10 research outputs found

    A fast immersed boundary method for external incompressible viscous flows using lattice Green's functions

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    A new parallel, computationally efficient immersed boundary method for solving three-dimensional, viscous, incompressible flows on unbounded domains is presented. Immersed surfaces with prescribed motions are generated using the interpolation and regularization operators obtained from the discrete delta function approach of the original (Peskin's) immersed boundary method. Unlike Peskin's method, boundary forces are regarded as Lagrange multipliers that are used to satisfy the no-slip condition. The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are discretized on an unbounded staggered Cartesian grid and are solved in a finite number of operations using lattice Green's function techniques. These techniques are used to automatically enforce the natural free-space boundary conditions and to implement a novel block-wise adaptive grid that significantly reduces the run-time cost of solutions by limiting operations to grid cells in the immediate vicinity and near-wake region of the immersed surface. These techniques also enable the construction of practical discrete viscous integrating factors that are used in combination with specialized half-explicit Runge-Kutta schemes to accurately and efficiently solve the differential algebraic equations describing the discrete momentum equation, incompressibility constraint, and no-slip constraint. Linear systems of equations resulting from the time integration scheme are efficiently solved using an approximation-free nested projection technique. The algebraic properties of the discrete operators are used to reduce projection steps to simple discrete elliptic problems, e.g. discrete Poisson problems, that are compatible with recent parallel fast multipole methods for difference equations. Numerical experiments on low-aspect-ratio flat plates and spheres at Reynolds numbers up to 3,700 are used to verify the accuracy and physical fidelity of the formulation.Comment: 32 pages, 9 figures; preprint submitted to Journal of Computational Physic

    Fault tolerance in an inner-outer solver: a GVR-enabled case study

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    Abstract. Resilience is a major challenge for large-scale systems. It is particularly important for iterative linear solvers, since they take much of the time of many scientific applications. We show that single bit flip errors in the Flexible GMRES iterative linear solver can lead to high computational overhead or even failure to converge to the right answer. Informed by these results, we design and evaluate several strategies for fault tolerance in both inner and outer solvers appropriate across a range of error rates. We implement them, extending Trilinos' solver library with the Global View Resilience (GVR) programming model, which provides multi-stream snapshots, multi-version data structures with portable and rich error checking/recovery. Experimental results validate correct execution with low performance overhead under varied error conditions

    Efficient, positive, and energy stable schemes for multi-D Poisson-Nernst-Planck systems

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    In this paper, we design, analyze, and numerically validate positive and energy-dissipating schemes for solving the time-dependent multi-dimensional system of Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) equations, which has found much use in the modeling of biological membrane channels and semiconductor devices. The semi-implicit time discretization based on a reformulation of the system gives a well-posed elliptic system, which is shown to preserve solution positivity for arbitrary time steps. The first order (in time) fully-discrete scheme is shown to preserve solution positivity and mass conservation unconditionally, and energy dissipation with only a mild O(1)O(1) time step restriction. The scheme is also shown to preserve the steady-state. For the fully second order (in both time and space) scheme with large time steps, solution positivity is restored by a local scaling limiter, which is shown to maintain the spatial accuracy. These schemes are easy to implement. Several three-dimensional numerical examples verify our theoretical findings and demonstrate the accuracy, efficiency, and robustness of the proposed schemes, as well as the fast approach to steady states.Comment: 32 pages, 3 tables, 4 figure

