8,390 research outputs found

    Latest Developments in Industrial Hybrid Machine Tools that Combine Additive and Subtractive Operations

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    Hybrid machine tools combining additive and subtractive processes have arisen as a solution to increasing manufacture requirements, boosting the potentials of both technologies, while compensating and minimizing their limitations. Nevertheless, the idea of hybrid machines is relatively new and there is a notable lack of knowledge about the implications arisen from their in-practice use. Therefore, the main goal of the present paper is to fill the existing gap, giving an insight into the current advancements and pending tasks of hybrid machines both from an academic and industrial perspective. To that end, the technical-economical potentials and challenges emerging from their use are identified and critically discussed. In addition, the current situation and future perspectives of hybrid machines from the point of view of process planning, monitoring, and inspection are analyzed. On the one hand, it is found that hybrid machines enable a more efficient use of the resources available, as well as the production of previously unattainable complex parts. On the other hand, it is concluded that there are still some technological challenges derived from the interaction of additive and subtractive processes to be overcome (e.g., process planning, decision planning, use of cutting fluids, and need for a post-processing) before a full implantation of hybrid machines is fulfilledSpecial thanks are addressed to the Industry and Competitiveness Spanish Ministry for the support on the DPI2016-79889-R INTEGRADDI project and to the PARADDISE project H2020-IND-CE-2016-17/H2020-FOF-2016 of the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program

    Machining operations for components in kitchen furniture: a comparison between two management systems

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    A comparison between two machining of pieces management systems for the manufacture of kitchen furniture is presented. These pieces are characterized by having a morphology based on cuboid shapes and therefore defined by three variables: height, width and thickness. The first management system (type A) is based on the total machining of the pieces in a single process that uses boards of different raw materials (agglomerate, plywood, MDF, etc.). This is done in a single work center cutting the pieces as well as most of the holes necessary for the final assembly and the placement of hinges, handles and other fittings depending on the type of module. In the second system (type B) the process is done in two stages: the cutting of the pieces in the work center described above and the final finish prior to assembly in another work center. This investigation delves into a fundamental part of the process analyzed in a previous investigation in a Galician kitchen furniture manufacturing company. The goal is to demonstrate that the two stages system is the most suitable for a manufacturing characterized by a low standardization and the ability to meet orders with special modules with a customized manufacturing and therefore for the current production system in that company. The main results show that the second system is better: the total machining time used is 38% lower and the development time of machining programs for special parts (non-standard) is reduced to one third in type B system. As a main conclusion in this specific case, it is highlighted that the separation of cutting and machining operations improve productivity and flexibility especially in regard to setup

    A concept of water usage efficiency to support water reduction in manufacturing industry

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    Increasing pressures on freshwater supplies, continuity of supply uncertainties, and costs linked to legislative compliance, such as for wastewater treatment, are driving water use reduction up the agenda of manufacturing businesses. A survey is presented of current analysis methods and tools generally available to industry to analyze environmental impact of, and to manage, water use. These include life cycle analysis, water footprinting, strategic planning, water auditing, and process integration. It is identified that the methods surveyed do not provide insight into the operational requirements from individual process steps for water, instead taking such requirements as a given. We argue that such understanding is required for a proactive approach to long-term water usage reduction, in which sustainability is taken into account at the design stage for both process and product. As a first step to achieving this, we propose a concept of water usage efficiency which can be used to evaluate current and proposed processes and products. Three measures of efficiency are defined, supported by a framework of a detailed categorization and representation of water flows within a production system. The calculation of the efficiency measures is illustrated using the example of a tomato sauce production line. Finally, the elements required to create a useable tool based on the efficiency measures are discussed

    Improving technological machining simulation by tailored workpiece models and kinematics

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    Geometric modelling is an established approach for gathering detailed knowledge about the chronological sequence of process conditions and for determining technological values of machining processes such as milling, turning, grinding or additive manufacturing. Performance and accuracy essentially depend on the chosen workpiece model and its parametrization. Furthermore, several influences on the investigated machine tool system lead to errors, which must be modeled separately. This paper shows approaches to increase performance and accuracy of the simulation by choosing an appropriate combination of different geometric representations of the workpiece and by considering possible errors within the kinematic model. Examples for different applications in metal cutting are given

