541 research outputs found

    CCTV Technology Handbook

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    This CCTV Technology Handbook provides emergency responders, law enforcement security managers, and other security specialists with a reference to aid in planning, designing, and purchasing a CCTV system. This handbook includes a description of the capabilities and limitations of CCTV components used in security applications

    Spacelab data analysis and interactive control study

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    The study consisted of two main tasks, a series of interviews of Spacelab users and a survey of data processing and display equipment. Findings from the user interviews on questions of interactive control, downlink data formats, and Spacelab computer software development are presented. Equipment for quick look processing and display of scientific data in the Spacelab Payload Operations Control Center (POCC) was surveyed. Results of this survey effort are discussed in detail, along with recommendations for NASA development of several specific display systems which meet common requirements of many Spacelab experiments

    282300 - Video Surveillance

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    An automated system for chromosome analysis. Volume 1: Goals, system design, and performance

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    The design, construction, and testing of a complete system to produce karyotypes and chromosome measurement data from human blood samples, and a basis for statistical analysis of quantitative chromosome measurement data is described. The prototype was assembled, tested, and evaluated on clinical material and thoroughly documented

    An Automated System for Chromosome Analysis

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    The design, construction, and testing of a complete system to produce karyotypes and chromosome measurement data from human blood samples, and to provide a basis for statistical analysis of quantitative chromosome measurement data are described

    Advance Intelligent Video Surveillance System (AIVSS): A Future Aspect

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    Over the last few decades, remarkable infrastructure growths have been noticed in security-related issues throughout the world. So, with increased demand for Security, Video-based Surveillance has become an important area for the research. An Intelligent Video Surveillance system basically censored the performance, happenings, or changing information usually in terms of human beings, vehicles or any other objects from a distance by means of some electronic equipment (usually digital camera). The scopes like prevention, detection, and intervention which have led to the development of real and consistent video surveillance systems are capable of intelligent video processing competencies. In broad terms, advanced video-based surveillance could be described as an intelligent video processing technique designed to assist security personnel’s by providing reliable real-time alerts and to support efficient video analysis for forensic investigations. This chapter deals with the various requirements for designing a robust and reliable video surveillance system. Also, it is discussed the different types of cameras required in different environmental conditions such as indoor and outdoor surveillance. Different modeling schemes are required for designing of efficient surveillance system under various illumination conditions

    Effective design, configuration, and use of digital CCTV

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    It is estimated that there are five million CCTV cameras in use today. CCTV is used by a wide range of organisations and for an increasing number of purposes. Despite this, there has been little research to establish whether these systems are fit for purpose. This thesis takes a socio-technical approach to determine whether CCTV is effective, and if not, how it could be made more effective. Humancomputer interaction (HCI) knowledge and methods have been applied to improve this understanding and what is needed to make CCTV effective; this was achieved in an extensive field study and two experiments. In Study 1, contextual inquiry was used to identify the security goals, tasks, technology and factors which affected operator performance and the causes at 14 security control rooms. The findings revealed a number of factors which interfered with task performance, such as: poor camera positioning, ineffective workstation setups, difficulty in locating scenes, and the use of low-quality CCTV recordings. The impact of different levels of video quality on identification and detection performance was assessed in two experiments using a task-focused methodology. In Study 2, 80 participants identified 64 face images taken from four spatially compressed video conditions (32, 52, 72, and 92 Kbps). At a bit rate quality of 52 Kbps (MPEG-4), the number of faces correctly identified reached significance. In Study 3, 80 participants each detected 32 events from four frame rate CCTV video conditions (1, 5, 8, and 12 fps). Below 8 frames per second, correct detections and task confidence ratings decreased significantly. These field and empirical research findings are presented in a framework using a typical CCTV deployment scenario, which has been validated through an expert review. The contributions and limitations of this thesis are reviewed, and suggestions for how the framework should be further developed are provided

    Real-Time Reconfigurable Adaptive Speech Recognition Command and Control Apparatus and Method

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    An adaptive speech recognition and control system and method for controlling various mechanisms and systems in response to spoken instructions and in which spoken commands are effective to direct the system into appropriate memory nodes, and to respective appropriate memory templates corresponding to the voiced command is discussed. Spoken commands from any of a group of operators for which the system is trained may be identified, and voice templates are updated as required in response to changes in pronunciation and voice characteristics over time of any of the operators for which the system is trained. Provisions are made for both near-real-time retraining of the system with respect to individual terms which are determined not be positively identified, and for an overall system training and updating process in which recognition of each command and vocabulary term is checked, and in which the memory templates are retrained if necessary for respective commands or vocabulary terms with respect to an operator currently using the system. In one embodiment, the system includes input circuitry connected to a microphone and including signal processing and control sections for sensing the level of vocabulary recognition over a given period and, if recognition performance falls below a given level, processing audio-derived signals for enhancing recognition performance of the system
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