4 research outputs found

    Research Article Balancing the Production Line by the Simulation and Statistics Techniques: A Case Study

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    Abstract: A wide range of the real world problems in industries are related to misbalances of the production line and excessive Work in Process parts (WIP). Simulation is an effective method to recognize these problems with consuming least cost and time. Moreover, total system efficiency of a production line can be extremely improved by examining different solution scenario via the simulation techniques. In this research, we utilize the simulation technique founded upon the software Enterprise Dynamics (ED) for evaluating the cause of these problems and trying to find the improvement solutions in Sadid Pipe and Equipment Company (SPECO). Two parameters of diameter and thickness are important factors affecting the time of workstations. The effects of these factors on process time are evaluated by hypothesis tests. Two improvement scenarios have been presented. In the first scenario, the layout design of the factory has been improved with regard to production process and bottleneck station. In the second one, an essential improvement has been carried out by reduction in wastages. Regarding the accomplished simulations, it is concluded that it is possible to eliminate the existing bottleneck by implementing changes in the locations of production stations or reducing the waste in some stations. The improvements eventually result in balancing the production line

    Genetic Algorithm for Solving the Integrated Production-Distribution-Direct Transportation Planning

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    This paper proposes a model of integrated production, distribution and transportation planning for 4-echelon supply chain system that consists of a manufacturer using a continuous production process, a distribution center, distributors and retailers. By means of time-dependent demand at all retailers and direct transportation from one echelon to its successive echelons, the purpose of this paper is to determine production/replenishment and transportation policies at manufacturer, distribution center, distributors and retailers in order to minimize annually total system cost. Due to the proposed model is classified as a mixed integer non-linear programming so it is almost impossible to solve the model using the exact optimization methods and a lot of time is needed when the enumeration methods is applied to solve only a small scale problem. In this paper, we apply the genetic algorithm for solving the model. Using integer encoding for constructing the chromosome, the best solution is going to be searched. Compared with enumeration method, the difference of the result is only 0.0594% with the consumption time is only 0.5609% time that enumeration methods need

    Balanceamento de linhas de montagem e aplicação de ferramentas Lean no contexto da Polisport

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    Mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão IndustrialCada vez mais, nos dias que correm, está presente em todas as organizações a metodologia lean, que assenta numa base de melhoria contínua, de forma a responder às necessidades do mercado e à satisfação do cliente, tendo como principal finalidade a criação de valor para o produto e a eliminação de desperdícios inerente aos processos de produção do mesmo. Um elemento essencial na gestão de qualquer organização com ênfase nos resultados é o uso de indicadores de desempenho no processo de tomada de decisão. Este projeto teve como objetivo principal a identificação e eliminação de desperdícios, melhorando os processos de montagem, através do estudo dos tempos de ciclo dos centros de trabalhos/produtos mais críticos, procedendo a um balanceamento adequado e posterior simulação dos resultados através do software Arena. Posteriormente foram analisados os resultados assim como o impacto que essas mudanças causaram na empresa, com base na implementação de ferramentas de melhoria, nomeadamente ferramentas lean. Essas mudanças tiveram um impacto positivo na produção final das cadeiras e dos porta-bebés, no que diz respeito à diminuição de filas de espera entre postos, diminuição dos tempos de processamento e aumento da produção para alguns dos modelos em estudo.Increasingly nowadays it is present in all organizations lean methodology, which is based on continuous improvement in order to respond to market needs and customer satisfaction, with the main purpose of creating value for the product and reducing waste inherent to the production processes. An essential element in the management of any organization with emphasis on results is the use of performance indicators in the decision-making process. This project aimed at identifying and eliminating waste, improving assembly processes, by studying the cycle times of the work centers/products more critical, by making an appropriate balancing and subsequent simulation results using the Arena software. Subsequently the results and the impact that these changes have caused in the company were analyzed, based on the implementation of improvement tools, including lean tools. These changes had a positive impact on the final production of chairs and baby-seats, as regards the reduction of queues between workstations, reduced processing times and increased production for some of the models under study