249 research outputs found

    Shuttle Ku-band signal design study

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    Carrier synchronization and data demodulation of Unbalanced Quadriphase Shift Keyed (UQPSK) Shuttle communications' signals by optimum and suboptimum methods are discussed. The problem of analyzing carrier reconstruction techniques for unbalanced QPSK signal formats is addressed. An evaluation of the demodulation approach of the Ku-Band Shuttle return link for UQPSK when the I-Q channel power ratio is large is carried out. The effects that Shuttle rocket motor plumes have on the RF communications are determined also. The effect of data asymmetry on bit error probability is discussed

    Study to investigate and evaluate means of optimizing the Ku-band communication function for the space shuttle

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    The forward link of the overall Ku-band communication system consists of the ground- TDRS-orbiter communication path. Because the last segment of the link is directed towards a relatively low orbiting shuttle, a PN code is used to reduce the spectral density. A method is presented for incorporating code acquisition and tracking functions into the orbiter's Ku-band receiver. Optimization of a three channel multiplexing technique is described. The importance of Costas loop parameters to provide false lock immunity for the receiver, and the advantage of using a sinusoidal subcarrier waveform, rather than square wave, are discussed

    Shuttle Ku-band and S-band communications implementations study

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    The interfaces between the Ku-band system and the TDRSS, between the S-band system and the TDRSS, GSTDN and SGLS networks, and between the S-band payload communication equipment and the other Orbiter avionic equipment were investigated. The principal activities reported are: (1) performance analysis of the payload narrowband bent-pipe through the Ku-band communication system; (2) performance evaluation of the TDRSS user constraints placed on the S-band and Ku-band communication systems; (3) assessment of the shuttle-unique S-band TDRSS ground station false lock susceptibility; (4) development of procedure to make S-band antenna measurements during orbital flight; (5) development of procedure to make RFI measurements during orbital flight to assess the performance degradation to the TDRSS S-band communication link; and (6) analysis of the payload interface integration problem areas

    Integrated source and channel encoded digital communication system design study

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    The particular Ku-band carrier, PN despreading, and symbol synchronization strategies, which were selected for implementation in the Ku-band transponder aboard the orbiter, were assessed and evaluated from a systems performance viewpoint, verifying that system specifications were met. A study was performed of the design and implementation of tracking techniques which are suitable for incorporation into the Orbiter Ku-band communication system. Emphasis was placed on maximizing tracking accuracy and communication system flexibility while minimizing cost, weight, and system complexity of Orbiter and ground systems hardware. The payload communication study assessed the design and performance of the forward link and return link bent-pipe relay modes for attached and detached payloads. As part of this study, a design for a forward link bent-pipe was proposed which employs a residual carrier but which is tracked by the existing Costas loop

    High data rate modem simulation for the space station multiple-access communications system

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    The communications system for the space station will require a space based multiple access component to provide communications between the space based program elements and the station. A study was undertaken to investigate two of the concerns of this multiple access system, namely, the issues related to the frequency spectrum utilization and the possibilities for higher order (than QPSK) modulation schemes for use in possible modulators and demodulators (modems). As a result of the investigation, many key questions about the frequency spectrum utilization were raised. At this point, frequency spectrum utilization is seen as an area requiring further work. Simulations were conducted using a computer aided communications system design package to provide a straw man modem structure to be used for both QPSK and 8-PSK channels

    Symbol Synchronization for SDR Using a Polyphase Filterbank Based on an FPGA

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    This paper is devoted to the proposal of a highly efficient symbol synchronization subsystem for Software Defined Radio. The proposed feedback phase-locked loop timing synchronizer is suitable for parallel implementation on an FPGA. The polyphase FIR filter simultaneously performs matched-filtering and arbitrary interpolation between acquired samples. Determination of the proper sampling instant is achieved by selecting a suitable polyphase filterbank using a derived index. This index is determined based on the output either the Zero-Crossing or Gardner Timing Error Detector. The paper will extensively focus on simulation of the proposed synchronization system. On the basis of this simulation, a complete, fully pipelined VHDL description model is created. This model is composed of a fully parallel polyphase filterbank based on distributed arithmetic, timing error detector and interpolation control block. Finally, RTL synthesis on an Altera Cyclone IV FPGA is presented and resource utilization in comparison with a conventional model is analyzed

    Engineering evaluations and studies. Volume 3: Exhibit C

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    High rate multiplexes asymmetry and jitter, data-dependent amplitude variations, and transition density are discussed

    Carrier Synchronization in High Bit-Rate Optical Transmission Systems

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    In this dissertation, design of optical transmission systems with differential detection and coherent detection is briefly described. More over, algorithms for carrier synchronization and phase estimation with their implementation in high bit-rate optical transmission systems are proposed

    Shuttle/TDRSS modelling and link simulation study

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    A Shuttle/TDRSS S-band and Ku-band link simulation package called LinCsim was developed for the evaluation of link performance for specific Shuttle signal designs. The link models were described in detail and the transmitter distortion parameters or user constraints were carefully defined. The overall link degradation (excluding hardware degradations) relative to an ideal BPSK channel were given for various sets of user constraint values. The performance sensitivity to each individual user constraint was then illustrated. The effect of excessive Spacelab clock jitter on the return link BER performance was also investigated as was the problem of subcarrier recovery for the K-band Shuttle return link signal

    Single-phase binary phase-shift keying, quadrature phase shift keying demodulators using an XOR gate as a phase detector

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    A single-phase/single-loop multiple-phase-shift-keying (m-PSK) demodulator is described. The demodulator relies on a linear range of an exclusive-OR (XOR) gate employed as a phase detector. The phase controller takes the average output from the XOR gate and performs a sub-ranging/re-scaling operation to provide an input signal to a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). The demodulator is truly modular which theoretically can be extended for an m-PSK signal. The proposed single-phase binary-/quadrature-PSK (BPSK/QPSK) demodulators have been implemented with low-cost discrete components. The core of the phase controller simply relies on number of stages of a full-wave rectifier and a linear amplifier built from well-known op-amp-based negative feedback circuits. The demodulator prototypes operate from a single supply of 5 V. At a carrier frequency of 100 kHz, both the BPSK and QPSK demodulators achieved the maximum symbol rate of 20 ksymbol/s respectively. At these symbol rates, the BPSK and QPSK demodulators deliver symbol-error rates less than 2Ă—10-10 and 7Ă—10-10
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