6 research outputs found

    Low-power Renewable Possibilities for Geothermal IoT Monitoring Systems

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    Nowadays, humanity is facing a difficult challenge, because of sustainable energy use and production. One of the major ways to solve this problem is the usage of renewable energy as a sustainable and reliable source of electric power and heat. This trend is also obvious in the field of the Internet of Things (IoT), where research teams are increasingly focusing on renewable energy and its monitoring with IoT. This paper aims to map current research on the use of the Internet of Things with a special focus on use in geothermal applications. Information concerning renewable geothermal energy sources and individual IoT communication technologies is summarized. A basic Bluetooth iBeacon test case is also presented.©2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Evaluation of a Thermoelectric Generation system based on Differential-Power Processing architecture under non-uniform temperature conditions

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    This paper presents a Differential Power Processing (DPP) architecture applied to series-connected thermoelectric generators (TEG). Currently, thermoelectric technology is being considered as a promising power generation technology that can be used to recover waste heat energy. Thus, a thermoelectric generation system is studied under non-uniform temperature conditions in multiple TEG devices. The main objective is to allow each thermoelectric sub-module to reach its maximum power point more quickly. The purpose has been to improve the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) in each sub-module, thus it is possible to increase the efficiency with respect to the traditional method based on a global MPPT. Differential Power converters have been implemented in each TEG sub-module to provide an effective solution and mitigate the impact of the mismatch in the power obtained. The DPP architecture consists of a small micro-converter, at the submodular level, applied to the thermoelectric cell. The control algorithm is oriented to polarize each TEG device at its optimal point, which allows us an active balancing among the different TEG sub-modules regardless of the operating temperature. Matlab-Simulink has been the software used to develop the TEG module-Array

    Diseño y simulación de un circuito de arranque basado en la carga de empuje de Dickson para aplicaciones de cosecha de energía

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    Según Ericsson, líder mundial en despliegue 5G, la cantidad de dispositivos de Internet de las Cosas (IoT por sus siglas en inglés) han aumentado año tras año en promedio 15% desde el 2014. Este constante crecimiento hizo que en 2020 estos superen a la cantidad de celulares, laptops, tablets, computadoras de escritorio y teléfonos fijos combinados. Como todo dispositivo electrónico, necesitará de una fuente de alimentación local; sin embargo, al considerar tal cantidad de dispositivos a nivel mundial, esto supone un gran reto; especialmente en zonas remotas donde, en algunos casos, no se podría conectar a la red eléctrica convencional. Por ello, una alternativa en las zonas remotas debe tener como características principales una fuente "eterna" y de muy bajo o nulo mantenimiento por los costos de acercamiento a estas zonas. En consecuencia, el recolectar/cosechar (harvest) la energía de los alrededores es una opción ideal para estas aplicaciones. La cosecha de energía es el método por el cual se puede aprovechar la energía natural omnipresente en ciertas áreas; por ejemplo, la energía térmica, ya que no importe el lugar donde nos encontremos, siempre estará presente la temperatura. Es por esto por lo que la presente tesis consiste en diseñar un circuito que eleve el bajo voltaje obtenido de la cosecha de energía de una diferencia de temperatura para alimentar circuitos de bajo consumo en zonas remotas. Para ello, se tomará como base el Circuito Elevador de Voltaje de Empuje de Dickson (Dickson Charge Pump en inglés, DCP). El primer objetivo es diseñar y simular el circuito de arranque en base a su modelo matemático teniendo en cuenta la eficiencia del número de etapas. Además, el segundo objetivo es analizar cómo varían los parámetros eléctricos de la salida del circuito al cambiar los parámetros del modelo matemático, así también como identificar las limitaciones de este modelo

    Interfacce elettroniche per la conversione di potenza da trasduttori piezoelettrici

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    L'obbiettivo di questo elaborato è quello di analizzare il comportamento di un trasduttore piezoelettrico, usato come energy harvester, connesso ad un rettificatore ad onda intera tenendo conto degli effetti elettromeccanici. L'analisi è stata eseguita tramite il simulatore circuitale LTSpice adottando un modello del trasduttore basato sul circuito equivalente elettromeccanico, presentato e analizzato nell'elaborato. Particolare attenzione è stata rivolta agli effetti dovuti all'accoppiamento elettromeccanico e alla potenza trasferita in diverse condizioni di carico