    A Family of Iteration Functions for General Linear Systems

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    We develop novel theory and algorithms for computing approximate solution to Ax=bAx=b, or to ATAx=ATbA^TAx=A^Tb, where AA is an m×nm \times n real matrix of arbitrary rank. First, we describe the {\it Triangle Algorithm} (TA), where given an ellipsoid EA,ρ={Ax:xρ}E_{A,\rho}=\{Ax: \Vert x \Vert \leq \rho\}, in each iteration it either computes successively improving approximation bk=AxkEA,ρb_k=Ax_k \in E_{A,\rho}, or proves b∉EA,ρb \not \in E_{A, \rho}. We then extend TA for computing an approximate solution or minimum-norm solution. Next, we develop a dynamic version of TA, the {\it Centering Triangle Algorithm} (CTA), generating residuals rk=bAxkr_k=b - Ax_k via iterations of the simple formula, F1(r)=r(rTHr/rTH2r)HrF_1(r)=r-(r^THr/r^TH^2r)Hr, where H=AH=A when AA is symmetric PSD, otherwise H=AATH=AA^T but need not be computed explicitly. More generally, CTA extends to a family of iteration function, Ft(r)F_t( r), t=1,,mt=1, \dots, m satisfying: On the one hand, given tmt \leq m and r0=bAx0r_0=b-Ax_0, where x0=ATw0x_0=A^Tw_0 with w0Rmw_0 \in \mathbb{R}^m arbitrary, for all k1k \geq 1, rk=Ft(rk1)=bAxkr_k=F_t(r_{k-1})=b-Ax_k and ATrkA^Tr_k converges to zero. Algorithmically, if HH is invertible with condition number κ\kappa, in k=O((κ/t)lnε1)k=O( (\kappa/t) \ln \varepsilon^{-1}) iterations rkε\Vert r_k \Vert \leq \varepsilon. If HH is singular with κ+\kappa^+ the ratio of its largest to smallest positive eigenvalues, in k=O(κ+/tε)k =O(\kappa^+/t\varepsilon) iterations either rkε\Vert r_k \Vert \leq \varepsilon or ATrk=O(ε)\Vert A^T r_k\Vert= O(\sqrt{\varepsilon}). If NN is the number of nonzero entries of AA, each iteration take O(Nt+t3)O(Nt+t^3) operations. On the other hand, given r0=bAx0r_0=b-Ax_0, suppose its minimal polynomial with respect to HH has degree ss. Then Ax=bAx=b is solvable if and only if Fs(r0)=0F_{s}(r_0)=0. Moreover, exclusively ATAx=ATbA^TAx=A^Tb is solvable, if and only if Fs(r0)0F_{s}(r_0) \not= 0 but ATFs(r0)=0A^T F_s(r_0)=0. Additionally, {Ft(r0)}t=1s\{F_t(r_0)\}_{t=1}^s is computable in O(Ns+s3)O(Ns+s^3) operations.Comment: 59 pages, 4 figure

    A fast immersed boundary method for external incompressible viscous flows using lattice Green's functions

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    A new parallel, computationally efficient immersed boundary method for solving three-dimensional, viscous, incompressible flows on unbounded domains is presented. Immersed surfaces with prescribed motions are generated using the interpolation and regularization operators obtained from the discrete delta function approach of the original (Peskin's) immersed boundary method. Unlike Peskin's method, boundary forces are regarded as Lagrange multipliers that are used to satisfy the no-slip condition. The incompressible Navier–Stokes equations are discretized on an unbounded staggered Cartesian grid and are solved in a finite number of operations using lattice Green's function techniques. These techniques are used to automatically enforce the natural free-space boundary conditions and to implement a novel block-wise adaptive grid that significantly reduces the run-time cost of solutions by limiting operations to grid cells in the immediate vicinity and near-wake region of the immersed surface. These techniques also enable the construction of practical discrete viscous integrating factors that are used in combination with specialized half-explicit Runge–Kutta schemes to accurately and efficiently solve the differential algebraic equations describing the discrete momentum equation, incompressibility constraint, and no-slip constraint. Linear systems of equations resulting from the time integration scheme are efficiently solved using an approximation-free nested projection technique. The algebraic properties of the discrete operators are used to reduce projection steps to simple discrete elliptic problems, e.g. discrete Poisson problems, that are compatible with recent parallel fast multipole methods for difference equations. Numerical experiments on low-aspect-ratio flat plates and spheres at Reynolds numbers up to 3700 are used to verify the accuracy and physical fidelity of the formulation

    Positive and energy stable schemes for Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations and related models

