273 research outputs found

    Study on the application of information technology in inland maritime supervision

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    CHINA'S K12 ONLINE EDUCATION RESEARCH UNDER THE EPIDEMIC : Satisfaction Analysis on K12 Distance Learning

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    The value that the Internet brings to the K12 education industry is reflected in four aspects: supply chain, efficiency improvement, experience optimization and clear output. In this research, we first briefly introduce the K12 online education and its history of development. Additionally, we discuss the general features of the online educations according to analyzing the comments under the relevant applications. Then we analyze the market of K12 online education in China, including the dominant applications in the current market, the business model, and the supply chain of the online education. Next, we analyze the evaluation framework for online education which is proposed by Quality Matters as a model. Even though it is still very difficult to design a model that can perfectly evaluation the quality of online education, however, at least, according to the analysis, we see the possibility. To analyze the satisfaction of the distance learning in K12, we design a questionnaire and receive responses from 218 student and more than 100 responses from their parents. Based on the data, we find the result is relatively positive. Evidence shows the potential bright future of online education. Therefore, we use SWOT model to analyze and predict the future development of K12 online education from different dimensions. Finally conclude the research

    Research on Community Building in China, from the Perspective of Community Empowerment

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    The official document of the 19th National Congress of the ruling party highly stresses the strategy of rural revitalization for the first time, calling for more attention to the crisis of rural communities. This provides a political agenda to promote rural planning lacking local extensive participation. While most research concerning the rural community involvement in governance and building is focused on the improvement of professional planning methods and techniques spatially, little attention is on the motivations and abilities to participate in the community. The empowerment theory, rooted in the American environment in the 1970s, provides a new perspective for inspiring the enthusiasm of vulnerable groups to participate in the community and improving their ability to participate. The purpose of this dissertation is to discuss how to improve community construction in China from the perspective of empowerment theory

    Did InsurTech Promote the Development of Insurance Inclusion? Empirical Evidence from Chinaʼs Rural Areas

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    departmental bulletin pape

    Methodological basis of the comparative evaluation of inclusiveness level of economic development

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    The article is devoted to the methodological basis of comparative assessment of the level of inclusion of economic development in different areas and regions. The article focuses on the methodological problems of analyzing, evaluating, and raising the level of inclusiveness of economic development. The importance of raising the level of inclusion in the context of new development trends in society and the economy is interpreted. The need for a new look at the scientific and theoretical basics of economic development are emphasized. Available studies on inclusive development issues are analyzed. Indicators and sub-indices characterizing the inclusive development of the society are proposed. An analysis of international scientific research on the problems of inclusive development was conducted. As the increase in the inclusion of the economy leads to an increase in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the urgency of developing its prospects is justified. Ratings of advanced countries on inclusive economic development indices were analyzed. Indicators of inclusive development of international economic organizations have been identified and based on them, relevant improvements have been made and additions have been made. Indicators and sub-indices characterizing the inclusive development of society are offered. The evaluation of inclusive development at the international level is analyzed. The methodological basis of the evaluation of the inclusiveness level is explained and a technique is developed. Key efficiency indicators for inclusive growth and development have been identified. The country's National Inclusive Development Index (NII) is proposed as a dependency on sub-indices that reflect several areas. Subindices and indicators forming the level of inclusion of national economic development have been proposed. The scientific-methodological approach proposed for the assessment of inclusion at the national level is presented in the form of algorithms and conceptual stages. Assessment of the level of national inclusion is offered as Level I - inclusion at the national, social, or macro-level; Level II - inclusion of regional or individual cities and regions; Level III - intersectoral or sectorial inclusion; Level IV - inclusion in the private sector, non-governmental structures; Level V - inclusion in non-governmental and public administration; Level VI - inclusion in the micro or enterprises, production level; Level VII - in several sub-levels as individual inclusion in homes and families. National and international evaluation of the inclusive society and economic development is studied. The main factors of inclusive development of Azerbaijan's economy such as GDP per capita, labor productivity, expected healthy life length, employment level, Gini index of income, poverty level, Gini index of wealth, monthly household income, net savings, carbon capacity, public debt to GDP indicators such as ratio, demographic load ratio have been developed. The importance of the use of inclusion technologies was highlighted and reported on. It was noted that the effective platform for increasing the inclusion of the information society has many opportunities. It was noted that the globally implemented "Internet of Things" (IoT), Cloud computing, soft-computing, Big Data technologies, and components of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution will create additional opportunities for joint effective activities of citizens in society, increasing the level of inclusion

    Research on health care integration policy evaluation based on grounded theory and PMC index model

