523 research outputs found

    A model for the analysis of security policies in service function chains

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    Two emerging architectural paradigms, i.e., Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV), enable the deployment and management of Service Function Chains (SFCs). A SFC is an ordered sequence of abstract Service Functions (SFs), e.g., firewalls, VPN-gateways,traffic monitors, that packets have to traverse in the route from source to destination. While this appealing solution offers significant advantages in terms of flexibility, it also introduces new challenges such as the correct configuration and ordering of SFs in the chain to satisfy overall security requirements. This paper presents a formal model conceived to enable the verification of correct policy enforcements in SFCs. Software tools based on the model can then be designed to cope with unwanted network behaviors (e.g., security flaws) deriving from incorrect interactions of SFs in the same SFC

    Modelling and Analysis of Network Security Policies

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    Nowadays, computers and network communications have a pervasive presence in all our daily activities. Their correct configuration in terms of security is becoming more and more complex due to the growing number and variety of services present in a network. Generally, the security configuration of a computer network is dictated by specifying the policies of the security controls (e.g. firewall, VPN gateway) in the network. This implies that the specification of the network security policies is a crucial step to avoid errors in network configuration (e.g., blocking legitimate traffic, permitting unwanted traffic or sending insecure data). In the literature, an anomaly is an incorrect policy specification that an administrator may introduce in the network. In this thesis, we indicate as policy anomaly any conflict (e.g. two triggered policy rules enforcing contradictory actions), error (e.g. a policy cannot be enforced because it requires a cryptographic algorithm not supported by the security controls) or sub-optimization (e.g. redundant policies) that may arise in the policy specification phase. Security administrators, thus, have to face the hard job of correctly specifying the policies, which requires a high level of competence. Several studies have confirmed, in fact, that many security breaches and breakdowns are attributable to administrators’ responsibilities. Several approaches have been proposed to analyze the presence of anomalies among policy rules, in order to enforce a correct security configuration. However, we have identified two limitations of such approaches. On one hand, current literature identifies only the anomalies among policies of a single security technology (i.e., IPsec, TLS), while a network is generally configured with many technologies. On the other hand, existing approaches work on a single policy type, also named domain (i.e., filtering, communication protection). Unfortunately, the complexity of real systems is not self-contained and each network security control may affect the behavior of other controls in the same network. The objective of this PhD work was to investigate novel approaches for modelling security policies and their anomalies, and formal techniques of anomaly analysis. We present in this dissertation our contributions to the current policy analysis state of the art and the achieved results. A first contribution was the definition of a new class of policy anomalies, i.e. the inter-technology anomalies, which arises in a set of policies of multiple security technologies. We provided also a formal model able to detect these new types of anomalies. One of the results achieved by applying the inter-technology analysis to the communication protection policies was to categorize twelve new types of anomalies. The second result of this activity was derived from an empirical assessment that proved the practical significance of detecting such new anomalies. The second contribution of this thesis was the definition of a newly-defined type of policy analysis, named inter-domain analysis, which identifies any anomaly that may arise among different policy domains. We improved the state of the art by proposing a possible model to detect the inter-domain anomalies, which is a generalization of the aforementioned inter-technology model. In particular, we defined the Unified Model for Policy Analysis (UMPA) to perform the inter-domain analysis by extending the analysis model applied for a single policy domain to comprehensive analysis of anomalies among many policy domains. The result of this last part of our dissertation was to improve the effectiveness of the analysis process. Thanks to the inter-domain analysis, indeed, administrators can detect in a simple and customizable way a greater set of anomalies than the sets they could detect by running individually any other model

    Global Verification and Analysis of Network Access Control Configuration

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    Network devices such as routers, firewalls, IPSec gateways, and NAT are configured using access control lists. However, recent studies and ISP surveys show that the management of access control configurations is a highly complex and error prone task. Without automated global configuration management tools, unreachablility and insecurity problems due to the misconfiguration of network devices become an ever more likely. In this report, we present a novel approach that models the global end-to-end behavior of access control devices in the network including routers, firewalls, NAT, IPSec gateways for unicast and multicast packets. Our model represents the network as a state machine where the packet header and location determine the state. The transitions in this model are determined by packet header information, packet location, and policy semantics for the devices being modeled. We encode the semantics of access control policies with Boolean functions using binary decision diagrams (BDDs). We extended computation tree logic (CTL) to provide more useful operators and then we use CTL and symbolic model checking to investigate all future and past states of this packet in the network and verify network reachability and security requirements. The model is implemented in a tool called ConfigChecker. We gave special consideration to ensure an efficient and scalable implementation. Our extensive evaluation study with various network and policy sizes shows that ConfigChecker has acceptable computation and space requirements with large number of nodes and configuration rules

