7 research outputs found

    Enhanced analysis of WCDMA networks with repeaters deployment

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    This paper addresses the analysis of WCDMA systems with repeaters deployment. A generic and compact expression for up- and downlinks evaluation has been mathematically derived so that transmission powers and other radio resource management parameters can be calculated without simplifications. In particular, the real different path delays, taking into account the repeaters presence and the finite nature of the time window of Rake receivers are considered. This allows an enhanced analysis with respect to classical approaches from a system level viewpoint. Furthermore, higher reliable and accurate predictions on network performance can be obtained, which can be remarkably useful for network planning and management. By using these expressions, relevant network parameters have been evaluated and compared with the ones obtained using the classical approximations. The differences in the obtained metrics are highlighted, putting in evidence the improvement provided by the proposed analysis.Peer Reviewe

    Modeling and characterization of urban radio channels for mobile communications

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    Results of this thesis contribute in modeling and characterization of radio channels for future mobile communications. The results are presented mainly in three parts: a) modeling of propagation mechanisms, b) methodology of developing a propagation model, c) characterization of urban radio channel. One of the main propagation physical phenomena that have an important role in diverting signals to non line of sight scenarios is the diffraction process. This thesis proposes diffraction coefficients that have better agreement with finite difference time domain solution and rigorous diffraction theory than the coefficient commonly used in propagation predictions for mobile communications. The importance of diffuse scattering has also been investigated and showed that this physical process may have a key role in urban propagation, with a particular impact on the delay spread and angular spread of the signal at the receiver. This thesis proposes wideband propagation models for main and perpendicular streets of urban street grids. The propagation models are ray-based and are given in explicit mathematical expressions. Each ray is characterized in terms of its amplitude, delay, and angle of arrival, angle of departure for vertical and horizontal polarizations. Each of these characteristics is given in a closed mathematical form. Having wideband propagation model in explicit expression makes its implementation easy and computation fast. Secondary source modeling approach for perpendicular streets has also been introduced in this thesis. The last part of the thesis deals with characterization of urban radio channels for extracting parameters that help in successful design of mobile communication systems. Knowledge of channel characteristics enables reaching optimum trade off between system performance and complexity. This thesis analyzes measurement results at 2 GHz to extract channel parameters in terms of Rake finger characteristics in order to get information that helps to optimize Rake receiver design for enhanced-IMT2000 systems. Finger life distance has also been investigated for both micro- and small cell scenarios. This part of the thesis also presents orthogonality factor of radio channel for W-CDMA downlink at different bandwidths. Characterization of dispersion metrics in delay and angular domains for microcellular channels is also presented at different base station antenna heights. A measure of (dis-) similarity between multipath components in terms of separation distance in delay and angular domains is introduced by the concept of distance function, which is a step toward in development of algorithm extraction and analysis multipath clustering. In summary, the significant contributions of the thesis are in three parts. 1) Development of new diffraction coefficients and corrections of limitations of existing one for accurate propagation predictions for mobile communications. 2) Development of wideband propagation models for urban street grid. The novelty of the model is the development in explicit mathematical expressions. The developed models can be used to study propagation problem in microcellular urban street grids. 3) Presenting channel parameters that will help in the design of future mobile communication systems (enhanced-IMT2000), like number of active fingers, finger life distance, and orthogonality factors for different bandwidths. In addition, a technique based on multipath separation distance is proposed as a step toward in development of algorithms for extraction and analysis of multipath clusters.reviewe

    Allocation des ressources et ordonnancement dans des systèmes MIMO-CDMA

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    Un système de communication sans fil MIMO-CDMA combine l'utilisation de plusieurs\ud antennes (au niveau de la station de base et/ou des usagers), avec la technique d'accès multiple à répartition par codes. Afin de tirer profit des avantages de cette combinaison, la conception d'un algorithme efficace qui permet l'allocation des ressources devient une tache indispensable. Ce travail propose deux algorithmes d'ordonnancement permettant d'allouer les ressources réseau aux différents usagers dans les systèmes MIMO-CDMA. Vu que le problème d'ordonnancement est dans ce cas NP-difficile, nous avons adopté une approche basée sur la théorie des graphes. Ainsi, nous avons obtenu le bon compromis entre performances et complexité algorithmique. Les simulations présentées démontrent l'efficacité des algorithmes proposés. Ces derniers donnent des résultats très proches de l'optimal tout en réduisant largement la complexité de l'algorithme exacte. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Algorithmes d'ordonnancement, Théorie des graphes, Systèmes de communication sans fil MIMO-CDMA, Simulation des réseaux

