12,744 research outputs found

    Analysis of SHA-512/224 and SHA-512/256

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    In 2012, NIST standardized SHA-512/224 and SHA-512/256, two truncated variants of SHA-512, in FIPS 180-4. These two hash functions are faster than SHA-224 and SHA-256 on 64-bit platforms, while maintaining the same hash size and claimed security level. So far, no third-party analysis of SHA-512/224 or SHA-512/256 has been published. In this work, we examine the collision resistance of step-reduced versions of SHA-512/224 and SHA-512/256 by using differential cryptanalysis in combination with sophisticated search tools. We are able to generate practical examples of free-start collisions for 44-step SHA-512/224 and 43-step SHA-512/256. Thus, the truncation performed by these variants on their larger state allows us to attack several more rounds compared to the untruncated family members. In addition, we improve upon the best published collisions for 24-step SHA-512 and present practical collisions for 27 steps of SHA-512/224, SHA-512/256, and SHA-512

    New Records in Collision Attacks on SHA-2

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    The SHA-2 family including SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA-512/224 and SHA512/256 is a U.S. federal standard pub- lished by NIST. Especially, there is no doubt that SHA-256 is one of the most important hash functions used in real-world applications. Due to its complex design compared with SHA-1, there is almost no progress in collision attacks on SHA-2 after ASIACRYPT 2015. In this work, we retake this challenge and aim to significantly improve collision attacks on the SHA-2 family. First, we observe from many existing attacks on SHA-2 that the current advanced tool to search for SHA-2 characteristics has reached the bottleneck. Specifically, longer differential characteristics could not be found, and this causes that the collision attack could not reach more steps. To address this issue, we adopt Liu et al.’s MILP-based method and implement it with SAT/SMT for SHA-2, where we also add more techniques to detect contradictions in SHA-2 characteristics. This answers an open problem left in Liu et al.’s paper to apply the technique to SHA-2. With this SAT/SMT-based tool, we search for SHA-2 charac- teristics by controlling its sparsity in a dedicated way. As a result, we successfully find the first practical semi-free-start (SFS) colliding message pair for 39-step SHA-256, improving the best 38-step SFS collision attack published at EUROCRYPT 2013. In addition, we also report the first practical free-start (FS) collision attack on 40-step SHA-224, while the previously best theoretic 40-step attack has time complexity 2110. More- over, for the first time, we can mount practical and theoretic collision attacks on 28-step and 31-step SHA-512, respectively, which improve the best collision attack only reaching 27 steps of SHA-512 at ASIACRYPT 2015. In a word, with new techniques to find SHA-2 characteristics, we have made some notable progress in the analysis of SHA-2 after the major achievements made at EUROCRYPT 2013 and ASIACRYPT 2015

    On Corrective Patterns for the SHA-2 Family

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    The Secure Hash Standard (SHS) [3] includes hashing algorithms denoted SHA-n, (n in {224, 256, 384, 512}) for producing message digests of length n. These algorithms are based on a common design, sometimes known as SHA-2, that consists of a message schedule and a register. The most successful attacks on the SHA algorithms are Chabaud-Joux differential collisions [1, 2, 4, 5, 7], which are based on finding a corrective pattern for the register. Previous analysis of the SHA-2 algoritms [4] indicated that, for all SHA-2 algorithms, the best corrective pattern has probability 2^-66. We find that the complexity of obtaining a collision is 2^39 when the register state is unknown. Of this complexity, a factor of 2^9 corresponds to conditions on the internal state that must be satisfied, and a factor of 2^30 corresponds to 30 bits of internal state that must be guessed correctly in order to generate a collision. When the register state is known (as is the case when generating a hash) then the guessed bits are known and the complexity is reduced to 2^9. The simple analysis of the message schedule in [4] determines limits on the probability of collision for SHA-2, and was sufficient at that time to conclude that the algorithms resist the attacks. In [4] the claimed complexity is compared against the birthday attack bound of 2^n/2. However, the corrective pattern can be converted into a second pre-image attack for which the complexity should be greater than 2^n. When accounting for the complexity of 2^9 per corrective pattern, the previous analysis of the message schedule yields lower bounds on the complexities 2^27 for SHA-224/256 and 2^45 for SHA-224/256. These complexities are significantly less than the 2^n bound. It is no longer certain that SHA-2 resists this attack. More detailed analysis of the message schedule is required

    Versatile FPGA architecture for skein hashing algorithm

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    Digital communications and data storage are expanding at fast rates, increasing the need for advanced cryptographic standards to validate and provide privacy for that data. One of the basic components commonly used in information security systems is cryptographic hashing. Cryptographic hashing involves the compression of an arbitrary block of data into a fixed-size string of bits known as the hash value. These functions are designed such that it is computationally infeasible to determine a message that results in a given hash value. It should also be infeasible to find two messages with the same hash value and to change a message without its hash value being changed. Some of the most common uses of these algorithms are digital signatures, message authentication codes, file identification, and data integrity. Due to developments in attacks on the Secure Hash Standard (SHS), which includes SHA-1 and SHA-2 (SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will be selecting a new hashing algorithm to replace the current standards. In 2008, 64 algorithms were entered into the NIST competition and in December 2010, five finalists were chosen. The final candidates are BLAKE, Keccak, Gr{o}stl, JH, and Skein. In 2012, one of these algorithms will be selected for the Secure Hash Algorithm 3 (SHA-3). This thesis focuses on the development of a versatile hardware architecture for Skein that provides both sequential and tree hashing functions of Skein. The performance optimizations rely heavily on pipelined and unrolled architectures to allow for simultaneous hashing of multiple unique messages and reduced area tree hashing implementations. Additional result of this thesis is a comprehensive overview of the newly developed architectures and an analysis of their performance in comparison with other software and hardware implementations

