583 research outputs found

    Multifractal characteristics of external anal sphincter based on sEMG signals

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    This work presents the application of Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis for the surface electromyography signals obtained from the patients suffering from rectal cancer. The electrical activity of an external anal sphincter at different levels of medical treatment is considered. The results from standard MFDFA and the EMD--based MFDFA method are compared. Two distinct scaling regions were identified. Within the region of short time scales the calculated spectra exhibit the shift towards higher values of the singularity exponent for both methods. In addition obtained spectra are shifted towards the lower values of singularity exponent for the EMD--based MFDFA.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Quantifying origin and character of long-range correlations in narrative texts

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    In natural language using short sentences is considered efficient for communication. However, a text composed exclusively of such sentences looks technical and reads boring. A text composed of long ones, on the other hand, demands significantly more effort for comprehension. Studying characteristics of the sentence length variability (SLV) in a large corpus of world-famous literary texts shows that an appealing and aesthetic optimum appears somewhere in between and involves selfsimilar, cascade-like alternation of various lengths sentences. A related quantitative observation is that the power spectra S(f) of thus characterized SLV universally develop a convincing `1/f^beta' scaling with the average exponent beta =~ 1/2, close to what has been identified before in musical compositions or in the brain waves. An overwhelming majority of the studied texts simply obeys such fractal attributes but especially spectacular in this respect are hypertext-like, "stream of consciousness" novels. In addition, they appear to develop structures characteristic of irreducibly interwoven sets of fractals called multifractals. Scaling of S(f) in the present context implies existence of the long-range correlations in texts and appearance of multifractality indicates that they carry even a nonlinear component. A distinct role of the full stops in inducing the long-range correlations in texts is evidenced by the fact that the above quantitative characteristics on the long-range correlations manifest themselves in variation of the full stops recurrence times along texts, thus in SLV, but to a much lesser degree in the recurrence times of the most frequent words. In this latter case the nonlinear correlations, thus multifractality, disappear even completely for all the texts considered. Treated as one extra word, the full stops at the same time appear to obey the Zipfian rank-frequency distribution, however.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Information Science

    Dynamical variety of shapes in financial multifractality

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    The concept of multifractality offers a powerful formal tool to filter out multitude of the most relevant characteristics of complex time series. The related studies thus far presented in the scientific literature typically limit themselves to evaluation of whether or not a time series is multifractal and width of the resulting singularity spectrum is considered a measure of the degree of complexity involved. However, the character of the complexity of time series generated by the natural processes usually appears much more intricate than such a bare statement can reflect. As an example, based on the long-term records of S&P500 and NASDAQ - the two world leading stock market indices - the present study shows that they indeed develop the multifractal features, but these features evolve through a variety of shapes, most often strongly asymmetric, whose changes typically are correlated with the historically most significant events experienced by the world economy. Relating at the same time the index multifractal singularity spectra to those of the component stocks that form this index reflects the varying degree of correlations involved among the stocks.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure

    Application of Fractal and Wavelets in Microcalcification Detection

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    Breast cancer has been recognized as one or the most frequent, malignant tumors in women, clustered microcalcifications in mammogram images has been widely recognized as an early sign of breast cancer. This work is devote to review the application of Fractal and Wavelets in microcalcifications detection

    Complexity Measures of Music

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    We present a technique to search for the presence of crucial events in music, based on the analysis of the music volume. Earlier work on this issue was based on the assumption that crucial events correspond to the change of music notes, with the interesting result that the complexity index of the crucial events is mu ~ 2, which is the same inverse power-law index of the dynamics of the brain. The search technique analyzes music volume and confirms the results of the earlier work, thereby contributing to the explanation as to why the brain is sensitive to music, through the phenomenon of complexity matching. Complexity matching has recently been interpreted as the transfer of multifractality from one complex network to another. For this reason we also examine the mulifractality of music, with the observation that the multifractal spectrum of a computer performance is significantly narrower than the multifractal spectrum of a human performance of the same musical score. We conjecture that although crucial events are demonstrably important for information transmission, they alone are not suficient to define musicality, which is more adequately measured by the multifractality spectrum