20 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the changes in working limits in an automobile assembly line using simulation

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    The aim of the work presented in this paper consists of the development of a decision-making support system, based on discrete-event simulation models, of an automobile assembly line which was implemented within an Arena simulation environment and focused at a very specific class of production lines with a four closed-loop network configuration. This layout system reflects one of the most common configurations of automobile assembly and preassembly lines formed by conveyors. The sum of the number of pallets on the intermediate buffers, remains constant, except for the fourth closed-loop, which depends on the four-door car ratio (x) implemented between the door disassembly and assembly stations of the car body. Some governing equations of the four closed-loops are not compatible with the capacities of several intermediate buffers for certain values of variable x. This incompatibility shows how the assembly line cannot operate in practice for x0,97 in a stationary regime, due to the starvation phenomenon or the failure of supply to the machines on the production line. We have evaluated the impact of the pallet numbers circulating on the first closed-loop on the performance of the production line, translated into the number of cars produced/hour, in order to improve the availability of the entire manufacturing system for any value of x. Until the present date, these facts have not been presented in specialized literature. © 2012 American Institute of Physics

    A Operação Portuária Modelada Como Um Problema De Alocação De Buffers

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    O transporte marítimo é a modalidade do transporte aquaviário que utiliza os mares abertos, para mercadorias e passageiros, tendo sido esse modal, responsável por 94,4% do volume de exportações brasileiras em 2010 (ANTAQ). Um dos principais papéis do sistema portuário diz respeito aos custos e à eficiência da logística de transportes do país, o que impacta diretamente na competitividade dos produtos nacionais no exterior. O Brasil apesar de constituir a oitava economia do mundo, ainda está aquém de oferecer excelência em infraestrutura de transporte. Faz-se necessário, então, que haja uma modernização das estruturas físicas do porto, bem como de processos gerenciais dando suporte às operações portuárias. A operação portuária pode ser definida como o conjunto de todas as operações para realizar a passagem da mercadoria, desde o transporte marítimo até o transporte terrestre e vice-versa. O objetivo da operação portuária é sempre buscar a maior eficiência e eficácia. Em outras palavras, isso quer dizer minimizar os custos de transporte e armazenagem, e aumentar o fluxo (movimentação de cargas) dado um determinado período, (Oliveira, 2011). A operação portuária pode ser vista como uma rede de filas, formada por navios, caminhões e trens que efetuam a carga e/ou descarga de produtos. Analogamente a um sistema de manufatura, que pode ser modelado por redes de filas, a rede portuária seria formada por sistemas de filas conectados entre si, em que os usuários movem-se entre eles para receber um serviço (Silva, 2007). Os armazéns serão considerados como buffers do processo, ou seja, a fonte que regula os processos de chegada e saída de carga. Faz sentido então, pensar no Problema de Alocação de Buffers que, segundo Papadopoulos (2009), é de especial interesse em gestão de operações, em que a alocação de espaço de armazenamento pode representar a principal flexibilidade disponível para a organização. Dessa forma, este estudo tem por objetivo descrever a operação portuária utilizando uma rede de filas e buscando analogia no problema de alocação de buffers, que permita avaliar medidas de desempenho de sistemas desse tipo.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    A Operação Portuária Modelada Como Um Problema De Alocação De Buffers

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    O transporte marítimo é a modalidade do transporte aquaviário que utiliza os mares abertos, para mercadorias e passageiros, tendo sido esse modal, responsável por 94,4% do volume de exportações brasileiras em 2010 (ANTAQ). Um dos principais papéis do sistema portuário diz respeito aos custos e à eficiência da logística de transportes do país, o que impacta diretamente na competitividade dos produtos nacionais no exterior. O Brasil apesar de constituir a oitava economia do mundo, ainda está aquém de oferecer excelência em infraestrutura de transporte. Faz-se necessário, então, que haja uma modernização das estruturas físicas do porto, bem como de processos gerenciais dando suporte às operações portuárias. A operação portuária pode ser definida como o conjunto de todas as operações para realizar a passagem da mercadoria, desde o transporte marítimo até o transporte terrestre e vice-versa. O objetivo da operação portuária é sempre buscar a maior eficiência e eficácia. Em outras palavras, isso quer dizer minimizar os custos de transporte e armazenagem, e aumentar o fluxo (movimentação de cargas) dado um determinado período, (Oliveira, 2011). A operação portuária pode ser vista como uma rede de filas, formada por navios, caminhões e trens que efetuam a carga e/ou descarga de produtos. Analogamente a um sistema de manufatura, que pode ser modelado por redes de filas, a rede portuária seria formada por sistemas de filas conectados entre si, em que os usuários movem-se entre eles para receber um serviço (Silva, 2007). Os armazéns serão considerados como buffers do processo, ou seja, a fonte que regula os processos de chegada e saída de carga. Faz sentido então, pensar no Problema de Alocação de Buffers que, segundo Papadopoulos (2009), é de especial interesse em gestão de operações, em que a alocação de espaço de armazenamento pode representar a principal flexibilidade disponível para a organização. Dessa forma, este estudo tem por objetivo descrever a operação portuária utilizando uma rede de filas e buscando analogia no problema de alocação de buffers, que permita avaliar medidas de desempenho de sistemas desse tipo.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Standalone closed-form formula for the throughput rate of asynchronous normally distributed serial flow lines

