4 research outputs found

    Un modelo para documentar la elicitación de requisitos

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    Context: This work proposes a model to document the elicitation of requirements in the field of Requirements Engineering. Method: A systematic review of the literature was conducted to determine the validity and effectiveness of the existing models for documenting requirements elicitation. Results: By analyzing the results of this review, it was concluded that it is possible – and that is required – to take the best documented practices and add principles from logic, abstraction, and formal methods to them in order to structure a semi-formal model for documenting elicitation. Those currently proposed focus on techniques to collect information and pay little attention to documentation. In addition, these models are mainly based on natural language, which makes their interpretation difficult, and they generate re-processing in later stages of the life cycle due to ambiguities. Conclusions: This article describes a structured model, as well as its application and validation, by comparing it against five models found in the review.Contexto: En este trabajo se propone un modelo para documentar la elicitación de requisitos en el área de Ingeniería de Requisitos. Método: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura para determinar la validez y efectividad de los modelos que existen para documentar la elicitación de requisitos. Resultados: Analizando los resultados de esta revisión, se concluyó que es posible –y así se requiere– tomar las mejores prácticas documentadas y agregarles principios de lógica, abstracción y métodos formales para estructurar un modelo semiformal para documentar la elicitación. Los que se proponen actualmente se centran en las técnicas de recogida de información y prestan poca atención a la documentación. Además, estos modelos se basan principalmente en el lenguaje natural, por lo cual es difícil su interpretación, y generan reprocesos para las etapas posteriores del ciclo de vida debido a las ambigüedades. Conclusiones: En este artículo se describe un modelo estructurado, así como su aplicación y validación mediante la comparación con cinco modelos encontrados en la revisión

    Monitoring environmental and climate goals for European agriculture: User perspectives on the optimization of the Copernicus evolution offer

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    Abstract A vicious cycle exists between agricultural production and climate change, where agriculture is both a driver and a victim of the changing climate. While new and ambitious environmental and climate change-oriented goals are being introduced in Europe, the monitoring of these objectives is often jeopardized by a lack of technological means and a reliance on heavy administrative procedures. In particular, remote sensing technologies have the potential to significantly improve the monitoring of such goals but the characteristics of such missions should take into consideration the needs of users to guarantee return on investments and effective policy implementation. This study aims at identifying gaps in the current offer of Copernicus products for the monitoring of the agricultural sector through the elicitation of stakeholder requirements. The methodology is applied to the case study of Italy while the approach is scalable at European level. The elicitation process associates user needs to the European and national legislative framework to create a policy-oriented demand of Copernicus Earth Observation services. Results show the limitations faced by environmental managers in relation to the use of Remote Sensing technologies and the shortcomings associated with a purely technology driven approach to the development of satellite missions. Through the introduction of this flexible and user centred approach instead, this paper provides a clear overview of agro-environmental user requirements and represents the basis for the definition of an integrated agricultural service

    Uma Pesquisa-Ação no Contexto de Processos de Engenharia de Requisitos em uma Instituição Pública Brasileira

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    A Engenharia de Requisitos se destaca como uma fase fundamental na Engenharia de Software por instituir uma visão estrita e comum entre o cliente e a equipe do projeto sobre os requisitos do software a ser desenvolvido. Este estudo foi realizado utilizando a metodologia de pesquisa-ação em uma instituição pública, com objetivo de propor e aplicar um processo para elicitação e documentação de requisitos em nível de usuário. No processo, um modelo foi usado para documentar os requisitos usando a SysML (Systems Modeling Language). No estudo foi realizada uma avaliação qualitativa e quantitativa para avaliar a eficácia do processo. Os resultados sugerem que a intervenção alcançou resultados positivos, incluindo evidências de melhorias na elicitação e documentação dos requisitos do usuário

