9 research outputs found

    Identification of Critical Success Factors (CSF’s) to implement Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) in an automobile industry using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique

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    Due to globalization, supply chains have grown more lengthy and complex and creating an adverse effect on environment, which paved a way in emergence of Green Supply Chain, management (GSCM).Total 77 papers dealing with GSCM were reviewed to understanding researcher’s contribution in GSCM literature. Automobile industry is one of the largest polluter amongst all industries contributing 80% of total CO. In recent stretch most of automobile industries, alter their supply chain to GSCM to increase their competitive advantage. This study deals with the application of AHP method for evaluating and ranking Critical success factors for automobile company to implement GSCM. The weightages were attained based on the pair wise comparison of attributes with the help of industrial experts and academia. The results of the study revealed the most significant CSF’s for implementation of GSCM in automobile industry

    Rethinking Green Supply Chain Management Practices Impact on Company Performance: A Close-up Insight

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    Manufacturing organisations have contributed to a poor living environment via unsustainable practices in the production process and the entire service delivery operation. More importantly, the health performance of manufacturing employees may also be affected by unsustainable production practices in the industry. Therefore, the green supply chain management (GSCM) practice has become a topical issue in recent decades due to its significant impact on the ecosystem at large. Via green practices, various performances have been achieved in organisations; meanwhile, the relationships between the practices and performance metrics in most developing countries are unclear, although there have been supposed general submissions. In addition, the study of relationships in a leading business conglomerate in developing nations is rare. Therefore, this paper investigated relationships between GSCM practices and performance metrics in a leading manufacturing organisation in Africa by using a close-up study approach with data collected from 154 respondents. The data were analysed using multiple methods such as factor analysis to consolidate the measured variables; correlation, multiple regression analysis with stepwise estimation, and structural equation modelling (SEM) were used to examine the relationships between GSCM practices and performance. The results of these analyses revealed that environmental performance is significantly predicted by the measure of the organisation’s commitment to GSCM vision, while financial performance is significantly impacted by eco-centric consumption and education. This study concludes that inhouse-drafted strategies based on the insight from the study will facilitate the optimisation of GSCM practice

    Green Supply Chain Model: Overview, Issues and Impact of Green Supply Chain Management in India.

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    The research has helped me with more insight of Green supply chain management in India. In the research the Green supply chain model is discussed also includes the impact it has on the organisations, the issues and challenges associated with the implementation of Green supply chain management in different industries. The key outcome of the research can improve the entire business and improve environmental components. The research study is an evidence that Green supply chain model is a sustainable model that can be adopted by the supply chain operations of the business industries in India for achieving better economic and social benefit. Data collection has also been conducted with appropriate research approaches and based on the data collected the relevant findings have been drawn and has been linked with the objectives of the research in the last chapter

    Aplicación de la gestión de inventarios para incrementar la productividad en la empresa Grupo Donna S.A.C., Breña, 2020

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    En esta investigación se ha definido como objetivo general, el mejorar la productividad en el área de almacén mediante la aplicación de la gestión de inventarios para la empresa Grupo Donna S.A.C., la cual se encuentra ubicada en Breña. Al identificar dentro de la empresa las causas que provocan un bajo rendimiento, se optó por aplicar herramientas de ingeniería con el fin de incrementar la productividad del market, la metodología de gestión del inventario. Esta investigación tiene un enfoque cuantitativo, siendo del tipo aplicada, teniendo un nivel explicativo y descriptivo, de diseño cuasi-experimental y con un alcance longitudinal. Teniendo como la unidad de análisis a todos los despachos diarios del área de almacén hacia la tienda, los cuales fueron examinados en 30 días laborales de la empresa grupo DONNA S.A.C., La población fue conformada por los despachos diarios del área de almacén hacia la tienda, los cuales fueron examinados en un rango de 30 días laborales, la muestra al ser de tipo censal tiende a ser igual a la población. Los criterios de inclusión para el presente estudio se tienen a la población de lunes a domingo. Las técnicas de recolección de datos empleados fueron la observación y su instrumento la ficha de registro. La aplicación de la gestión de inventario se llevó en 9 fases: Codificación de los productos, clasificación de artículos, ordenamiento del lugar de almacenamiento, limpieza del lugar de almacenamiento, toma de inventario, propuesta de pronóstico de ventas, propuesta de stock de seguridad, creación de políticas para el buen almacenaje, definir objetivos del área de almacén. Gracias a la aplicación de la Gestión de Inventario se obtuvo una mejora en la productividad de 48.21% a 85.73%, teniendo como incremento de la productividad un 37.52%. También, del enfoque estadístico para la productividad mediante la prueba de wilcoxon, Z presenta un valor de -4.782 y una significancia menor a 0.05 corroborando el resultado. Concluyendo que la aplicación de la Gestión de Inventarios mejora la productividad en la empresa Grupo Donna S.A.C

