21 research outputs found

    Design, Actuation, and Functionalization of Untethered Soft Magnetic Robots with Life-Like Motions: A Review

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    Soft robots have demonstrated superior flexibility and functionality than conventional rigid robots. These versatile devices can respond to a wide range of external stimuli (including light, magnetic field, heat, electric field, etc.), and can perform sophisticated tasks. Notably, soft magnetic robots exhibit unparalleled advantages among numerous soft robots (such as untethered control, rapid response, and high safety), and have made remarkable progress in small-scale manipulation tasks and biomedical applications. Despite the promising potential, soft magnetic robots are still in their infancy and require significant advancements in terms of fabrication, design principles, and functional development to be viable for real-world applications. Recent progress shows that bionics can serve as an effective tool for developing soft robots. In light of this, the review is presented with two main goals: (i) exploring how innovative bioinspired strategies can revolutionize the design and actuation of soft magnetic robots to realize various life-like motions; (ii) examining how these bionic systems could benefit practical applications in small-scale solid/liquid manipulation and therapeutic/diagnostic-related biomedical fields


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    This dissertation presents work done in the design, modeling, and fabrication of magnetically actuated microrobot legs. Novel fabrication processes for manufacturing multi-material compliant mechanisms have been used to fabricate effective legged robots at both the meso and micro scales, where the meso scale refers to the transition between macro and micro scales. This work discusses the development of a novel mesoscale manufacturing process, Laser Cut Elastomer Refill (LaCER), for prototyping millimeter-scale multi-material compliant mechanisms with elastomer hinges. Additionally discussed is an extension of previous work on the development of a microscale manufacturing process for fabricating micrometer-sale multi-material compliant mechanisms with elastomer hinges, with the added contribution of a method for incorporating magnetic materials for mechanism actuation using externally applied fields. As both of the fabrication processes outlined make significant use of highly compliant elastomer hinges, a fast, accurate modeling method for these hinges was desired for mechanism characterization and design. An analytical model was developed for this purpose, making use of the pseudo rigid-body (PRB) model and extending its utility to hinges with significant stretch component, such as those fabricated from elastomer materials. This model includes 3 springs with stiffnesses relating to material stiffness and hinge geometry, with additional correction factors for aspects particular to common multi-material hinge geometry. This model has been verified against a finite element analysis model (FEA), which in turn was matched to experimental data on mesoscale hinges manufactured using LaCER. These modeling methods have additionally been verified against experimental data from microscale hinges manufactured using the Si/elastomer/magnetics MEMS process. The development of several mechanisms is also discussed: including a mesoscale LaCER-fabricated hexapedal millirobot capable of walking at 2.4 body lengths per second; prototyped mesoscale LaCER-fabricated underactuated legs with asymmetrical features for improved performance; 1 centimeter cubed LaCER-fabricated magnetically-actuated hexapods which use the best-performing underactuated leg design to locomote at up to 10.6 body lengths per second; five microfabricated magnetically actuated single-hinge mechanisms; a 14-hinge, 11-link microfabricated gripper mechanism; a microfabricated robot leg mechansim demonstrated clearing a step height of 100 micrometers; and a 4 mm x 4 mm x 5 mm, 25 mg microfabricated magnetically-actuated hexapod, demonstrated walking at up to 2.25 body lengths per second


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    Due to scaling laws and ease of fabrication, electrostatic actuation offers a promising opportunity for actuation in small-scale robotics. This dissertation presents several novel actuator and motor designs as well as new techniques by which to characterize electrostatic gap closing actuators. A new motor architecture that uses in-plane electrostatic gap-closing actuators along with a flexible driving arm mechanism to improve motor force density is introduced, optimized, manufactured, and tested. This motor operates similarly to other inchworm-based microactuators by accumulating small displacements from the actuators into much larger displacements in the motor. Using an analytical model of the inchworm motor based on the static force equilibrium condition, optimizations of a full motor design were performed to maximize motor force density. In addition, force losses from supporting flexures were included to calculate the theoretical motor efficiency for different motor designs. This force density optimization analysis of the gap-closing actuators and supporting motor structures provided the basis for designing and manufacturing inchworm motors with flexible driving arms and gap-closing actuators. The motor required only a single-mask fabrication and demonstrated robust performance, a maximum speed of 4.8mm/s , and a maximum force on the shuttle of 1.88mN at 110V which corresponds to area force density of 1.38mN/mm2. In addition, instead of estimating motor force based on drawn or measured dimensions which often overestimates force, the demonstrated maximum motor force was measured using calibrated springs. The efficiency of the manufactured motor was measured at 8.75% using capacitance measurements and useful work output. To further increase force output from these motors, several new designs were proposed, analyzed, and tested. Thick film actuators that take advantage of a through-wafer etch offered a promising opportunity to increase force given the linear increase in force with actuator thickness. However, fabrication challenges made this particular approach inoperable with current manufacturing capabilities. New actuator designs with compliant and zipping electrodes did demonstrate significant increases in force, but not the order of magnitude increase promised by modeling and analysis. In order to study and understand this discrepancy, several new techniques were developed to electrically and electromechanically characterize the force output of these new actuator designs. The first technique identifies parameters in an equivalent circuit model of the actuator, including actuator capacitance. By monitoring change in capacitance along the travel range of the motor, electrostatic force in equilibrium can be estimated. Charge transferred to and from the actuator can also provide an estimate of actuator efficiency. The second technique uses a constant rate spike to more thoroughly explore the rapid dynamics of actuator pull-in and zipping. New characterization methods allowed for collecting large amounts of data describing performance of motors with zipping and compliant electrodes. The data was used to back up the main hypothesis of force output discrepancy between theory and practice. Also, it was used to highlight extreme sensitivity of proposed motors toward manufacturing process and its tolerances