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    In this thesis, we design, analyze, and numerically validate positive and energy- dissipating schemes for solving Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) equations and Fokker-Planck (FP) equations with interaction potentials. These equations play an important role in modeling the dynamics of charged particles in semiconductors and biological ion channels, as well as in other applications. These model equations are nonlinear/nonlocal gradient flows in density space, and their explicit solutions are rarely available; however, solutions to such problems feature intrinsic properties such as (i) solution positivity, (ii) mass conservation, and (iii) energy dissipation. These physically relevant properties are highly desirable to be preserved at the discrete level with the least time-step restrictions. We first construct our schemes for a reduced PNP model, then extend to multi-dimensional PNP equations and a class of FP equations with interaction potentials. The common strategies in the construction of the baseline schemes include two ingredients: (i) reformulation of each underlying model so that the resulting system is more suitable for constructing positive schemes, and (ii) integration of semi-implicit time discretization and central spatial discretization. For each model equation, we show that the semi-discrete schemes (continuous in time) preserve all three solution properties (positivity, mass conservation, and energy dissipation). The fully discrete first order schemes preserve solution positivity and mass conservation for arbitrary time steps. Moreover, there exists a discrete energy function which dissipates along time marching with an O(1)O(1) bound on time steps. We show that the second order (in both time and space) schemes preserve solution positivity for suitably small time steps; for larger time steps, we apply a local limiter to restore the solution positivity. We prove that such limiter preserves local mass and does not destroy the approximation accuracy. In addition, the limiter provides a reliable way of restoring solution positivity for other high order conservative finite difference or finite volume schemes. Both the first and second order schemes are linear and can be efficiently implemented without resorting to any iteration method. The second order schemes are only slight modifications of the first order schemes. Computational costs of a single time step for first and second order schemes are similar, hence our second-order in time schemes are efficient than the first-order in time schemes, given a larger time step could be utilized (to save computational cost). We conduct extensive numerical tests that support our theoretical results and illustrate the accuracy, efficiency, and capacity to preserve the solution properties of our schemes

    Multiphysics simulations: challenges and opportunities.

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    Efficient discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods for time-dependent fourth order problems

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    In this thesis, we design, analyze and implement efficient discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods for a class of fourth order time-dependent partial differential equations (PDEs). The main advantages of such schemes are their provable unconditional stability, high order accuracy, and their easiness for generalization to multi-dimensions for arbitrarily high order schemes on structured and unstructured meshes. These schemes have been applied to two fourth order gradient flows such as the Swift-Hohenberg (SH) equation and the Cahn-Hilliard (CH) equation, which are well known nonlinear models in modern physics. For fourth order PDEs of the form tu=L2u+f\partial_t u= -\mathcal{L}^2 u +f, where L\mathcal{L} is an adjoint elliptic operator, the fully discrete DG schemes are constructed in several steps: (a) rewriting the equation as a system of second order PDEs so that ut=Lq+f,q=Luu_t=\mathcal{L}q +f, \quad q=-\mathcal{L}u; (b) applying the DG discretization to this mixed formulation with central numerical fluxes on interior interfaces and weakly enforcing the specified boundary conditions; and (c) combining a special class of time discretizations, that allows the method to be unconditionally stable regardless of its accuracy. Main contributions of this thesis are as follows: Firstly, we introduce mixed discontinuous Galerkin methods without interior penalty for the spatial DG discretization, and the semi-discrete schemes are shown L2L^2 stable for linear problems, and unconditionally energy stable for nonlinear gradient flows. For the mixed DG method applied to linear problems with periodic boundary conditions, we establish the optimal L2L^2 error estimate of order O(hk+1+Δt2)O(h^{k+1} +\Delta t^2) for polynomials of degree kk with the Crank-Nicolson time discretization. In addition, the resulting DG methods can easily handle different boundary conditions. Secondly, for a class of fourth order gradient flow problems, including the SH equation, we combine the so-called \emph{Invariant Energy Quadratization} (IEQ) approach [X. Yang, J. Comput. Phys., 327:294{316, 2016] as time discretization. Coupled with a projection step for the auxiliary variable, both first and second order EQ-DG schemes are shown unconditionally energy stable. In addition, they are linear and can be efficiently solved without resorting to any iteration method. We present extensive numerical examples that support our theoretical results and illustrate the efficiency, accuracy, and stability of our new algorithms. Benchmark problems are also presented to examine the long time behavior of the numerical solutions. Both the theoretical and algorithmic aspects of these methods have potentially wide applications. Progress is made with the IEQ-DG framework to solve the Cahn-Hilliard equation. With the usual penalty in the DG discretization, the resulting EQ-DG schemes are shown to be able to produce free-energy-decaying, and mass conservative solutions, irrespective of the time step and the mesh size. In addition, the schemes are easy to implement, and test cases for the Cahn-Hilliard equation will be reported

    Fast iterative solvers for Cahn-Hilliard problems

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    Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Mathematik, Dissertation, 2016von M. Sc. Jessica BoschLiteraturverzeichnis: Seite [247]-25