66,299 research outputs found

    Stability analysis and control of discrete-time systems with delay

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    The research presented in this thesis considers the stability analysis and control of discrete-time systems with delay. The interest in this class of systems has been motivated traditionally by sampled-data systems in which a process is sampled periodically and then controlled via a computer. This setting leads to relatively cheap control solutions, but requires the discretization of signals which typically introduces time delays. Therefore, controller design for sampled-data systems is often based on a model consisting of a discrete-time system with delay. More recently the interest in discrete-time systems with delay has been motivated by networked control systems in which the connection between the process and the controller is made through a shared communication network. This communication network increases the flexibility of the control architecture but also introduces effects such as packet dropouts, uncertain time-varying delays and timing jitter. To take those effects into account, typically a discrete-time system with delay is formulated that represents the process together with the communication network, this model is then used for controller design While most researchers that work on sampled-data and networked control systems make use of discrete-time systems with delay as a modeling class, they merely use these models as a tool to analyse the properties of their original control problem. Unfortunately, a relatively small amount of research on discrete-time systems with delay addresses fundamental questions such as: What trade-off between computational complexity and conceptual generality or potential control performance is provided by the different stability analysis methods that underlie existing results? Are there other stability analysis methods possible that provide a better trade-off between these properties? In this thesis we try to address these and other related questions. Motivated by the fact that almost every system in practice is subject to constraints and Lyapunov theory is one of the few methods that can be easily adapted to deal with constraints, all results in this thesis are based on Lyapunov theory. In Chapter 2 we introduce delay difference inclusions (DDIs) as a modeling class for systems with delay and discuss their generality and advantages. Furthermore, the two standard stability analysis results for DDIs that make use of Lyapunov theory, i.e., the Krasovskii and Razumikhin approaches, are considered. The Krasovskii approach provides necessary and sufficient conditions for stability while the Razumikhin approach provides conditions that are relatively simple to verify but conservative. An important conclusion is that the Razumikhin approach makes use of conditions that involve the system state only while those corresponding to the Krasovskii approach involve trajectory segments. Therefore, only the Razumikhin approach yields information about DDI trajectories directly, such that the corresponding computations can be executed in the low-dimensional state space of the DDI dynamics. Hence, we focus on the Razumikhin approach in the remainder of the thesis. In Chapter 3 it is shown that by considering each delayed state as a subsystem, the behavior of a DDI can be described by an interconnected system. Thus, the Razumikhin approach is found to be an exact application of the small-gain theorem, which provides an explanation for the conservatism that is typically associated with this approach. Then, inspired by the relation of DDIs to interconnected systems, we propose a new Razumikhin-type stability analysis method that makes use of a stability analysis result for interconnected systems with dissipative subsystems. The proposed method is shown to provide a trade-off between the conceptual generality of the Krasovskii approach and the computationally convenience of the Razumikhin approach. Unfortunately, these novel Razumikhin-type stability analysis conditions still remain conservative. Therefore, in Chapter 4 we propose a relaxation of the Razumikhin approach that provides necessary and sufficient conditions for stability. Thus, we obtain a Razumikhin-type result that makes use of conditions that involve the system state only and are non-conservative. Interestingly, we prove that for positive linear systems these conditions equivalent to the standard Razumikhin approach and hence both are necessary and sufficient for stability. This establishes the dominance of the standard Razumikhin approach over the Krasovskii approach for positive linear discrete-time systems with delay. Next, in Chapter 5 the stability analysis of constrained DDIs is considered. To this end, we study the construction of invariant sets. In this context the Krasovskii approach leads to algorithms that are not computationally tractable while the Razumikhin approach is, due to its conservatism, not always able to provide a suitable invariant set. Based on the non-conservative Razumikhin-type conditions that were proposed in Chapter 4, a novel invariance notion is proposed. This notion, called the invariant family of sets, preserves the conceptual generality of the Krasovskii approach while, at the same time, it has a computational complexity comparable to the Razumikhin approach. The properties of invariant families of sets are analyzed and synthesis methods are presented. Then, in Chapter 6 the stabilization of constrained linear DDIs is considered. In particular, we propose two advanced control schemes that make use of online optimization. The first scheme is designed specifically to handle constraints in a non-conservative way and is based on the Razumikhin approach. The second control scheme reduces the computational complexity that is typically associated with the stabilization of constrained DDIs and is based on a set of necessary and sufficient Razumikhin-type conditions for stability. In Chapter 7 interconnected systems with delay are considered. In particular, the standard stability analysis results based on the Krasovskii as well as the Razumikhin approach are extended to interconnected systems with delay using small-gain arguments. This leads, among others, to the insight that delays on the channels that connect the various subsystems can not cause the instability of the overall interconnected system with delay if a small-gain condition holds. This result stands in sharp contrast with the typical destabilizing effect that time delays have. The aforementioned results are used to analyse the stability of a classical power systems example where the power plants are controlled only locally via a communication network, which gives rise to local delays in the power plants. A reflection on the work that has been presented in this thesis and a set of conclusions and recommendations for future work are presented in Chapter 8

