6 research outputs found

    Exploring an option space to engineer a ubiquitous computing system

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    Engineering natural and appropriate interactive behaviour in ubiquitous computing systems presents new challenges to their developers. This paper explores formal models of interactive behaviour in ubiquitous systems. Of particular interest is the way that these models may help engineers to visualise the consequences of different designs. Design options based on a dynamic signage system (GAUDI) are explored using different instances of a generic model of the system.EPSRC -Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council(EP/F01404X/1

    Resources for situated actions

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    In recent years, advances in software tools have made it easier to analyze interactive system specifications, and the range of their possible behaviors. However, the effort involved in producing the specifications of the system is still substantial, and a difficulty exists regarding the specification of plausible behaviors on the part of the user. Recent trends in technology towards more mobile and distributed systems further exacerbates the issue, as contextual factors come in to play, and less structured, more opportunistic behavior on the part of the user makes purely task-based analysis difficult. In this paper we consider a resourced action approach to specification and analysis. In pursuing this approach we have two aims - firstly, to facilitate a resource-based analysis of user activity, allowing resources to be distributed across a number of artifacts, and secondly to consider within the analysis a wider range of plausible and opportunistic user behaviors without a heavy specification overhead, or requiring commitment to detailed user models.We acknowledge with thanks EPSRC grant EP/F01404X/1 and FCT/FEDER grant POSC/EIA/56646/2004. Michael Harrison is grateful to colleagues in the ReSIST NoE (www.resit-noe.org)

    Analysing user confusion in context aware mobile applications

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    From Resilience-Building to Resilience-Scaling Technologies: Directions -- ReSIST NoE Deliverable D13

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    This document is the second product of workpackage WP2, "Resilience-building and -scaling technologies", in the programme of jointly executed research (JER) of the ReSIST Network of Excellence. The problem that ReSIST addresses is achieving sufficient resilience in the immense systems of ever evolving networks of computers and mobile devices, tightly integrated with human organisations and other technology, that are increasingly becoming a critical part of the information infrastructure of our society. This second deliverable D13 provides a detailed list of research gaps identified by experts from the four working groups related to assessability, evolvability, usability and diversit

    Fundamental understanding and future guidance for handheld computers in the rail industry

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    Advances in mobile computing technology and software applications have led to an expansion in potential uses for handheld computers for various tasks. One strong application area is in maintenance and inspection. Network Rail has been progressively developing and applying handheld computers to field-based maintenance and inspection operations, with the aims of improving work productivity and quality, and personal and system safety. However, it is clear that these aims so far have been achieved with varying degrees of success. Handheld computer devices have the potential to enhance the procedure of performing the tasks in many different ways. However, the current handheld computers introduced to maintenance and inspection tasks in Network Rail have principally been designed as data entry tools and in most cases the primary objective is to reduce the amount of paper work and the associated costs and errors. This highlights the need for fundamental research into the ways in which handheld computer technologies should be specified, designed and implemented for effective use in a complex distributed environment such as the rail industry. The main purpose of this research was to study the applications of handheld computers in the rail industry and to generate a set of design principles for development of future systems within Network Rail. The findings of this research have contributed to the identification of human factors principles that need to be considered for design and implementation of successful handheld computer applications. A framework was also developed to summarise and organise information and functional requirements of maintenance workers. Investigating maintenance workers’ requirements through interviews and observations emphasised the importance of rail specific spatial information and the benefits of providing this knowledge to maintenance workers through a mobile computing device which is portable and easy to use. However, displaying rail specific spatial information on the small screen of a handheld computer introduces various HCI issues and challenges. These were addressed in part through a programme of experiments, and therefore the final section of this research focused on examining fundamental aspects of presenting rail specific spatial information on handheld computer screens. The main findings from different stages of this research have been collated into a set of recommendations for design and development of usable and useful applications for handheld computer devices in the rail industry