (GaN) three-stage DPA prototype at a center frequency of 2.14 GHz. Measurement results show that the prototype circuit can linearly reproduce 20-MHz long-term evolution signals with 8.5- and 11.5-dB peak-to-average power-ratio (PAPR), providing average efficiencies of 56.6% and 46.8% at an average output power level of 36.8 and 33.8 dBm, respectively. In the second part of the thesis, a novel PA architecture, the circulator load modulated amplifier (CLMA) is proposed and demonstrated. The CLMA is able to maintain high efficiency over large output power dynamic ranges. Moreover, the availability of wideband and low-loss circulators makes this architecture promising for wideband applications. Consequently, it has the potential to overcome many of the drawbacks of other architectures. The fundamental operational principle and theoretical performance of the CLMA are studied and presented. As a proof of concept, a demonstrator circuit based on GaN transistors is designed and characterized at 2.09 GHz. Measurement results show that the peak output power is 43.1 dBm and the drain efficiency is 73\% at 6-dB output power back-off level. In summary, the thesis presents two promising PA architectures for efficiency enhancement. The results of this thesis will therefore contribute to the development of energy efficient PAs for future mobile communication systems

    Contributing to Second Harmonic Manipulated Continuum Mode Power Amplifiers and On-Chip Flux Concentrators

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    The current cellular network consumes a staggering 100 TWh of energy every year. In the coming years, millions of devices will be added to the existing network to realize the Internet of Things (IoT), further increasing its power consumption. An RF power amplifier typically consumes a large proportion of the DC power in a wireless transceiver, improving its efficiency has the largest impact on the overall system. Additionally, amplifiers need to demonstrate high linearity and bandwidth to adhere to constraints imposed by wireless standards and to reduce the number of amplifiers required as an amplifier with a broader bandwidth can potentially replace several narrowband amplifiers. A typical approach to improve efficiency is to present an appropriate load at the harmonics generated by the transistor. Recently proposed continuous modes based on harmonic manipulation, such as class B/J continuum, continuous class F (CCF) and continuous class F-1 (CCF-1), have shown the capability of achieving counteracting requirements viz., high efficiency, high linearity, and broad bandwidth (with a fractional bandwidth greater than 30%). In these classes of amplifiers, the second harmonic is manipulated by placing a reactive second harmonic load and the reactive component of the fundamental load is adjusted while keeping a fixed resistive component of the fundamental load. The first contribution of this work is to investigate the reason for amplifiers designed in classes B/J continuum and CCF to achieve high efficiency at back-off and 1dB compression. In this thesis, we demonstrate that the variation of the phase of the current through the non-linear intrinsic capacitances due to the variation of the phase in the continuum of drain voltage waveforms in Class B/J/J* continuum leads to either a reduction or enhancement of intrinsic drain current. Consequently, a subset of voltage waveforms of the class B/J/J* continuum can be used to design amplifiers with higher P1dB, and efficiency at P1dB than in Class B. A simple choice of this subset is demonstrated with a 2.6GHz Class B/J/J* amplifier, achieving a P1dB of 38.1dBm and PAE at P1dB of 54.7%, the highest output power and efficiency at P1dB amongst narrowband linear amplifiers using the CGH40010 reported to date, at a comparable peak PAE of 72%. Secondly, we propose a new formulation for high-efficiency modes of power amplifiers in which both the in-phase and out-of-phase components of the second harmonic of the current are varied, in addition to the second harmonic component of the voltage. A reduction of the in-phase component of the second harmonic of current allows reduction of the phase difference between the voltage and current waveforms, thereby increasing the power factor and efficiency. Our proposed waveforms offer a continuous design space between class B/J continuum and continuous F-1 achieving an efficiency of up to 91% in theory, but over a wider set of load impedances than continuous class F-1. These waveforms require a short at third and higher harmonic impedances, which are easier to achieve at a higher frequency. The load impedances at the second harmonic are reactive and can be of any value between -j∞ and j∞, easing the amplifier design. A trade-off between linearity and efficiency exists in the newly proposed broadband design space, but we demonstrate inherent broadband capability. The fabricated narrowband amplifier using a GaN HEMT CGH40010F demonstrates 75.9% PAE and 42.2 dBm output power at 2.6 GHz, demonstrating a comparable frequency weighted efficiency for this device to that reported in the literature. IoT devices may be deployed in critical applications such as radar or 5G transceivers of an autonomous vehicle and hence need to operate free of failure. Monitoring the drain current of the RF GaN MMIC would allow to optimize the device performance and protect it from surges in its supply current. Galvanic current sensors rely on the magnetic field generated by the current as a non-invasive method of current sensing. In this thesis, our third major contribution is a planar on-chip magnetic flux concentrator, is enhance the magnetic field at the current sensor, thereby improving the current detection capability of a current sensor. Our layout utilizes a discontinuity in a magnetic via, resulting in penetration of the magnetic field into the substrate. The proposed concentrator has a magnetic gain x1.8 in comparison to air. The permeability of the magnetic core required is 500, much lower than that reported in off-chip concentrators, resulting in a significant easing of the specifications of the material properties of the core. Additionally, we explore a novel three-dimensional spiral-shaped magnetic flux concentrator. It is predicted via simulations that this geometry becomes a necessity to enhance the magnetic field for increased form factor as the magnetic field from a single planar concentrator deteriorates as its size increases

