174 research outputs found

    Unplugged Coding Activities for Early Childhood Problem-Solving Skills

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    Problem solving skills are very important in supporting social development. Children with problem solving skills can build healthy relationships with their friends, understand the emotions of those around them, and see events with other people's perspectives. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of playing unplugged coding programs in improving early childhood problem solving skills. This study used a classroom action research design, using the Kemmis and Taggart cycle models. The subjects of this study were children aged 5-6 years in Shafa Marwah Kindergarten. Research can achieve the target results of increasing children's problem-solving abilities after going through two cycles. In the first cycle, the child's initial problem-solving skills was 67.5% and in the second cycle it increased to 80.5%. The initial skills of children's problem-solving increases because children tend to be enthusiastic and excited about the various play activities prepared by the teacher. The stimulation and motivation of the teacher enables children to find solutions to problems faced when carrying out play activities. So, it can be concluded that learning unplugged coding is an activity that can attract children's interest and become a solution to bring up children's initial problem-solving abilities. Keywords: Early Childhood, Unplugged Coding, Problem solving skills References: Akyol-Altun, C. (2018). Algorithm and coding education in pre-school teaching program integration the efectiveness of problem-solving skills in students. Angeli, C., Smith, J., Zagami, J., Cox, M., Webb, M., Fluck, A., & Voogt, J. (2016). A K-6 Computational Thinking Curriculum Framework: Implications for Teacher Knowledge. Educational Technology & Society, 12. AnlÄąak, Ş., & Dinçer, Ç. (2005). 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    Development of Computational Thinking of Tenth–Grade Students Using Basic Bioinformatics Practices   Natthasit Norasit, Pongprapan Pongsophon, Wanwipa Vongsangnak and Santichai Anuworrachai   āļĢāļąāļšāļšāļ—āļ„āļ§āļēāļĄ: 12 āļĄāļĩāļ™āļēāļ„āļĄ 2566; āđāļāđ‰āđ„āļ‚āļšāļ—āļ„āļ§āļēāļĄ: 13 āļ•āļļāļĨāļēāļ„āļĄ 2566; āļĒāļ­āļĄāļĢāļąāļšāļ•āļĩāļžāļīāļĄāļžāđŒ: 5 āļ˜āļąāļ™āļ§āļēāļ„āļĄ 2566; āļ•āļĩāļžāļīāļĄāļžāđŒāļ­āļ­āļ™āđ„āļĨāļ™āđŒ: 21 āļ˜āļąāļ™āļ§āļēāļ„āļĄ 2566    āļšāļ—āļ„āļąāļ”āļĒāđˆāļ­ āļ§āļīāļ—āļĒāļēāļāļēāļĢāļ„āļģāļ™āļ§āļ“āđ„āļ”āđ‰āđ€āļ‚āđ‰āļēāļĄāļēāļĄāļĩāļšāļ—āļšāļēāļ—āđƒāļ™āļ§āļ‡āļāļēāļĢāļ§āļīāļ—āļĒāļēāļĻāļēāļŠāļ•āļĢāđŒāļ­āļĒāđˆāļēāļ‡āļĄāļēāļ āđ‚āļ”āļĒāđ€āļ‰āļžāļēāļ°āļ­āļĒāđˆāļēāļ‡āļĒāļīāđˆāļ‡āđƒāļ™āļāļēāļĢāļˆāļąāļ”āļāļēāļĢāļ‚āđ‰āļ­āļĄāļđāļĨāļ—āļēāļ‡āļ§āļīāļ—āļĒāļēāļĻāļēāļŠāļ•āļĢāđŒāļ‚āļ™āļēāļ”āđƒāļŦāļāđˆ āļĄāļĩāļ„āļ§āļēāļĄāļ‹āļąāļšāļ‹āđ‰āļ­āļ™āļŠāļđāļ‡ āļœāļđāđ‰āđ€āļĢāļĩāļĒāļ™āļ•āđ‰āļ­āļ‡āđ€āļ•āļĢāļĩāļĒāļĄāļ„āļ§āļēāļĄāļžāļĢāđ‰āļ­āļĄāđƒāļ™āļāļēāļĢāđ€āļ›āđ‡āļ™āļ™āļąāļāļ§āļīāļ—āļĒāļēāļĻāļēāļŠāļ•āļĢāđŒāđƒāļ™āļĒāļļāļ„āđāļŦāđˆāļ‡āļ‚āđ‰āļ­āļĄāļđāļĨāđāļĨāļ°āđ€āļ—āļ„āđ‚āļ™āđ‚āļĨāļĒāļĩāđ‚āļ”āļĒāļāļēāļĢāļĄāļĩāļāļēāļĢāļ„āļīāļ”āđ€āļŠāļīāļ‡āļ„āļģāļ™āļ§āļ“ āļ—āļ§āđˆāļēāļĒāļąāļ‡āđ„āļĄāđˆāļĄāļĩāđāļ™āļ§āļ—āļēāļ‡āļ›āļāļīāļšāļąāļ•āļīāļ—āļĩāđˆāļŠāļąāļ”āđ€āļˆāļ™āđƒāļ™āļāļēāļĢāļˆāļąāļ”āļāļēāļĢāđ€āļĢāļĩāļĒāļ™āļĢāļđāđ‰āļ—āļĩāđˆāļŠāđˆāļ‡āđ€āļŠāļĢāļīāļĄāļāļēāļĢāļ„āļīāļ”āđ€āļŠāļīāļ‡āļ„āļģāļ™āļ§āļ“āđƒāļ™āļŠāļąāđ‰āļ™āđ€āļĢāļĩāļĒāļ™āļ§āļīāļ—āļĒāļēāļĻāļēāļŠāļ•āļĢāđŒ āļ”āļąāļ‡āļ™āļąāđ‰āļ™ āļ‡āļēāļ™āļ§āļīāļˆāļąāļĒāļĄāļĩāđ€āļ›āđ‰āļēāļŦāļĄāļēāļĒāđ€āļžāļ·āđˆāļ­ 1) āļ§āļąāļ”āļāļēāļĢāļ„āļīāļ”āđ€āļŠāļīāļ‡āļ„āļģāļ™āļ§āļ“āļ‚āļ­āļ‡āļœāļđāđ‰āđ€āļĢāļĩāļĒāļ™āļāđˆāļ­āļ™āđāļĨāļ°āļŦāļĨāļąāļ‡āđ€āļĢāļĩāļĒāļ™āļ”āđ‰āļ§āļĒāļāļēāļĢāļ›āļāļīāļšāļąāļ•āļīāļ—āļēāļ‡āļŠāļĩāļ§āļŠāļēāļĢāļŠāļ™āđ€āļ—āļĻāļ‚āļąāđ‰āļ™āļžāļ·āđ‰āļ™āļāļēāļ™ āđāļĨāļ° 2) āļĻāļķāļāļĐāļēāđāļ™āļ§āļ›āļāļīāļšāļąāļ•āļīāļ—āļĩāđˆāļ”āļĩāđƒāļ™āļāļēāļĢāđƒāļŠāđ‰āļāļēāļĢāļ›āļāļīāļšāļąāļ•āļīāļ—āļēāļ‡āļŠāļĩāļ§āļŠāļēāļĢāļŠāļ™āđ€āļ—āļĻāļ‚āļąāđ‰āļ™āļžāļ·āđ‰āļ™āļāļēāļ™āđ€āļžāļ·āđˆāļ­āļžāļąāļ’āļ™āļēāļāļēāļĢāļ„āļīāļ”āđ€āļŠāļīāļ‡āļ„āļģāļ™āļ§āļ“ āļāļĨāļļāđˆāļĄāļ•āļąāļ§āļ­āļĒāđˆāļēāļ‡āļ„āļ·āļ­āļ™āļąāļāđ€āļĢāļĩāļĒāļ™āļŠāļąāđ‰āļ™āļĄāļąāļ˜āļĒāļĄāļĻāļķāļāļĐāļēāļ›āļĩāļ—āļĩāđˆ 4 āđ‚āļĢāļ‡āđ€āļĢāļĩāļĒāļ™āļŠāļēāļ˜āļīāļ•āđāļŦāđˆāļ‡āļŦāļ™āļķāđˆāļ‡āđƒāļ™āļāļĢāļļāļ‡āđ€āļ—āļžāļŊ āļˆāļģāļ™āļ§āļ™ 32 āļ„āļ™ āļœāļđāđ‰āļ§āļīāļˆāļąāļĒāļ­āļ­āļāđāļšāļšāļāļēāļĢāļˆāļąāļ”āļāļēāļĢāđ€āļĢāļĩāļĒāļ™āļĢāļđāđ‰ āđāļšāđˆāļ‡āđ€āļ›āđ‡āļ™ 2 āļŠāđˆāļ§āļ‡ āđ„āļ”āđ‰āđāļāđˆ āļāļēāļĢāļˆāļąāļ”āļāļēāļĢāđ€āļĢāļĩāļĒāļ™āļĢāļđāđ‰āđ‚āļ”āļĒāđ„āļĄāđˆāđƒāļŠāđ‰āļ„āļ­āļĄāļžāļīāļ§āđ€āļ•āļ­āļĢāđŒāđāļĨāļ°āđƒāļŠāđ‰āļ„āļ­āļĄāļžāļīāļ§āđ€āļ•āļ­āļĢāđŒ āđ€āļāđ‡āļšāļ‚āđ‰āļ­āļĄāļđāļĨāļ”āđ‰āļ§āļĒāđāļšāļšāļ§āļąāļ”āļāļēāļĢāļ„āļīāļ”āđ€āļŠāļīāļ‡āļ„āļģāļ™āļ§āļ“ āļ§āļīāđ€āļ„āļĢāļēāļ°āļŦāđŒāļ‚āđ‰āļ­āļĄāļđāļĨāļ”āđ‰āļ§āļĒāļŠāļ–āļīāļ•āļīāđ€āļŠāļīāļ‡āļžāļĢāļĢāļ“āļ™āļēāđāļĨāļ°āļ—āļ”āļŠāļ­āļšāļ„āļ§āļēāļĄāđāļ•āļāļ•āđˆāļēāļ‡āļĢāļ°āļŦāļ§āđˆāļēāļ‡āļ„āđˆāļēāđ€āļ‰āļĨāļĩāđˆāļĒāļŠāļ­āļ‡āļ„āđˆāļēāļ—āļĩāđˆāđ„āļ”āđ‰āļˆāļēāļāļāļĨāļļāđˆāļĄāļ•āļąāļ§āļ­āļĒāđˆāļēāļ‡āļŠāļ­āļ‡āļāļĨāļļāđˆāļĄāļ—āļĩāđˆāđ„āļĄāđˆāđ€āļ›āđ‡āļ™āļ­āļīāļŠāļĢāļ°āļ•āđˆāļ­āļāļąāļ™ (paired t–test) āļžāļšāļ§āđˆāļē āļ„āđˆāļēāđ€āļ‰āļĨāļĩāđˆāļĒāļ„āļ°āđāļ™āļ™āļāļēāļĢāļ„āļīāļ”āđ€āļŠāļīāļ‡āļ„āļģāļ™āļ§āļ“āļāđˆāļ­āļ™āđāļĨāļ°āļŦāļĨāļąāļ‡āđ€āļĢāļĩāļĒāļ™ āđ€āļ—āđˆāļēāļāļąāļš 17.78 (SD = 4.11) āđāļĨāļ° 21.65 (SD = 2.18) āđāļ•āļāļ•āđˆāļēāļ‡āļāļąāļ™ (t31, .05 = 7.08, p < .05) āļĢāļ§āļĄāļ–āļķāļ‡āļ„āđˆāļēāđ€āļ‰āļĨāļĩāđˆāļĒāļ„āļ°āđāļ™āļ™āļ—āļąāđ‰āļ‡ 4 āļ­āļ‡āļ„āđŒāļ›āļĢāļ°āļāļ­āļšāđ€āļžāļīāđˆāļĄāļ‚āļķāđ‰āļ™āļ­āļĒāđˆāļēāļ‡āļĄāļĩāļ™āļąāļĒāļŠāļģāļ„āļąāļāđ€āļŠāđˆāļ™āļāļąāļ™ āđāļĨāļ°āļ„āļĢāļđāļœāļđāđ‰āļŠāļ­āļ™āļ„āļ§āļĢāļˆāļąāļ”āļāļēāļĢāđ€āļĢāļĩāļĒāļ™āļĢāļđāđ‰āđ‚āļ”āļĒāđƒāļŠāđ‰āļāļēāļĢāļ›āļāļīāļšāļąāļ•āļīāļ—āļēāļ‡āļŠāļĩāļ§āļŠāļēāļĢāļŠāļ™āđ€āļ—āļĻāļ—āļĩāđˆāļ—āđ‰āļēāļ—āļēāļĒāđāļĨāļ°āđ€āļŠāļ·āđˆāļ­āļĄāđ‚āļĒāļ‡āļāļąāļšāļŠāļĩāļ§āļīāļ•āļ›āļĢāļ°āļˆāļģāļ§āļąāļ™āļ•āđˆāļ­āļœāļđāđ‰āđ€āļĢāļĩāļĒāļ™āļ­āļĒāđˆāļēāļ‡āļŠāļąāļ”āđāļˆāđ‰āļ‡āđāļĨāļ°āđ€āļ™āļ·āđ‰āļ­āļŦāļēāļŠāļ­āļ”āļ„āļĨāđ‰āļ­āļ‡āļāļąāļšāļŦāļĨāļąāļāļŠāļđāļ•āļĢāļ§āļīāļ—āļĒāļēāļĻāļēāļŠāļ•āļĢāđŒāļ‚āļ­āļ‡āļ›āļĢāļ°āđ€āļ—āļĻ āđ€āļžāļ·āđˆāļ­āļāļēāļĢāđƒāļŠāđ‰āđāļĨāļ°āļžāļąāļ’āļ™āļēāļāļēāļĢāļ„āļīāļ”āđ€āļŠāļīāļ‡āļ„āļģāļ™āļ§āļ“āļ­āļĒāđˆāļēāļ‡āļ•āđˆāļ­āđ€āļ™āļ·āđˆāļ­āļ‡ āļ„āļģāļŠāļģāļ„āļąāļ:  āļŠāļĩāļ§āļŠāļēāļĢāļŠāļ™āđ€āļ—āļĻ  āļāļēāļĢāļ„āļīāļ”āđ€āļŠāļīāļ‡āļ„āļģāļ™āļ§āļ“  āļ§āļīāļ—āļĒāļēāļāļēāļĢāļ„āļģāļ™āļ§āļ“   Abstract One impact of computing in scientific fields and thinking processes lies in the processing of voluminous scientific data. Students therefore need to prepare themselves to confront the upcoming digital era and handle cutting–edge technology using computational thinking (CT); however, this is still absent from typical science classrooms. Hence, the purposes of this study were to 1) assess students’ CT before and after learning basic bioinformatics practices and 2) study what are good practices to incorporate bioinformatics practices to enhance students’ CT. Researchers designed four learning plans using inquiry–based learning and basic bioinformatics practices, having two parts: unplugged and plugged–in sessions. Data were collected using CT tests and analyzed using descriptive statistics and a paired t–test. The participants comprised 32 tenth–grade students in a science–technology emphasis program at a demon-stration school in Bangkok, Thailand. The results showed CT pretest and posttest mean were significantly different by 17.78 (SD = 4.11) and 21.65 (SD = 2.18), respectively (t31, .05 = 7.08, p < .05). Additionally, the development of CT was evident in the improvement of all four CT components as well, and good practices to incorporate bioinformatics practices is to use real–life bioinformatics challenges explicitly and related to the standard science curriculum to maintain engagement in and persistence of CT usage. Keywords: Bioinformatics, Computational thinking, Computing scienc

