13 research outputs found

    Developing Serbian 3D Cadastre System - Challenges and Directions

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    The real estate cadastre in the Republic of Serbia is based on 2D cadastral maps and procedures that do not support unequivocal registration and visualization of complex 3D property situations or complex objects located on/below several parcels, especially in urban areas. Within this study, we analyzed and documented specific situations concerning registration challenges for the current cadastral system in the Republic of Serbia.Furthermore, the analysis of additional functionalities which will enable overcoming the limitations of the current cadastre in the short to the medium-termtime period is represented. Themain objective is to use the current cadastral data and procedures as far as possible in order to keep the transition smoother and economicallyfeasible. Having in mindthis objective,thevariation ofthe hybridapproach as the solution for Serbian 3D real estate cadastrewas analyzed. One of the preliminary assumptions of this research is that it is possible to develop a systemthat is simple enoughforimplementationand maintenance,but at the same comprehensive enough to overcome the difficulties ofthe current real estate cadastre.Within the case study,3D objects based ondata currently provided by licensed surveying agenciesare presented

    Developing Serbian 3D Cadastre System - Challenges and Directions

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    The real estate cadastre in the Republic of Serbia is based on 2D cadastral maps and procedures that do not support unequivocal registration and visualization of complex 3D property situations or complex objects located on/below several parcels, especially in urban areas. Within this study, we analyzed and documented specific situations concerning registration challenges for the current cadastral system in the Republic of Serbia.Furthermore, the analysis of additional functionalities which will enable overcoming the limitations of the current cadastre in the short to the medium-termtime period is represented. Themain objective is to use the current cadastral data and procedures as far as possible in order to keep the transition smoother and economicallyfeasible. Having in mindthis objective,thevariation ofthe hybridapproach as the solution for Serbian 3D real estate cadastrewas analyzed. One of the preliminary assumptions of this research is that it is possible to develop a systemthat is simple enoughforimplementationand maintenance,but at the same comprehensive enough to overcome the difficulties ofthe current real estate cadastre.Within the case study,3D objects based ondata currently provided by licensed surveying agenciesare presented

    Developing Serbian 3D Cadastre System - Challenges and Directions

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    The real estate cadastre in the Republic of Serbia is based on 2D cadastral maps and procedures that do not support unequivocal registration and visualization of complex 3D property situations or complex objects located on/below several parcels, especially in urban areas. Within this study, we analyzed and documented specific situations concerning registration challenges for the current cadastral system in the Republic of Serbia.Furthermore, the analysis of additional functionalities which will enable overcoming the limitations of the current cadastre in the short to the medium-termtime period is represented. Themain objective is to use the current cadastral data and procedures as far as possible in order to keep the transition smoother and economicallyfeasible. Having in mindthis objective,thevariation ofthe hybridapproach as the solution for Serbian 3D real estate cadastrewas analyzed. One of the preliminary assumptions of this research is that it is possible to develop a systemthat is simple enoughforimplementationand maintenance,but at the same comprehensive enough to overcome the difficulties ofthe current real estate cadastre.Within the case study,3D objects based ondata currently provided by licensed surveying agenciesare presented

    The surveyor’s role in monitoring, mitigating, and adapting to climate change

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    A framework for guiding cadastral systems development in customary land rights contexts

