2 research outputs found

    Compression of digital images over local area networks. Appendix 1: Item 3

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    Differential Pulse Code Modulation (DPCM) has been used with speech for many years. It has not been as successful for images because of poor edge performance. The only corruption in DPC is quantizer error but this corruption becomes quite large in the region of an edge because of the abrupt changes in the statistics of the signal. We introduce two improved DPCM schemes; Edge correcting DPCM and Edge Preservation Differential Coding. These two coding schemes will detect the edges and take action to correct them. In an Edge Correcting scheme, the quantizer error for an edge is encoded using a recursive quantizer with entropy coding and sent to the receiver as side information. In an Edge Preserving scheme, when the quantizer input falls in the overload region, the quantizer error is encoded and sent to the receiver repeatedly until the quantizer input falls in the inner levels. Therefore these coding schemes increase the bit rate in the region of an edge and require variable rate channels. We implement these two variable rate coding schemes on a token wing network. Timed token protocol supports two classes of messages; asynchronous and synchronous. The synchronous class provides a pre-allocated bandwidth and guaranteed response time. The remaining bandwidth is dynamically allocated to the asynchronous class. The Edge Correcting DPCM is simulated by considering the edge information under the asynchronous class. For the simulation of the Edge Preserving scheme, the amount of information sent each time is fixed, but the length of the packet or the bit rate for that packet is chosen depending on the availability capacity. The performance of the network, and the performance of the image coding algorithms, is studied