884 research outputs found

    Contention techniques for opportunistic communication in wireless mesh networks

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    Auf dem Gebiet der drahtlosen Kommunikation und insbesondere auf den tieferen Netzwerkschichten sind gewaltige Fortschritte zu verzeichnen. Innovative Konzepte und Technologien auf der physikalischen Schicht (PHY) gehen dabei zeitnah in zellulĂ€re Netze ein. Drahtlose Maschennetzwerke (WMNs) können mit diesem Innovationstempo nicht mithalten. Die Mehrnutzer-Kommunikation ist ein Grundpfeiler vieler angewandter PHY Technologien, die sich in WMNs nur ungenĂŒgend auf die etablierte Schichtenarchitektur abbilden lĂ€sst. Insbesondere ist das Problem des Scheduling in WMNs inhĂ€rent komplex. Erstaunlicherweise ist der Mehrfachzugriff mit TrĂ€gerprĂŒfung (CSMA) in WMNs asymptotisch optimal obwohl das Verfahren eine geringe DurchfĂŒhrungskomplexitĂ€t aufweist. Daher stellt sich die Frage, in welcher Weise das dem CSMA zugrunde liegende Konzept des konkurrierenden Wettbewerbs (engl. Contention) fĂŒr die Integration innovativer PHY Technologien verwendet werden kann. Opportunistische Kommunikation ist eine Technik, die die inhĂ€renten Besonderheiten des drahtlosen Kanals ausnutzt. In der vorliegenden Dissertation werden CSMA-basierte Protokolle fĂŒr die opportunistische Kommunikation in WMNs entwickelt und evaluiert. Es werden dabei opportunistisches Routing (OR) im zustandslosen Kanal und opportunistisches Scheduling (OS) im zustandsbehafteten Kanal betrachtet. Ziel ist es, den Durchsatz von elastischen PaketflĂŒssen gerecht zu maximieren. Es werden Modelle fĂŒr Überlastkontrolle, Routing und konkurrenzbasierte opportunistische Kommunikation vorgestellt. Am Beispiel von IEEE 802.11 wird illustriert, wie der schichtĂŒbergreifende Entwurf in einem Netzwerksimulator prototypisch implementiert werden kann. Auf Grundlage der Evaluationsresultate kann der Schluss gezogen werden, dass die opportunistische Kommunikation konkurrenzbasiert realisierbar ist. DarĂŒber hinaus steigern die vorgestellten Protokolle den Durchsatz im Vergleich zu etablierten Lösungen wie etwa DCF, DSR, ExOR, RBAR und ETT.In the field of wireless communication, a tremendous progress can be observed especially at the lower layers. Innovative physical layer (PHY) concepts and technologies can be rapidly assimilated in cellular networks. Wireless mesh networks (WMNs), on the other hand, cannot keep up with the speed of innovation at the PHY due to their flat and decentralized architecture. Many innovative PHY technologies rely on multi-user communication, so that the established abstraction of the network stack does not work well for WMNs. The scheduling problem in WMNs is inherent complex. Surprisingly, carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) in WMNs is asymptotically utility-optimal even though it has a low computational complexity and does not involve message exchange. Hence, the question arises whether CSMA and the underlying concept of contention allows for the assimilation of advanced PHY technologies into WMNs. In this thesis, we design and evaluate contention protocols based on CSMA for opportunistic communication in WMNs. Opportunistic communication is a technique that relies on multi-user diversity in order to exploit the inherent characteristics of the wireless channel. In particular, we consider opportunistic routing (OR) and opportunistic scheduling (OS) in memoryless and slow fading channels, respectively. We present models for congestion control, routing and contention-based opportunistic communication in WMNs in order to maximize both throughput and fairness of elastic unicast traffic flows. At the instance of IEEE 802.11, we illustrate how the cross-layer algorithms can be implemented within a network simulator prototype. Our evaluation results lead to the conclusion that contention-based opportunistic communication is feasible. Furthermore, the proposed protocols increase both throughput and fairness in comparison to state-of-the-art approaches like DCF, DSR, ExOR, RBAR and ETT

