7 research outputs found

    Statistical static timing analysis considering the impact of power supply noise in VLSI circuits

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    As semiconductor technology is scaled and voltage level is reduced, the impact of the variation in power supply has become very significant in predicting the realistic worst-case delays in integrated circuits. The analysis of power supply noise is inevitable because high correlations exist between supply voltage and delay. Supply noise analysis has often used a vector-based timing analysis approach. Finding a set of test vectors in vector-based approaches, however, is very expensive, particularly during the design phase, and becomes intractable for larger circuits in DSM technology. In this work, two novel vectorless approaches are described such that increases in circuit delay, because of power supply noise, can be efficiently, quickly estimated. Experimental results on ISCAS89 circuits reveal the accuracy and efficiency of my approaches: in s38417 benchmark circuits, errors on circuit delay distributions are less than 2%, and both of my approaches are 67 times faster than the traditional vector-based approach. Also, the results show the importance of considering care-bits, which sensitize the longest paths during the power supply noise analysis

    Disseny i implementació d’un sensor del soroll a l’alimentació dels circuits integrats CMOS

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    El soroll en la xarxa d’alimentació del circuits integrats o Power Supply Noise (PSN) és un dels majors problemes del tecnologies deep-submicron venidores. És, principalment, degut a les impedàncies de l’entramat de línies que distribueixen l’alimentació per tots els subcircuits o cores. A mida que s’avança augmenta la densitat i disminueix la grandària de les portes i/o transistors, així com disminueixen les tensions lògiques de treball. D’aquesta manera s’ha arribat a un moment en què el PSN pot produir problemes seriosos en el bon funcionament del circuit. Per això és que cal identificar i monitoritzar la forma i característiques del PSN, per poder realitzar accions correctores. En aquest document es presenta una implementació d’un monitor de PSN que permetrà mesurar i identificar si la quantitat de soroll en un moment determinat excedeix d’un cert rang, així com realitzar una mesura aproximada de la forma d’aquest soroll. En primer lloc es descriu el circuit del monitor, de caràcter íntegrament analògic, mòdul a mòdul. Posteriorment es mostren dos possibles implementacions per l’etapa de sortida del monitor analògic, una basada en un comparador amb sortida digital d’1 bit; i l’altra es tracta d’un seguidor de tensió que permetrà realitzar una mesura analògica externa al xip. Finalment es mostra l’aspecte del layout essent compatible amb les Standard Cells. Per les característiques del monitor aquest és sensible al soroll tant a la línia de tensió com a la de terra i pot mesurar el soroll a qualsevol lloc del circuit (allà on sigui connectat). Pel disseny i optimització dels paràmetres del monitor s’ha utilitzat un procés iteratiu estadístic basat en les variacions degudes al procés de fabricació, aquest procés és descrit pas a pas, justificant en tot moment la tria de decisions. En últim terme es donen els resultats i característiques tècniques del monitor: resolució, rangs, sensibilitat, etc..

    Power supply noise in delay testing

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    As technology scales into the Deep Sub-Micron (DSM) regime, circuit designs have become more and more sensitive to power supply noise. Excessive noise can significantly affect the timing performance of DSM designs and cause non-trivial additional delay. In delay test generation, test compaction and test fill techniques can produce excessive power supply noise. This will eventually result in delay test overkill. To reduce this overkill, we propose a low-cost pattern-dependent approach to analyze noise-induced delay variation for each delay test pattern applied to the design. Two noise models have been proposed to address array bond and wire bond power supply networks, and they are experimentally validated and compared. Delay model is then applied to calculate path delay under noise. This analysis approach can be integrated into static test compaction or test fill tools to control supply noise level of delay tests. We also propose an algorithm to predict transition count of a circuit, which can be applied to control switching activity during dynamic compaction. Experiments have been performed on ISCAS89 benchmark circuits. Results show that compacted delay test patterns generated by our compaction tool can meet a moderate noise or delay constraint with only a small increase in compacted test set size. Take the benchmark circuit s38417 for example: a 10% delay increase constraint only results in 1.6% increase in compacted test set size in our experiments. In addition, different test fill techniques have a significant impact on path delay. In our work, a test fill tool with supply noise analysis has been developed to compare several test fill techniques, and results show that the test fill strategy significant affect switching activity, power supply noise and delay. For instance, patterns with minimum transition fill produce less noise-induced delay than random fill. Silicon results also show that test patterns filled in different ways can cause as much as 14% delay variation on target paths. In conclusion, we must take noise into consideration when delay test patterns are generated