    Towards specification formalisms for data warehouse systems design

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    Text in English with abstracts and keywords in English, Afrikaans and SetswanaSeveral studies have been conducted on formal methods; however, few of these studies have used formal methods in the data warehousing area, specifically system development. Many reasons may be linked to that, such as that few experts know how to use them. Formal methods have been used in software development using mathematical notations. Despite the advantages of using formal methods in software development, their application in the data warehousing area has been restricted when compared with the use of informal (natural language) and semi-formal notations. This research aims to determine the extent to which formal methods may mitigate failures that mostly occur in the development of data warehouse systems. As part of this research, an enhanced framework was proposed to facilitate the usage of formal methods in the development of such systems. The enhanced framework focuses mainly on the requirements definition, the Unified Modelling Language (UML) constructs, the Star model and formal specification. A medium-sized case study of a data mart was considered to validate the enhanced framework. This dissertation also discusses the object-orientation paradigm and UML notations. The requirements specification of a data warehouse system is presented in natural language and formal notation to show how a formal specification may be drifted from natural language to UML structures and thereafter to the Z specification using an established strategy as a guideline to construct a Z specificationAlhoewel verskeie studies oor formele metodes gedoen is, het min hiervan formele metodes in die databergingarea, spesifiek stelselontwerp, gebruik. Dit kan aan baie redes toegeskryf word, soos dat min kundiges weet hoe om dit te gebruik. Formele metodes is in sagtewareontwikkeling gebruik wat wiskundige notasies gebruik. Ten spyte van die voordele van formele metodes in sagtewareontwikkeling, is die toepassing daarvan in die databergingarea beperk wanneer dit met die gebruik van informele (natuurlike taal) en semiformele notasies vergelyk word. Hierdie navorsing beoog om te bepaal tot watter mate formele metodes foute kan uitskakel wat hoofsaaklik in die ontwikkeling van databeringstelsels voorkom. As deel van hierdie navorsing is 'n beter raamwerk voorgestel om die gebruik van formele metodes in die ontwikkeling van sulke stelsels te fasiliteer. Die beter raamwerk fokus hoofsaaklik op die definisie van vereistes, die Unified Modelling Language (UML) - konstukte, die Star-model en formele spesifikasies. Die mediumgrootte gevallestudie van 'n datamark is oorweeg om die beter raamwerk geldig te verklaar. Hierdie verhandeling bespreek ook die voorwerpgeoriënteerde paradigma en die UML-notasies. Die vereiste spesifikasie van 'n databergingstelsel word in natuurlike taal en formele notasie voorgehou om aan te dui hoe 'n formele spesifikasie van natuurlik taal na UML strukture kan verskuif en daarna na die Z-spesifiekasie deur 'n gevestigde strategie as 'n riglyn te gebruik om 'n Z-spesifikasie te konstrueer.Go nnile le dithutopatlisiso di le mmalwa ka mekgwa e e fomale, fela ga se dithutopatlisiso tse dintsi tsa tseno tse di dirisitseng mekgwa e e fomale mo karolong ya bobolokelobogolo jwa data, bogolo segolo mo ntlheng ya thadiso ya ditsamaiso tsa dikhomphiutha. Go ka nna le mabaka a le mantsi a a ka golaganngwang le seno, go tshwana le gore ga se baitseanape ba le kalo ba ba itseng go e dirisa. Mekgwa e e fomale e e dirisitswe mo tlhabololong ya dirweboleta go dirisiwa matshwao a dipalo. Le fa go na le melemo ya go dirisa mekgwa e e fomale mo tlhabololong ya dirweboleta, tiriso ya yona mo bobolokelobogolong jwa data e lekanyeditswe fa e tshwantshanngwa le tiriso ya matshwao a a seng fomale (puo ya tlwaelo) le a a batlang a le fomale. Patlisiso eno e ikaelela go bona gore a mekgwa e e fomale e ka fokotsa go retelelwa go go diragalang gantsi mo tlhabololong ya ditsamaiso tsa bobolokelobogolo jwa data. Jaaka karolo ya patlisiso eno, go tshitshintswe letlhomeso le le tokafaditsweng go bebofatsa tiriso ya mekgwa e e fomale mo tlhabololong ya ditsamaiso tse di jalo. Letlhomeso le le tokafaditsweng le tota ditlhokego tsa tlhaloso, megopolo ya Unified Modelling Language (UML), sekao sa Star le ditlhokego tse di rulaganeng. Go dirisitswe patlisiso ya tobiso e e magareng ya data mart go tlhomamisa letlhomeso le le tokafaditsweng. Tlhotlhomisi eno gape e lebelela pharataeme e e totileng sedirwa/selo le matshwao a UML. Ditlhokego tsa tsamaiso ya polokelokgolo ya data di tlhagisiwa ka puo ya tlholego le matshwao a a fomale go bontsha ka moo tlhagiso e e fomale e ka lebisiwang go tswa kwa puong ya tlholego go ya kwa dipopegong tsa UML mme morago e lebe kwa tlhalosong ya ditlhokego ya Z go dirisiwa togamaano e e ntseng e le gona jaaka kaedi ya go aga tlhaloso ya ditlhokego ya Z.School of ComputingM. Sc. (Computing