    Efficient and Wideband Load Modulated Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communication

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    The increasing demand for mobile data traffic has resulted in new challenges and requirements for the development of the wireless communication infrastructure. With the transition to higher frequencies and multi-antenna systems, radio frequency (RF) hardware performance, especially the power amplifier (PA), becomes increasingly important. Enhancing PA energy efficiency and bandwidth is vital for maximizing channel capacity, reducing operational costs, and facilitating integration.In the first part of the thesis, the bandwidth limitations of the standard two-way Doherty PA are discussed. A comprehensive analysis is provided, and the frequency responses of different Doherty combiner networks are presented. Furthermore, a Doherty combiner network is proposed, notable for its inherent broadband frequency and its capacity to account for the influence of output parasitics and packaged components from the active devices. The introduced Doherty combiner network is experimentally verified by a wideband gallium nitride (GaN) Doherty PA operating over 1.6-2.7 GHz.In the second part of the thesis, an analytically based combiner synthesis approach for the three-stage Doherty PA is proposed and presented. A compact output combiner network, together with the input phase delays, is derived directly from transistor load-pull data and the PA design requirements. The technique opens up new design space for three-stage Doherty PAs with reconfigurable high-efficiency power back-off levels. The utility of the proposed technique is demonstrated by the implementation of a 30-W GaN three-stage Doherty PA prototype at 2.14 GHz. Measurements show that a drain efficiency of 68% and 55% is exhibited at 6- and 10-dB back-off power, respectively.In the third part, a new PA architecture named the circulator load modulated amplifier (CLMA), is proposed. This architecture utilizes active load modulation for achieving enhanced back-off efficiency. Two active devices are incorporated in this innovative architecture, and a non-reciprocal circulator-based combiner is leveraged. Following this, the sequential CLMA (SCLMA) is introduced, characterized by its ability to enhance back-off efficiency without the necessity of load modulation. GaN demonstrator circuits for both CLMA and SCLMA architectures, whether with dual-input or RF single-input, are designed and fabricated, with excellent performance being measured.\ua0The thesis contributes novel design techniques and architectures to enhance PA efficiency and bandwidth. These findings pave the way for energy-efficient and adaptable RF transmitters in future wireless communication systems

