7,363 research outputs found

    Rationality and choices in economics: behavioral and evolutionary approaches

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    The paper critically discusses the issue of rationality and choices in economics in both the behavioural and evolutionary approaches. Our study aims, on the one hand, to highlight the scientific contributions of psychology in economics, since psychology, and with it the theoretical approach of the behavioral economics, has made more complex and problematic the analysis of economic choices, showing the limits of rationality. On the other hand, the work offers a reinterpretation of the theory of Alfred Marshall in a biologicalevolutionary perspective. The reinterpretation of Marshall's theory in a evolutionary perspective aims to show that, historically, economics has not been a discipline aligned in a homogenous way to a single and undifferentiated thought, locked into the idea of perfect rationality, but, on the opposite, is a discipline that has enriched itself and continually is enriching by contributions and significant contaminations with other research fields.rationality; choices; behavioral economics; evolutionary theories; biology;

    Erythrocyte's aging in microgravity highlights how environmental stimuli shape metabolism and morphology

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    The determination of the function of cells in zero-gravity conditions is a subject of interest in many different research fields. Due to their metabolic unicity, the characterization of the behaviour of erythrocytes maintained in prolonged microgravity conditions is of particular importance. Here, we used a 3D-clinostat to assess the microgravity-induced modifications of the structure and function of these cells, by investigating how they translate these peculiar mechanical stimuli into modifications, with potential clinical interest, of the biochemical pathways and the aging processes. We compared the erythrocyte's structural parameters and selected metabolic indicators that are characteristic of the aging in microgravity and standard static incubation conditions. The results suggest that, at first, human erythrocytes react to external stimuli by adapting their metabolic patterns and the rate of consumption of the cell resources. On longer timeframes, the cells translate even small differences in the environment mechanical solicitations into structural and morphologic features, leading to distinctive morphological patterns of agin

    An item and construct bias analysis of two language versions of a verbal analogies scale

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    The Woodcock Muñoz Language Survey is a test of cognitive academic language proficiency that has been adapted from English into Xhosa by a South African team of researchers. This study was primarily concerned with the Verbal Analogies Scale of the Woodcock Muñoz Language Survey and aimed to extend previous research on the equivalence of the two language versions of the scale. The study employed a monolingual two-group design consisting of 150 mainly English-speaking and 149 mainly Xhosa learners in Grades 6 and 7. The first research objective was to investigate item bias (or differential item functioning items) in the Visual Analogies Scale across the Xhosa and English versions using logistic regression and Mantel–Haenszel statistical techniques. Five items were identified as differential item functioning. The second objective was to evaluate the construct equivalence of the two versions by conducting a factor analysis after removing the differential item functioning items from the scale. Two factors were identified. The first factor displayed significant loadings across both language versions. The second factor was stable for the English version but not for the Xhosa version. Results were supported by calculating a Tucker’s phi coefficient for both factors. It was therefore concluded that Factor 1 is structurally equivalent across the two language versions but that Factor 2 was not structurally equivalent. Thus, the detection and removal of differential item functioning items did not result in structural equivalence.Department of HE and Training approved lis

    Austrian and Post-Marshallian EconomicsThe Bridging Work of George Richardson

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    Austrian and post-Marshallian economics share a number of concerns, such as a basic subjecticist stance and an emphasis on the importance of inquiry into the disequilibrium market process. This paper details similarities and differences between these two bodies of thought, and argue that a closer liaison is possible. George Richardson's work is presented as a possible bridge, since his work incorporates both Austrian and post-Marshallian elements. The paper ends by sketching a combined Austrian and post-Marshallian approach to the firm.Austrian economics, post-Marshallian economics, George Richardson, the theory of the firm

    Behavioral Economics: Past, Present, Future

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    Behavioral economics increases the explanatory power of economics by providing it with more realistic psychological foundations. This book consists of representative recent articles in behavioral economics. This chapter is intended to provide an introduction to the approach and methods of behavioral economics, and to some of its major findings, applications, and promising new directions. It also seeks to fill some unavoidable gaps in the chapters’ coverage of topics

    Peculiarities of massive vectormesons and their zero mass limits

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    Massive QED, in contrast with its massless counterpart, possesses two conserved charges; one is a screened (vanishing) Maxwell charge which is directly associated with the massive vector mesons through the identically conserved Maxwell current. A somewhat peculiar situation arises for couplings of Hermitian matter fields to massive vector potentials; in that case the only current is the screened Maxwell current and the coupling disappears in the massless limit. In case of selfinteracting massive vector mesons the situation becomes even more peculiar in that the usually renormalizability guaranteeing validity of the first order power-counting criterion breaks down in second order and requires the compensatory presence of additional Hermitian H-fields. Some aspect of these observation have already been noticed in the BRST gauge theoretic formulation, but here we use a new setting based on string-local vector mesons which is required by Hilbert space positivity. The coupling to H-fields induces Mexican hat like selfinteractions; they are not imposed and bear no relation with spontaneous symmetry breaking; they are rather consequences of the foundational causal localization properties realized in a Hilbert space setting. In case of selfinteracting massive vectormesons their presence is required in order to maintain the first order power-counting restriction of renormalizability also in second order. The presentation of the new Hilbert space setting for vector mesons which replaces gauge theory and extends on-shell unitarity to its off-shell counterpart is the main motivation for this work. The new Hilbert space setting also shows that the second order Lie-algebra structure of selfinteracting vector mesons is a consequence of the principles of QFT and promises a deeper understanding of the origin of confinement.Comment: 34 pages Latex, several additional remarks and citations, improved formulations, same as published versio

    Filter evolution using Cartesian genetic programming for time series anomaly detection

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    Industrial monitoring relies on reliable and resilient systems to cope with unforeseen and changing environmental factors. The identification of critical conditions calls for efficient feature selection and algorithm configuration for accurate classification. Since the design process depends on experts who define parameters and develop classification models, it remains a time-consuming and error-prone task. In this paper, we suggest an evolutionary learning approach to create filter pipelines for machine health and condition monitoring. We apply a method called Cartesian Genetic Programming (CGP) to explore the search space and tune parameters for time series segmentation problems. CGP is a nature-inspired algorithm where nodes are aligned in a two-dimensional grid. Since programs generated by CGP are compact and short, we deem this concept efficient for filter evolution and parameter tuning to create performant classifiers. For better use of resources, we introduce a dependency grap h to allow only valid combinations of filter operators during training. Furthermore, this novel concept is critically discussed from a efficiency and quality point of view as well as its effect on classifier accuracy on scarce data. Experimental results show promising results which - in combination with the novel concept - competes with state-of-the-art classifiers for problems of low and medium complexity. Finally, this paper poses research questions for future investigations and experimentation
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