    Characterising algorithmic thinking: A university study of unplugged activities

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    Algorithmic thinking is a type of thinking that occurs in the context of computational thinking. Given its importance in the current educational context, it seems pertinent to deepen into its conceptual and operational understanding for teaching. The exploration of research shows us that there are almost no studies at university level where algorithmic thinking is connected to mathematical thinking, and more importantly, to characterise it and be able to analyse and evaluate it better. The aim of this research is to characterise algorithmic thinking in a university context of the Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics by unplugged tasks, offering a model of analysis through categories that establish connections between mathematical and algorithmic working spaces in three dimensions, semiotic, instrumental and discursive. The results confirm the interaction between these dimensions and their predictive value for better programming performance. The study also adds novel considerations related to the role and interaction of mathematical and computational thinking categories involved in algorithmic thinking.Instituto de MatemÃĄtica Interdisciplinar (IMI)Fac. de Ciencias MatemÃĄticasTRUEUniÃģn EuropeaMinisterio de Ciencia e InnovaciÃģnpu

    Linking Budgeting with Computational Thinking Pedagogy: Program Theory, Performance, and Budgeting

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    The pedagogy involved with preparing and delivering an analytically based course must contend with a number of important limitations or challenges. The challenges/limitations include needing a context for the use of the analytics being taught; others include where best to embed analytic courses in degree curriculum, determining content and delivery along with a number of additional limitations. A context can be created for these courses by establishing a base of usefulness of the course content and how it relates to other courses and to professional applications. However, one useful approach for a budgeting course is to put the analytics in a context of production and performance. These two significant elements of any problem-solving organization finance and budgeting process are significant features of teaching a course in budgeting. The article presented here is an illustration of a context-based approach along with features of pedagogy based in computational thinking which can be used to operationalize course elements while overcoming other salient limitations for analytic courses. The exemplar of a budgeting course is posed as an example.


