772 research outputs found

    Robotic and clinical evaluation of upper limb motor performance in patients with Friedreich's Ataxia: an observational study

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    Background: Friedreich’s ataxia (FRDA) is the most common hereditary autosomal recessive form of ataxia. In this disease there is early manifestation of gait ataxia, and dysmetria of the arms and legs which causes impairment in daily activities that require fine manual dexterity. To date there is no cure for this disease. Some novel therapeutic approaches are ongoing in different steps of clinical trial. Development of sensitive outcome measures is crucial to prove therapeutic effectiveness. The aim of the study was to assess the reliability and sensitivity of quantitative and objective assessment of upper limb performance computed by means of the robotic device and to evaluate the correlation with clinical and functional markers of the disease severity. Methods: Here we assess upper limb performances by means of the InMotion Arm Robot, a robot designed for clinical neurological applications, in a cohort of 14 children and young adults affected by FRDA, matched for age and gender with 18 healthy subjects. We focused on the analysis of kinematics, accuracy, smoothness, and submovements of the upper limb while reaching movements were performed. The robotic evaluation of upper limb performance consisted of planar reaching movements performed with the robotic system. The motors of the robot were turned off, so that the device worked as a measurement tool. The status of the disease was scored using the Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia (SARA). Relationships between robotic indices and a range of clinical and disease characteristics were examined. Results: All our robotic indices were significantly different between the two cohorts except for two, and were highly and reliably discriminative between healthy and subjects with FRDA. In particular, subjects with FRDA exhibited slower movements as well as loss of accuracy and smoothness, which are typical of the disease. Duration of Movement, Normalized Jerk, and Number of Submovements were the best discriminative indices, as they were directly and easily measurable and correlated with the status of the disease, as measured by SARA. Conclusions: Our results suggest that outcome measures obtained by means of robotic devices can improve the sensitivity of clinical evaluations of patients’ dexterity and can accurately and efficiently quantify changes over time in clinical trials, particularly when functional scales appear to be no longer sensitive

    Current Rehabilitation Methods for Cerebral Palsy

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    In rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy (CP), varying approaches and techniques are used, ranging from very conservative and conventional techniques, such as muscle strengthening, manual stretching, and massage, to more complex motor learning-based theories, such as neurodevelopmental treatment, conductive education, and several others. The motor disorders seen in CP are frequently accompanied by disturbances of sensation, cognition, communication, perception, and/or behavior disorders; thus, therapy approaches are arranged to meet the individual child’s needs. The approaches can be divided into two groups as with equipment and without equipment. Examples for without equipment rehabilitation approaches are neurodevelopmental treatment, conductive education constraint-induced movement therapy, and task-oriented therapy, whereas robotic therapy, virtual reality, and horse-back riding therapy are the examples of rehabilitation approaches with equipment. CP is a prevalent, disabling condition. Application of evidence-based methods ensures maximum gains in children. The concept that intense, task-specific exercises capitalize on the potential plasticity of the CNS and thus improve motor recovery has led to the development of several successful interventions for children with CP. Also approaches that improve the patient’s motivation and target the activities of daily living and participation are the most effective approaches for functional recovery of the children with CP

    Kinematic changes following robotic-assisted upper extremity rehabilitation in children with hemiplegia : dosage effects on movement time

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Background: Rehabilitation Robotics (RR) has become a more widely used and better understood treatment intervention and research tool in the last 15 years. Traditional research involves pre and post-test outcomes, making it difficult to analyze changes in behavior during the treatment process. Harnessing kinematics captured throughout each treatment allows motor learning to be quantified and questions of application and dosing to be answered. Objective: The aims of this secondary analysis were: (i) to investigate the impact of treatment presentation during RR on upper extremity movement time (mt) in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy (CP) and (ii) to investigate the impact of training structure (dose and intensity) on mt in children with CP participating in RR. Methods: Subjects completed 16 intervention sessions of RR (2 x week; 8 weeks) with a total of 1,024 repetitions of movement per session and three assessments: pre, post and 6 month f/u. During each assessment and intervention, subjects completed “one-way record” assessments tracking performance on a planar task without robotic assistance. Kinematics from these records were extracted to assess subject performance over the course of and within sessions. Results: For all participants, a significant decrease in mt was found at post-test and follow-up. No significant differences were found in mt for age, severity or group placement. A significant interaction was found between treatment day, block and group (p = .033). Significant mt differences were found between the three blocks of intervention within individual days (p = .001). Specifically, significant differences were found over the last block of treatment (p = .032) and between successive treatment days (p = .001). Conclusion: The results indicate that for children with CP participating in RR, the number of repetitions per session is important. We hypothesized that children’s performance would plateau during a treatment day as attention waned, the opposite proved to be true. Despite the high-number of repetitions and associated cognitive demand, subjects’ performance actually trended upwards throughout the 1,024 repetitions suggesting that children were able to tolerate and learn from a high volume of repetitions

    Goal-Directed Personalized Upper Limb Intensive Therapy (PULIT) for Children With Hemiparesis: A Retrospective Analysis