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    Health care integration is an important way to achieve healthy ageing and meet the personalized health care needs of the elderly. Based on 16 policies on health care integration introduced at the national level in China from 2013 to 2022, the open coding process of grounded theory was used to set up variable indicators and construct a PMC index model for quantitative evaluation of the policies. The results of the study show that the mean value of the PMC index of 16 policies is 7.42, including 12 excellent policies and 4 good policies. Through the PMC curve and depression index, it is found that the overall quality of the combined medical care and support policy in China is good, but it still needs further optimization and improvement in terms of policy timeliness, policy tools, policy operability and policy innovation

    Evaluation of pre-service and in-service teachers´ digital competence in Anhui province, China

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    [ES] Con la integración de las tecnologías en la educación, todos los países han propuesto planes de desarrollo tecnológico en el ámbito educativo y han aumentado la inversión. China se ha dado cuenta plenamente de que las TIC desempeñan un papel importante en la promoción del futuro desarrollo educativo y ha determinado la situación del desarrollo tecnológico para la educación a partir de la estrategia nacional. Por lo tanto, se han creado profundos cambios en los entornos de enseñanza y aprendizaje del profesorado. Este proceso de cambio en la educación está creando y seguirá creando nuevos retos para los métodos de trabajo de los profesores en contextos pedagógicos, didácticos y administrativos, así como para sus conocimientos especializados y habilidades básicas. El profesor es el elemento clave en todo el proceso educativo, en particular, en la acción educativa para la transformación y la mejora de la educación en el fomento de las competencias digitales, los conocimientos especializados y las competencias básicas de los estudiantes. En estas circunstancias, la competencia digital de los profesores ha recibido atención mundial que requiere desarrollar habilidades de aprendizaje y recibir conocimientos de diversas fuentes disponibles en la sociedad moderna, produciendo nuevas demandas para comprender y utilizar las oportunidades de aprendizaje digital en el ámbito educativo. Se han utilizado varios conceptos para describir el uso de las TIC por parte del profesorado, como la alfabetización informacional del profesorado, la alfabetización digital del profesorado, las habilidades TIC del profesorado, las habilidades informáticas del profesorado, la competencia TIC del profesorado, la competencia digital del profesorado. Existe una estrecha relación entre estos conceptos de uso común. Sin embargo, basándonos en la definición de competencia digital, llegamos a la conclusión de que la competencia digital es un concepto fronterizo sustentado por la alfabetización digital, la alfabetización mediática, la alfabetización informacional y la alfabetización de datos. Por lo tanto, el concepto de competencia digital se utiliza para describir el uso de las TIC en el presente estudio porque ofrece una visión más completa del uso de la tecnología. Muchas naciones y organizaciones han establecido exigencias considerables en relación con la competencia digital de los profesores, y se ha lanzado un marco teórico relacionado con la competencia digital de los profesores. Este estudio ofrece una visión global de los seis principales marcos nacionales e internacionales publicados. Hay varios marcos apoyados por Europa, un marco apoyado por China, un marco apoyado por Estados Unidos, dos marcos apoyados por la UNESCO, así como un Marco de Referencia Mundial sobre Competencias Digitales para el Indicador 4.4.2 de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Se ofrece una visión general de los esfuerzos y retos en materia de competencia digital de los profesores en China, que proporciona los puntos de partida para un tema de reflexión y análisis de la situación de la competencia digital de los profesores chinos. La visión general se centra en los principales términos utilizados para hablar del uso que hacen los profesores de la tecnología para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje, los principales objetivos de los estudios previos relacionados con las competencias digitales de los profesores, las principales características de los métodos de investigación y las principales propuestas realizadas para mejorar la competencia digital. Este estudio propuso una evaluación diagnóstica desde un paradigma cuantitativo, que utilizó un diseño no experimental-transversal. Así, se implementó una metodología ex-post-facto basada en estudios de encuestas para evaluar y analizar la percepción de la competencia digital de los profesores chinos en formación y en servicio en la provincia de Anhui. Además, este estudio cuantitativo explora la relación entre los factores sociodemográficos (edad, nivel de estudios, cursos de TIC, años de experiencia docente) y su nivel de competencia digital. Los resultados de este estudio demostraron, en primer lugar, que tanto los profesores en activo como los docentes en formación de la provincia de Anhui tienen una excelente percepción de la competencia digital en las tres áreas medidas. En segundo lugar, factores como la edad, los años de docencia y la formación académica influyen en la competencia digital de los profesores en activo y en formación. Por último, como nuestra principal recomendación para mejorar la competencia digital de los profesores chinos es la formación de los profesores, después de investigar el apoyo teórico para la formación de los profesores K-12 antes y durante el servicio, se diseñó el programa de formación. Cinco estrategias claras sobre la excelencia o las mejores prácticas para la formación del profesorado integraron el enfoque para mejorar la formación del profesorado chino: 1). los formadores de profesores como modelos a seguir; 2). el andamiaje de experiencias tecnológicas auténticas; 3). el aprendizaje del diseño instruccional con tecnología; 4). la reflexión sobre el papel de la tecnología en la educación; y 5). la modalidad de formación. Además, se seleccionó como marco utilizado la 3ª edición del Marco de Competencias