    Distributed Security Policy Analysis

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    Computer networks have become an important part of modern society, and computer network security is crucial for their correct and continuous operation. The security aspects of computer networks are defined by network security policies. The term policy, in general, is defined as ``a definite goal, course or method of action to guide and determine present and future decisions''. In the context of computer networks, a policy is ``a set of rules to administer, manage, and control access to network resources''. Network security policies are enforced by special network appliances, so called security controls.Different types of security policies are enforced by different types of security controls. Network security policies are hard to manage, and errors are quite common. The problem exists because network administrators do not have a good overview of the network, the defined policies and the interaction between them. Researchers have proposed different techniques for network security policy analysis, which aim to identify errors within policies so that administrators can correct them. There are three different solution approaches: anomaly analysis, reachability analysis and policy comparison. Anomaly analysis searches for potential semantic errors within policy rules, and can also be used to identify possible policy optimizations. Reachability analysis evaluates allowed communication within a computer network and can determine if a certain host can reach a service or a set of services. Policy comparison compares two or more network security policies and represents the differences between them in an intuitive way. Although research in this field has been carried out for over a decade, there is still no clear answer on how to reduce policy errors. The different analysis techniques have their pros and cons, but none of them is a sufficient solution. More precisely, they are mainly complements to each other, as one analysis technique finds policy errors which remain unknown to another. Therefore, to be able to have a complete analysis of the computer network, multiple models must be instantiated. An analysis model that can perform all types of analysis techniques is desirable and has three main advantages. Firstly, the model can cover the greatest number of possible policy errors. Secondly, the computational overhead of instantiating the model is required only once. Thirdly, research effort is reduced because improvements and extensions to the model are applied to all three analysis types at the same time. Fourthly, new algorithms can be evaluated by comparing their performance directly to each other. This work proposes a new analysis model which is capable of performing all three analysis techniques. Security policies and the network topology are represented by the so-called Geometric-Model. The Geometric-Model is a formal model based on the set theory and geometric interpretation of policy rules. Policy rules are defined according to the condition-action format: if the condition holds then the action is applied. A security policy is expressed as a set of rules, a resolution strategy which selects the action when more than one rule applies, external data used by the resolution strategy and a default action in case no rule applies. This work also introduces the concept of Equivalent-Policy, which is calculated on the network topology and the policies involved. All analysis techniques are performed on it with a much higher performance. A precomputation phase is required for two reasons. Firstly, security policies which modify the traffic must be transformed to gain linear behaviour. Secondly, there are much fewer rules required to represent the global behaviour of a set of policies than the sum of the rules in the involved policies. The analysis model can handle the most common security policies and is designed to be extensible for future security policy types. As already mentioned the Geometric-Model can represent all types of security policies, but the calculation of the Equivalent-Policy has some small dependencies on the details of different policy types. Therefore, the computation of the Equivalent-Policy must be tweaked to support new types. Since the model and the computation of the Equivalent-Policy was designed to be extendible, the effort required to introduce a new security policy type is minimal. The anomaly analysis can be performed on computer networks containing different security policies. The policy comparison can perform an Implementation-Verification among high-level security requirements and an entire computer network containing different security policies. The policy comparison can perform a ChangeImpact-Analysis of an entire network containing different security policies. The proposed model is implemented in a working prototype, and a performance evaluation has been performed. The performance of the implementation is more than sufficient for real scenarios. Although the calculation of the Equivalent-Policy requires a significant amount of time, it is still manageable and is required only once. The execution of the different analysis techniques is fast, and generally the results are calculated in real time. The implementation also exposes an API for future integration in different frameworks or software packages. Based on the API, a complete tool was implemented, with a graphical user interface and additional features