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Flexible flow lines use flexible entities to generate multiple product variants using the same serial routing. Evaluative analytical models for the throughput rate of asynchronous serial flow lines were mainly developed for the Markovian case where processing times, arrival rates, failure rates and setup times follow deterministic, exponential or phase-type distributions. Models for non-Markovian processes are non-standalone and were obtained by extending the exponential case. This limits the suitability of existing models for real-world human-dependent flow lines, which are typically represented by a normal distribution. We exploit data mining and simulation modelling to derive a standalone closed-form formula for the throughput rate of normally distributed asynchronous human-dependent serial flow lines. Our formula gave steady results that are more accurate than those obtained with existing models across a wide range of discrete data sets

    A Hierarchical Analytic Process Framework for Manufacturing System Improvement

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    This paper proposes a hierarchical analytic process framework to facilitate practitioners to determine improvement directions for a manufacturing system efficiently and systematically.  The proposed framework analyzes current state performances of a manufacturing system by applying the knowledge of science of manufacturing systems which describe relationship control factors, performance measures, and improvement objectives. Then, concrete directions for improvements are suggested. The analysis process embeds the concept of diagnostic tree which makes it an easy-to-handle framework. Under the diagnostic tree concept, it decomposes the high-level business goal into successively low-level activities to give more comprehensive areas of improvement.  The proposed framework comprises of three key elements:  Operation Performance Measures (OPMs), Diagnostic tree (D-Tree), and Action guidelines. The OPMs are used in the D-Tree to determine improvement objectives.  Then the Action guidelines suggest how to adjust control factors in a manufacturing system according to each improvement objective.  The proposed diagnostic framework is demonstrated by Promodel simulation of a case study.   The simulation model includes physical resources, flow lines, WIP, and replenishment signals of the case. By following the analytic process in the framework, the performance measures have shown improvements according to action guidelines and the result of improvements meets the requirement of a factory in the case study

    Bus manufacturing: line balancing and optimization

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    Bus production is a singular industry due to the product variety and customization usually required by clients. Buses are usually conceived based in a chassis where a frame is built, following the safety rules adopted by the sector. The external view can be similar, but some construction aspects and internal view are usually defined by the client, leading to a high customization. Thus, the bus can be manufactured in a common line, but the different configurations usually lead to a complex assembling process that needs to be carefully thought. Moreover, this kind of industry is permanently subjected to huge competitiveness and sustainable evaluation, which implies a rigorous cost planning and production, avoiding budget problems. This work was carried out in a bus manufacturer located in the Porto surroundings, which produces a large number of bus types for airports, tourism, urban or scholar purposes. The factory has three different production lines, being each one allocated to a different kind of bus manufactured. The lines needed an optimization and balancing improvement, thus, this study intended to make a contribution to this purpose.A produção de autocarros é um negócio singular devido à variedade de produtos e personalização requerida pelos clientes. Os autocarros são normalmente concebidos com base num chassis, onde é construída a estrutura, seguindo as normas de segurança usuais no sector. A vista exterior dos autocarros pode ser similar, mas existem alguns aspectos construtivos e o interior, que são normalmente definidos pelo cliente, conduzindo a uma elevada personalização do produto. Assim, os autocarros podem ser fabricados numa mesma linha, mas com configurações diferentes, levando normalmente a um complexo processo de montagem que necessita ser convenientemente pensado. Acresce que este tipo de indústria está permanentemente sujeito a uma elevada competitividade e avaliação da sua sustentabilidade, evitando problemas relacionados com o não cumprimento do orçamento inicial. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido numa empresa construtora de autocarros sediada nos arredores do Porto, a qual produz um diversificado leque de tipos de autocarros para aeroportos, turismo, urbanos ou para transporte escolar. A fábrica possui três linhas diferentes de produção, estando cada uma alocada a um tipo diferente de autocarro fabricado. As linhas de produção necessitavam de uma otimização e balanceamento e este estudo pretendeu dar uma contribuição nesse sentido