    Performance analysis of a scalable hardware FPGA Skein implementation

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    Hashing functions are a key cryptographic primitive used in many everyday applications, such as authentication, ensuring data integrity, as well as digital signatures. The current hashing standard is defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as the Secure Hash Standard (SHS), and includes SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512 . SHS\u27s level of security is waning as technology and analysis techniques continue to develop over time. As a result, after the 2005 Cryptographic Hash Workshop, NIST called for the creation of a new cryptographic hash algorithm to replace SHS. The new candidate algorithms were submitted on October 31st, 2008, and of them fourteen have advanced to round two of the competition. The competition is expected to produce a final replacement for the SHS standard by 2012. Multi-core processors, and parallel programming are the dominant force in computing, and some of the new hashing algorithms are attempting to take advantage of these resources by offering parallel tree-hashing variants to the algorithms. Tree-hashing allows multiple parts of the data on the same level of a tree to be operated on simultaneously, resulting in the potential to reduce the execution time complexity for hashing from O(n) to O(log n). Designs for tree-hashing require that the scalability and parallelism of the algorithms be researched on all platforms, including multi-core processors (CPUs), graphics processors (GPUs), as well as custom hardware (ASICs and FPGAs). Skein, the hashing function that this work has focused on, offers a tree-hashing mode with different options for the maximum tree height, and leaf node size, as well as the node fan-out. This research focuses on creating and analyzing the performance of scalable hardware designs for Skein\u27s tree hashing mode. Different ideas and approaches on how to modify sequential hashing cores, and create scalable control logic in order to provide for high-speed and low-area parallel hashing hardware are presented and analyzed. Equations were created to help understand the expected performance and potential bottlenecks of Skein in FPGAs. The equations are intended to assist the decision making process during the design phase, as well as potentially provide insight into design considerations for other tree hashing schemes in FPGAs. The results are also compared to current sequential designs of Skein, providing a complete analysis of the performance of Skein in an FPGA

    Computational and Energy Costs of Cryptographic Algorithms on Handheld Devices

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    Networks are evolving toward a ubiquitous model in which heterogeneous devices are interconnected. Cryptographic algorithms are required for developing security solutions that protect network activity. However, the computational and energy limitations of network devices jeopardize the actual implementation of such mechanisms. In this paper, we perform a wide analysis on the expenses of launching symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic algorithms, hash chain functions, elliptic curves cryptography and pairing based cryptography on personal agendas, and compare them with the costs of basic operating system functions. Results show that although cryptographic power costs are high and such operations shall be restricted in time, they are not the main limiting factor of the autonomy of a device

    Estimating the cost of generic quantum pre-image attacks on SHA-2 and SHA-3

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    We investigate the cost of Grover's quantum search algorithm when used in the context of pre-image attacks on the SHA-2 and SHA-3 families of hash functions. Our cost model assumes that the attack is run on a surface code based fault-tolerant quantum computer. Our estimates rely on a time-area metric that costs the number of logical qubits times the depth of the circuit in units of surface code cycles. As a surface code cycle involves a significant classical processing stage, our cost estimates allow for crude, but direct, comparisons of classical and quantum algorithms. We exhibit a circuit for a pre-image attack on SHA-256 that is approximately 2153.82^{153.8} surface code cycles deep and requires approximately 212.62^{12.6} logical qubits. This yields an overall cost of 2166.42^{166.4} logical-qubit-cycles. Likewise we exhibit a SHA3-256 circuit that is approximately 2146.52^{146.5} surface code cycles deep and requires approximately 2202^{20} logical qubits for a total cost of, again, 2166.52^{166.5} logical-qubit-cycles. Both attacks require on the order of 21282^{128} queries in a quantum black-box model, hence our results suggest that executing these attacks may be as much as 275275 billion times more expensive than one would expect from the simple query analysis.Comment: Same as the published version to appear in the Selected Areas of Cryptography (SAC) 2016. Comments are welcome

    REISCH: incorporating lightweight and reliable algorithms into healthcare applications of WSNs

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    Healthcare institutions require advanced technology to collect patients' data accurately and continuously. The tradition technologies still suffer from two problems: performance and security efficiency. The existing research has serious drawbacks when using public-key mechanisms such as digital signature algorithms. In this paper, we propose Reliable and Efficient Integrity Scheme for Data Collection in HWSN (REISCH) to alleviate these problems by using secure and lightweight signature algorithms. The results of the performance analysis indicate that our scheme provides high efficiency in data integration between sensors and server (saves more than 24% of alive sensors compared to traditional algorithms). Additionally, we use Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications (AVISPA) to validate the security procedures in our scheme. Security analysis results confirm that REISCH is safe against some well-known attacks