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    Importance: Children with hemiparesis experience limitations in activities of daily living (ADLs) as a result of upper limb impairments. To address these limitations, we developed a group-based Personalized Upper Limb Intensive Therapy (PULIT) program combining modified constraint-induced movement therapy, bimanual intensive therapy, and exergame-based robotics. Objective: To determine the effectiveness of PULIT in helping children with upper limb impairments achieve individually set goals and enable transfer of the attained motor skills into ADLs. Design: Retrospective analysis. Setting: Day camp at a pediatric rehabilitation clinic in Switzerland. Participants: Twenty-three children with upper limb impairment (unilateral cerebral palsy, n = 16; acquired brain injury, n = 7); 13 boys and 10 girls (M age = 7 yr, 8 mo, SD = 2 yr, 1 mo; Manual Ability Classification System Level I-IV). Intervention: Thirty hours of PULIT over the course of 8 days. Outcomes and measures: Goal attainment scaling (GAS) was assessed on the first and last day of intervention. The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) and dexterity tests, such as the Box and Block Test (BBT), were administered 3 wk before and 3 wk after the intervention. Results: Total goal achievement was 85.7%. GAS, parent- and child-rated COPM Performance and Satisfaction, and the BBT of the affected and dominant upper limb improved significantly. Conclusions and relevance: PULIT effectively increases children's dexterity of the impaired and dominant upper limb, improves ADL performance, and achieves individual goals. This retrospective analysis could serve as a basis for a future randomized trial. What This Article Adds: This article informs occupational therapy practitioners about a therapy program that includes conventional and rehabilitation technology interventions and enables children with hemiparesis of the upper limb to improve relevant ADL tasks in 8 days' time

    Robotic Technology in Pediatric Neurorehabilitation. A Pilot Study of Human Factors in an Italian Pediatric Hospital

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    The introduction of robotic neurorehabilitation among the most recent technologies in pediatrics represents a new opportunity to treat pediatric patients. This study aims at evaluating the response of physiotherapists, patients and their parents to this new technology. The study considered the outcomes of technological innovation in physiotherapists (perception of the workload, satisfaction), as well as that in patients and their parents (quality of life, expectations, satisfaction) by comparing the answers to subjective questionnaires of those who made use of the new technology with those who used the traditional therapy. A total of 12 workers, 46 patients and 47 parents were enrolled in the study. Significant differences were recorded in the total workload score of physiotherapists who use the robotic technology compared with the traditional therapy (p < 0.001). Patients reported a higher quality of life and satisfaction after the use of the robotic neurorehabilitation therapy. The parents of patients undergoing the robotic therapy have moderately higher expectations and satisfaction than those undergoing the traditional therapy. In this pilot study, the robotic neurorehabilitation technique involved a significant increase in the patients' and parents' expectations. As it frequently happens in the introduction of new technologies, physiotherapists perceived a greater workload. Further studies are needed to verify the results achieved


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    Objective: The aim of this pilot study was to examine changes in different aspects of impairment, including spasticity in the upper limbs, of hemiplegic children following botulinum toxin type A intervention. Progress was assessed using standard clinical measurements and a robotic device. Design: Pre-post multiple baseline. Subjects: Six children with hemiplegia. Methods: Botulinium toxin type A injections were administered into the affected upper limb muscles. Outcomes were evaluated before and one month after the injection. Outcome assessments included: Melbourne Scale, Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) and Passive Range of Motion. Furthermore, a robotic device was employed as an evaluation tool. Results: Patients treated with botulinum toxin type A had significantly greater reduction in spasticity (MAS, p < 0.01), which explains an improvement in upper limb function and quality movement measured with the Melbourne Scale (p < 0.01). These improvements are consistent with robot-based evaluation results that showed statistically significant changes (p < 0.01) following botulinum toxin type A injections. Conclusion: The upper limb performs a wide variety of movements. The multi-joint nature of the task during the robotmediated evaluation required active control of joint interaction forces. There was good correlation between clinical scales and robotic evaluation. Hence the robot-mediated assessment may be used as an additional tool to quantify the degree of motor improvement after botulinum toxin type A injections

    Usability evaluation of an interactive leg press training robot for children with neuromuscular impairments.

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    BACKGROUND The use of robotic technology for neurorehabilitative applications has become increasingly important for adults and children with different motor impairments. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to evaluate the technical feasibility and usability of a new interactive leg-press training robot that was developed to train leg muscle strength and control, suitable for children with neuromuscular impairments. METHODS An interactive robotic training system was designed and constructed with various control strategies, actuators and force/position sensors to enable the performance of different training modes (passive, active resistance, and exergames). Five paediatric patients, aged between 7 and 16 years (one girl, age 13.0 ± 3.7 years, [mean ± SD]), with different neuromuscular impairments were recruited to participate in this study. Patients evaluated the device based on a user satisfaction questionnaire and Visual Analog Scale (VAS) scores, and therapists evaluated the device with the modified System Usability Scale (SUS). RESULTS One patient could not perform the training session because of his small knee range of motion. Visual Analog Scale scores were given by the 4 patients who performed the training sessions. All the patients adjudged the training with the interactive device as satisfactory. The average SUS score given by the therapists was 61.2 ± 18.4. CONCLUSION This study proposed an interactive lower limb training device for children with different neuromuscular impairments. The device is deemed feasible for paediatric rehabilitation applications, both in terms of technical feasibility and usability acceptance. Both patients and therapists provided positive feedback regarding the training with the device
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