    Adaptive conflict-free optimization of rule sets for network security packet filtering devices

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    Packet filtering and processing rules management in firewalls and security gateways has become commonplace in increasingly complex networks. On one side there is a need to maintain the logic of high level policies, which requires administrators to implement and update a large amount of filtering rules while keeping them conflict-free, that is, avoiding security inconsistencies. On the other side, traffic adaptive optimization of large rule lists is useful for general purpose computers used as filtering devices, without specific designed hardware, to face growing link speeds and to harden filtering devices against DoS and DDoS attacks. Our work joins the two issues in an innovative way and defines a traffic adaptive algorithm to find conflict-free optimized rule sets, by relying on information gathered with traffic logs. The proposed approach suits current technology architectures and exploits available features, like traffic log databases, to minimize the impact of ACO development on the packet filtering devices. We demonstrate the benefit entailed by the proposed algorithm through measurements on a test bed made up of real-life, commercial packet filtering devices

    Toward Open and Programmable Wireless Network Edge

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    Increasingly, the last hop connecting users to their enterprise and home networks is wireless. Wireless is becoming ubiquitous not only in homes and enterprises but in public venues such as coffee shops, hospitals, and airports. However, most of the publicly and privately available wireless networks are proprietary and closed in operation. Also, there is little effort from industries to move forward on a path to greater openness for the requirement of innovation. Therefore, we believe it is the domain of university researchers to enable innovation through openness. In this thesis work, we introduce and defines the importance of open framework in addressing the complexity of the wireless network. The Software Defined Network (SDN) framework has emerged as a popular solution for the data center network. However, the promise of the SDN framework is to make the network open, flexible and programmable. In order to deliver on the promise, SDN must work for all users and across all networks, both wired and wireless. Therefore, we proposed to create new modules and APIs to extend the standard SDN framework all the way to the end-devices (i.e., mobile devices, APs). Thus, we want to provide an extensible and programmable abstraction of the wireless network as part of the current SDN-based solution. In this thesis work, we design and develop a framework, weSDN (wireless extension of SDN), that extends the SDN control capability all the way to the end devices to support client-network interaction capabilities and new services. weSDN enables the control-plane of wireless networks to be extended to mobile devices and allows for top-level decisions to be made from an SDN controller with knowledge of the network as a whole, rather than device centric configurations. In addition, weSDN easily obtains user application information, as well as the ability to monitor and control application flows dynamically. Based on the weSDN framework, we demonstrate new services such as application-aware traffic management, WLAN virtualization, and security management

    Une modélisation formelle orientée flux de données pour l'analyse de configuration de sécurité réseau

