20 research outputs found

    Resolution enhancement of images pair based on block cross interpolation

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    The image resolution enhancement concerns with the improvement of image resolution based on merging of several acquisitions of low-resolution observations by camera. In this paper, an algorithm for increasing the resolution of two images shifted by half a pixel horizontally and vertically is proposed, based on block cross-interpolation. The algorithm aims at reducing the errors in the known (bicubic and averaging) methods, using the criteria of MSE and PSNR

    Design and analysis of multiband circular microstrip patch antenna for wireless communication

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    The study proposes a novel Approach of Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna for Multi-Band. The Proposed Antenna Dimension is (40×30×1.6)mm^3 on the FR-4, Which has ε_r equals(4.3) and Loss tangent (0.002). Both Patches and Grounds are Copper Material With Thickness (0.035 mm) Five Bands are Achieved, At Resonance Frequencies (9.658 GHz), (11.68 GHz), (16.054 GHz), (21.28 GHz), and (29.704 GHz) Respectively. This Antenna Operates In Wireless Applications for Operation in The X-Band, Ku-Band, Ka-Band, K-Band, and 5G. Also it is Works for Radar, Satellite Communications, Wireless Network Computer, Medical Communication Devices, and Local Multi Point TV, to Detect Vehicles Speeding, Especially in Europe Vehicles Speeding, Especially in Europe. The Proposed Antenna is Effectively Manufactured and Checked Using a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) and is Simulation Using CST-MW Software version 2019

    A new truncation algorithm of low hardware cost multiplier

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    Multiplier is one of the most inevitable arithmetic circuit in digital signal design. Multipliers dissipate high power and occupy significant amount of the die area. In this paper, a low-error architecture design of the pre-truncated parallel multiplier is presented. The coefficients word length has been truncated to reduce the multiplier size. This truncation scaled down the gate count and shortened the critical paths of partial product array. The statistical errors of the designed multiplier are calculated for different pre-truncate values and compared. The multiplier is implemented using Stratix III, FPGA device. The post fitting report is presented in this paper, which shows a saving of 36.9 % in resources usage, and a reduction of 17 % in propagation time delay

    Random weather phenomena in free-space optical - FTTx communication system

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    In the last few decades, optical wireless communication became an essential technology in various applications. Researchers have paid more attention to achieving high bandwidth and low loss. However, the random weather phenomena cause attenuation of optical signals, thus will decrease the bandwidth in optical wireless communication. In this article, we investigate a hybrid free-space optical (FSO) and fiber-to-the-x (FTTx) communications link based on wavelength-division multiple access (WDMA) over different random weather phenomena that operate over different wavelengths. The performance of the hybrid FSO-FTTx system is evaluated under clear sky weather phenomena, heavy rain weather phenomena, and heavy haze weather phenomena based on BER and Q-Factor measurements. The results show that we can transmit 140 Gbit/s data over 9650 meters a hybrid link under the clear sky and heavy rain weather phenomena, 3950 meters over. Additionally, the transmission of 140 Gbit/s data can be achieved for 1450 meters under the heavy haze weather phenomenon

    Using AI in wireless communication system for resource management and optimisation

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    The existence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be seen in everyday scenarios. Nowadays, the produced data by both machine and human is overwhelming in which exceeded the ability of humans to understand and digest to make decisions depending on that data. Thus, a hand of help from AI is needed to overcome such challenges. The 5G LTE communication system is a promising solution to provide a high user experience in terms of the provided speed, amount of data, and cost. However, and due to its complexity, the technology of LTE needs some improvement in terms of resource management and optimization. With the aid of AI, these two challenges can be overcome. In this paper, the AI represented by improved Q-learning algorithm with the Self-Organizing Network (SON) concept in LTE will be used to manage and optimize Handover (HO) parameters and process in the system. The ns-3 simulator result shows that AI managed to improve and optimize the LTE system performance

    WLAN performance evaluation in different wireless access techniques (DCF, PCF, HCF)