    Identifying modular flows on multilayer networks reveals highly overlapping organization in social systems

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    Unveiling the community structure of networks is a powerful methodology to comprehend interconnected systems across the social and natural sciences. To identify different types of functional modules in interaction data aggregated in a single network layer, researchers have developed many powerful methods. For example, flow-based methods have proven useful for identifying modular dynamics in weighted and directed networks that capture constraints on flow in the systems they represent. However, many networked systems consist of agents or components that exhibit multiple layers of interactions. Inevitably, representing this intricate network of networks as a single aggregated network leads to information loss and may obscure the actual organization. Here we propose a method based on compression of network flows that can identify modular flows in non-aggregated multilayer networks. Our numerical experiments on synthetic networks show that the method can accurately identify modules that cannot be identified in aggregated networks or by analyzing the layers separately. We capitalize on our findings and reveal the community structure of two multilayer collaboration networks: scientists affiliated to the Pierre Auger Observatory and scientists publishing works on networks on the arXiv. Compared to conventional aggregated methods, the multilayer method reveals smaller modules with more overlap that better capture the actual organization

    Sampled data systems passivity and discrete port-Hamiltonian systems

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    In this paper, we present a novel way to approach the interconnection of a continuous and a discrete time physical system first presented in [1][2] [3]. This is done in a way which preserves passivity of the coupled system independently of the sampling time T. This strategy can be used both in the field of telemanipulation, for the implementation of a passive master/slave system on a digital transmission line with varying time delays and possible loss of packets (e.g., the Internet), and in the field of haptics, where the virtual environment should `feel¿ like a physical equivalent system

    On a small-gain approach to distributed event-triggered control

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    In this paper the problem of stabilizing large-scale systems by distributed controllers, where the controllers exchange information via a shared limited communication medium is addressed. Event-triggered sampling schemes are proposed, where each system decides when to transmit new information across the network based on the crossing of some error thresholds. Stability of the interconnected large-scale system is inferred by applying a generalized small-gain theorem. Two variations of the event-triggered controllers which prevent the occurrence of the Zeno phenomenon are also discussed.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figure

    Scalable Approach to Uncertainty Quantification and Robust Design of Interconnected Dynamical Systems

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    Development of robust dynamical systems and networks such as autonomous aircraft systems capable of accomplishing complex missions faces challenges due to the dynamically evolving uncertainties coming from model uncertainties, necessity to operate in a hostile cluttered urban environment, and the distributed and dynamic nature of the communication and computation resources. Model-based robust design is difficult because of the complexity of the hybrid dynamic models including continuous vehicle dynamics, the discrete models of computations and communications, and the size of the problem. We will overview recent advances in methodology and tools to model, analyze, and design robust autonomous aerospace systems operating in uncertain environment, with stress on efficient uncertainty quantification and robust design using the case studies of the mission including model-based target tracking and search, and trajectory planning in uncertain urban environment. To show that the methodology is generally applicable to uncertain dynamical systems, we will also show examples of application of the new methods to efficient uncertainty quantification of energy usage in buildings, and stability assessment of interconnected power networks

    3 sampled-data control of nonlinear systems

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    This chapter provides some of the main ideas resulting from recent developments in sampled-data control of nonlinear systems. We have tried to bring the basic parts of the new developments within the comfortable grasp of graduate students. Instead of presenting the more general results that are available in the literature, we opted to present their less general versions that are easier to understand and whose proofs are easier to follow. We note that some of the proofs we present have not appeared in the literature in this simplified form. Hence, we believe that this chapter will serve as an important reference for students and researchers that are willing to learn about this area of research

    H2 Optimal Coordination of Homogeneous Agents Subject to Limited Information Exchange

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    Controllers with a diagonal-plus-low-rank structure constitute a scalable class of controllers for multi-agent systems. Previous research has shown that diagonal-plus-low-rank control laws appear as the optimal solution to a class of multi-agent H2 coordination problems, which arise in the control of wind farms. In this paper we show that this result extends to the case where the information exchange between agents is subject to limitations. We also show that the computational effort required to obtain the optimal controller is independent of the number of agents and provide analytical expressions that quantify the usefulness of information exchange