366 research outputs found

    Self-adaptive node-based PCA encodings

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    In this paper we propose an algorithm, Simple Hebbian PCA, and prove that it is able to calculate the principal component analysis (PCA) in a distributed fashion across nodes. It simplifies existing network structures by removing intralayer weights, essentially cutting the number of weights that need to be trained in half

    A VLSI-design of the minimum entropy neuron

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    One of the most interesting domains of feedforward networks is the processing of sensor signals. There do exist some networks which extract most of the information by implementing the maximum entropy principle for Gaussian sources. This is done by transforming input patterns to the base of eigenvectors of the input autocorrelation matrix with the biggest eigenvalues. The basic building block of these networks is the linear neuron, learning with the Oja learning rule. Nevertheless, some researchers in pattern recognition theory claim that for pattern recognition and classification clustering transformations are needed which reduce the intra-class entropy. This leads to stable, reliable features and is implemented for Gaussian sources by a linear transformation using the eigenvectors with the smallest eigenvalues. In another paper (Brause 1992) it is shown that the basic building block for such a transformation can be implemented by a linear neuron using an Anti-Hebb rule and restricted weights. This paper shows the analog VLSI design for such a building block, using standard modules of multiplication and addition. The most tedious problem in this VLSI-application is the design of an analog vector normalization circuitry. It can be shown that the standard approaches of weight summation will not give the convergence to the eigenvectors for a proper feature transformation. To avoid this problem, our design differs significantly from the standard approaches by computing the real Euclidean norm. Keywords: minimum entropy, principal component analysis, VLSI, neural networks, surface approximation, cluster transformation, weight normalization circuit

    Self-organized learning in multi-layer networks

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    We present a framework for the self-organized formation of high level learning by a statistical preprocessing of features. The paper focuses first on the formation of the features in the context of layers of feature processing units as a kind of resource-restricted associative multiresolution learning We clame that such an architecture must reach maturity by basic statistical proportions, optimizing the information processing capabilities of each layer. The final symbolic output is learned by pure association of features of different levels and kind of sensorial input. Finally, we also show that common error-correction learning for motor skills can be accomplished also by non-specific associative learning. Keywords: feedforward network layers, maximal information gain, restricted Hebbian learning, cellular neural nets, evolutionary associative learnin

    Comparison between Oja's and BCM neural networks models in finding useful projections in high-dimensional spaces

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    This thesis presents the concept of a neural network starting from its corresponding biological model, paying particular attention to the learning algorithms proposed by Oja and Bienenstock Cooper & Munro. A brief introduction to Data Analysis is then performed, with particular reference to the Principal Components Analysis and Singular Value Decomposition. The two previously introduced algorithms are then dealt with more thoroughly, going to study in particular their connections with data analysis. Finally, it is proposed to use the Singular Value Decomposition as a method for obtaining stationary points in the BCM algorithm, in the case of linearly dependent inputs

    Hybrid Neural Networks for Frequency Estimation of Unevenly Sampled Data

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    In this paper we present a hybrid system composed by a neural network based estimator system and genetic algorithms. It uses an unsupervised Hebbian nonlinear neural algorithm to extract the principal components which, in turn, are used by the MUSIC frequency estimator algorithm to extract the frequencies. We generalize this method to avoid an interpolation preprocessing step and to improve the performance by using a new stop criterion to avoid overfitting. Furthermore, genetic algorithms are used to optimize the neural net weight initialization. The experimental results are obtained comparing our methodology with the others known in literature on a Cepheid star light curve.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in the proceedings of IJCNN 99, IEEE Press, 199

    Generating functionals for computational intelligence: the Fisher information as an objective function for self-limiting Hebbian learning rules

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    Generating functionals may guide the evolution of a dynamical system and constitute a possible route for handling the complexity of neural networks as relevant for computational intelligence. We propose and explore a new objective function, which allows to obtain plasticity rules for the afferent synaptic weights. The adaption rules are Hebbian, self-limiting, and result from the minimization of the Fisher information with respect to the synaptic flux. We perform a series of simulations examining the behavior of the new learning rules in various circumstances. The vector of synaptic weights aligns with the principal direction of input activities, whenever one is present. A linear discrimination is performed when there are two or more principal directions; directions having bimodal firing-rate distributions, being characterized by a negative excess kurtosis, are preferred. We find robust performance and full homeostatic adaption of the synaptic weights results as a by-product of the synaptic flux minimization. This self-limiting behavior allows for stable online learning for arbitrary durations. The neuron acquires new information when the statistics of input activities is changed at a certain point of the simulation, showing however, a distinct resilience to unlearn previously acquired knowledge. Learning is fast when starting with randomly drawn synaptic weights and substantially slower when the synaptic weights are already fully adapted
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