    Novel sustainable evaluation approach for multi-biomass supply chain

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    After the oil crisis held in 1973 and 1979, academicians and industry players have noticed the importance and necessity of having alternative and sustainable energy sources in future. Biological wastes, also named as “Biomass” has been cited as one of the significant sustainable energy sources. Biomass poses an ideal and substantial potential to achieve a sustainable system. However, the development of biomass industry is still relatively sluggish due to the lack of confidence of the investor to venture in this relatively new green business. This is most probably attributed to the low-maturation of biomass technologies compared to other conventional technologies, high logistics cost required for biomass transportation and uncertain market penetration barrier for the biomass-derived products. This raises the importance of having a proper biomass management system and a systematic evaluation approach to assess the sustainability performances of the biomass industry. Therefore, the ultimate goal of this thesis is to develop a sustainable multi-biomass supply chain with the aims of optimising all three sustainability dimensions simultaneously. A sustainable multi-biomass supply chain is referred as the integrated value chain of the green products, which derived from various types of biomass, starting from harvesting stage to the final products delivery stage. This thesis discusses in detail on the relevant previous research works toward the introduction of novel evaluation approach to attain different sustainable objectives (i.e., economic, environmental and social) simultaneously. The evaluation approach encompasses various components, including (i) model reduction by using P-graph integrated two-stage optimisation approach; (ii) consideration of vehicle capacity constraint for detailed transportation cost estimation; (iii) integration of various sustainability indexes using various optimisation techniques. On top of that, two novel debottlenecking approaches, one through principal component analysis (PCA) method; while another through P-graph framework, which able to identify and remove barriers that limit the sustainability performance of the biomass supply chain, are proposed. Aside from this, this thesis also aims to reduce the gaps between the researchers and industry players by developing some user-friendly and non-programming-background dependent decision-making tools. Thus, decision-makers are able to understand the insight of their problems easily without requirement of strong mathematical background. A case study in Johor, a southern state in Malaysia, which is endowed with extensive biomass resources, is used to demonstrate the effective of the proposed approaches

    Novel sustainable evaluation approach for multi-biomass supply chain

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    After the oil crisis held in 1973 and 1979, academicians and industry players have noticed the importance and necessity of having alternative and sustainable energy sources in future. Biological wastes, also named as “Biomass” has been cited as one of the significant sustainable energy sources. Biomass poses an ideal and substantial potential to achieve a sustainable system. However, the development of biomass industry is still relatively sluggish due to the lack of confidence of the investor to venture in this relatively new green business. This is most probably attributed to the low-maturation of biomass technologies compared to other conventional technologies, high logistics cost required for biomass transportation and uncertain market penetration barrier for the biomass-derived products. This raises the importance of having a proper biomass management system and a systematic evaluation approach to assess the sustainability performances of the biomass industry. Therefore, the ultimate goal of this thesis is to develop a sustainable multi-biomass supply chain with the aims of optimising all three sustainability dimensions simultaneously. A sustainable multi-biomass supply chain is referred as the integrated value chain of the green products, which derived from various types of biomass, starting from harvesting stage to the final products delivery stage. This thesis discusses in detail on the relevant previous research works toward the introduction of novel evaluation approach to attain different sustainable objectives (i.e., economic, environmental and social) simultaneously. The evaluation approach encompasses various components, including (i) model reduction by using P-graph integrated two-stage optimisation approach; (ii) consideration of vehicle capacity constraint for detailed transportation cost estimation; (iii) integration of various sustainability indexes using various optimisation techniques. On top of that, two novel debottlenecking approaches, one through principal component analysis (PCA) method; while another through P-graph framework, which able to identify and remove barriers that limit the sustainability performance of the biomass supply chain, are proposed. Aside from this, this thesis also aims to reduce the gaps between the researchers and industry players by developing some user-friendly and non-programming-background dependent decision-making tools. Thus, decision-makers are able to understand the insight of their problems easily without requirement of strong mathematical background. A case study in Johor, a southern state in Malaysia, which is endowed with extensive biomass resources, is used to demonstrate the effective of the proposed approaches