    Network dimensioning and base station on/off switching strategies for sustainable deployments in remote areas

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    This paper provides a methodology for the dimensioning of the access network in remote rural areas, considering the progressive introduction of cellular services in these regions. A 3G small cell (SC) network with one or several carriers deployed at the SC, fed with solar panels and connected to a backhaul with limited capacity is considered for the analysis. Because the backhaul may be inexistent or very expensive (e.g., satellite-based backhaul) the network design pursues the minimization of the required backhaul bandwidth. The required backhaul bandwidth and the required energy units (i.e., the size of the solar panels and the required number of batteries) are then obtained as an output of the dimensioning analysis. Both the backhaul minimization objective and the constraints associated with each of the carriers (low maximum radiated power and low number of users connected simultaneously) require a novel methodology compared to the classical dimensioning techniques. We also develop a procedure for switching on/off carriers in order to minimize the energy consumption without affecting the quality of service (QoS) perceived by the users. This technique allows reducing the required size of the energy units, which directly translates into a cost reduction. In the development of this on/off switching strategy, we first assume perfect knowledge of the traffic profile and later, we develop a robust Bayesian approach to account for possible error modeling in the traffic profile information.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    3G Wideband CDMA : packet-based optimisation for high data-rate downlink transmission

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    A third generation (3G) of mobile communication systems, based on Wideband CDMA, are intended to offer high-speed packet-based services. Network operators wish to maximise the throughput in the downlink of3G systems, which requires efficient allocation ofresources. This thesis considers the problem ofmaximising throughput in an interference dominated channel. Cooperative broadcasting is a theoretical technique to mitigate this problem. Its implementation in practical systems requires efficient resource allocati.on to maximise the thr(oughput whilst meeting system and user-imposed constramts. A resource allocation approach is presented for implementing cooperative broadcasting. Users are paired and a teclmique for allocating resources between the pair is developed. Then, a method for pairing the users is considered. Simulation results are presented, which show a throughput improvement over existing resource allocation approaches. The problem ofcontrolling the distribution ofrandomly arriving data to meet the resource allocation specifications is examined. A single-threshold buffer is proposed, which requires fewer calculations than an existing double-threshold buffer. Simulation results are presented which show a throughput improvement may be realised, greater than that which would achievable using other rate control schemes. Cooperative broadcasting may lead to transmissions to some users being allocated low power. When full channel infonnation is available at the transmitter, a water filling solution may be used to maximise capacity. However, when combined with buffer management, erasure may result. This erasure may be overcome using an erasure protection code. Such a code is examined. When combined with Turbo coding, ajoint detector may be used for providing error and erasure protection. Analysis ofthis detector shows a lower limit on the error rate, dependent on the probability of erasure. Simulation results show that using this approach the error rate is significantly improved. This code can then be used to increase capacity, whilst achieving low error rates.Imperial Users onl

    Algoritmos para Sistemas de Comunicaciones Multi-Usuario con Múltiples Antenas

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    Los sistemas MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) multi-usuario multi-celda coordinados se definen como una configuración avanzada y cooperativa de sistema MIMO. En estos sistemas, varias estaciones base cooperan perfectamente en datos a través de un enlace de alta capacidad, y transmiten de forma coordinada a todos los usuarios de una determinada área. Además, cada estación base del sistema está sujeta a una restricción en la potencia total que puede transmitir. El objetivo general de la Tesis es estudiar algoritmos que combinan control de potencia y beamforming óptimo para resolver el problema de minimización de potencia en el enlace downlink de un sistema W-CDMA MIMO multi-usuario multi-celda coordinado. Al mismo tiempo, se propone un modelo de sistema matricial y lineal que caracteriza completamente los procesos que tienen lugar en transmisión y en recepción en este tipo de sistemas. Paralelamente, a lo largo de la Tesis se contemplan soluciones a problemas de tipo práctico, como por ejemplo, limitaciones en el tipo de información que se dispone en transmisión.Botella Mascarell, C. (2008). Algoritmos para Sistemas de Comunicaciones Multi-Usuario con Múltiples Antenas [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/2421Palanci