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    La mise en œuvre d’une politique de sécurité réseau consiste en la configuration de mécanismes de sécurité hétérogènes (passerelles IPsec, listes de contrôle d’accès sur les routeurs, pare-feux à états, proxys, etc.) disponibles dans un environnement réseau donné. La complexité de cette tâche réside dans le nombre, la nature, et l’interdépendance des mécanismes à considérer. Si différents travaux de recherche ont tenté de fournir des outils d’analyse, la réalisation de cette tâche repose aujourd’hui encore sur l’expérience et la connaissance des administrateurs sécurité qui doivent maîtriser tous ces paramètres. Dans cette thèse nous proposons une solution pour faciliter le travail des administrateurs réseau. En effet, nombre d’inconsistances viennent de l’incompatibilité de règles de politiques, de l’incompatibilité de mécanismes mis en œuvre successivement au sein des équipements traversés. Une théorie formelle générique qui permet de raisonner sur les flux de données réseau est manquante. Dans cette optique, nous présentons trois résultats complémentaires : 1-un modèle formel orienté flux de données pour l’analyse de politiques de sécurité réseau afin de détecter les problèmes de consistance entre différents mécanismes de sécurité sur des équipements différents jouant un rôle à différents niveaux dans les couches ISO. Dans ce modèle, nous avons modélisé un flux d’information par un triplet contenant la liste des protocoles de communication dont le flux résulte, la liste des attributs dont l’authentification est garantie, et la liste des attributs dont la confidentialité est garantie. 2-un formalisme indépendant de la technologie basé sur les flux de données pour la représentation des mécanismes de sécurité ; nous avons spécifié formellement la capacité et la configuration des mécanismes de sécurité devant être mis en œuvre en construisant une abstraction des flux physiques de blocs de données. Nous avons proposé une solution qui peut répondre aux exigences de sécurité et qui peut aider à analyser les conflits liés au déploiement de plusieurs technologies installées sur plusieurs équipements 3-afin d’évaluer à la fois la capacité d’expression et d’analyse du langage de modélisation, nous avons utilisé les réseaux de Petri colorés pour spécifier formellement notre langage. L’objectif de nos recherches vise l’intérêt et la mise à disposition d’un langage de modélisation pour décrire et valider les architectures solutions répondant à des exigences de sécurité réseau. Des simulations appliquées à des cas particuliers, comme le protocole IPsec, NA(P)T et Netfilter/iptables, complètent notre démarche. Néanmoins, l’analyse des conflits de sécurité se fait actuellement par simulation et de manière non exhaustive. Nos travaux futurs viseront à aider/automatiser l’analyse en permettant aux intéressés de définir les propriétés en logique temporelle par exemple qui seront contrôlées automatiquement.The implementation of network security policy requires the configuration of heterogeneous and complex security mechanisms in a given network environment (IPsec gateways, ACLs on routers, stateful firewalls, proxies, etc.). The complexity of this task resides in the number, the nature, and the interdependence of these mechanisms. Although several researchers have proposed different analysis tools, achieving this task still requires experienced and proficient security administrators who can handle all these parameters. In this thesis, we propose a solution to facilitate the work of network administrators. Indeed, many inconsistencies come from the incompatibility of policy rules and/or incompatible mechanisms implemented in devices through which packets travel. A generic formal theory that allows reasoning about network data flows and security mechanisms is missing. With this end in mind, we develop in this thesis three results: •A formal data-flow oriented model to analyze and detect network security conflicts between different mechanisms playing a role at various ISO levels. We modeled a flow of information by a triplet containing the list of communication protocols (i.e., encapsulation), the list of authenticated attributes and the list of encrypted attributes, •A generic attribute-based model for network security mechanisms representation and configuration. We have formally specified the capacity and configuration of security mechanisms by constructing an abstraction of physical flows of data blocks. We have proposed a solution that can satisfy security requirements and can help conflicts analysis in the deployment of technologies installed on different devices, •To evaluate both the ability of expression and analysis power of the modeling language. We have used CPN Tools [Jensen et Kristensen 2009] and [CPN tools] to formally specify our language. The goal of our research is to propose a modeling language for describing and validating architectural solutions that meet network security requirements. Simulations are applied to specific scenarios, such as the IPsec, NA(P)T and Netfilter/iptables protocols, to validate our approach. Nevertheless, the analysis of security conflicts is currently done by simulation and in a non-exhaustive manner. Our future work will aim to assist/automate the analysis by allowing the definition of properties in temporal logic for instance which will be automatically controlled

    Firewall Rule Set Analysis and Visualization

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    abstract: A firewall is a necessary component for network security and just like any regular equipment it requires maintenance. To keep up with changing cyber security trends and threats, firewall rules are modified frequently. Over time such modifications increase the complexity, size and verbosity of firewall rules. As the rule set grows in size, adding and modifying rule becomes a tedious task. This discourages network administrators to review the work done by previous administrators before and after applying any changes. As a result the quality and efficiency of the firewall goes down. Modification and addition of rules without knowledge of previous rules creates anomalies like shadowing and rule redundancy. Anomalous rule sets not only limit the efficiency of the firewall but in some cases create a hole in the perimeter security. Detection of anomalies has been studied for a long time and some well established procedures have been implemented and tested. But they all have a common problem of visualizing the results. When it comes to visualization of firewall anomalies, the results do not fit in traditional matrix, tree or sunburst representations. This research targets the anomaly detection and visualization problem. It analyzes and represents firewall rule anomalies in innovative ways such as hive plots and dynamic slices. Such graphical representations of rule anomalies are useful in understanding the state of a firewall. It also helps network administrators in finding and fixing the anomalous rules.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Computer Science 201