    Transdutor Termoelétrico na Recolha de Energia Térmica

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    necessidade de tornar sistemas de redes sem fios energeticamente autónomos, independentes de baterias, tem sido um desafio essencial tanto de cariz tecnológico como económico e ambiental. Nomeadamente, em sistemas de gestão e tratamento de água. Com a particularidade de hoje já ser reconhecido o impacto que os setores de água, energia e alimentação têm entre si devido a sua relação intrínseca: Nexus- food, water, energy. Esta dissertação procura responder a desafios tecnológicos dentro do sector energético dos sensores sem fios. E, inserir esta solução no sector hídrico procurando formas de converter energia que à partida está a ser dissipada, em forma de calor, em energia elétrica. De maneira a conseguir implementar esta solução é feito o estudo sobre transdutores termoelétricos, em particular a célula de Peltier. Este transdutor permite converter energia térmica em energia elétrica. Para que a célula consiga alimentar um microprocessador é desenvolvida uma placa PCB que consiga elevar e regular a tensão de saída ca célula. Adicionalmente, é feita a concetualização um protótipo que simula situações reais que possibilitam estabelecer e recolher um gradiente de temperatura. Ou seja, levando a que seja possível gerar energia elétrica que alimente a componente eletrónica.The need to overcome the dependency of wireless sensors from batteries has been a technological, economic and environmental challenge. Namely, in water management and treatment systems. Particularly, today it is known the impact that water, energy and food have on each other since their relationship it is complex and intrinsic. This concept it is known as Nexus: food, water and energy. This dissertation seeks to respond to the technological challenges within the energy sector of wireless sensors. And insert this solution into the water sector searching ways to convert energy that is being dissipated, in the form of heat, into electrical energy. In order to implement this solution, a study is made on thermoelectric transducers, in particular the Peltier cell. This transducer allows to convert thermal energy into electrical energy. In order for the cell feed the microprocessor a PCB board is developed and therefore it is possible to raise and regulate the output voltage to the cell. Additionally, a prototype is developed that simulates real situations that make it possible to establish and collect a temperature gradient. Leading to being possible to generate electrical energy that feeds an electronic component

    Dual-battery empowered green cellular networks

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    With awareness of the potential harmful effects to the environment and climate change, on-grid brown energy consumption of information and communications technology (ICT) has drawn much attention. Cellular base stations (BSs) are among the major energy guzzlers in ICT, and their contributions to the global carbon emissions increase sustainedly. It is essential to leverage green energy to power BSs to reduce their on-grid brown energy consumption. However, in order to furthest save on-grid brown energy and decrease the on-grid brown energy electricity expenses, most existing green energy related works only pursue to maximize the green energy utilization while compromising the services received by the mobile users. In reality, dissatisfaction of services may eventually lead to loss of market shares and profits of the network providers. In this research, a dual-battery enabled profit driven user association scheme is introduced to jointly consider the traffic delivery latency and green energy utilization to maximize the profits for the network providers in heterogeneous cellular networks. Since this profit driven user association optimization problem is NP-hard, some heuristics are presented to solve the problem with low computational complexity. Finally, the performance of the proposed algorithm is validated through extensive simulations. In addition, the Internet of Things (IoT) heralds a vision of future Internet where all physical things/devices are connected via a network to promote a heightened level of awareness about our world and dramatically improve our daily lives. Nonetheless, most wireless technologies utilizing unlicensed bands cannot provision ubiquitous and quality IoT services. In contrast, cellular networks support large-scale, quality of service guaranteed, and secured communications. However, tremendous proximal communications via local BSs will lead to severe traffic congestion and huge energy consumption in conventional cellular networks. Device-to-device (D2D) communications can potentially offload traffic from and reduce energy consumption of BSs. In order to realize the vision of a truly global IoT, a novel architecture, i.e., overlay-based green relay assisted D2D communications with dual batteries in heterogeneous cellular networks, is introduced. By optimally allocating the network resource, the introduced resource allocation method provisions the IoT services and minimizes the overall energy consumption of the pico relay BSs. By balancing the residual green energy among the pico relay BSs, the green energy utilization is maximized; this furthest saves the on-grid energy. Finally, the performance of the proposed architecture is validated through extensive simulations. Furthermore, the mobile devices serve the important roles in cellular networks and IoT. With the ongoing worldwide development of IoT, an unprecedented number of edge devices imperatively consume a substantial amount of energy. The overall IoT mobile edge devices have been predicted to be the leading energy guzzler in ICT by 2020. Therefore, a three-step green IoT architecture is proposed, i.e., ambient energy harvesting, green energy wireless transfer and green energy balancing, in this research. The latter step reinforces the former one to ensure the availability of green energy. The basic design principles for these three steps are laid out and discussed. In summary, based on the dual-battery architecture, this dissertation research proposes solutions for the three aspects, i.e., green cellular BSs, green D2D communications and green devices, to hopefully and eventually actualize green cellular access networks, as part of the ongoing efforts in greening our society and environment