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    Due to the rise of careers in STEM-related fields, there is a growing need for schools to produce people to fill these positions. One area of STEM that is growing is computer science/coding. Due to this demand, schools need to be intentional about exposing students to computer science/coding. There are a variety of new tools to introduce students to this field. One growing belief is that knitting can teach computer science/coding to students. The goal of this study was to see if knitting can serve as an introduction to teach students computation skills. Kitting has historically been used to code information, and numerous statements have been made that knitting can teach computer coding. The rationale behind this thought is that both fields have similar components and can serve to make coding more accessible to a broader audience. Suppose students that generally would not identify with computer science/coding due to perceived social norms develop an interest in knitting. In that case, they could use what they learned as a foundation to develop an interest in computer coding. This is based on Scollon\u27s Nexus of Practice (2001), which studies how practices are linked together. This theory believes that combining different practices makes a possible crossover from one practice to another. As a result, what may not have been accessible at first due to biases or identity, may become more accessible. This study will focus on whether knitting can teach students computational skills and change students’ identity towards computer science/coding. There is limited research on the relationship between knitting and coding. This case study attempted to determine if knitting could teach coding. The research was conducted during two three-week summer enrichment programs. Results revealed that teaching computer coding through knitting was comparable to traditional instruction. While not necessarily better, this shows that knitting can teach computation skills and improve identity. This could be important for encouraging students that would not typically study computer science/coding to enter the field


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    Thesis (PhD (Information Technology))--University of Pretoria, 2022.In recent years, many countries in the developed world, have introduced computational thinking (CT) teaching in compulsory education, with few developing nations following. The introduction to teaching CT brought many challenges for teachers because these computing skills were not part of their initial teacher training and were less understood. Several professional development programmes have been developed to train teachers on the new CT content, but few studies have investigated the preparation of primary school teachers to teach CT and the impact of this training on the teachers’ understanding of CT concepts and self-efficacy in a developing country context. The main objective of this study was to develop a Professional Development for Primary School Teachers for the CT (PD4PCT) framework that can be used by training providers and researchers to integrate CT into teachers’ professional development programmes. Constructionism was a pedagogical framework for this interpretive study and the conceptual frameworks of Desimone and three existing professional development CT frameworks (3C, CTTD and ADAPPTER). Different data collection methods were used for a single interpretive case study to investigate the impact of a professional development programme on primary school teachers (n = 14), their CT knowledge, beliefs and attitudes and self-efficacy of CT using a participatory design approach. Data was collected through a literature review, pre- and postquestionnaires, semi-structured interviews, and self-reporting journals. Expert reviewers validated the framework through an online questionnaire. The study’s findings indicated that teachers who participated in the professional development programme have considerably increased their CT knowledge, their beliefs and attitudes towards CT altered for the better, and they had a substantial rise in confidence to teach CT. Overall, the results indicate that most teachers can design lesson plans and activities incorporating algorithms, decomposition, and pattern recognition concepts but abstraction and debugging to a lesser extent. Subject matter knowledge of teachers influences the integration plans for certain CT topics. To address the challenges teachers face in integrating CT into classrooms, the framework assists in identifying the components that must be considered to develop iii an effective professional development programme for teachers. The context of the school plays a vital role and should be considered as a first step in designing a teacher's professional development intervention. School leadership should support teachers with a collaborative environment where teachers can share CT knowledge and teaching strategies with others.InformaticsPhD (Information Technology)Unrestricte

    ADAPTTER: Developing a framework for teaching computational thinking in second‑level schools by design research

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    Computational Thinking (CT) is a problem-solving process applicable across all disciplines. It has been defined as a 21st-century skill (Wing, Communications of the ACM, 49(3), 33–35, 2006). Unfortunately, little pedagogical research is available to guide teachers and designers when devising a CT course. This study addresses this issue by describing how a framework to teach CT to second-level students evolved. This framework, ADAPTTER, has been shown to result in a high quality, engaging, low threshold, effective, and practical course. A three-phase Educational Design Research study was employed to develop this framework. It involved six schools, eleven teachers, four content experts, and 446 students. Data was gathered using various means: teacher interviews and diaries, students' questionnaires, artefacts, and tests. The ADAPTTER framework is offered as a way for teachers and researchers to design a CT course, understand its components and have conversations around the same

    Student activities in solving mathematics problems with a computational thinking using Scratch

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    The progress of the times requires students to be able to think quickly. Student activities in learning are always associated with technology and students’ thinking activities and are expected to think computationally. Therefore, this study aimed to determine how learning with the concept of computational thinking (CT) using the Scratch program can improve students’ mathematical problem-solving abilities. An exploratory research design was conducted by involving 132 grade VIII students in Kuningan, Indonesia. Data analysis began with organization, data description, and statistical testing. The results showed that students performed the concepts of abstraction thinking, algorithmic thinking, decomposition, and evaluation in solving mathematical problems. There were differences in students’ problem-solving abilities before and after the intervention. Students’ activeness in solving problems using the CT concept through a calculator significantly affected 52.3% of the ability to solve mathematical problems
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