106,385 research outputs found

    Detection of amplified DNA sequences by reverse chromosome painting using genomic tumor DNA as probe

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    A modification of reverse chromosome painting was carried out using genomic DNA from tumor cells as a complex probe for chromosomal in situ suppression hybridization to normal metaphase chromsome spreads. Amplified DNA sequences contained in such probes showed specific signals, revealing the normal chromosome positions from which these sequences were derived. As a model system, genomic DNAs were analyzed from three tumor cell lines with amplification units including the proto-oncogene c-myc. The smallest amplification unit was about 90 kb and was present in 16–24 copies; the largest unit was bigger than 600 kb and was present in 16–32 copies. Specific signals that co-localized with a differently labeled c-myc probe on chromosome band 8q24 were obtained with genomic DNA from each cell line. In further experiments, genomic DNA derived from primary tumor material was used in the case of a male patient with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Southern blot analysis using an epidermal growth factor receptor gene (EGFR) probe that maps to 7p13 indicated the amplification of sequences from this gene. Using reverse chromosome painting, signals were found both on band 7p13 and bands 12q13–q15. Notably, the signal on 12q13–q15 was consistently stronger. The weaker 7p13 signal showed co-localization with the major signal of the differently labeled EGFR probe. A minor signal of this probe was seen on 12q13, suggesting cross-hybridization to ERB3 sequences homologous to EGFR. The results indicate co-amplification of sequences from bands 12q13–q15, in addition to sequences from band 7p13. Several oncogenes map to 12q13–q15 providing candidate genes for a tumor-associated proto-oncogene amplification. Although the nature of the amplified sequences needs to be clarified, this experiment demonstrates the potential of reverse chromosome painting with genomic tumor DNA for rapidly mapping the normal chromosomal localization of the DNA from which the amplified sequences were derived. In addition, a weaker staining of chromosomes 10 and X was consistently observed indicating that these chromosomes were present in only one copy in the GBM genome. This rapid approach can be used to analyze cases where no metaphase spreads from the tumor material are available. It does not require any preknowledge of amplified sequences and can be applied to screen large numbers of tumors

    Molecular cytogenetic characterisation of Salix viminalis L. using repetitive DNA sequences

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    Abstract Salix viminalis L. (2n=38) is a diploid dicot species belonging to the Salix genus of the Salicaceae family. This short-rotation woody crop is one of the most important renewable bioenergy resources worldwide. In breeding for high biomass productivity, limited knowledge is available on the molecular cytogenetics of willow, which could be combined with genetic linkage mapping. The present paper describes the adaptation of a fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) protocol as a new approach to analyse the genomic constitution of Salix viminalis using the heterologous DNA clones pSc119.2, pTa71, pTa794, pAs1, Afafamily, pAl1, HT100.3, ZCF1 and the GAA microsatellite marker. Three of the nine probes showed unambiguous signals on the metaphase chromosomes. FISH analysis with the pTa71 probe detected one major 18S-5.8S-26S rDNA locus on the short arm of one chromosome pair; however, the pTa794 rDNA site was not visible. One chromosome pair showed a distinct signal around the centromeric region after FISH with the telomere-specific DNA clone HT100.3. Two chromosome pairs were found to have pAs1 FISH signals, which represent a D-genome-specific insert from Aegilops tauschii. Based on the FISH study, a set of chromosomes with characteristic patterns is presented, which could be used to establish the karyotype of willow species

    Rapid generation of chromosome-specific alphoid DNA probes using the polymerase chain reaction

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    Non-isotopic in situ hybridization of chromosome-specific alphoid DNA probes has become a potent tool in the study of numerical aberrations of specific human chromosomes at all stages of the cell cycle. In this paper, we describe approaches for the rapid generation of such probes using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and demonstrate their chromosome specificity by fluorescence in situ hybridization to normal human metaphase spreads and interphase nuclei. Oligonucleotide primers for conserved regions of the alpha satellite monomer were used to generate chromosome-specific DNA probes from somatic hybrid cells containing various human chromosomes, and from DNA libraries from sorted human chromosomes. Oligonucleotide primers for chromosome-specific regions of the alpha satellite monomer were used to generate specific DNA probes for the pericentromeric heterochromatin of human chromosomes 1, 6, 7, 17 and X directly from human genomic DNA

    Multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization on metaphase chromosomes and interphase Halo-preparations using cosmid and YAC clones for the simultaneous high resolution mapping of deletions in the dystrophin gene

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    We report on multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization protocols for the simultaneous visualization of deletion-prone regions for carrier detection of Duchenne/ Becker (DMD/BMD) muscular dystrophy. Cosmid and yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clones specific for preferentially deleted subregions of the dystrophin gene were labeled differentially and detected with three different fluorochromes using digital imaging microscopy. This approach allows for an assessment of the carrier status of female relatives even in families where no index patient is available. Cosmid and YAC clones, and different probe-generation protocols are compared with respect to their feasibility for carrier detection. The use of histone-depleted interphase nuclei (Halo-preparations) for deletion mapping is demonstrated and shown to have a resolution power of 5 kb

    Metaphase and Interphase Cytogenetics with Alu-PCR-amplified Yeast Artificial Chromosome Clones Containing the BCR Gene and the Protooncogenes c-raf-1, c-fms, and c-erbB-21

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    A human yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) library was screened by polymerase chain reaction with oligonucleotide primers defined for DNA sequences of the BCR gene and the protooncogenes c-raf-1, c-fms, and c-erB-2. Alu-PCR-generated human DNA sequences were obtained from the respective YAC clones and used for fluorescence in situ hybridization experiments under suppression conditions. After chromosomal in situ suppression hybridization to GTG-banded human prometaphase chromosomes, seven of nine initially isolated YAC clones yielded strong signals exclusively in the chromosome bands containing the respective genes. Two clones yielded additional signals on other chromosomes and were excluded from further tests. The band-specific YACs were successfully applied to visualize specific structural chromosome aberrations in peripheral blood cells from patients with myelodysplasia exhibiting del(5)(q13q34), chronic myeloid leukemia and acute lymphocytic leukemia with t(9;22)(q34;q11), acute promyelocytic leukemia (M3) with t(15;17)(q22;q21), and in a cell line established from a proband with the constitutional translocation t(3;8)(p14.2;q24). In addition to the analysis of metaphase spreads, we demonstrate the particular usefulness of these YAC clones in combination with whole chromosome painting to analyze specific chromosome aberrations directly in the interphase nucleus

    Delineation of individual human chromosomes in metaphase and interphase cells by in situ suppression hybridization using recombinant DNA libraries

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    A method of in situ hybridization for visualizing individual human chromosomes from pter to qter, both in metaphase spreads and interphase nuclei, is reported. DNA inserts from a single chromosomal library are labeled with biotin and partially preannealed with a titrated amount of total human genomic DNA prior to hybridization with cellular or chromosomal preparations. The cross-hybridization of repetitive sequences to nontargeted chromosomes can be markedly suppressed under appropriate preannealing conditions. The remaining single-stranded DNA is hybridized to specimens of interest and detected with fluorescent or enzymelabeled avidin conjugates following post-hybridization washes. DNA inserts from recombinant libraries for chromosomes 1, 4, 7, 8, 13, 14, 18, 20, 21, 22, and X were assessed for their ability to decorate specifically their cognate chromosome; most libraries proved to be highly specific. Quantitative densitometric analyses indicated that the ratio of specific to nonspecific hybridization signal under optimal preannealing conditions was at least 8:1. Interphase nuclei showed a cohesive territorial organization of chromosomal domains, and laserscanning confocal fluorescence microscopy was used to aid the 3-D visualization of these domains. This method should be useful for both karyotypic studies and for the analysis of chromosome topography in interphase cells

    FISH mapping and molecular organization of the major repetitive sequences of tomato