    Development of the mathematical model for surface topography quality determination at the end milling process

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    As a metal machining process, end milling is the most widely used processes in industry. One of the most important indicators of success in finishing operation is the estetic quality of the surface that is directly connected to the maximal height of uneven surfaces, namely rougness. In process of milling the quality of the machined surface depends of many factors, for example, tool geometry, cutter parallel axis offset and cutter axis tilt, tool deflection due to cutting forces, tool and work piece vibrations etc. This paper presents the development of mathematical model for the determination of the quality of the machined surface topography. The model starts from an ideal trochoid point trajectory on the cutting edge tooth end mill, and then inserts the deviations due to cutter parallel axis offset and cutter axis tilt and gives instructions for the input of other factors that influence on the machined surface quality. Also it compares the values of maximal roughness height with different mill axis positions, and on different mill cross section heights, as well as the differences at up and down milling

    A Metrics-based Sustainability Assessment of Cryogenic Machining Using Modeling and Optimization of Process Performance

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    The development of a sustainable manufacturing process requires a comprehensive evaluation method and fundamental understanding of the processes. Coolant application is a critical sustainability concern in the widely used machining process. Cryogenic machining is considered a candidate for sustainable coolant application. However, the lack of comprehensive evaluation methods leaves significant uncertainties about the overall sustainability performance of cryogenic machining. Also, the lack of practical application guidelines based on scientific understanding of the heat transfer mechanism in cryogenic machining limits the process optimization from achieving the most sustainable performance. In this dissertation, based on a proposed Process Sustainability Index (ProcSI) methodology, the sustainability performance of the cryogenic machining process is optimized with application guidelines established by scientific modeling of the heat transfer mechanism in the process. Based on the experimental results, the process optimization is carried out with Genetic Algorithm (GA). The metrics-based ProcSI method considers all three major aspects of sustainable manufacturing, namely economy, environment and society, based on the 6R concept and the total life-cycle aspect. There are sixty five metrics, categorized into six major clusters. Data for all relavant metrics are collected, normalized, weighted, and then aggregated to form the ProcSI score, as an overall judgment for the sustainability performance of the process. The ProcSI method focuses on the process design as a manufacturer’s aspect, hoping to improve the sustainability performance of the manufactured products and the manufacturing system. A heat transfer analysis of cryogenic machining for a flank-side liquid nitrogen jet delivery is carried out. This is performed by micro-scale high-speed temperature measurement experiments. The experimental results are processed with an innovative inverse heat transfer solution method to calculate the surface heat transfer coefficient at various locations throughout a wide temperature range. Based on the results, the application guidelines, including suggestions of a minimal, but sufficient, coolant flow rate are established. Cryogenic machining experiments are carried out, and ProcSI evaluation is applied to the experimental scenario. Based on the ProcSI evaluation, the optimization process implemented with GA provides optimal machining process parameters for minimum manufacturing cost, minimal energy consumption, or the best sustainability performance

    The configuration of design and manufacture knowledge models from a heavyweight ontological foundation

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    Problems related to knowledge sharing in design and manufacture, for supporting automated decision-making procedures, are associated with the inability to communicate the full meaning of concepts and their intent within and across system boundaries. To remedy these issues, it is important that the explicit structuring of semantics, i.e., meaning in computation form, is first performed and that these semantics become sharable across systems. This paper proposes an expressive (heavyweight) Common Logic-based ontological foundation as a basis for capturing the meaning of generic feature-oriented design and manufacture concepts. This ontological foundation serves as a semantic ground over which design and manufacture knowledge models can be configured in an integrity-driven way. The implications involved in the specification of the ontological foundation are discussed alongside the types of mechanisms that allow knowledge models to be configured. A test case scenario is then analysed in order to further support and verify the researched approach