7 research outputs found

    A Framework for Assessing Digital Maturity in Organizations

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    For today's businesses, the move to digital transformation and the use of disruptive technologies for survival and growth is inevitable and can create many innovative opportunities for them. In order for organizations to move in this direction and design a roadmap for their digital transformation, they must first have a comprehensive and holistic understanding of the current digital situation of themselves. Assessing digital maturity can be the first step in developing the roadmap of digital transformation. Since digital transformation is not a one-dimensional issue and involves many dimensions in the organization, so identifying and paying attention to these dimensions can make it easier to plan for the digital transformation of the organization. This is possible with the help of digital maturity models. This study was conducted to provide a framework for assessing digital maturity. The research method used here was a systematic literature review. Dimensions of digital maturity in this framework include "strategy", "governance and leadership", "business model and ecosystem", "culture and skills", "process", "employee experience", "customer experience", "technology", "data" "Innovation" were identified and then 69 indicators related to each dimension were introduced

    Overcoming barriers to manufacturing digitalization:Policies across EU countries

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    The digital transformation of manufacturing activities is expected to bring large societal benefits in terms of productivity and sustainability. However, uptake of digital technologies is slower than desirable. As a result, governments are taking action to try to overcome some of the barriers to adoption. However, the mechanisms through which government may act are quite diverse. In this paper, we compare the national strategies across the 27 countries members of the European Union. We map each country's initiative to 14 barriers to the adoption of digital technologies in manufacturing observed in the literature. We observe that most institutional efforts focus on providing funding, developing new regulatory frameworks related to data privacy and security, and creating human capital. Some known barriers to adoption observed at the firm level, such as the lack of off-the-shelf solutions, or the need for retrofitting old equipment, are largely overlooked. We do not find any relationship between the number of initiatives proposed by each country, and the country's existing level of digitalization. We conclude by proposing several policy recommendations, as well as directions for future research

    A Digital transformation model for cooperatives of services

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    As Transformações Digitais são iniciativas que, com a pandemia da COVID-19, se tornaram ainda mais importantes para a competitividade das organizações. No entanto, estas iniciativas têm uma elevada taxa de insucesso, pois são processos complexos que exigem um planeamento e uma implementação cuidadosa e rigorosa. O principal objectivo desta dissertação é adaptar um binómio DTM (Digital Transformation Model)-DMM (Digital Maturity Model) às características das cooperativas de serviços. Para este objetivo, realizamos revisões sistemáticas de literatura de modo a identificar os DTMs e DMMs existentes. Os modelos são analisados e comparados (7 DTM e 20 DMM), e os mais completos são seleccionados. Em seguida, propomos vários pares DTM-DMM de entre os modelos mais completos, com base em características como a dimensão e o sector das organizações. Tendo em conta as cooperativas de serviços e as suas especificidades, seleccionamos o par considerado mais adequado para servir de base ao trabalho de adaptação. Esta adaptação é efetuada através da consulta da literatura e de especialistas em cooperativas, de modo a abranger as idiossincrasias deste tipo de organizações. Os resultados desta investigação têm implicações para a preparação e implementação de iniciativas de Transformação Digital no contexto das cooperativas de serviços. Os resultados apresentam duas ferramentas (DTM e DMM) adaptadas a este tipo de organização e que podem ser utilizadas numa abordagem combinada para o planeamento e a implementação de processos de TD rigorosos. Este têm o potencial de aumentar as taxas de sucesso da TD e, por conseguinte, melhorar a competitividade das cooperativas de serviçosDigital Transformations are initiatives that, with the COVID-19 pandemic, became even more important for the competitiveness of organisations. However, these initiatives have a high failure rate, as they are complex processes that require careful and rigorous planning and implementation. The main objective of this dissertation is to adapt a DTM-DMM binomial to the characteristics of the cooperatives of services. For this objective, we perform systematic literature reviews to identify existing DTMs and DMMs. The models are analysed and compared (7 DTM and 20 DMM), and the most complete ones are selected. Next, we propose several DTM-DMM pairs from among the most complete models, based on characteristics such as the size and sector of organisations. Taking into account the cooperatives of services and their specificities, we select the pair considered most suitable for the basis of model adaptation. This adaptation is made by consulting the literature and cooperative experts, so that it covers the idiosyncrasies of this type of organisation. The results of this research have implications for the preparation and implementation of DT initiatives in the context of the cooperatives of services. The results present two tools (DTM and DMM) adapted to this type of organisation and that can be used in a combined approach for the planning and implementation of rigorous DT processes. This has the potential to increase DT success rates and therefore improve the competitiveness of the cooperatives of services

    Exploring the determinants of digital transformation in its different stages in Dutch SMEs: A digital dynamic capabilities perspective

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    Digital transformation (DT) has become a crucial strategic imperative for organizations seeking to thrive in the rapidly evolving business environment. While digital transformation has been extensively studied in large organizations, there remains a need for more available evidence in the context of (Dutch) SMEs and how organizations go through different DT phases. This dissertation aims to address this gap by adopting a digital dynamic capabilities perspective to explore the determinants of digital transformation in Dutch SMEs and investigate how these determinants change over the different digital transformation phases. This thesis has met these aims by integrating an extensive review of the relevant literature and implementing a qualitative study. The latter includes nine interviews with experts from different Dutch SMEs and an expert panel to validate these findings. The primary conclusions produced by this study include five internal determinants, five external determinants, three sub-capabilities, each of the sensing, seizing, transforming, and safeguarding digital dynamic capability clusters, and five desired digital transformation outcomes. ‘Digital safeguarding’ has emerged as a novel capability cluster focusing on skills required from the implementation onwards. In conclusion, this study has contributed to a deeper understanding of the differences in the digital transformation determinants and capabilities between large organizations and SMEs. Moreover, this thesis has identified that boundaries between the different digital transformation phases could be fading due to the continuity of digital transformation. Simultaneously, this research has practical relevance as these findings could support Dutch SMEs in navigating their digital transformations. Alternatively, the study could help Joanknecht, a Dutch financial advisory firm, improve its consultancy services. Looking ahead, future researchers should seek to validate and expand upon the presented findings.

    Estratégia Digital : Um estudo de casos múltiplos em fintechs brasileiras

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Gestão de Políticas Públicas, Departamento de Administração, 2021.Na era da transformação digital, as empresas estabelecidas lutam para crescer em maturidade digital. Entretanto, as empresas com maturidade digital possuem em comum uma estratégia digital bem definida. Nesse interim, um segmento ganha destaque: as fintechs, startups de finanças. Essas fintechs estão a contribuir na criação de uma nova proposta de valor para o tradicional setor financeiro. Existe uma lacuna nas pesquisas que adentram na análise do modelo de negócio das fintechs como direcionador sobre o tema de maturidade digital. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar as dimensões e as variáveis dominantes em fintechs. Como metodologia, inicialmente, realizou-se pesquisa bibliográfica para identificação das principais dimensões de maturidade digital. Depois, realizou-se estudos de casos em quatro fintechs brasileiras em que são analisadas por meio de dados primários, coletados em entrevistas e com aplicação de questionário. Com isso, identificam-se características de estratégia digital. Esses resultados corroboram com características postuladas na literatura e contribuem com a adição de novas características e perspectivas associadas a estratégia digital