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    This paper presents a bird's-eye view of the major repeats and chromatin types of tomato. Using fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) with Cot-1, Cot-10 and Cot-100 DNA as probes we mapped repetitive sequences of different complexity on pachytene complements. Cot-100 was found to cover all heterochromatin regions, and could be used to identify repeat-rich clones in BAC filter hybridization. Next we established the chromosomal locations of the tandem and dispersed repeats with respect to euchromatin, nucleolar organizer regions (NORs), heterochromatin, and centromeres. The tomato genomic repeats TGRII and TGRIII appeared to be major components of the pericentromeres, whereas the newly discovered TGRIV repeat was found mainly in the structural centromeres. The highly methylated NOR of chromosome 2 is rich in [GACA](4), a microsatellite that also forms part of the pericentromeres, together with [GA](8), [GATA](4) and Ty1-copia. Based on the morphology of pachytene chromosomes and the distribution of repeats studied so far, we now propose six different chromatin classes for tomato: (1) euchromatin, (2) chromomeres, (3) distal heterochromatin and interstitial heterochromatic knobs, (4) pericentromere heterochromatin, (5) functional centromere heterochromatin and (6) nucleolar organizer regio

    Genomic imbalances are confined to non-proliferating cells in paediatric patients with acute myeloid leukaemia and a normal or incomplete karyotype

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    Copyright @ 2011 Ballabio et al.Leukaemia is often associated with genetic alterations such as translocations, amplifications and deletions, and recurrent chromosome abnormalities are used as markers of diagnostic and prognostic relevance. However, a proportion of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) cases have an apparently normal karyotype despite comprehensive cytogenetic analysis. Based on conventional cytogenetic analysis of banded chromosomes, we selected a series of 23 paediatric patients with acute myeloid leukaemia and performed whole genome array comparative genome hybridization (aCGH) using DNA samples derived from the same patients. Imbalances involving large chromosomal regions or entire chromosomes were detected by aCGH in seven of the patients studied. Results were validated by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to both interphase nuclei and metaphase chromosomes using appropriate bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) probes. The majority of these copy number alterations (CNAs) were confirmed by FISH and found to localize to the interphase rather than metaphase nuclei. Furthermore, the proliferative states of the cells analyzed by FISH were tested by immunofluorescence using an antibody against the proliferation marker pKi67. Interestingly, these experiments showed that, in the vast majority of cases, the changes appeared to be confined to interphase nuclei in a non-proliferative status.This work was supported by a grant from Leukaemia Research UK (grant no. 0253). SJLK and RR were supported by the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, Oxford, with funding from the Department of Health’s NIHR Biomedical Research Centres funding schemeThis article is available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund

    Holocentric chromosome evolution in kissing bugs (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae): diversification of repeated sequences

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    Background: The analysis of the chromosomal and genome evolution in organisms with holocentric chromosomes is restricted by the lack of primary constriction or centromere. An interesting group is the hemipteran subfamily Triatominae, vectors of Chagas disease, which affects around 6 to 7 million people worldwide. This group exhibits extensive variability in the number and chromosomal location of repeated sequences such as heterochromatin and ribosomal genes. This paper tries to reveal the significant differences of the repeated sequences among Triatoma species through the use of genomic DNA probes. Methods: We analysed the chromosomal distribution and evolution of repeated sequences in Triatoma species by genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) using genomic DNA probes from two North American Triatoma species. These genomic probes were hybridized both on their own chromosomes and on other Triatoma species from North and South America, with different amounts and chromosome location of C-heterochromatin. The results were compared with those previously described using South American Triatoma genomic probes. Results: We observed two chromosomal hybridization patterns: (i) very intense hybridization signals concentrated on specific chromosomal regions or particular chromosomes; and (ii) lower intensity hybridization signals dispersed along all chromosomes. Self-GISH on T. rubrofasciata and T. dimidiata chromosomes presented strong hybridization signals on all C-heterochromatin regions. However, when we perform genomic cross-hybridizations, only strong signals are detected on the Y chromosome, leaving the C-heterochromatic autosomal regions unmarked. Conclusions: We confirm that repeated DNA of the Y chromosome is shared among Triatoma species and probably represents an ancestral character of the Triatomini tribe. On the contrary, autosomal heterochromatic regions are constituted by species-specific DNA repeats, most probably satDNA families, suggesting that Triatoma speciation involved the amplification of diverse types of autosomal repeats. Molecular characterization of principal repetitive DNAs seems to be an appropriate approach to infer evolutionary relationships in triatomines

    Chromosome analysis by non-isotopic in situ hybridization.

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