    Performance issues in cellular wireless mesh networks

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    This thesis proposes a potential solution for future ubiquitous broadband wireless access networks, called a cellular wireless mesh network (CMESH), and investigates a number of its performance issues. A CMESH is organized in multi-radio, multi-channel, multi-rate and multi-hop radio cells. It can operate on abundant high radio frequencies, such as 5-50 GHz, and thus may satisfy the bandwidth requirements of future ubiquitous wireless applications. Each CMESH cell has a single Internet-connected gateway and serves up to hundreds of mesh nodes within its coverage area. This thesis studies performance issues in a CMESH, focusing on cell capacity, expressed in terms of the max-min throughput. In addition to introducing the concept of a CMESH, this thesis makes the following contributions. The first contribution is a new method for analyzing theoretical cell capacity. This new method is based on a new concept called Channel Transport Capacity (CTC), and derives new analytic expressions for capacity bounds for carrier-sense-based CMESH cells. The second contribution is a new algorithm called the Maximum Channel Collision Time (MCCT) algorithm and an expression for the nominal capacity of CMESH cells. This thesis proves that the nominal cell capacity is achievable and is the exact cell capacity for small cells within the abstract models. Finally, based on the MCCT algorithm, this thesis proposes a series of greedy algorithms for channel assignment and routing in CMESH cells. Simulation results show that these greedy algorithms can significantly improve the capacity of CMESH cells, compared with algorithms proposed by other researchers

    Network coding: performance analysis and robust design in multi-hop wireless mesh networks

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    Network coding is an innovative idea to boost the capacity of wireless networks. However, there are not enough analytical studies on throughput and end-to-end delay of network coding in multi-hop wireless mesh network that incorporates the specifications of IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function. In this dissertation, we utilize queuing theory to propose an analytical framework for bidirectional unicast flows in multi-hop wireless mesh networks. We study the throughput and end-to-end delay of inter-flow network coding under the IEEE 802.11 standard with CSMA/CA random access and exponential back-o↔ time considering clock freezing and virtual carrier sensing, and formulate several parameters such as the probability of successful transmission in terms of bit error rate and collision probability, waiting time of packets at nodes, and retransmission mechanism. Our model uses a multi-class queuing network with stable queues, where coded packets have a non-preemptive higher priority over native packets, and forwarding of native packets is not delayed if no coding opportunities are available. The accuracy of our analytical model is verified using computer simulations. Furthermore, while inter-flow network coding is proposed to help wireless networks approach the maximum capacity, the majority of research conducted in this area is yet to fully utilize the broadcast nature of wireless networks, and to perform e↔ectively under poor channel quality. This vulnerability is mostly caused by assuming fixed route between the source and destination that every packet should travel through. This assumption not only limits coding opportunities, but can also cause bu↔er overflow at some specific intermediate nodes. Although some studies considered scattering of the flows dynamically in the network, they still face some limitations. This dissertation explains pros and cons of some prominent research in network coding and proposes a Flexible and Opportunistic Network Coding scheme (FlexONC) as a solution to such issues. Moreover, this research discovers that the conditions used in previous studies to combine packets of di↔erent flows are overly optimistic and would a↔ect the network performance adversarially. Therefore, we provide a more accurate set of rules for packet encoding. The experimental results show that FlexONC outperforms previous methods especially in networks with high bit error rates, by better utilizing redundant packets permeating the network, and benefiting from precise coding conditions

    Smart PIN: performance and cost-oriented context-aware personal information network

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    The next generation of networks will involve interconnection of heterogeneous individual networks such as WPAN, WLAN, WMAN and Cellular network, adopting the IP as common infrastructural protocol and providing virtually always-connected network. Furthermore, there are many devices which enable easy acquisition and storage of information as pictures, movies, emails, etc. Therefore, the information overload and divergent content’s characteristics make it difficult for users to handle their data in manual way. Consequently, there is a need for personalised automatic services which would enable data exchange across heterogeneous network and devices. To support these personalised services, user centric approaches for data delivery across the heterogeneous network are also required. In this context, this thesis proposes Smart PIN - a novel performance and cost-oriented context-aware Personal Information Network. Smart PIN's architecture is detailed including its network, service and management components. Within the service component, two novel schemes for efficient delivery of context and content data are proposed: Multimedia Data Replication Scheme (MDRS) and Quality-oriented Algorithm for Multiple-source Multimedia Delivery (QAMMD). MDRS supports efficient data accessibility among distributed devices using data replication which is based on a utility function and a minimum data set. QAMMD employs a buffer underflow avoidance scheme for streaming, which achieves high multimedia quality without content adaptation to network conditions. Simulation models for MDRS and QAMMD were built which are based on various heterogeneous network scenarios. Additionally a multiple-source streaming based on QAMMS was implemented as a prototype and tested in an emulated network environment. Comparative tests show that MDRS and QAMMD perform significantly better than other approaches