    Analytical Approaches to Load Modulation Power Amplifier Design

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    In future mobile communication networks, there will be a shift toward higher carrier frequencies and highly integrated multiple antenna systems. The system performance will largely depend on the available radio frequency (RF) hardware. As such, RF power amplifiers (PAs) with improved performance, e.g. energy efficiency, are needed. Active load modulation (ALM) is one of the most common PA efficiency enhancement techniques. Unfortunately, different ALM techniques come at the cost of degrading other PA attributes. Through investigation of new ALM design techniques, the overall objective of this thesis is to improve upon different attributes and performance trade-offs in ALM PAs for future wireless systems.\ua0The working principle of ALM PAs is determined by both how the individual transistors are operated and how their outputs are combined. In the first part of the thesis, an analytical approach, where the output combiner is assumed to be an arbitrary black-box, is applied to the Doherty PA. The fundamental interaction between the main and auxiliary transistors is analyzed and generalized. New solutions with improved performance are identified, such as higher gain and an improved efficiency-linearity trade-off. This approach also introduces improved integration possibilities, which are demonstrated by a transmitter where the antenna acts as both the radiator and the Doherty combiner. Additionally, the analytical approach is applied to an isolated two-way power divider. This unlocks many new possibilities, such as improved integration and layout flexibility. \ua0In the second part, one embodiment of the emerging ALM architecture, the load modulated balanced amplifier (LMBA), is proposed: the RF-input Doherty-like LMBA. Design equations are derived and the fundamental operation is studied. This variant presents several advantages over other known architectures, such as higher gain and device periphery scaling of the different transistors.\ua0The third part proposes a new measurement-based ALM PA design procedure, which emulates the full behavior of the transistors in any ALM architecture using active load-pull measurements. This method can predict the intricate behavior in ALM PAs and it gives measurement-based insights into the internal operation of the circuit already at the design stage. This facilitates the design for optimal ALM PA performance. \ua0The thesis contributes with several promising techniques for reducing performance trade-offs and improving the overall performance of ALM PAs. Therefore, the results will contribute to the development of more energy efficient and high capacity wireless services in the future

    Broadband Power Amplifier Design with High Power, High Efficiency and Large Back-off Range

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    As modern communication system technology develops, the demand for devices with smaller size, higher efficiency, and larger bandwidth has increased dramatically. To achieve this purpose, a novel architecture of load modulated balanced amplifier (LMBA) with a unique load-modulation characteristic different from any existing LMBAs and Doherty power amplifiers (DPAs) was presented, which is named as Pseudo-Doherty LMBA (PD-LMBA). Based on a special combination of control amplifier (carrier) and balanced amplifier (peaking) together with proper phase and amplitude controls, an optimal load-modulation behavior can be achieved for PD-LMBA leading to maximized efficiency over extended power back-off range. More importantly, the efficiency optimization can be achieved with only a static setting of phase offset at a given frequency, which greatly simplifies the complexity for phase control. Furthermore, the co-operations of the carrier and peaking amplifiers in PD-LMBA are fully de-coupled, thus lifting the fundamental bandwidth barrier imposed on Doherty-based active load modulation. However, since PD-LMBA has CA over-driving concerns, a new load-modulated power amplifier (PA) architecture, Asymmetric Load-Modulated Balanced Amplifier (ALMBA), is proposed based on PD-LMBA. And a subsequent improved type-continuous mode Hybrid Asymmetric Load Modulation Balanced Amplifier (H-ALMBA) has been developed. The two sub-amplifiers (BA1 and BA2) of the balanced topology in an LMBA are set as peaking amplifiers with different thresholds when cooperating with the control amplifier (CA) as the carrier, forming a hybrid load modulation behavior between Doherty and ALMBA. Compared to standard LMBA, the proposed H-ALMBA has a three-way load modulation with CA, BA1 and BA2 through proper amplitude control and phase alignment. Thus, this new mode offers extended power back-off range and enhanced back-off efficiency without suffering from difficulty and complexity in wideband design as imposed on three-way Doherty PAs. Based on comprehensive theoretical derivation and analysis, the proposed H-ALMBA is designed and implemented using commercial GaN transistors and wideband quadrature couplers. Moreover, the continuous-mode matching is applied to the carrier amplifier achieving a maximized wideband efficiency at power back-off. This is the first time that continuous mode and ALMBA have been used in combination, and very satisfactory results have been achieved, exhibiting the highest 10-dB output power back-off (OBO) drain efficiency (DE) ever reported for wideband load-modulation PAs. The developed prototype experimentally demonstrates wide bandwidth from 0.55-2.2 GHz. The measurement exhibits an efficiency of 63-82% at peak output power, 51-62% for 5-dB OBO, and 50-66% for 10-dB OBO within the design bandwidth. When stimulated by a 20-MHz long term evolution (LTE) signal with 10.5-dB peak to average power ratio (PAPR), a 50-55% average efficiency is measured over the entire bandwidth at an average output power around 33 dBm

    Advanced High Efficiency Architectures for Next Generation Wireless Communications

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