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    Land reform in South Africa is reported to be failing, and land tenure reform in customary contexts is the least well-addressed component of land reform. To address this failure, a framework for guiding cadastral systems development in customary land rights contexts is developed. Using a research synthesis methodology, this conceptual framework is derived from existing literature. It comprises of five evaluation areas (underlying theory, land administration system context, change drivers, change process, and review process), each of which is broken down into related aspects and elements. The three interrelated goals of success, sustainability, and significance permeate the framework. It is suggested that cadastral systems development (and, by consequence, land tenure reform) projects operating in customary land rights contexts fail when they are not sensitive to the significance of development processes and outcomes for customary land rights-holders. The conceptual framework is tested and extended through a progressive case study of four examples of cadastral systems development in Germany, the Netherlands, Mozambique, and South Africa. The elements of the framework are compared against context-specific descriptors that emerge from the case studies to assess how well they have been addressed. Thus, each case brings contextual relevance to the framework, sequentially increasing its groundedness. The European cases are chosen because they are seen to be examples of ‘good practice’ for their contexts and because developments in southern Africa have drawn from and been influenced by them. Hence, they are expected to add relevant insight to the conceptual framework. The southern African cases are chosen because they reflect the intended context of application of the framework and have been undergoing cadastral systems development for the past few decades. The framework was found to be useful in highlighting strengths and weaknesses in all four cases. Weaknesses in the European cases related to their insensitivity towards human rights, class and gender issues possibly arising from assumptions about the uniformity of their socio-economic context. There was also inadequate attention given to the review processes. Strengths arose from the developed nature of the countries as reflected in their good governance and well-functioning cadastral systems. In the southern African cases, the primary weaknesses arose from the adoption of inappropriate theory of development, leading to a loss of significance of development process and outcomes. Other weaknesses are related to the lack of developing status of southern African countries, as reflected in their poor land governance and low levels of technological capacity. Strengths related to acknowledgement of human rights issues and the need to address historical injustices in the southern African cases. The resultant, grounded framework is intended to be used as a tool by policymakers and cadastral systems developers. By taking note of the framework’s aspects and elements, it is proposed that cadastral systems development in customary land rights contexts will carry significance for the land rights-holders, encouraging their adoption and embrace of the process and outcomes of development, which in turn fosters the success and sustainability of development

    Development of 3D real estate cadastre data model

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    Катастар непокретности у Србији се заснива на 2Д катастарским плановима и процедурама које не подржавају недвосмислену регистрацију и приказивање комплексних 3Д ситуација и сложених објеката. Ове потешкоће су посебно изражене у урбаним срединама. Циљ ове докторске дисертације је да истражи на који начин се могу превазићи потешкоће катастра непокретности у Србији када је реч о регистрацији комплексних 3Д ситуација...The real estate cadastre in the Republic of Serbia is based on 2D cadastral maps and procedures that do not support unequivocal registration and visualization of complex 3D property situations and complex objects, especially in urban areas. Тhe aim of this doctoral dissertation is to research how the difficulties of 3D complex situations registration in Serbia can be overcome..

    Measuring tenure security of the rural poor using pro-poor land tools: A case study of Itaji-Ekiti, Ekiti State Nigeria

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    The sustainable development goals aim to improve the lives of rural dwellers by ensuring the security of tenure of the rural poor. This led researchers and nongovernmental organisations to investigate the security of tenure of the urban and rural poor in developing countries. To improve the security of tenure of the rural poor, many developing countries have initiated programmes that encompass reform of land tenure and land administration systems. To provide a solution to the insecurity of tenure, researchers and non-governmental organisations developed pro-poor land tools to address the gap created by the formal land administration system. To test the developed land tools, researchers apply them in selected case study areas. This study investigates and analyses the tenure security of the rural poor of Itaji-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria. The New Continuum of Land Rights Model (NCLRM) and the Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) were applied to land rights types found in the case study. Techniques, theories and tools used were based on a single case study methodology. The mixed methods approach was used to analyse and evaluate the tenure situation in Itaji-Ekiti. This yielded an in-depth understanding of the case. The research further examines critical areas of the Land Use Act of 1978 using the conceptual framework for understanding cadastral system development in customary land rights context. The mixed methodology approach was used in analysing the vital areas of the Act. Land professionals, civil servants and students were the target group that contributed to the study. The research findings showed that security of tenure is weak because every land rights types found in Itaji-Ekiti can be affected by conflicts with customary and informal tenure. The results of this research showed that the Land Use Act is effective in some areas and dysfunctional in others. This is attributed to the age of the Act and many sections of the Act that are not pro-poor. The implementation of the Act showed that it is effective in urban areas while it is not solving land-related problems in rural areas. The research further revealed that the use of case study methodology using mixed methods are suitable for measuring tenure security of the rural poor. The findings provide an understanding of the current land policy in Nigeria and as well as understanding land tenure insecurity in Itaji-Ekiti. The research also provides information for researchers in the field of cadastral system research on the use of propoor land tools as alternative approaches to recording land rights and measuring tenure security of the rural poor