TIC para Profesores de la UNESCO. El programa de formación se dividió en cinco módulos formativos en función de los diferentes niveles de competencia digital de la población. La evaluación formativa con 12 prácticas fue diseñada para el programa de formación, así como la evaluación sumativa. [EN] With the integration of technologies in education, every country has proposed technology development plans in the educational field and increased investment. China has fully realized that ICT has played a significant role in promoting future educational development and has determined the status of technology development for education from a national strategy. Therefore, it has created great changes in the teachers´ teaching and learning environments. This changing process in education is creating and will continue to create new challenges for teachers' working methods in pedagogical, didactic, and administrative contexts and their specialized knowledge and basic skills. The teacher is the key element in the whole educational process, particularly in educational action for transformation and improvement of education in fostering students' digital skills, specialized knowledge, and basic skills. Under these circumstances, the digital competence of teachers has received world attention that requires developing learning skills and receiving knowledge from various sources available in modern society, producing new demands for understanding and using digital learning opportunities in the educational field. Serval concepts have been used to describe the teachers´ use of ICT, such as teachers´ information literacy, teachers´ digital literacy, teachers´ ICT skills, teachers´ information technology skills, teachers´ ICT competency, and teachers´ digital competence. There is a close connection between these commonly used concepts. However, based on the definition of digital competence, we concluded that digital competence is a boundary concept underpinned by digital literacy, media literacy, information, and data literacy. Hence, the concept of digital competence is used for describing the use of ICT in the present study because it offers a more comprehensive view of the use of technology. Many nations and organizations have set considerable demands concerning teachers´ digital competence, and the theoretical framework related to teachers´ digital competence has been launched. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the six main national and international frameworks published. There are various Europe-supported frameworks, one China-supported framework, one United States-supported framework, two UNESCO-supported frameworks, as well as A Global Framework of Reference on Digital Literacy Skills for Indicator 4.4.2 of the Sustainable Development Goals. There is an overview of efforts and challenges on teachers' digital competence in China, which provides the starting points for a subject of reflection and analysis of the Chinese teachers' digital competence status. The overview mainly focuses on the main terms used to talk about teachers' use of technology for teaching and learning, the main purposes of the previous studies related to the digital competence of teachers, the main characteristics of the research methods, and the main proposals made to improve the digital competence. This study proposed a diagnostic evaluation from a quantitative paradigm, which used a non-experimental-cross-sectional design. Thus, an ex-post-facto methodology based on survey studies was implemented to assess and analyze Chinese pre-service and in-service teachers' perception of digital competence in Anhui province. Moreover, this quantitative study explores the relationship between sociodemographic factors (age, educational degree level, ICT courses, years of teaching experience) and their digital competence level. The results of this study firstly demonstrated that both pre-service and in-service teachers in Anhui province have an excellent perception of digital competence in the three measured areas. Secondly, factors such as age, years of teaching, and educational background influence pre-and in-service teachers’ digital competence. Finally, our primary recommendation for improving Chinese teachers´ digital competence is teachers’ training. After the theoretical support for pre-service and in-service K-12 teacher training was investigated, the training program was designed. Five clear strategies on excellence or best practice for teacher training integrated approach to improving Chinese teacher training: 1). teacher educators as role models; 2). scaffolding of authentic technology experiences; 3). learning instructional design with technology; 4). the reflection on the role of technology in education; and 5). the training modality. The 3rd edition of the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers was selected as the framework used. The training program is divided into five training modules depending on the different levels of digital competence of the population. The formative assessment with 12 practices was designed for the training program, as well as the summative assessment. [CHI] 随着教育技术的整合,各国都提出了教育领域的技术发展计划,并加大投入。中国已经充分认识到ICT在促进未来教育发展中的重要作用,并从国家战略上确定了教育技术发展的地位。因此,教师的教学和学习环境发生了深刻的变化。教育的这一变化过程正在并将继续对教师在教学、授课和管理方面的工作方法,以及他们的专业知识和基本技能带来新的挑战。 教师是整个教育过程中的关键因素,特别是在培养学生的数字技能、专业知识和基本技能的教育改革和改善行动中。在这种情况下,教师的数字能力得到了世界的关注,这需要发展学习技能,即从现代社会的各种来源中接受知识,产生新的需求,在教育领域理解和使用数字学习机会。 有很多概念被用来描述教师对ICT的使用,如教师的信息素养、教师的数字素养、教师的ICT技能、教师的信息技术技能、教师的ICT能力、教师的数字能力等。这些常用的概念之间存在着密切的联系。然而,根据数字能力的定义,我们得出结论,数字能力是一个由数字素养、媒体素养、信息和数据素养支撑的边界概念,它对技术的使用提供了一个更全面的看法。因此,在本研究中,数字能力的概念被用来描述教师ICT的使用。 因为许多国家和组织机构对教师的数字能力提出了相当高的要求,与教师的数字能力相关的理论框架也随之推出。本研究对已发表的六个主要国家和国际框架进行了全面的概述。其中有各种欧洲支持的框架,一个中国支持的框架,一个美国支持的框架,两个联合国教科文组织支持的框架,以及《全球数字素养技能参考框架》的指标4.4.2。 本研究对中国教师数字能力的努力和挑战进行了概述,为反思和分析中国教师的数字能力状况提供了课题的起点。概述主要集中五点:1).谈论教师使用技术进行教学的主要术语,2).以往与中国教师数字能力相关的研究的主要目的,4).中国教师数字能力相关研究方法的主要特点,5).以及为提高中国教师数字能力提出的主要建议。 本研究提出了一个定量范式的诊断性评价,它采用了非实验性的横断面设计。因此,基于调查研究的事后方法被实施,以评估和分析中国安徽省的职前和在职教师对其自身数字能力的感知。此外,这项定量研究还探讨了社会人口学因素(年龄、教育学位水平、ICT课程、教学年限)与他们的数字能力水平之间的关系。本研究的结果首先表明,安徽省的职前教师和在职教师在三个测量领域的数字能力感知都很好。其次,年龄、教龄、教育背景等因素影响着职前和在职教师的数字能力。 最后,由于我们对提高中国教师数字能力的主要建议是教师的培训,在调查了K-12教师职前和在职培训的理论支持后,我们设计了培训方案。在教师培训中,有五项明确的策略,即:1).教师教育者作为榜样;2).真实技术经验的支架;3).用技术学习教学设计;4).对技术在教育中的作用的反思;以及 5).培训模式。联合国教科文组织第三版《教师信息通信技术能力框架》被选为使用的框架。培训计划根据人们不同的数字能力水平分为五个培训模块。为培训项目设计了包含12项实践的形成性评估,以及总结性评估