    An architecture to integrate IEC 61131-3 systems in an IEC 61499 distributed solution

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    The IEC 61499 standard has been developed to allow the modeling and design of distributed control systems, providing advanced concepts of software engineering (such as abstraction and encapsulation) to the world of control engineering. The introduction of this standard in already existing control environments poses challenges, since programs written using the widespread IEC 61131-3 programming standard cannot be directly executed in a fully IEC 61499 environment without reengineering effort. In order to solve this problem, this paper presents an architecture to integrate modules of the two standards, allowing the exploitation of the benefits of both. The proposed architecture is based on the coexistence of control software of the two standards. Modules written in one standard interact with some particular interfaces that encapsulate functionalities and information to be exchanged with the other standard. In particular, the architecture permits to utilize available run-times without modification, it allows the reuse of software modules, and it utilizes existing features of the standards. A methodology to integrate IEC 61131-3 modules in an IEC 61499 distributed solution based on such architecture is also developed, and it is described via a case study to prove feasibility and benefits. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed solution does not add substantial load or delays to the system when compared to an IEC 61131-3 based solution. By acting on task period, it can achieve performances similar to an IEC 61499 solution

    Multi-job production systems: definition, problems, and product-mix performance portrait of serial lines

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    This paper pursues two goals: (a) Define a class of widely used in practice flexible manufacturing systems, referred to as Multi-Job Production (MJP) and formulate industrially motivated problems related to their performance. (b) Provide initial results concerning some of these problems pertaining to analysis of the throughput and bottlenecks of MJP serial lines as functions of the product-mix. In MJP systems, all job-types are processed by the same sequence of manufacturing operations, but with different processing time at some or all machines. To analyse MJP with unreliable machines, we introduce the work-based model of production systems, which is insensitive to whether single- or multi-job manufacturing takes place. Based on this model, we investigate the performance of MJP lines as a function of the product-mix. We show, in particular, that for the so-called conflicting jobs there exists a range of product-mixes, wherein the throughput of MJP is larger than that of any constituent job-type manufactured in a single-job regime. To characterise the global behaviour of MJP lines, we introduce the Product-Mix Performance Portrait, which represents the system properties for all product-mixes and which can be used for operations management. Finally, we report the results of an application at an automotive assembly plant


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    Resumen El estudio de la capacidad de producción se realiza a través de métodos de evaluación, que pueden ser de tipo analíticos o de simulación. A pesar de que estos son eficientes, pueden presentar dificultades al ser aplicados. Por lo que, el objetivo de este trabajo es diseñar un método de evaluación para líneas de producción en serie a través de conceptos de líneas de espera y simulación aprovechando las ventajas analíticas y de simulación. Este deberá calcular la capacidad de producción con precisión para que, posteriormente, las organizaciones tomen las decisiones adecuadas para la optimización de sus sistemas. La construcción y simulación del modelo representativo del sistema de producción se realizará a través del software Arena. De igual manera, se utilizó Minitab y Excel para el análisis de los datos. Palabras clave: método de evaluación, líneas de espera, simulación, regresión, rendimiento. Abstract The study of production capacity is carried out through evaluation methods, which may be analytical or simulation. Although efficient, they can be difficult to apply. Therefore, the objective of this work is to design an evaluation method for serial production lines through queuing systems, simulation and regression concepts taking into consideration the advantages of each of the approaches. It will have to calculate production capacity precisely so that organizations can then make the right decisions for the optimization of their systems. The construction and simulation of the representative model of the production system will be carried out through the Arena software. Similarly, Minitab and Excel were used for data analysis. Keywords: evaluation method, queuing system, simulation, regression, throughput