3 research outputs found

    4DVarNet-SSH: end-to-end learning of variational interpolation schemes for nadir and wide-swath satellite altimetry

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    The reconstruction of sea surface currents from satellite altimeter data is a key challenge in spatial oceanography, especially with the upcoming wide-swath SWOT (Surface Ocean and Water Topography) altimeter mission. Operational systems however generally fail to retrieve mesoscale dynamics for horizontal scales below 100 km and time-scale below 10 days. Here, we address this challenge through the 4DVarnet framework, an end-to-end neural scheme backed on a variational data assimilation formulation. We introduce a parametrization of the 4DVarNet scheme dedicated to the space-time interpolation of satellite altimeter data. Within an observing system simulation experiment (NATL60), we demonstrate the relevance of the proposed approach both for nadir and nadir+swot altimeter configurations for two contrasted case-study regions in terms of upper ocean dynamics. We report relative improvement with respect to the operational optimal interpolation between 30 % and 60 % in terms of reconstruction error. Interestingly, for the nadir+swot altimeter configuration, we reach resolved space-time scales below 70 km and 7 days. The code is open-source to enable reproductibility and future collaborative developments. Beyond its applicability to large-scale domains, we also address uncertainty quantification issues and generalization properties of the proposed learning setting. We discuss further future research avenues and extensions to other ocean data assimilation and space oceanography challenges.</p

    Analog Data Assimilation of Along-Track Nadir and Wide-Swath SWOT Altimetry Observations in the Western Mediterranean Sea

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    International audienceThe growing availability of ocean data brought forth by recent advancements in remote sensing, in situ measurements, and numerical models supports the development of data-driven strategies as a powerful, computationally efficient alternative to model-based approaches for the interpolation of high-resolution, gap-free, regularly gridded sea surface geophysical fields from partial satellite-derived observations. In this paper, we investigate such data-driven strategies for the spatio-temporal interpolation of sea level anomaly (SLA) fields in the Western Mediterranean Sea from satellite-derived altimetry data. We introduce and evaluate the analog data assimilation (AnDA) framework, which exploits patch-based analog forecasting operators within a classic Kalman-based data assimilation scheme. With a view toward the upcoming wide-swath surface water and ocean topography (SWOT) mission, two different types of altimetry data are assimilated: along-track nadir data and wide-swath SWOT altimetry data. Using an observing system simulation experiment, we demonstrate the relevance of AnDA as an improved interpolation method, particularly for mesoscale features in the 20- to 100-km horizontal scale range. Results report an SLA reconstruction RMSE (correlation) improvement of 42% (14%) with respect to optimal interpolation, and show a clear gain when the joint assimilation of SWOT and along-track nadir observations are considered

    Analog Data Assimilation of Along-Track Nadir and Wide-Swath SWOT Altimetry Observations in the Western Mediterranean Sea

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