    Simulation and Evaluation of Wired and Wireless Networks with NS2, NS3 and OMNET++

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    Communication systems are emerging rapidly with the revolutionary growth in terms of networking protocols, wired and wireless technologies, user applications and other IEEE standards. Numbers of industrial as well as academic organizations around the globe are bringing in light new innovations and ideas in the field of communication systems. These innovations and ideas require intense evaluation at initial phases of development with the use of real systems in place. Usually the real systems are expensive and not affordable for the evaluation. In this case, network simulators provide a complete cost-effective testbed for the simulation and evaluation of the underlined innovations and ideas. In past, numerous studies were conducted for the performance evaluation of network simulators based on CPU and memory utilization. However, performance evaluation based on other metrics such as congestion window, throughput, delay, packet delivery ratio and packet loss ratio was not conducted intensively. In this thesis, network simulators such as NS2, NS3 and OMNET++ will be evaluated and compared for wired and wireless networks based on congestion window, throughput, delay, packet delivery and packet loss ratio. In the theoretical part, information will be provided about the wired and wireless networks and mathematical interpretation of various components used for these networks. Furthermore, technical details about the network simulators will be presented including architectural design, programming languages and platform libraries. Advantages and disadvantages of these network simulators will also be highlighted. In the last part, the details about the experiments and analysis conducted for wired and wireless networks will be provided. At the end, findings will be concluded and future prospects of the study will be advised.fi=OpinnÀytetyö kokotekstinÀ PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=LÀrdomsprov tillgÀngligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Network coded wireless architecture

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. 183-197).Wireless mesh networks promise cheap Internet access, easy deployment, and extended range. In their current form, however, these networks suffer from both limited throughput and low reliability; hence they cannot meet the demands of applications such as file sharing, high definition video, and gaming. Motivated by these problems, we explore an alternative design that addresses these challenges. This dissertation presents a network coded architecture that significantly improves throughput and reliability. It makes a simple yet fundamental switch in network design: instead of routers just storing and forwarding received packets, they mix (or code) packets' content before forwarding. We show through practical systems how routers can exploit this new functionality to harness the intrinsic characteristics of the wireless medium to improve performance. We develop three systems; each reveals a different benefit of our network coded design. COPE observes that wireless broadcast naturally creates an overlap in packets received across routers, and develops a new network coding algorithm to exploit this overlap to deliver the same data in fewer transmissions, thereby improving throughput. ANC pushes network coding to the signal level, showing how to exploit strategic interference to correctly deliver data from concurrent senders, further increasing throughput. Finally, MIXIT presents a symbol-level network code that exploits wireless spatial diversity, forwarding correct symbols even if they are contained in corrupted packets to provide high throughput reliable transfers. The contributions of this dissertation are multifold. First, it builds a strong connection between the theory of network coding and wireless system design. Specifically, the systems presented in this dissertation were the first to show that network coding can be cleanly integrated into the wireless network stack to deliver practical and measurable gains. The work also presents novel algorithms that enrich the theory of network coding, extending it to operate over multiple unicast flows, analog signals, and soft-information.(cont.) Second, we present prototype implementations and testbed evaluations of our systems. Our results show that network coding delivers large performance gains ranging from a few percent to several-fold depending on the traffic mix and the topology. Finally, this work makes a clear departure from conventional network design. Research in wireless networks has largely proceeded in isolation, with the electrical engineers focusing on the physical and lower layers, while the computer scientists worked up from the network layer, with the packet being the only interface. This dissertation pokes a hole in this contract, disposing of artificial abstractions such as indivisible packets and point-to-point links in favor of a more natural abstraction that allows the network and the lower layers to collaborate on the common objectives of improving throughput and reliability using network coding as the building block. At the same time, the design maintains desirable properties such as being distributed, low-complexity, implementable, and integrable with the rest of the network stack.by Sachin Rajsekhar Katti.Ph.D