    Locomotion of Low-DoF Multi-legged Robots

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    Multi-legged robots inspired by insects and other arthropods have unique advantages when compared with bipedal and quadrupedal robots. Their sprawled posture provides stability, and allows them to utilize low-DoF legs which are easier to build and control. With low-DoF legs and multiple contacts with the environment, low-DoF multi-legged robots are usually over constrained if no slipping is allowed. This makes them intrinsically different from the classic bipedal and quadrupedal robots which have high-DoF legs and fewer contacts with the environment. Here we study the unique characteristics of low-DoF multi-legged robots, in terms of design, mobility and modeling. One key observation we prove is that 1-DoF multi-legged robots must slip to be able to steer in the plane. Slipping with multiple contacts makes it difficult to model these robots and their locomotion. Therefore, instead of relying on models, our primary strategy has been careful experimental study. We designed and built our own customized robots which are easily reconfigurable to accommodate a variety of research requirements. In this dissertation we present two robot platforms, BigAnt and Multipod, which demonstrate our design and fabrication methods for low-cost rapidly fabricated modular robotic platforms. BigAnt is a hexapedal robot with 1-DoF legs, whose chassis is constructed from foam board and fiber tape, and costs less than 20 USD in total; Multipod is a highly modular multi-legged robot that can be easily assembled to have different numbers of 2-DoF legs (4 to 12 legs discussed here). We conducted a detailed analysis of steering, including proposing a formal definition of steering gaits grounded in geometric mechanics, and demonstrated the intrinsic difference between legged steering and wheeled steering. We designed gaits for walking, steering, undulating, stair climbing, turning in place, and more, and experimentally tested all these gaits on our robot platforms with detailed motion tracking. Through the theoretical analyses and the experimental tests, we proved that allowing slipping is beneficial for improving the steering in our robots. Where conventional modeling strategies struggle due to multi-contact slipping, we made a significant scientific discovery: that multi-legged locomotion with slipping is often geometric in the sense known from the study of low Reynolds number swimmers and non-holonomic wheeled snake robots which have continuous contact with the environment. We noted that motion can be geometric ``on average'', i.e. stride to stride, and can be truly instantaneously geometric. For each of these we developed a data-driven modeling approach that allowed us to analyze the degree to which a motion is geometric, and applied the analysis to BigAnt and Multipod. These models can also be used for robot motion planning. To explore the mechanism behind the geometric motion characteristics of these robots, we proposed a spring supported multi-legged model. We tested the simulation based on this model against experimental data for all the systems we studied: BigAnt, Multipod, Mechapod (a variant of 6-legged Multipod) and cockroaches. The model prediction results captures many key features of system velocity profiles, but still showed some systematic errors (which can be alleviated ad-hoc). Our work shows the promise of low-DoF multi-legged robots as a class of robotic platforms that are easy to build and simulate, and have many of the mobility advantages of legged systems without the difficulties in stability and control that appear in robots with four or fewer legs.PHDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/169985/1/danzhaoy_1.pd

    Novel Locomotion Methods in Magnetic Actuation and Pipe Inspection

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    There is much room for improvement in tube network inspections of jet aircraft. Often, these inspections are incomplete and inconsistent. In this paper, we develop a Modular Robotic Inspection System (MoRIS) for jet aircraft tube networks and a corresponding kinematic model. MoRIS consists of a Base Station for user control and communication, and robotic Vertebrae for accessing and inspecting the network. The presented and tested design of MoRIS can travel up to 9 feet in a tube network. The Vertebrae can navigate in all orientations, including smooth vertical tubes. The design is optimized for nominal 1.5 outside diameter tubes. We developed a model of the Locomotion Vertebra in a tube. We defined the model\u27s coordinate system and its generalized coordinates. We studied the configuration space of the robot, which includes all possible orientations of the Locomotion Vertebra. We derived the expression for the elastic potential energy of the Vertebra\u27s suspensions and minimized it to find the natural settling orientation of the robot. We further explore the effect of the tractive wheel\u27s velocity constraint on locomotion dynamics. Finally, we develop a general model for aircraft tube networks and for a taut tether. Stabilizing bipedal walkers is a engineering target throughout the research community. In this paper, we develop an impulsively actuated walking robot. Through the use of magnetic actuation, for the first time, pure impulsive actuation has been achieved in bipedal walkers. In studying this locomotion technique, we built the world\u27s smallest walker: Big Foot. A dynamical model was developed for Big Foot. A Heel Strike and a Constant Pulse Wave Actuation Schemes were selected for testing. The schemes were validated through simulations and experiments. We showed that there exists two regimes for impulsive actuation. There is a regime for impact-like actuation and a regime for longer duration impulsive actuation