    Growth and transformation of private dental clinics in China: a case study of Deron Dental

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    With great progress of China's economy and the improvement of life quality in recent years, a growing number of Chinese people begin to pay more attention to the oral health and dental aesthetic appearance. Under such circumstances, the demand for professional dental health institutions in China is also rising, so the dental hospitals and clinics in China are mushrooming. However, as the management system and supervision of dental medical institutions are yet to be improved, the whole dental medical market is facing fierce competition and is trapped in a difficult situation. Therefore, in order to survive in such a fierce market and maintain a sound development, a set of scientific and effective strategiesand methods are needed to help dental medical institutions attract sufficient number of customers and grab more market share, and constantly enhance their brand influence.This thesis takes Guangzhou Deron Dental as a case and uses the resource-based view and dynamic capabilities theory to summarize its successful experience of transformation to find out how it maintains its rapid development momentum in more than 20 years of growth, how its market share has been constantly enhanced in face of increasingly stronger competitors and how its profitability and business scope continue to expand, hoping to provide relevant suggestions and countermeasures for the growth of other private dental medical institutions.All the research results in this study aim not only to understand the successful experience of Deron Dental at different growth stages, but also to find out the growth law of the dental medical institutions at different stages in an effort to help the counterparts to solve similar problems and further provide consumers with better and safer dental care services.Com o desenvolvimento económico da China e a consequente melhoria da qualidade de vida um número, cada vez maior de Chineses começou a prestar mais atenção à saúde oral e à sua estética dental. Esta situação fez com que a procura de serviços profissionais dentários aumentasse e as clinicas dentárias se multiplicassem. A deficiente supervisão das clinicas dentárias faz com que o mercado de cuidados dentários sofra uma forte concorrência e se encontre numa situação difícil. Para sobreviverem neste mercado altamente competitivo e manterem um crescimento sustentável as clinicas dentárias necessitam de melhorar a sua capacidade de gestão. Esta tese toma por base a clinica Guangzhou Deron Dental e utiliza a escola baseada nos recursos e a as capacidades dinâmicaspara estudar a sua evolução ao longo dos últimos 20 anos. Sendo um estudo de caso não pretendemos generalizar as conclusões para todas as clínicas que operam no mercado Chinês mas pensamos que este estudo pode ajudar algumas das clinicas a melhorar a sua gestão