    Fault simulation and test generation for small delay faults

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    Delay faults are an increasingly important test challenge. Traditional delay fault models are incomplete in that they model only a subset of delay defect behaviors. To solve this problem, a more realistic delay fault model has been developed which models delay faults caused by the combination of spot defects and parametric process variation. According to the new model, a realistic delay fault coverage metric has been developed. Traditional path delay fault coverage metrics result in unrealistically low fault coverage, and the real test quality is not reflected. The new metric uses a statistical approach and the simulation based fault coverage is consistent with silicon data. Fast simulation algorithms are also included in this dissertation. The new metric suggests that testing the K longest paths per gate (KLPG) has high detection probability for small delay faults under process variation. In this dissertation, a novel automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) methodology to find the K longest testable paths through each gate for both combinational and sequential circuits is presented. Many techniques are used to reduce search space and CPU time significantly. Experimental results show that this methodology is efficient and able to handle circuits with an exponential number of paths, such as ISCAS85 benchmark circuit c6288. The ATPG methodology has been implemented on industrial designs. Speed binning has been done on many devices and silicon data has shown significant benefit of the KLPG test, compared to several traditional delay test approaches

    Low Cost Power and Supply Noise Estimation and Control in Scan Testing of VLSI Circuits

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    Test power is an important issue in deep submicron semiconductor testing. Too much power supply noise and too much power dissipation can result in excessive temperature rise, both leading to overkill during delay test. Scan-based test has been widely adopted as one of the most commonly used VLSI testing method. The test power during scan testing comprises shift power and capture power. The power consumed in the shift cycle dominates the total power dissipation. It is crucial for IC manufacturing companies to achieve near constant power consumption for a given timing window in order to keep the chip under test (CUT) at a near constant temperature, to make it easy to characterize the circuit behavior and prevent delay test over kill. To achieve constant test power, first, we built a fast and accurate power model, which can estimate the shift power without logic simulation of the circuit. We also proposed an efficient and low power X-bit Filling process, which could potentially reduce both the shift power and capture power. Then, we introduced an efficient test pattern reordering algorithm, which achieves near constant power between groups of patterns. The number of patterns in a group is determined by the thermal constant of the chip. Experimental results show that our proposed power model has very good correlation. Our proposed X-Fill process achieved both minimum shift power and capture power. The algorithm supports multiple scan chains and can achieve constant power within different regions of the chip. The greedy test pattern reordering algorithm can reduce the power variation from 29-126 percent to 8-10 percent or even lower if we reduce the power variance threshold. Excessive noise can significantly affect the timing performance of Deep Sub-Micron (DSM) designs and cause non-trivial additional delay. In delay test generation, test compaction and test fill techniques can produce excessive power supply noise. This can result in delay test overkill. Prior approaches to power supply noise aware delay test compaction are too costly due to many logic simulations, and are limited to static compaction. We proposed a realistic low cost delay test compaction flow that guardbands the delay using a sequence of estimation metrics to keep the circuit under test supply noise more like functional mode. This flow has been implemented in both static compaction and dynamic compaction. We analyzed the relationship between delay and voltage drop, and the relationship between effective weighted switching activity (WSA) and voltage drop. Based on these correlations, we introduce the low cost delay test pattern compaction framework considering power supply noise. Experimental results on ISCAS89 circuits show that our low cost framework is up to ten times faster than the prior high cost framework. Simulation results also verify that the low cost model can correctly guardband every path‟s extra noise-induced delay. We discussed the rules to set different constraints in the levelized framework. The veto process used in the compaction can be also applied to other constraints, such as power and temperature