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    IEEE 802.11x Wireless Local-Area-Network (WLAN) considered a powerful solution for the last mile wireless broadband(BB) access. WLAN becomes important element in 4G and 5G mobile networks because it can provide services to mobile users in areas not covered by eNBs. However, the 802.11 legacy protocol doesn’t support delay-sensitive services like VoIP because it adopts the best-effort method. In 2001 IEEE 802.11e standard was proposed to deploy QoS with new access techniques introduction. There are many parameters related to MAC layer which affect the WLAN network performance from the prospective of delay, and throughput. This study presents performance evaluation of voice traffic and FTP traffic in IEEE802.11 legacy protocol WLAN and IEEE802.11e WLAN via OPNET computer simulation. Network performance will be tested against different MAC access protocols and different MAC parameters

    Reviewing the effectiveness of artificial intelligence techniques against cyber security risks

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    The rapid increase in malicious cyber-criminal activities has made the field of cybersecurity a crucial research discipline. Over the areas, the advancement in information technology has enabled cybercriminals to launch increasingly sophisticated attacks that can endanger cybersecurity. Due to this, traditional cybersecurity solutions have become ineffective against emerging cyberattacks. However, the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) – particularly Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) – and cryptographic techniques have shown promising results in countering the evolving cyber threats caused by adversaries. Therefore, in this study, AI's potential in enhancing cybersecurity solutions is discussed. Additionally, the study has provided an in-depth analysis of different AI-based techniques that can detect, analyse, and prevent cyber threats. In the end, the present study has also discussed future research opportunities that are linked with the development of AI systems in the field of cybersecurity

    Verifying persuasive factors boosting online services business within mobile applications

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    The study's objective is to investigate factors that contribute to user acceptance and the actual use of mobile apps in the online service. The UTAUT and ETAM models were used in this study, and they facilitated the development of the hypotheses. The hypotheses were that quality, satisfaction, security, performance expectation, effort expectation, facilitating conditions, and social influences impact mobile app acceptance and the actual use of online service. The study used a quantitative case study approach and data collection through surveys. The p values obtained for the seven constructs were lower than the 0.05 and 0.001 significance levels and hence supported the hypothesis developed

    Bordering a set of energy criteria for the contributing in the transition level to sustainable energy in electrical Iraqi Projects

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    Design Engineering is considered in all their details as an engineering road-map that implementing companies must adhere to. Therefore, designers must consider sustainable standards in engineering designs in general and designs for energy-related parts of buildings. For the purpose of disseminating sustainable energy designs, the analytical require study of performance construction in terms of energy consumption, knowledge of the sources of this energy. The extent to basic electrical and mechanical designs are simulated to the energy performance requirements of a sustainable methodology. For this reason, this research paper sheds light on a survey study of the extent to which projects conform in terms of implementation and design to methodological standards in the performance of sustainable energy by relying on a group of experts and specialists in this field. Therefore, the researcher has adopted a set of standards that simulate the burning environment and in an open questionnaire whose outputs have turned into a closed questionnaire to include a group of specialized experts to reach the importance of organizing these standards to be part of the Iraqi construction electrical project

    The use of planning in crisis management and its impact on the educational sector: An analytical exploratory study at the Dor Institute of the Northern Technical University

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    The educational system in universities has been exposed to several crises, the most recent of which is the Corona crisis, which affected the educational systems followed and the latest change in the education system, which turned to e-learning systems to prevent the spread of the epidemic and preserve the lives of students from infection, so the types and forms of crisis management systems differed in the diversity of planning methods and what it contains From (realistic, comprehensive, coordination, integration, timing, participation, provision of the necessary resources), so the educational administration followed the distance education strategy with the availability of places for social distancing and keeping the geographical space allocated to the university as it is. In order to overcome the problem of availability and wide spaces for study halls and laboratories, various planning methods must be used, as it is possible to use crisis management approaches, given that crises have become an integral part of the fabric of contemporary life, and that the occurrence of crises has become a fact of daily life, and the name of each crisis has become It is associated with a special type of disaster. One of the characteristics of the crisis is entering into a circle of future unknowns that are difficult to know or accurately calculate, given that the real danger of the crisis does not go away or relates to the past and the present only, but is strongly oriented towards what the crisis may lead to in the future, so it required intensive professional training for workers In the field of education, on how to face crises, develop their awareness of the characteristics and nature of the crisis, and develop their skills that must be available in those managing the educational process to enable them to deal effectively with various crises . The study dealt with the correlation and the impact of planning and crisis management on the educational sector by relying on an academic sample of (128) teachers and academic staff